How to run di basic example of WSO2 EI Business Process? - middleware

I am absolutly new in WSO2 EI and I have the following doubt.
I am following this official tutorial to study the creation of a business process BPMN process):
If you go in this tutorial the second tab is refered to the Business Process Management tutorial, then I continue following the business process BPMN process street.
I followed all the tutorial and I think that I have understand the key concept of this example but I have some doubts about how to run this example.
At the end of the tutorial it does:
To create the Business Archive File (.bar), do the following.
On the Explorer, found in the upper left of your screen, navigate to Package Explorer.
Right click on the package and select “Create deployment artifacts”.
Navigate to the location of the source. You will find the .bar file inside the deployment folder.
So now I have my /HelloWorld/deployment/ file created.
But now what have I to do with this file?
I also have download the EI Server from here: /HelloWorld/deployment/
Then I have configured it in my Eclipse Developer Studio EI setting it as a WSO2 server.
So my doubts are:
What exactly represent this file? Is it a file representing a WSO2 EI executable project or what?
From what I have understand the previous example represents a work flow representing a BPMN process that implements a flow with some rules without that I need to write Java code (correct me if I am doing wrong assertion). But is it something executable or something that have to be integrated into some other application?
If it is an executable project what have I to do to run it and interact with it?

BPMN is process definition that can be run on BPS server. BPS server is part of WSO2 EI solution. You have to run it from [EI_HOME]/wso2/business-process/bin
On Linux/Mac OS: sh
On Windows: wso2server.bat --run
Then, when it works correctly, open https : // [serverIP]:[port]/carbon/ and log into the EI-Business Process management console.
Next navigate to Home -> Manage -> Processes ->Add -> BPMN and upload your file.
After uploading file, log into the BPMN-explorer at https : // [serverIP]:[port]/bpmn-explorer. On the "proecesses" tab you should see your process which can be run by action->start.
Try studie this example:


Cannot deploy stream through spring-cloud-dataflow-server in sap-cloud-foundry

I deployed spring-cloud-dataflow-server-cloudfoundry to SAP Cloud Fondry with environments below:
And import stream starter apps using bulk import applications.
And I create stream using "time-source-rabbit-1.3.0.RELEASE.jar" and "log-sink-rabbit-1.3.0.RELEASE.jar".
But I cannot deploy stream.
The status is "partial" fianlly, and apps' runtime are failed.
My question is:
1. Whether spring-cloud-dataflow-server-cloudfoundry can be used in SAP cloud foundry like I used?
2. When deploy stream in cloudfoundry using spring-cloud-dataflow-server-cloudfoundry dashboard, should I set any other necessary properties?
Thanks in advance.
Looking at the manifest.yml, it appears that org, space, and domain weren't replaced with SAP-CF specific values. Pay attention to the following note in the ref. guide.
Now we can configure the app. The following configuration is for Pivotal Web Services. You need to fill in {org}, {space}, {email} and {password} before running these commands.
If you have them replaced with your environment specific properties, the next step is to check the SCDF-server's logs. There will be particular details as to why the deployment failed if it did.
Now to answer your questions.
For #1, it is hard to say without logs or environment details. We don't actively test against SAP distribution of Cloud Foundry. As far as the distribution is compatible with Diego 1.7.1 and over, it should work. We also publish the CF compatible versions in project site. Perhaps this could be useful to compare the SAP CF environment and its foundation versions.
For #2, no, you don't need any other properties.

Why I am finding this difference implementing the "Sending a Simple Message" official WSO2 ESB tutorial?

I am absolutly new in WSO2 ESB and I have a doubt following this simple official tutorial related to sending a simple message:
I have installed the ESB Server and the provided Eclipse Tooling version and I started with the tutorial but I am noting a difference between what I obtain and what is shown in the previous tutorial.
The "problem" happens in the Connecting to the back-end service section of this tutorial (near the beginning).
The tutorial starts creating a new ESB Solution Project that creates these 4 projects in my workspace:
then there is the Connecting to the back-end service section where a new endpoint is setted on the SampleServices project.
Ok, afther that this operation is done, on the tutorial is shown this immage:
As you can see there is a SampleApp that wrap my SampleServices project.
The "problem" is that, after that I do this operation, I have the endpoint setted but I don't have any SampleApp wrapping my SampleServices, this is what I have in my package exlporer:
As you can see there is no SampleApp wrapper. Why this difference from the tutorial? I have followed it step by step.
What is the problem? What am I missing? May it compromise the final result?

Pentaho 5.0.1 CE Adding folder to pentaho-solutions directory

How do I get a folder to appear in the browser after adding it to \pentaho-solutions in Pentaho 5.0.1 CE. The documentation I read does not seem to work with this new version.
1. Create a new directory in /pentaho/server/biserver-ee/pentaho-solutions/.
Use underscores instead of spaces in the solution directory name. Ensure that the directory has the appropriate user
and group ownership to be writable from the BI Platform.
2. Using an XML-aware text editor (or Design Studio), create a file named index.xmlin your new solution directory.
3. Copy the following text into the index.xml file, changing the content accordingly:
<name>Example Solution</name>
<description>This solution contains examples I created while learning to
work with action sequences.</description>
4. Save the file and close the text editor.
5. Log into the Pentaho User Console as an administrator.
6. Refresh the solution repository cache by going to the Toolsmenu, then selecting the Refreshsubmenu, then
clicking on Repository Cache.
You now have a new solution directory. It will show up in all file dialogues in the Pentaho User Console as well as the
Solution Browser in the left pane.
Every time you add or edit an action sequence to your solution directory, you must refresh the repository cache as
explained above. Each user currently logged into the Pentaho User Console must also refresh their session cache; this
is best done by re-logging into the Pentaho User Console.
I am using Pentaho design studio to develop an xaction sequence script. I followed this procedure:
1. In Design Studio, go to the Filemenu, then select New, and click on the sub-menu.
The Newwindow will appear.
2. In the Newwindow, click the triangle next to Pentaho, select New Action Sequence Wizard, then click Next.
3. In the File namefield, type hello_world.xaction.
4. Select Hello Worldfrom the Templatedrop-down box, then click Finish.
The wizard will generate the new file and bring you back to the workbench.
5. Click on HelloWorldComponentin the Process Actionssection on the left.
The right side of the screen will change to show the options available for this action: Nameand Message. The
Name field controls the name of the component in the Process Actions list on the left; it doesn't do anything else of
note. The Message field contains the text that will appear on the screen when the action sequence is run. It is prepopulated with %quote, which is a token that represents a quote message in a nonexistent properties file. Pentaho
used to provide properties files for each example, but they have been removed from the standard Pentaho Business
Analytics distribution.
6. Replace the %quotewith a sufficiently inspiring message.
Alternatively, you could create a hello_world.propertiesfile and populate it with the appropriate messages and
tokens, but that has no advantage unless you intend to internationalize this action sequence.
7. Save the file.
You now have a working action sequence that prints a short text message: "Hello, World." plus whatever you typed into
the Message field. The first part of the message is determined by a message bundle packaged with the Pentaho Web
application archive.
To test the action sequence, use the Test tab if you are on Windows or OS X, or log into the Pentaho User Console and
run it from the Solution Browser.
Running the sample xaction fails with
Sorry. We really did try.
Something went wrong. Please try again
or contact your administrator.
I figure this is because pentaho cannot locate the xaction file as specified in the file path when I generate the url from within design studio. The folder I created within the solution directory does not appear in the browser directory list despite refreshing the cache. Any help?
With Version 5 the files and folders are no longer stored in "/pentaho/server/biserver-ee/pentaho-solutions/..."
It is stored now in a jackrabbit repository.
You can create folders and upload files in the user console.
I did mistake after starting biserver 5.2. Unexpectedly i deleted Public folder after configuring to jackrabbit. Now how do i create the folder so that i can see Public and Home Folders.
Sorry for getting back to this question some time later, just in case someone searches something related to Pentaho repositories management with no success, i hope this information can help.
Just to make things more clear, i'm using version 5.2.x and i'm supposing you want to create a new folder on the root directory of Browse Files screen, something that is not allowed on Pentaho5 CE Web Console.
The answers about repository management based on JackRabbit are correct, so the old way we used to configure new "solutions" folders doesn't work anymore. From version 5 on, Pentaho exposes an interesting REST api that allows you doing things not allowed in web console.
For instance, for creating a folder in root directory you should create a http REST PUT request against Pentaho Server (using tools like curl or if you appreciate Google Chrome, something like Advanced Rest Client, etc.) using the following URL:
Pentaho repository directory REST api is documented here:
It's worthy to spend some time reading REST API the documentation.

Rabbitmq erlang client build failed due to file paths problems?

I have been able to build rabbitmq server on ubuntu linux. It came already prepackaged and on making, it is able to start as a service. When i got the client source, i failed to make because it appeared like it needed a folder called ./deps/rabbitmq-server. Analysing the code, i find that the author of the client was accessing the same header files as are found in the server, using include_lib("path to rabbit.hrl e.t.c") in his header file called "amqp_client.hrl". I then decided to add rabbitmq_server in the lib dir of erlang so as its paths are automatically added on start up of the vm. But still this didnot help. There is also another folder which the client references called "rabbit_common" for an include folder he assumes would contain all the .hrl files there. Please assist me in building both the client and server on my ubuntu server, for testing.
Also, if anyone has used RabbitMQ server for IMs, please provide some benchmarks and/or your findings on its throughput, speed and number of users. How can it be compared to ejabberd?. How can one create AJAX/Jquery/Javascript clients for Web functionality?
I hope you had made some progress as far as RabbitMQ and ejabberd are concerned.
Below is a link to an interesting discussion that might be of help.

Twitter APIs for blackberry implementation

I am trying to implement the blackberry application which will help the user to update his status through application.
Its like user will enter the username, password and status it will update his status on twitter.
I have seen Twitter API docs but didnt understood how to start. It has many things like application registration and OAuth process which i felt very ambiguity.
I have also tried to use some external jar for blackberry but some of its classes/packages is not supported
twitter4j-core-2.1.1-SNAPSHOT.jar ----> Error preverifying class twitter4j.TwitterBase
java/lang/NoClassDefFoundError: java/io/Serializable
jtwitter.jar ---> VERIFIER ERROR org/json/Test.main([Ljava/lang/String;)V:
Cannot find class java/io/StringWriter
signpost-core- ---> Error preverifying class oauth.signpost.http.HttpParameters
java/lang/NoClassDefFoundError: java/util/Map
Please friends help me with how to start. it will be appreciated if any link or jar which support on blackberry can shared.
For a 10,000 mile view, you first need to preverify your jar files using the preverify.exe tool in the bin directory of your simulator.
You then need to create a new project, change the project type from CDLC -> Library and add your twitter4j-*.jar to it. Set this project as a reference (right click your main project and it's somewhere in the properties) to your main project. Next, configure build path for the main project and add twitter4j-* to your build path.
A detailed view with screenshots for eclipse is provided for a different library at -
More info -
If it's a simple tweet, you might be better of just doing a HTTP POST with the appropriate parameters.
Check URLEncodedPostData and HTTPConnection for more info about HTTP Post requests.
