Implement F# interface via tacit programming - f#

An idea from tacit programming is to not apply arguments to functions if it can be avoided.
Why doesn't F# allow this to compile if functions are first class members?
type IAdder =
abstract member Add : int -> int -> int
type Adder =
interface IAdder with
member this.Add x y = x + y
type AdderWithInnerAdder(adder:IAdder) =
interface IAdder with
member this.Add = adder.Add
I get the compilation error...
No abstract property was found that corresponds to this override
I feel that this should compile. adder.Add clearly implements IAdder.Add and should be acceptable.

You can't assign interface members as if they were functions. Interfaces don't work like that. You have to specify the parameters:
member this.Add x y = adder.Add x y
But interfaces are generally bleh. They're only good for passing generic functions without losing genericity. When functions are non-generic, interfaces are strictly inferior.
If you were willing to go with a more functional approach instead, life would get easy fast:
type Adder = { Add: int -> int -> int }
let adder() = { Add = fun x y -> x + y }
let adderWithInnerAdder adder = { Add = adder.Add }


F# call member function from another function of a type when implement interface

This is the working example from here:
type MethodExample() =
// standalone method
member this.AddOne x =
x + 1
// calls another method
member this.AddTwo x =
this.AddOne x |> this.AddOne
That is what I want to do:
type IMethod =
abstract member AddOne: a:int -> int
abstract member AddTwo: a:int -> int
type MethodExample() =
interface IMethod with
member this.AddOne x =
x + 1
// calls another method
member this.AddTwo x =
this.AddOne x |> this.AddOne
The AddOne function is not available, I also tried to downcast this to MethodExample but is horrible and does not work.
How can I do it?
In F# all interface implementations are private - meaning interface methods do not also appear as public methods of the class, like they do in C#. They are only accessible via the interface.
Therefore, in order to access them, you need to cast your class to the interface first:
member this.AddTwo x =
let me = this :> IMethod
me.AddOne x |> me.AddOne

Constructing and deconstructing records

The msdn page documenting Records (F#) details record expressions for record construction and record patterns for deconstruction, the latter without naming them as such.
Here's an example which uses both techniques for an arithmetic operator:
// Simple two-dimensional generic vector defintion
type 'a UV =
{ U : 'a; V : 'a }
static member inline (+) ({ U = au; V = av }, { U = bu; V = bv }) =
{ U = au + bu; V = av + bv }
This appears unwieldy and not very readable. For deconstruction, there are dot-notation or functions as alternatives. Since the dot-notation operator has a special dispensation in section 8.4.2 Name Resolution and Record Field Labels of the spec (an expression’s type may be inferred from a record label), there's normally no need to annotate. Accessor functions like let u { U = u } = u wouldn't give us any advantages then.
For construction, I think a case can be made for a function as record constructor. Access to the original constructor might even be restricted:
type 'a UV =
internal { U : 'a; V : 'a }
let uv u v = { U = u; V = v }
type 'a UV with
static member inline (+) (a, b) =
uv (a.U + b.U) (a.V + b.V)
Is this an idiomatic thing to do? How to package such functions in modules and handle namespace issues?
Short answer: I don't think there is a general convention here at the moment so it will be a personal decision in the end.
To summarise what you get for free with records in F# is:
Construct: { U = u; V = v } (bracket-notation)
Deconstruct: let u = record.u (dot-notation) and let {U = u} = record (pattern matching)
Update: {record with U = u} (bracket-notation)
But you don't get first class functions for free, if you want you can code them by hand.
The following is what I would personally use as convention:
A static member New with curried arguments for record construction.
For update and deconstruction I would use some kind of Lenses abstraction.
Here's an example of the code I would have to add by hand:
// Somewhere as a top level definition or in a base library
type Lens<'T,'U> = {Get: 'T -> 'U; Set: 'U -> 'T -> 'T } with
member l.Update f a = l.Set (f (l.Get a)) a
type UV<'a> = {U : 'a; V : 'a } with
// add these static members to your records
static member New u v : UV<'a> = {U = u; V = v}
static member u = {Get = (fun (x: UV<'a>) -> x.U); Set = fun t x -> {x with U = t}}
static member v = {Get = (fun (x: UV<'a>) -> x.V); Set = fun t x -> {x with V = t}}
let uvRecord = UV.New 10 20
let u = UV.u.Get uvRecord
let uvRecord1 = UV.u.Set (u+1) uvRecord
let uvRecord2 = UV.u.Update ((+)1) uvRecord
This way I would have first class functions for construction, deconstruction but also for updates plus other very interesting Lenses properties as you can read in this post.
UPDATE (in response to your comments)
Of course they can be defined later, what does it change?
The same applies for the New constructor, it can be defined later but that's actually a good thing.
The accessor functions you defined can also be defined later, indeed any first-class getter, setter or updater value can be defined later.
Anyway the answer to your question is "no, there are no conventions" the rest it's a personal decision, which would be my decision and also many Haskellers are pushing to get some kind of automatic Lenses for Haskell records.
Why would I decide to go this way? Because in terms of lines of code the effort of adding a simple accessor function is almost the same as adding a get-Lens, so for the same price I get more functionality.
If you are not happy with the Lenses discussion please tell me, I can delete it and leave the short answer, or I can delete the whole answer too if it's confusing instead of clarifying.
Or may be I misunderstood your question, for me your question was about which convention is generally used to add first-class constructors, getters and setters values for records.
Composition is not the only advantage of Lenses, you can do many things, keep reading about them, they provide a very interesting abstraction and not only restricted to records.

Comparing function types in F#

The next test fail. I call GetType directly to a function definition, and then I also call GetType within an inline function. The generated types are not equal.
namespace PocTests
open FsUnit
open NUnit.Framework
module Helpers =
let balance ing gas = ing - gas
type ``Reflected types`` ()=
[<Test>] member x.
``test type equality with inline use`` () =
let inline (=>) f = f.GetType().FullName, f in
let fullName, fval = (=>) Helpers.balance in
Helpers.balance.GetType().FullName |> should equal (fullName)
How could I get the same type in order to be "comparable".
When you use a function as a value, F# does not give you any guarantees that the two created objects will be the "same". Under the cover the compiler creates a new closure object for each instance, so you will actually get false as the result even when you try something like this:
balance.GetType().FullName = balance.GetType().FullName
This is the intended behavior - when you try comparing functions directly, the compiler will tell you that functions do not satisfy the equality constraint and cannot be compared:
> let balance ing gas = ing - gas;;
val balance : ing:int -> gas:int -> int
> balance = balance;;
error FS0001: The type '(int -> int -> int)' does not support the
'equality' constraint because it is a function type
This means that the best answer to your question is that what you're asking for cannot be done. I think that comparing function values is most likely not a good idea, but perhaps there is a better answer for your specific problem if you provide some more details why you want to do this.
If you really want to perform equality testing on function values, then probably the cleanest approach is to define an interface and test ordinary object equality:
type IFunction =
abstract Invoke : int * int -> int
let wrap f =
{ new IFunction with
member x.Invoke(a, b) = f a b }
Now you can wrap the balance function in an interface implementation that can be compared:
let balance ing gas = ing - gas
let f1 = wrap balance
let f2 = f1
let f3 = wrap balance
f1 = f2 // These two are the same object and are equal
f1 = f3 // These two are different instances and are not equal
every time you call Helpers.balance a new closure is created, so
Helpers.balance.GetType().FullName |> printfn "%A" //output: "Program+main#22-1"
Helpers.balance.GetType().FullName |> printfn "%A" //output: "Program+main#23-2"
with class like (decompiled from compiled exe in c#)
internal class main#22-1 : OptimizedClosures.FSharpFunc<int, int, int>
internal main#22-1()
public override int Invoke(int ing, int gas)
return Program.Helpers.balance(ing, gas);

Idiomatic way in F# to establish adherence to an interface on type rather than instance level

What's the most idiomatic way in F# to deal with the following. Suppose I have a property I want a type to satisfy that doesn't make sense on an instance level, but ideally I would like to have some pattern matching available against it?
To make this more concrete, I have defined an interface representing the concept of a ring (in the abstract algebra sense). Would I go for:
// Misses a few required operations for now
type IRing1<'a when 'a: equality> =
abstract member Zero: 'a with get
abstract member Addition: ('a*'a -> 'a) with get
and let's assume I'm using it like this:
type Integer =
| Int of System.Numerics.BigInteger
static member Zero with get() = Int 0I
static member (+) (Int a, Int b) = Int (a+b)
static member AsRing
with get() =
{ new IRing1<_> with
member __.Zero = Integer.Zero
member __.Addition = Integer.(+) }
which allows me to write things like:
let ring = Integer.AsRing
which then lets me to nicely use the unit tests I've written for verifying the properties of a ring. However, I can't pattern match on this.
type IRing2<'a when 'a: equality> =
abstract member Zero: 'a with get
abstract member Addition: ('a*'a -> 'a) with get
type Integer =
| Int of System.Numerics.BigInteger
static member Zero with get() = Int 0I
static member (+) (Int a, Int b) = Int (a+b)
interface IRing2<Integer> with
member __.Zero = Integer.Zero
member __.Addition with get() = Integer.(+)
which now I can pattern match, but it also means that I can write nonsense such as
let ring = (Int 3) :> IRing2<_>
I could use an additional level of indirection and basically define
type IConvertibleToRing<'a when 'a: equality>
abstract member UnderlyingTypeAsRing : IRing3<'a> with get
and then basically construct the IRing3<_> in the same way as under #1.
This would let me write:
let ring = ((Int 3) :> IConvertibleToRing).UnderlyingTypeAsRing
which is verbose but at least what I'm writing doesn't read as nonsense anymore. However, next to the verbosity, the additional level of complexity gained doesn't really "feel" justifiable here.
I haven't fully thought this one through yet, but I could just have an Integer type without implementing any interfaces and then a module named Integer, having let bound values for the Ring interfaces. I suppose I could then use reflection in a helper function that creates any IRing implementation for any type where there is also a module with the same name (but with a module suffix in it's compiled name) available? This would combine the benefits of #1 and #2 I guess, but I'm not sure whether it's possible and/or too contrived?
Just for background: Just for the heck of it, I'm trying to implement my own mini Computer Algebra System (like e.g. Mathematica or Maple) in F# and I figured that I would come across enough algebraic structures to start introducing interfaces such as IRing for unit testing as well as (potentially) later for dealing with general operations on such algebraic structures.
I realize part of what is or isn't possible here has more to do with restrictions on how things can be done in .NET rather than F#. If my intention is clear enough, I'd be curious to here in comments how other functional languages work around this kind of design questions.
Regarding your question about how can you implement Rings in other functional languages, in Haskell you will typically define a Type Class Ring with all Ring operations.
In F# there are no Type Classes, however you can get closer using inline and overloading:
module Ring =
type Zero = Zero with
static member ($) (Zero, a:int) = 0
static member ($) (Zero, a:bigint) = 0I
// more overloads
type Add = Add with
static member ($) (Add, a:int ) = fun (b:int ) -> a + b
static member ($) (Add, a:bigint) = fun (b:bigint) -> a + b
// more overloads
type Multiply = Multiply with
static member ($) (Multiply, a:int ) = fun (b:int ) -> a * b
static member ($) (Multiply, a:bigint) = fun (b:bigint) -> a * b
// more overloads
let inline zero() :'t = Zero $ Unchecked.defaultof<'t>
let inline (<+>) (a:'t) (b:'t) :'t= (Add $ a) b
let inline (<*>) (a:'t) (b:'t) :'t= (Multiply $ a) b
// Usage
open Ring
let z : int = zero()
let z': bigint = zero()
let s = 1 <+> 2
let s' = 1I <+> 2I
let m = 2 <*> 3
let m' = 2I <*> 3I
type MyCustomNumber = CN of int with
static member ($) (Ring.Zero, a:MyCustomNumber) = CN 0
static member ($) (Ring.Add, (CN a)) = fun (CN b) -> CN (a + b)
static member ($) (Ring.Multiply, (CN a)) = fun (CN b) -> CN (a * b)
let z'' : MyCustomNumber = zero()
let s'' = CN 1 <+> CN 2
If you want to scale up with this approach you can have a look at FsControl which already defines Monoid with Zero (Mempty) and Add (Mappend). You can submit a pull request for Ring.
Now to be practical if you are planning to use all this only with numbers why not use GenericNumbers in F#, (+) and (*) are already generic then you have LanguagePrimitives.GenericZero and LanguagePrimitives.GenericOne.

Static Member Indexed Properties

Is it possible to create static member indexed properties in F#? MSDN show them only for instance members, however, I'm able to define the following class:
type ObjWithStaticProperty =
static member StaticProperty
with get () = 3
and set (value:int) = ()
static member StaticPropertyIndexed1
with get (x:int) = 3
and set (x:int) (value:int) = ()
static member StaticPropertyIndexed2
with get (x:int,y:int) = 3
and set (x:int,y:int) (value:int) = ()
//Type signature given by FSI:
type ObjWithStaticProperty =
static member StaticProperty : int
static member StaticPropertyIndexed1 : x:int -> int with get
static member StaticPropertyIndexed2 : x:int * y:int -> int with get
static member StaticProperty : int with set
static member StaticPropertyIndexed1 : x:int -> int with set
static member StaticPropertyIndexed2 : x:int * y:int -> int with set
But when I try to use one, I get an error:
> ObjWithStaticProperty.StaticPropertyIndexed2.[1,2] <- 3;;
ObjWithStaticProperty.StaticPropertyIndexed2.[1,2] <- 3;;
error FS1187: An indexer property must be given at least one argument
I tried a few different syntax variations and none worked. Also weird is that when I hover over set in VS2010 for one of the definitions in the type, I get info about ExtraTopLevelOperators.set.
If you wanted to recover the Type.Prop.[args] notation, then you can define a simple object to represent an indexable property with the Item property:
type IndexedProperty<'I, 'T>(getter, setter) =
member x.Item
with get (a:'I) : 'T = getter a
and set (a:'I) (v:'T) : unit = setter a v
type ObjWithStaticProperty =
static member StaticPropertyIndexed1 =
IndexedProperty((fun x -> 3), (fun x v -> ()))
This returns a new instance of IndexedProperty every time, so it may be better to cache it. Anyway, I think this is quite nice trick and you can encapsulate some additional behavior into the property type.
A digression: I think that an elegant extension to F# would be to have first-class properties just like it has first-class events. (You could for example create properties that automatically support INotifyPropertyChange with just one line of code)
I believe that you call indexed properties using a different syntax (whether instance or static):
ObjWithStaticProperty.StaticPropertyIndexed2(1,2) <- 3
The only semi-exception to this is that an Item property on an instance x can be called via x.[...] (that is, Item is omitted and brackets are used around the arguments).
