Searching and saving books from Amazon with Ruby on Rails - ruby-on-rails

I just started coding with Ruby on rails, and I am currently trying to make an app, a search engine that finds books sold on Amazon. I also want users to be able to save books to their profiles, e.g. a wish list.
I know there are a lot of gems out there (amazon-ecs', vacuum, etc.), but I am struggling to make any sense of the documentation. I am looking for a step by step guide, from installing the gem, to what code to put in what files etc.
All help is much appreciated.


Ruby on Rails Scaffolds Community Resource

I'm a noob to rails, and am learning some of its cool features. I'm really impressed by the scaffolds - they seem to be generic frameworks for things like blogs etc.
Is there a community resource where other scaffolds can be found? I'd like, for instance, to create a site that has an image slideshow or similar where a user can log in and upload photos to add to the slideshow and delete existing images or change the order or effects, time etc.
I'm sure that I can amend the Posts scaffold to do something along these lines, like I say I'm a noob at the moment and learning by doing is good, but I see that there is a way of making your own scaffolds, so I wondered if some kind person had made any scaffolds available.
Many thanks...
Check these for application templates
Rails Composer

simple forms website on RoR- let the user go to a customized link which he can share that shows what he just inputted

I'm a pretty big RoR novice but I've had a lot of problems with finding out even where to begin.
I'm looking for any tutorials or examples of apps that lets a user fill out a simple form in ruby, takes that information, redirects to another page, and posts the information. The user would be able to share that unique link with others, which shows that information.
I've taken a look at various gems such as Formtastic and Simpleforms but the tutorials on Railscast are outdated and it's difficult to get working. I believe it's because I'm on Rails 3.
I'm pretty lost here and if anything can just prod me in the general direction of where to start / give me general strategy of how I should tackle this, it'd be greatly appreciated. This seems incredibly easy but I'm making it harder for myself than what it is.
I'm actually looking to take an intensive RoR course in a few weeks but I need to get this simple MVP app done (it'll include video by nimbb API) for a deadline... so while I should definitely be putting in the effort to learn rather than cheat and drift, your help this time around would really be great :)
To a large extent this functionally is baked into rails. The simplest way to do this is without any extra gems (besides the default ones):
In your terminal run:
rails g scaffold form name:string message:text
Then the user can go to and enter their info. Once they submit the form rails auto redirects them to the view page for that new data. The URL of that page which will be something like /forms/n where n is some integer is the link to share.
If your struggling with rails concepts I would look at the rails guides, especially:

whether to use refinerycms or not

Me and a bunch of our friends decided to make a website with ruby on rails. Our question is whether refinerycms is fit with out website. What we are building is a place where our community would sign in and post up a bunch of pictures, videos, live streams, or articles/blogs. The front page would be have top feeds and featured articles. That is the idea for the most part. We thought about refinerycms but after looking into refinery it doesn't seem so fit and was wondering if its better if we just start it from scratch.
If you don't know rails and don't want to spend many hours learning.(I love it. It's fun, but not for everyone), go for wordpress.
Wordpress is easier to set up and deploy to a server.
All web hotels usually works with PHP and Mysql out of the box, witch wordpress depends on
Rails depends on ruby and that makes the server configuration more complex.
For a developer Ruby on rails is gold. But, if your main focus is to get a blog up, its to much to learn.
If you want to learn ROR go to railscast and get a pro subscription. It's the best way to pick up rails tricks
If your website mostly functions as a blog, the Refinery would be a great choice, IMHO. On the other hand, expect to do some programming on your own part if you need features such as the ones you mentioned (i.e. Live streams). On the other hand, if you're completely new to Rails, the it might be slightly more challenging, but don't let that stop you. :)

Spree - Disable checkout's country selection and modify the checkout

I need to create an online shop to sell some e-learning services, mostly online courses.
I'm thinking to start with Spree, so I've installed it and I started playing with the configuration, I'm also starting with Ruby and RoR, and I plan to carry out all my next works on this platform that I really like.
I'm just curious to know if it's a good idea to start with a complete solution like Spree to sell this kind of products. I'd need to change some checkout steps, for example there is no need to deliver the things, since they are services (online courses).
Then I'd like to disable the country selection because the ecommerce will just sell in our country and it's useless to allow this selection.
How can I do it?
Then I'd like to allow users to choose between a one-time payment and a recurring billing solution.
Can you help me to understand what I need to do this?
At a first glance it seems a lot of work (beside the fact that I'm new with the framework and with the language -coming from python, php, c++).
I'm using the latest version of spree from their git repo with rails 3.2.3 (ruby 1.9.3 under RVM).
Yes you can modify the checkout steps have a look at on how to do this.
On the payments side good luck! I have been struggling with this for a while now and there doesn't seem to be much out there. I will update this if I am able to find anything solid.
If you are new to ruby on rails I would suggest that you take some time to familiarise your self with ruby on rails first before diving into spree as this will save you alot of time in the long run.
if you are running the latest verison of spree(edge) rather then the latest released version please be careful.

How to structure Ruby on Rails website

I'm curious to learn Ruby and Ruby on Rails. I have previous experience with PHP and some basic C/Objective C and Java.
I have done a couple of 'Get started with Rails' tutorials and want to try do create a complete site now. I do have some questions.
Is the entire website an app? I mean, sure, the simple 'blog-with-comments' examples fit in a single app. But what if you want more? Say, a forum, a blog, community, shop, task manager and so on (only random examples here... :) ).
Should I split these things into different 'apps' or not? I would still need them to communicate with each other and share user data and so on...
Any ideas?
In general, your core competency as a rails app -- that which you provide the most value for your users. You can then supplement from there, so your support section might be GetSatisfaction and live on
Your online shop could be a link to your shopify page at, etc.
