How to add a static link among pdoMenu/Wayfinder items? - modx-revolution

I have a dyn menu, generated by one of mentioned plugins. I want to add a static anchor to the same page section among dyn generated menu items.

You could make a Weblink Resource Type and give that the #anchor-name instead of a URL. In terms of displaying in the menu, this would allow that Resource to behave like any other Resource menu link, but on clicking it would fire whatever you put in the URL field.
Documentation here:


How to find the URL of an item in the dropdown list?

I need to find/create the URL of the page from its regular URL to automatically apply an option from one of the dropdown items.
On a page, various sort options are available under a dropdown, and I need a URL that would automatically load the page with that particular sort option applied already.
For example:
The given page is -
When you select the 'latest posts' option in the dropdown, content changes.
I need a URL that I should type in the browser that would automatically load the content with 'latest posts' option applied, replacing the default load style (most recent).
From the source code of the page, we get this:
As the ID of the 'Latest posts' is 4, under ListSelect option, I tried these URLs but none of them worked:
You can see I have no knowledge of it and am just guessing stuff. Please tell me what URL would directly load the page with topics sorted by 'latest posts'?
It does work for GET forms,
it may or may not work for JavaScript forms, and
it doesn’t work for POST forms.
In your example, it seems to be a JavaScript form. In that case, it can only work if the programmer provides it as feature. It’s unlikely that it works in this case, as the URL stays the same, no matter which option is selected.

Changing page asset definiton

I am on Oracle WebCenter Sites 11gR1.
I have an asset page that is on the tree of a site.
The page requirements and presentation have changed, so a new definition is needed to hold the references to other assets (the original definition can not be changed since is used in other pages). The page to change its definition is linked/referenced from other assets/URLs, so it is not possible to replace it with a new page.
Is it possible to change the page definition? How can this be achieved?
When i edit the page, the definition field is only a link to the definition, but not an editable field.
Thank you
You cannot change the page definition of an existing page instance.
You can change the existing page definition, that is being used in your page instances.
Go to Admin Perspective > Search > Page Definition > Search by your Page Definition > Click on Edit (pencil) and make your changes (eg: add or remove attributes).
If you want to add new page attributes, you should create the page attributes before edit the page definition.

Remove bloggers automatic 'add URL' feature to menu items

My Blogger template (klarity) automatically adds my domain name infront of any link I want to add to my menu. For example: I want to create a link to my page 'about'. All I need to do is create a list item with a link pointing towards /about.html.
This is a problem when I want to link a menu item with an external domain. So if I want to create a link between the menu item 'shop' and I cannot simply change the href of the link to because blogger adds my domain name infront of it, making it look like:
From what I understand Blogger does this through the following code: data:post.url or similar. I have looked for that kind of code and tried cutting it out but so far I have not managed to get rid of infront of every list item.
How can I remove from my menu items? This is the only solution I could think of, if there are any others please do suggest them!
So I actually figured out the problem, it was really easy:
Just change the link so that it looks like this:
My domain
Make sure you don't forget the http, otherwise you are going to get errors (thats's the mistake I made)

How to change URL names in Umbraco

This is my first time round using Umbraco and I have created Document Types / Pages using the wrong naming format and now this has transpired into my page URL's, for instance /about-page/. How would I go about changing them to /about as I have searched the back-end admin panel and there dose't seem to be an option to change their link to document values.
Would anyone be able to provide a simple code based example using umbracoUrlAlias or umbracoUrlName how I could change this preferably in Razor.
Editing #run yards Solution by digbyswift help in comment
Correct Solution:
Create Property on in Document Types which applies to all pages you want to change the URL
Call the name anything you want e.g Page URL and Possibly give it a new tab.
Call the alias umbracoUrlName
Type as text sting
Should not be Mandatory (As when you start replacing .Url with .umbracoUrlAlias within the views it will need to be present)
Tab as Generic
Click Save on top right on the page
Added screenshot for starter kit on Umbraco v7.2.5
Unless I'm very much misunderstanding your issue, you should just be able to change the name of your page and republish. This doesn't need an additional field, just change the value in the "Properties" tab and republish the page. This will automatically change the URL of the page.
You can also create a property called umbracoUrlName using a TextString property editor. If this has a value then it will generate the URL fragment for the page using this value, rather than the page name. This changes the URL for the page, rather than creating an alias, like umbracoUrlAlias.
Create property on in Document Types which applies to all pages you want to change the URL
Call the name anything you want e.g Page URL and Possibly give it a new tab.
Call the alias umbracoUrlAlias
Type as text sting
Make it required (As when you start replacing .Url with .umbracoUrlAlias within the views it will need to be present)
Go into all your pages and rename them using the property you just created
Now with your code, say with the navigation where you have used .Url change it to .umbracoUrlAlias and the new URL's will be used.
Note if you don't use .umbracoUrlAlias the links will still be active i.e. they work but they won't be displayed in the address bar as .Url spits out the original ones associated with the page.
You can apply on URL names in web.config:
In section find:
<add key="umbracoUseDirectoryUrls" value="false" />
this will set url names for new created items to name.aspx
If you set this to 'true' then new items will be named like /name/
Additionaly you might want to avoid of Handling some urls by Umbraco pipline, just use this setting - add URLs which must be bypassed:
<add key="umbracoReservedUrls" value="~/config/splashes/booting.aspx,~/install/default.aspx,~/config/splashes/noNodes.aspx,~/VSEnterpriseHelper.axd" />

How to make internal article links in Joomla?

I'm trying to create a link in one Joomla article that points to another article, but can't see how this should be done.
Could you please tell me how to do it?
You can link to it like this:
Use the JCE Editor. Then follow these steps.
Select the 'link' option
Select browse/content
Select the content item
Select 'insert'.
This is one method, but there are many others. The example uses Joomla 2.5 but the same process is used in Joomla 3.0.
To create internal linking between different div or p just create links like this
Go to div one
Note: must add full URL of current article and then add #name.
<div><a name="div1">Here is div one</a></div>
