So I have an array of images I've accessed from my xcassets for demonstration purposes. There are 150 images I'm trying to save to my parse server at one time using parse frameworks. Here is the code I have so far. The problem I have is my app cpu goes to 100% in the tests and drops to 0. Also the images aren't saving to parse. I was hoping someone could help me find an efficient way to save 150 images to parse.
var imageNameList: [String] {
var imageNameList2:[String] = [] //[NSMutableArray]()
for i in 0...149 {
let imageName = String(format: "pic_%03d", Int(i))
return imageNameList2
#IBAction func Continue(_ sender: Any) {
for imageName in imageNameList {
var objectForSave:PFObject = PFObject(className: "Clo")
let object:UIImage = UIImage(named: imageName)!
let tilesPF ={ name in
let data = UIImagePNGRepresentation(object as! UIImage)!
let file = PFFile(data: data)
let tile = PFObject(className: "Tile")
tile["tile"] = file
objectForSave["tiles"] = tilesPF
objectForSave.saveInBackground(block: { responseObject, error in
//you'll want to save the object ID of the PFObject if you want to retrieve a specific image later
The trouble is that the tight for-loop launches all of those requests concurrently causing some part of the http stack to bottleneck.
Instead, run the requests sequentially as follows (in my best approximation of Swift)...
func doOne(imageName: String, completion: (success: Bool)->()) {
var objectForSave:PFObject = PFObject(className: "Clo")
let object:UIImage = UIImage(named: imageName)!
// ... OP code that forms the request
objectForSave.saveInBackground(block: { responseObject, error in
success(error == nil)
func doMany(imageNames: Array<String>, completion: (success: Bool)->()) {
if (imageNames.count == 0) return completion(YES)
let nextName = imageNames[0];
self.doOne(imageName:imageNames[0] completion: {(success: Bool) -> Void in
if (success) {
let remainingNames = imageNames[1..imageNames.count-1]
self.doMany(imageNames: remainingNames completion:completion)
} else {
In English, just in case I goofed the Swift, the idea is to factor out a single request into it's own function with a completion handler. Build a second function that takes an array of arguments to the network request, and use that array like a to-do list: do the first item on the list, when it completes, call itself recursively to do the remaining items.
I have some code that reads data from Firebase on a custom loading screen that I only want to segue once all of the data in the collection has been read (I know beforehand that there won't be more than 10 or 15 data entries to read, and I'm checking to make sure the user has an internet connection). I have a loading animation I'd like to implement that is started by calling activityIndicatorView.startAnimating() and stopped by calling activityIndicatorView.stopAnimating(). I'm not sure where to place these or the perform segue function in relation to the data retrieval function. Any help is appreciated!
let db = Firestore.firestore()
db.collection("Packages").getDocuments{(snapshot, error) in
if error != nil{
// DB error
} else{
for doc in snapshot!.documents{
self.packageNames.append(doc.get("title") as! String)
self.packageIMGIDS.append(doc.get("imgID") as! String)
self.packageRadii.append(doc.get("radius") as! String)
You don't need to know the progress of the read as such, just when it starts and when it is complete, so that you can start and stop your activity view.
The read starts when you call getDocuments.
The read is complete after the for loop in the getDocuments completion closure.
let db = Firestore.firestore()
db.collection("Packages").getDocuments{(snapshot, error) in
if error != nil{
// DB error
} else {
for doc in snapshot!.documents{
self.packageNames.append(doc.get("title") as! String)
self.packageIMGIDS.append(doc.get("imgID") as! String)
self.packageRadii.append(doc.get("radius") as! String)
DispatchQueue.main.async {
As a matter of style, having multiple arrays with associate data is a bit of a code smell. Rather you should create a struct with the relevant properties and create a single array of instances of this struct.
You should also avoid force unwrapping.
struct PackageInfo {
let id: String
let name: String
let imageId: String
let radius: String
var packages:[PackageInfo] = []
db.collection("Packages").getDocuments{(snapshot, error) in
if error != nil{
// DB error
} else if let documents = snapshot?.documents {
self.packages = documents.compactMap { doc in
if let title = doc.get("title") as? String,
let imageId = doc.get("imgID") as? String,
let radius = doc.get("radius") as? String {
return PackageInfo(id: doc.documentID, name: title, imageId: imageId, radius: radius)
} else {
return nil
There is no progress reporting within a single read operation, either it's pending or it's completed.
If you want more granular reporting, you can implement pagination yourself so that you know how many items you've already read. If you want to show progress against the total, this means you will also need to track the total count yourself though.
I try to do a query with Parse containing a few Strings and Images that will be added to an array. The strings in the array are all in the right order but not the images. I think its probably because some images are smaller than the other ones and so they get appended to the array earlier than they are supposed to. Is there any way to "save" space in the array for the images to keep them in the right order? It's probably not that hard to solve that but I am a Newbie :( Thank you!
query.findObjectsInBackground (block: { (objects:[PFObject]?, error: Error?) -> Void in
for object in objects! { .userInteractive).async {
// Async background process
if let imageFile : PFFile = self.bild.append(object.value(forKey: "Bild") as! PFFile) {
imageFile.getDataInBackground(block: { (data, error) in
if error == nil {
DispatchQueue.main.async {
// Async main thread
let image = UIImage(data: data!)
} else {
Your analysis is correct that the requests will complete in non-deterministic order, partly or mostly influenced by the amount of data that must be returned.
Instead of an array to which you append the UIImage (or data), use a mutable dictionary that maps strings to UIImage. A reasonable choice for the string key is the PFFile name.
EDIT I'm not a Swift writer, but I tried to express the idea below (don't depend on it compiling, but I think the idea is sound)
class MyClass {
var objects: [PFObject] = []
var images: [String: UIImage] = [:] // we'll map names to images
fetchObjects() {
// form the query
query.findObjectsInBackground (block: { (objects:[PFObject]?, error: Error?) -> Void in
self.objects = objects
fetchImages() {
for object in self.objects! {
if let imageFile : PFFile = object["Bild"] as PFFile {
fetchImage(imageFile: PFFile) {
imageFile.getDataInBackground(block: { (data, error) in
if error == nil {
self.images[] = UIImage(data: data!)
// we can do more here: update the UI that with image that has arrived
// determine if we're done by comparing the count of images to the count of objects
} else {
// handle error
This will get the images in the background and keep them associated with their filenames using a dictionary. The OP code didn't explain what self.bild is, but I assumed it was an instance array of retrieved PFFiles. I replaced this with the images instance var.
Image file order is maintained by the object collection: to get the Nth image, get the Nth object, get it's "Bild" property, that PFFile's name is the key into your images dictionary.
var n = // some index into objects
var object : PFObject = self.objects[n]
var file : PFFile = object["Bild"]
var name : String =
var nthImage = self.images[name] // is nil before fetch is complete
I am trying to get an array of temperatures in a given time period from an API in JSON format. I was able to retrieve the array through a completion handler but I can't save it to another variable outside the function call (one that uses completion handler). Here is my code. Please see the commented area.
class WeatherGetter {
func getWeather(_ zip: String, startdate: String, enddate: String, completion: #escaping (([[Double]]) -> Void)) {
// This is a pretty simple networking task, so the shared session will do.
let session = URLSession.shared
let string = "api address"
let url = URL(string: string)
var weatherRequestURL = URLRequest(url:url! as URL)
weatherRequestURL.httpMethod = "GET"
// The data task retrieves the data.
let dataTask = session.dataTask(with: weatherRequestURL) {
(data, response, error) -> Void in
if let error = error {
// Case 1: Error
// We got some kind of error while trying to get data from the server.
else {
// Case 2: Success
// We got a response from the server!
do {
var temps = [Double]()
var winds = [Double]()
let weather = try JSON(data: data!)
let conditions1 = weather["data"]
let conditions2 = conditions1["weather"]
let count = conditions2.count
for i in 0...count-1 {
let conditions3 = conditions2[i]
let conditions4 = conditions3["hourly"]
let count2 = conditions4.count
for j in 0...count2-1 {
let conditions5 = conditions4[j]
let tempF = conditions5["tempF"].doubleValue
let windspeed = conditions5["windspeedKmph"].doubleValue
completion([temps, winds])
catch let jsonError as NSError {
// An error occurred while trying to convert the data into a Swift dictionary.
print("JSON error description: \(jsonError.description)")
// The data task is set up...launch it!
I am calling this method from my view controller class. Here is the code.
override func viewDidLoad() {
let weather = WeatherGetter()
weather.getWeather("13323", startdate: "2016-10-01", enddate: "2017-04-30") { (weatherhandler: [[Double]]) in
//It prints out the correct array here
weatherData = weatherhandler[0]
//Here it prints out an empty array
The issue is that API takes some time to return the data, when the data is return the "Completion Listener" is called and it goes inside the "getWeather" method implementation, where it prints the data of array. But when your outside print method is called the API hasn't returned the data yet. So it shows empty array. If you will try to print the data form "weatherData" object after sometime it will work.
The best way I can suggest you is to update your UI with the data inside the "getWeather" method implementation like this:
override func viewDidLoad() {
let weather = WeatherGetter()
weather.getWeather("13323", startdate: "2016-10-01", enddate: "2017-04-30") { (weatherhandler: [[Double]]) in
//It prints out the correct array here
weatherData = weatherhandler[0]
// Update your UI here.
//Here it prints out an empty array
It isn't an error, when your controller get loaded the array is still empty because your getWeather is still doing its thing (meaning accessing the api, decode the json) when it finishes the callback will have data to return to your controller.
For example if you were using a tableView, you will have reloadData() to refresh the UI, after you assign data to weatherData
Or you could place a property Observer as you declaring your weatherData property.
var weatherData:[Double]? = nil {
didSet {
guard let data = weatherData else { return }
// now you could do soemthing with the data, to populate your UI
now after the data is assigned to wheaterData, didSet will be called.
Hope that helps, and also place your jsonParsing logic into a `struct :)
Requirement - I have a requirement in which I am receiving a JSON dictionary from which I am retrieving an array of images and content text. Then I have to display all the images with corresponding contents in a collection view.
Update - Above all I need to calculate the cell size based on image size scaled to the a constant width for which I fell that(may not be correct) I need all images to be downloaded completely then reload collection view
Problem - But the problem is that when I download the images in background thread and populate in separate arrays.Then the image cannot be added in the same order as they were in the JSON Dictionary since I am downloading them in a concurrent queue.
My Solution - So I thought of downloading them by putting everything in a serial queue which has made my retrieving data very slow. What can be an efficient alternative for this?
Code -
let serialQueue = dispatch_queue_create("my serial queue", nil)
dispatch_async(serialQueue, {
print("This is first Method")
for var i=0;i<self.resultArr.count;i++//resultArr is my array of data's in the jsonDic
print(self.resultArr[i].valueForKey("profile_pic")! as! String)
if self.resultArr[i].valueForKey("profile_pic")! as! String != "Null" && self.resultArr[i].valueForKey("profile_pic")! as! String != "null" && self.resultArr[i].valueForKey("profile_pic")! as! String != "NULL" && self.resultArr[i].valueForKey("profile_pic")! as! String != ""
let imageUrl = UrlClass.imageUrlWithoutExtension + String(self.resultArr[i].valueForKey("profile_pic")!)
let url = NSURL(string: imageUrl)
let imageData = NSData(contentsOfURL: url!)
self.contentlabelArr.insertObject(String(self.resultArr[i].valueForKey("content")!), atIndex: i)
if imageData != nil && imageData?.length > 0
print("this is \(i) image")
print(UIImage(data: imageData!))
self.imageArr.insertObject(UIImage(data: imageData!)!, atIndex: i)
print("\(i) image has nill")
self.imageArr.insertObject(UIImage(named: "logo.png")!, atIndex: i)
print("\(i) image has nill")
self.contentlabelArr.insertObject(String(self.resultArr[i].valueForKey("content")!), atIndex: i)
self.imageArr.insertObject(UIImage(named: "logo.png")!, atIndex: i)
print("\(i) times 5 is \(i * 5)")
if self.imageArr.count==self.resultArr.count
A more efficient way would be to create a data model object which will represent you image link and the optional UIImage. Something like this:
class NetworkImage {
let imageURL: String!
let image: UIImage?
Now when you receive your JSON with image links array, you can create your data model array, which will respect the order:
let dataModel: [NetworkImage]
So when you will retrieve your images asynchronously, you can update your dataModel with your image, so no order will be affected.
The idea can be evolved suiting your needs.
You should never use sync operations for this kind of jobs.
you definitely can keep the order if you use a concurrent queue. i think your code as it stands pretty much doesnt use the queue correctly at all (and why is there a sleep(2)?) your concurrent queue should be inside the forloop so it can fire off the different blocks at the same time, and they will use the correct index of the for loop that was assigned to them to place the resulting image in the correct array location
let sema = dispatch_semaphore_create(2); //depending how many downloads you want to go at once
for i in 0..<self.resultArr.count {
dispatch_async(dispatch_get_global_queue(DISPATCH_QUEUE_PRIORITY_BACKGROUND, 0), {
dispatch_semaphore_wait(sema, DISPATCH_TIME_FOREVER);
//download images here, order of execution will not be guaranteed, but after they are finished, they will always put the images in the array at 'i' so it doesnt matter
You may play around with this sample solution, utilising dispatch groups:
//: Playground - noun: a place where people can play
import UIKit
import Dispatch
import XCPlayground
XCPlaygroundPage.currentPage.needsIndefiniteExecution = true
class Record {
init(text: String, imageURL: String) {
self.text = text
self.imageURL = imageURL
self.image = nil
var text: String
var imageURL: String
var image: String?
extension Record: CustomStringConvertible {
var description: String {
return "text: \(text), imageURL: \(imageURL), image: \(image)"
// Fetch text and image url, but no image.
func fetchRecords(completion: ([Record]?, ErrorType?) -> ()) {
let delayInNanoSeconds = dispatch_time(DISPATCH_TIME_NOW, Int64(1 * Double(NSEC_PER_SEC)))
dispatch_after(delayInNanoSeconds, dispatch_get_global_queue(0, 0)) {
let result: [Record] = [
Record(text: "Aaa", imageURL: "path/image1"),
Record(text: "Bbb", imageURL: "path/image2"),
Record(text: "Ccc", imageURL: "path/image3")
completion(result, nil)
// fetch an image
func fetchImage(url: String, completion: (String?, ErrorType?) -> () ) {
let delayInNanoSeconds = dispatch_time(DISPATCH_TIME_NOW, Int64(1 * Double(NSEC_PER_SEC)))
dispatch_after(delayInNanoSeconds, dispatch_get_global_queue(0, 0)) {
let image = url
completion(image, nil)
// Put everything together:
// 1) Fetch an array of records, omitting the image
// 2) When this is finished, in parallel, for each record
// fetch each image.
// 3) When all is finished, call the completion handler containing
// the records including the images
func fetchRecordsWithImages(completion: ([Record]?, ErrorType?) -> () ) {
fetchRecords { (result, error) in
if let records = result {
let grp = dispatch_group_create()
records.forEach { record in
fetchImage(record.imageURL) { (image, error) in
if let image = image {
record.image = image
dispatch_group_notify(grp, dispatch_get_global_queue(0, 0)) {
completion(records, nil)
fetchRecordsWithImages() { (records, error) in
if let records = records {
print("Records: \(records)")
Records: [text: Aaa, imageURL: path/image1, image: Optional("path/image1"), text: Bbb, imageURL: path/image2, image: Optional("path/image2"), text: Ccc, imageURL: path/image3, image: Optional("path/image3")]
I have a problem and I could really use some help..
I have the method below and everything works fine, until line 907.. When it comes for the object3.saveInBackgroundWithBlock, it does nothing.. Not even errors! It never saves the object and it never goes inside the block..
Any idea why?
func addUserToThoseIFollow(sender: UIButton) {
//self.navigationItem.rightBarButtonItem?.enabled = false
sender.enabled = false
let userQuery = PFQuery(className: "_User")
let userQuery2 = PFQuery(className: "_User")
userQuery.getObjectInBackgroundWithId(PFUser.currentUser().objectId) { (object: PFObject!, error: NSError!) -> Void in
if error == nil {
// If I already follow some users, make
// an array with them, add the user I
// want to follow and save. Else,
// just save an array, with that one user.
if object["following"] != nil {
var thoseIFollow = object["following"] as! [String]
object["following"] = thoseIFollow
else {
var myUsers = [String]()
object["following"] = myUsers
object.saveInBackgroundWithBlock({ (ok: Bool, error2: NSError!) -> Void in
if error2 == nil {
self.followButton.setTitle("Unfollow", forState: .Normal)
self.followButton.backgroundColor = UIColor(red: 1, green: 0, blue: 0, alpha: 0.7)
sender.enabled = true
self.doIFollow = true
// Add me to his followers
userQuery2.getObjectInBackgroundWithId(self.userID) { (object3: PFObject!, error3: NSError!) -> Void in
if error3 == nil {
// If the user I just followed, has already followers, make
// an array with them and add the current user to
// them. Else, just save an array, with the current user.
if object3["followers"] != nil {
var hisFollowers = object3["followers"] as! [String]
object3["followers"] = hisFollowers
/* Line 907 */ object3.saveInBackgroundWithBlock({ (ok7: Bool, error7: NSError?) -> Void in // Line 907
if error7 == nil {
else {
else {
var hisFollowers = [String]()
object3["followers"] = hisFollowers
object3.saveInBackgroundWithBlock( { (ok5: Bool, error7: NSError!) -> Void in
if error7 != nil {
Attempt #1
What PFUser.currentUser().objectId return ? If it returns nil so it doesn't work.
Attempt #2
Available Parse Types
So far we've used values with type NSString, NSNumber, and PFObject. Parse also supports NSDate, and NSNull.
You can nest NSDictionary and NSArray objects to store more structured data within a single PFObject.
Try to use var hisFollowers = [NSString]() instead of var hisFollowers = [String]()
Where exactly is this coming from?
Did your check, whether it is an optional?
Comment out the first query and see if it works.
Each Parse object can only have one background thread running for it at a time. Say you save an object, then immediately in the next line (not inside of its call back), edit it and then save it again. The second save will not be called, since the first save is still running. You don't even get an error. You get zero notification whatsoever that this call didn't happen.
My guess is that you have objects being saved inside both the first query and the second query, and because of that, the second query's save is being skipped.
The solution would be to stick the second query inside of the first's callback.
I think that there's a PromiseKit library you can download that adds javascript functionality in iOS, making it more similar to how you'd chain these calls in cloud code, but I haven't used it.