How to make google links (or any other links) to open our app? - ios

I am developing a mapping application and I want that whenever a user clicks a google map's link or any other links (except a link from my own domain), it should show an option to open in my app as well.
How this can be achieved using Associated Domains?

If I'm -hopefully- not mistaking, what are you looking is Universal Links:
When you support universal links, iOS users can tap a link to your
website and get seamlessly redirected to your installed app without
going through Safari.
Remark: for supporting universal links, you have to have a paid Apple developer account.
Turning on the Associated Domains capability is one of the required steps to support the universal links into your application.
For more information, there is a good article about working with Universal Links.
Hope this helped.


Can you set up iOS Universal Links without a separate website?

Is it possible to set up iOS universal links without having a separate website?
For example, if you want a universal link that 1) opens your iOS app if the user has it installed on their device and 2) opens up the App store listing on any device without the app installed.
It seems that having a separate domain you control is the standard way to do it. The Apple documentation (here), and other guides like here and here, seem to make it pretty clear that you need to add the JSON code in the Apple App Site Association file to a separate website that you control.
But is it possible to set up universal links without that website?
For an iOS mobile app developer, setting up a separate website, dealing with website hosting, etc. is distinct from building an iOS app, and an involved additional task to go through just for universal links. Many developers might have a site already or have experience building websites in addition to mobile apps, but it's still a different thing than building mobile apps.
So I'm surprised if Apple assumes app developers have a website ready to go for the purpose. I note there are non-Apple alternatives that do similar things that clearly don't require a website.
Edit: I am familiar with alternative linking systems, such as Firebase and Branch. I want to see how you can do it with Apple Universal Links.
So let's say you want to stick with Apple universal links. Is there a way to do it without setting up a website, dealing with hosts (and potential costs for that), etc?
If it is necessary, what would be the cheapest and easiest way to set up the bare minimum site for a mobile developer that would work for universal links?

How to interceptor iOS universal links in an App

I work about universal links iOS recently. But I found out that in some App, my universal links can't open my App 100%. So, I want to know how to prevent a universal links to open a third part App in my App. Thanks!
Universal Links require explicit user interaction to engage. If navigation to Universal Links happens as a result of Java Script redirect, or server redirect or by navigation from another App, then Universal Links will not engage and user will stay in browser/webview. Also it is possible for the user to disable Universal Links for specific domain on specific device.
Alternatively, if you want to blacklist some pages of the website to be opened in the App you can edit AASA file to exclude these pages. See also this answer Hide "Open in app" banner while using Universal links
Does this answers your question?

Deep Linking in iOS - Navigate to Apple Store if app not installed

I need to implement Deep Linking concept without using any third party libraries (Branch and etc..). The link (starts with http/https) will be shared from app through Message, Email or any Social media apps. By tapping on shared link I want to open corresponding app if its already installed on device else it should navigate to the Apple Store to download the app.
I have knowledge on URL schemas but it works only when the app is already installed on device and the schema URL format also be different (like fb:// for Facebook app).
I have also done some R&D on Universal Links but I don't know whether it supports for dynamic links as for me the link will be combination of base URL(static) and referrer key(dynamic). I also need to track the referrer information once the corresponding app is opened like who referred this app (referrer details).
Can you please help me on it. Thanks in advance.
To make it clear on Universal Links in iOS will not take you to Apple Store if app is not installed on device. When you click on a link then Universal Links helps you to open the app if the app is already installed on device else the same link will be going to browse in Safari. When the url browse in Safari then we have to run JavaScript to navigate/redirect to Apple Store.
Yes you can support universal links to your application from iOS 9 or above. You can generate dynamic links and have deferred deep linking also.
Follow this steps its simple Click Here
For the file mentioned in the link you need to add that file in the root of your website which consists of the path valid for deeplinking. And that file should not have any extension.
Then validate your domain at Here.
After that you can add all the domains thing in your associated domain under the project capabilites.

iOS 9+ Universal Links don't work from Google apps

The company I work for told me to ask the following:
When a universal link is tapped in other apps (native Apple apps, Slack, etc.) our app is opened, but if the same link is tapped in any Google app (Hangouts, Inbox, etc.) the universal link is not opened directly by our app.
We set the Google app to not open links inside it and we don't have Chrome installed on devices where the app was tested.
Does anyone have the same problem? Is there any solution for this?
Unfortunately this is the expected behavior. Universal Links do not work directly from within most Google apps — you need to have the link open a web page containing a button or other link within. That button or link can be a Universal Link, which then opens the app.
Here is more information about where Universal Links currently work and do not work.

Universal link doesn't open the app on iOS

I have an app with MagicLink authentication implemented using universal links. The app and the server are configured to handle universal links following Apple’s documentation (
The link successfully launches the app from Apple Mail + Safari. However when I try to open it from GoogleMail + Chrome, it redirect to the AppStore.
It is important to notice that the app isn’t on the AppStore yet and I’m trying to sort out the issue before publishing it.
I can reproduce the issue on the iPhone 6s with iOS 10
This is a known issue with a number of apps. Universal Links do not work in many situations, with the Gmail app being one of them. See a more detailed list here.
To work around this limitation, your Universal Link URL needs to lead to a page with a button/link on it the user can activate. At, we offer a Deepviews feature for this purpose. You'll need to build something similar.
