else statement need to be added in watson conversation dialog - watson

Need help for adding else condition if the input answer is not correct.
Please find the screen shot of If statement I have added.

I think you can't put the else because it's just another intent.
So you could just create another node with an IF test corresponding to the ELSE you want to write.
I can't give you the extract but I hope this screenshot will help you.
This is a small test case for a virtual assistant helping you to do simple banking tasks.


Airtable check if email was already provided

I am working on an AirTable.Wanna make a check if email provided on form exists already in sheet.
So something like: FIND(1.email, {email}) (it gives error) but to check each row instead.
Is there any dedicated Formula for this? I couldn't find any :(
Thanks in advance :)

Swift Playground force next page

I'm developing a Playground with many widgets and one of these is a button. The function of this button is force to change to the next page. Is it possible?
I only found the next markup comment for go to the next page and need to render the playground for do it. This isn't useful for my project.
//: [Next](#next)
Thanks in advance,
No, it's not possible. The whole idea of a Playground (book) is to let the user turn the page for himself, it means you can't do it by code.
Also, it would be a bad practice. Each page should consist of a single experience with an explanation, maybe a goal to achieve, and then the user will turn the page whenever he wants.
Here is a way: PlaygroundPage.current.navigateTo(page: .next)
You also can use .previous and .pageReference(reference: String)
And here is how I use it:
import PlaygroundSupport
if assessmentPassed {
// Actually if you force navigate to the next page you don't really need assessment as it will not be shown
PlaygroundPage.current.assessmentStatus = .pass(message: "Great! Let's go to the next page...")
PlaygroundPage.current.navigateTo(page: .next)
} else {
PlaygroundPage.current.assessmentStatus = .fail(hints: ["Here goes hint"], solution: "Here goes solution")

how to change url in mvc Framework

i use MVC and i want to change my url!I want to put my product's title in url.
look at this one
and i want something like this
what is the best Optimal Solution???
51 is parameter,i cannot remove it from url.can i?
after above problem,i decide to make a url like this
and attempt to change it with(by htaccess)
but i couldnot.
please help me.i spend 3 days with this problem.
It's depend of your framework (even it's your own). Usually, you can create a Route which match with your constraints.
Sorry if i can't help more, but i need more informations
i declared this codes in Bootstrap.what's your opinion??
if(isset($url[0]) && $url[0]=='buy'){
require 'controllers/buy.php';
$controller=new buy();
return FALSE;

Need help to add values into a database

My Document is like this ...
"When a work appears to be ahead of its time, it is only the time that is behind the work" –Jean Cocteau
"When a work lifts your spirits and inspires bold and noble thoughts in you, do not look for any other standard to judge by: the work is good, the product of a master craftsman" –Jean de la Bruyere
"When a writer talks about his work, he's talking about a love affair" –Alfred Kazin
"When love and skill work together, expect a masterpiece" –John Ruskin
can anyone suggest me how i can bulk insert this types of values to database by recognizing them with " .
i really need some efficient method to do it because my document is around 10,000 pages and i have to add all this to database and invoke in ios application..
Thanks in advance..
I know i will get my answer only here :)
I am not sure that this is possible for your docment and your situation, but what if you save this as text document and then parse it?
Parsing would be straightfoward - you should find first appearance of " and then you should fnd second appearance of ". Then get text between first and second ", and put into database.

How to know DialogResult with ReportViewer.PrintDialog()

I have encountered this problem a lot of times on the internet, but didn't find a good way to fix this.
What I want is to print a report from the ReportViewer control, and if it has been printed, I need to change some stuff in the database (like the user that printed, what time the reports has been printed).
Now I used the reportViewer.PrintDialog() method (which prints fine) but I can't figure out a way to learn if the user actually printed the document, or cancelled the PrintDialog box.
I also tried the System.Windows.Controls.PrintDialog() which does return a DialogResult, but I couldn't find a way to set the reportViewer's report as the PrintDocument's source.
Has anyone of you found a way to do it?
Thanks in advance, and more info/code can be provided if asked.
If it's C#
Dialog boxes return a value of type DialogResult
so something like
if (System.Windows.Controls.PrintDialog().ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK)
// Mark item as Prionted by User U
In VB.NET, try the following:
If reportViewer.PrintDialog() = Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK Then
'Put your stuff here
End If
