Collectionview or tableview? [closed] - ios

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Closed 5 years ago.
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Is there any way to achieve a view like this in ios?
There will be infinity scrolling in each row, how to achieve something like this? Is it using collectionview? and How can it be done? Any suggestion?

You need to use table view and in every cell of table view you need to use a collection view please look on this Link and this Link as well

You can use one uicollectionview for each sub-category that will scroll horizontally using UICollectionViewScrollDirectionHorizontal.
Here is a link that may be useful.
You can use one single uitableview for the whole page with header (section) saying the sub-category title and 'view all' button.
To scroll uitableview horizontally please check these links:
Link 1 and Link 2.
You can try GitHub example PTEHorizontalTableView. Use this tableview with header.


Animate navigation bar with a flexible height in xcode 11 using Swift [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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Any ideas how to create like this animation on iOS using Swift ? Thanks
There are three ways to achieve this (probably more than three):
Create a custom header and listen to your table view Scroll, then update the header based on the offset.
Use a third party library like this one:
Follow a tutorial (there are many of them):
Sometimes it is better to do that by yourself, but in this case, I think a framework could help you.
I think it's not the UINavigationBar. You could change nav bar alpha then add custom view to table view or collection view and create animation that you need when scrolling.
Custom Collection view flow layout or ScrollView with UIScrollViewDelegate adjusting the header height when content offset is changing.

Swift 3 - How do I implement an accordion-style layout? [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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I am using Swift 3, Xcode 8.2.
I want to achieve something like the look below:
I want a view where I can have a top heading and label and an intro paragraph along with a line separator but have this "accordion" style layout where users can click to reveal/hide different parts of the information.
Can someone point me in the right direction?
Since there's no actual accordion style layout in UIKit, there's no right answer, you'll just have to roll your own.
Here's how I've done it:
Create a sectioned tableview, each collapsable group of
information is it's own section. Each section should have a section header. Implement viewForHeaderInSection.
The header view could have a label that says 'Yearly Benefit Tracker', etc, and a disclosure image that changes based on whether the
section is opened or closed, like in your example.
Each section has a tap gesture recognizer associated with it.
When a tap gesture is triggered, the corresponding function adds that section to a set of 'collapsed sections'
Reload the table view
When number of sections is called it still returns all the sections
When number of rows is called check to see if that section is in the set of collapsed sections. If it's collapsed, return 0 rows for that section.
Implement the reverse for expanding.

What does an Apple weather page consist of? [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I am currently developing an app which needs a page like the one in the apple weather(the default one for Apple device). The whole page can scroll vertically, for the hourly weather report part, it can scroll horizontally.
I wish I can demonstrate with a picture but I don't have enough reputation. Sorry about that.
Does the Apple weather page consists of one tableview with 3 cells (the hourly horizontal scrolling cell, the weather predictions for next 10 days cell, and the details for today cell) or it consists of tableviews with 1 cell each?
Anyone has ideas? Thank you in advance.
Yes, it is one tableview with different cells. Horizontal scrollable part you can create with UICollectionView. If you want float effect for this part, you need use it as UITableView section header. If you want this part was a usual part of the table, you need use it as UITableViewCell subview (Example).
The best way to achieve this is by using UIPageViewController, then use UIViewController for each page. You can find more about the basic principal of it here.
Place your desired UITableView inside the intended UIViewController in the UIPageViewController.
Hope this helps.
All the best.

Fixed number of cells in table view [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I want to fixed number of cells to be shown. If user wants to see more records, he will scroll down to see them.
I also want to add a button at the bottom of the table view to move to other view.
UITableView is what you are looking for.
An instance of UITableView (or simply, a table view) is a means for
displaying and editing hierarchical lists of information. A table view
displays a list of items in a single column.
There are many resources on the Internet that can help you. Example tutorials:
iOS UITableView Tutorial for Beginners
Create a Simple Table View App
To add add button to the bottom of UITableView, just create a UIView(say 320 x 50) and add a UIButton on it. Create IBOutlet of this View. Set this view as footerView of your tableView,
self._table.tableFooterView = yourView;

Any way can implement the function as picture shows [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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As you see, a image cycle show area. is it in the first cell of table or some other ways implement?
Does it scroll with the content or is it static?
If it scrolls with the content:
Using tableHeaderView is the easiest solution.
If it is static:
Just layout as a separate view above the UITableView in Interface Builder or code.
You can create a small pagecontrol with scrollView and add that to tableHeaderView and then you can achieve the functionality shown in picture.
