I have a component: chrome-extension-async published to both Bower and NPM.
When I search for it on bower.io it finds the package, but it doesn't find the description.
My bower.json has a description property.
libraries.io finds the component on both NPM and Bower, but the latter has no description (either from the json or the readme)
What am I doing wrong?
Also by checking the code of libraries.io responsible for bower packages, it looks like everything is fine from this perspective. If you had changed your github repo name in the meantime though, that might very well be the issue.
My best bet would be a caching issue. If you had published it previously without description, libraries.io or bower.io might hold a cache of some fields like that, and I dunno really when it could be invalidated, you can also see you have 0 stars here which is not up-to-date.
I'm sure you already tried to bump the version, since as I can see from the bower.io api your did a last version on April 16. If you didn't thought, you might want to give it a try.
What I would advice you is to try changing your name to chrome-extension-async-tmp, and see if it gets picked up. If it does, that means it's something related to caching. In this case, you could (depending on your user-base) un-publish and republish the package, so the description gets picked up again.
After a simple clone and rename of your package, I published it on bower and 1 day later it was showing on the search results of both libraries.io and bower.io, with the correct descriptions. As you can see in their github.rake they are syncing repositories that have never been synced. Hopefully since #1080, they added a button to manually trigger a re-sync of a library if you are logged on the site (if no sync has occurred less than 24 hours ago). So I think that's what you're looking for.
This appears to be fixed now, and this is what I did:
Click on "Make a Suggestion" on the libraries.io page in the bottom right hand corner.
This goes to a form: https://libraries.io/bower/chrome-extension-async/suggestions
Updated that with the same information as on here.
Wait a few weeks.
Now https://libraries.io/bower/chrome-extension-async has the full README and the search at https://bower.io/search/ picks up the description.
I think this was actually a bug in libraries.io and it resolved when they fixed it.
I feel terrible about that I can't solved that alone.
I have an icinga 2.6 installed, 1 master, multiple "slave". One of our server is going to be offline for a longer time so I want to disable/remove the node.
I tried "icinga2 node remove", but I get "deprecated read changelog" error. I read the changelog, but I really can't understand why I need to reverse engineer such an easy functionality across the half internet and read already more ticket then I want...
Still no solution. I tried deleting files from the repository.d but 0 success.
Any help would be good, and some word in the official docs would be nice too :D
I'm not really sure if this is the answer you'll be looking for, but I'm giving it a shot anyways as I'm in the same boat as you are.
The only alternative I've found thus far is installing and setting up the module 'Director' on Icinga Web 2. The process is, as everything else with Icinga, poorly documented but it'll get you there. Please see here for instructions: https://www.icinga.com/docs/director/latest/doc/02-Installation/
Once installed, the module needs to be configured and old hosts may be imported. That's where it ended for me: what was documented didn't work and the error messages are probably only logical to the one that wrote them.
I've given up and am looking for a replacement to Icinga2 right now. While I liked it at the start, though it was complicated, they've now gone above and beyond creating a tool that is simply so difficult to work with that many won't.
I have 2.6 installed and needed to remove a node as well.
I know you tried to remove files and that didn't work for you - but it worked for me - so just documenting the process here in case it helps someone else.
I was able to remove the node manually by removing all files and directories related to the node in repository.d, specially in directories:
Note that in /etc/icinga2/repository.d/hosts there should be a subdirectory related to the node you are trying to remove - which also needs to be removed.
Once all are removed (recommend just moving to another location outside of /etc/icinga2 in case you need to revert), restart the icinga2 process.
At this point my icinga2 instance restarted successfully and the node was not showing up anymore.
Well the you need to do the next:
Execute: icinga2 node remove 'PC-name'
Will appear: deprecated read changelog
Then execute: icinga2 node update-config
And the last step: service icinga2 restart
Be happy, the node disappear
I am trying to use Swagger UI to document our node.js API, so I went to http://swagger.io/docs/, down to Swagger UI Documentation -> Usage, to find this
Now, this is not the only place that provides these instructions, there are dozens of blogs & tutorials saying the same thing, so that's exactly what I did.
Cloned the repo, went into /dist/ and ran the /dist/index.html and all I get is an empty page with an error:
I'm slowly going crazy now as I can't find anything about it and literally every place I looked just has the same, copied, instructions with nothing else provided (like what could go wrong? you just open a file...)
Any help or explanations are much appreciated!
P.S. for some reason opening the /public/index.html works (mentioned nowhere on the www)
I think this is bug in new version of swagger-UI. This is fresh release and they are still modifying and fixing bugs.
Look here: Swagger-ui cannot access JS scripts. This seems to be similar problem, maybe it will help you.
Recently, i have upgrade Joomla and components. After that, some things have changed on category page. It was article order and number of articles per page. I have change these in options for these menu item. I have only change article order to most recent first and articles to list to 20. I did not change anything else, but the link to that page has changed. Before was site.com/categoryname and now is site.com/com-jm-video-galleries-title-videos/categoryname. How can i remove com-jm-video-galleries-title-videos from link and get back the old link?
This was also posted in the Joomla forum. Try rebuilding your menu items, by clicking on the "Rebuild" button in the affected menu, and see if that fixes the problem. If it doesn't, then also try rebuilding categories. Make sure you clear your Joomla cache before testing the website.
This issue is likely caused by some problems in your assets table - so it's a good idea to install a Joomla extension to fix the assets table.
I have retriggered a failed Travis-CI build for a public open source project yesterday. The build succeeded, however, the badge still shows "build failing", both on GitHub and on Travis-CI.
Is there anything I can do to refresh it?
The previous answer is so close! Github wouldn't be involved at all, all they do is link to the image with html. And I know from experience that Travis updates it basically immediately. It's actually browser side caching!
Your browser doesn't request the new image because it already has it. This is actually how all images work on the web. You can rest assured the correct build status is showing for new visitors to your repo.
If you need that green badge to show up for your own peace of mind, just hit Ctrl+F5 to purge the cache.
Not sure about Travis-CI, but I know GitHub aggresively caches images. Once the cache goes stale you'll see the correct badge. Other than waiting there's not much you can do.
Command+Shift+R in Chrome on Mac solved this issue for me
As #icodesometime answered, it's more to the client's browser caching problem, dealing with the CDN's cookie.
If you get even passing the TravisCI and reloading doesn't take effect, such as hitting F5 or Shift + reload or Control + F5 etc. in Chrome, then try:
Open Developer tools
Right-click on the reload/refresh button and select "Empty Cache and Hard Reload"
I just discovered that you can "bust" the GitHub cache by just adding insignificant content to the URL query string. So while "https://img.shields.io/travis/numpy/numpy/master.svg" might be cached, "https://img.shields.io/travis/numpy/numpy/master.svg?x=1" probably isn't. Or add "&x=1" at the end if there is already query string content. Works for me for every badge type. Note that you will want to change the value in that query string every time you need to bust the cache.
What are the reasons an open source package would be de-listed from Bower package manager?
I registered a package that hasn't gained any traction, but not sure why it would be de-listed from the website twice now.
Not sure if the code needs to have certain specs or what.
Edit: Turns out I'm still able to get the package using Bower.
Does Bower.io remove packages from the search feature of their website if it hasn't been modified recently or something like that?
It seems its a problem at Bower.io site, that even after registering some times you can see the package name in search results and some you just cant(also seems the button search itself doesnt work).
So to find out the search result simply hit this url
Example: http://bower.io/search/?q=jRCarousel
And see the search result