Navigator handles in Highstock can't be dragged - highcharts

I'm new to Highstock and I was playing with the samples, but I saw that the navigator isn't working in any of them, i.e. (tested in FF and Chrome on W10).
I guess the navigator allows to modify the windows size of the chart, zomming in and out over the data. They show the left-right arrows on mouse hover but they can't be dragged.
Thanks in advance.


iOS scroll/touch messing with z-index of elements

I’m working on a page where we have no access to the platform code (think page builder).
I’ve used jquery to launch some tooltip targets when a trigger is clicked, and because of the limited platform access I use jquery to traverse up the DOM and bump the parent div’s z-index up high so the tooltip sits over the button.
On either second click or timeout the z-index goes back to 1 and tooltip goes away. All this works fine on desktop.
iOS however, shows the tooltip and if you scroll down it almost immediately drops the z-index down so it goes behind the buttons.
Has anyone encountered this annoying behaviour? And is there a workaround?
I’ve tried forcing !important on the tooltip, no luck. I also tried applying transform 3D 0, transform-z, with no luck.

Vaadin Charts: selection should stay visible

I am building an app with Vaadin 14.4.8 and I have a question about the pie chart. When I am selecting a tile in the pie on mobile, the halo appears and stays visible. In the desktop variant the halo is only visible on mouse over.
I am looking for a way that the halo stays visible, when a tile is selected on mobile and desktop by the user and through a listener.
Can I set chart behavior always to mobile or is there another possibillity?
I did find a solution directly in highcharts but I couldn't apply this to the Vaadin charts -> Highcharts, set halo on select in pie chart
Thank you in advance your answers.
The effect you are seeing on mobile is still just the same hover effect like on desktop. On mobile, with touch events, there is no equivalent of a "mouse leave" event, so the slice will stay hovered after tapping on it, and will only disappear after tapping somewhere else.
However the charts have an actual selection mode, which you can enable by:
See here for the plot options documentation.
Once that has been enabled, clicking on a slice will select it, which moves the slice slightly outside of the circle. See following example, where Neptune is selected:

Spyder Help Pane: Clickable icon and/or hot keys for zooming?

According to the Online Help, there should be magnifying glass icons with +/- signs for zooming in/out. I do not have these
The normal hot keys Ctrl++/= and Ctrl+- also do not work.
I have to go into Tools > Preferences > Appearance to set font sizes. This is not convenient.
Why do Ctrl++/= and Ctrl+- not work?
Is there a way to get the zoom icons onto the GUI?
Ultimately, I want to be able to zoom in on a whim to read small text, then zoom out on a whim to read the rest of the non-small text. This is made necessary by aging eyes and the fact that the text font & size varies, not only across the GUI, but also within the same pane. This is not obvious in the Help pane pictured above, but the text following the Definition section is bigger. If I maximize the Spyder GUI window and maximize the Help pane, I am looking at both Definition text and the larger ensuing text. It'd be great to zoom in and out on a per-pane basis, but zooming in/out on a whole-GUI basis would be better than not at all (or having to navigate to Preferences).
P.S. I am using Spyder 4.1.5 on Windows 10.
(Spyder maintainer here) Unfortunately the shortcuts Ctrl++/Ctrl+- don't work to Zoom In/Out in our Help pane.
However, you can perform those actions by doing a mouse right-click on that pane to get its context menu and click on their corresponding entries, as shown below:

electron frameless window auto maximize when drag to the top (windows 7)

a normal program, when mouse click and drag windows topbar to the top of screen, this program will auto fullscreen in windows 7+ system
but when I use electron without the frame, and use electron-drag package to control move it, then, what can I do, to let it auto fullscreen when drag to top, and drag left side cover left screen, drag right side...
electron-drag hasn't been updated for 2 years.
Why not just use electrons built in drag-able style <div style="-webkit-app-region: drag"> I Built a quick app, and added the style to a div, worked fine.
Note: -webkit-app-region: drag is known to have problems while the developer tools are open.
See this GitHub issue for more information including a workaround.
create a quick gist showing how to mimic the snapping of a frameless window without using the draggable style.

Openlayers-3 forEachFeatureAtPixel slightly offset

I'm currently using 3.6.0 and I'm finding that, as features are placed from left to right on the map that features further to the right seem to be offset from their icons - if I place my mouse directly over the graphic feature the mouse cursor (which is wired up to forEachFeatureAtPixel()) does not change until it is moved to the left of the feature icon. On the left of the screen they line up, but it drifts going right until features on the right are completely out of sync.
Any ideas? I thought it may be the library, but I've just rolled back to 3.4.0 and it was the same.
Could this be layout outside of the map canvas bumping items across the screen?
I had the same issue for about a month but in my particular case the problem originated because I was rendering the map while showing a loading panel in front of it wich had a style that caused the web browser to display the scrollbars.
Upon load completion, hiding the loading panel also removed the scrollbar but somehow the map itself didn't refresh properly.
All I had to do was to force map to recalculate the viewport size using the map.updateSize()
