What is the advantage of having several sinks grouped in sink groups in Flume? - flume

I read that having two sinks in a sink group, in case one sink is down the other one will take its place. However I have seen agents with up to 8 sinks grouped in 4 sink groups. My questions are:
For what are necessary so many??
How can you estimate the best amount of sinks for your agent?

I have found this information about the topic, if anyone can add something else it will be appreciated:
Sink Groups and Sink Processors
The Flume configuration framework instantiates one sink runner per sink group to run a sink group. Each sink group can contain an arbitrary number of sinks. The sink runner continuously asks the sink group to ask one of its sinks to read events from its own channel. Sink groups are typically used to send data between tiers in either a load-balancing or failover fashion.
It is important to understand that all sinks within a sink group are not active at the same time; only one of them is sending data at any point in time. Therefore, sink groups should not be used to clear off the channel faster—in this case, multiple sinks should simply be set to operate by themselves with no sink group, and they should be configured to read from the same channel.
Sink groups are defined in the following way:
agent.sinkgroups = sg1 sg2
Each sink group is then configured with a set of sinks that are part of the group. The list of sinks in the active set of sinks takes precedence over the lists of sinks specified as part of sink groups.
agent.sinks = s1 s2 s3 s4
agent.sinkgroups.sg1.sinks = s1 s2
agent.sinkgroups.sg2.sinks = s3 s4
Each sink in a sink group has to be configured separately. This includes configuration with regard to which channel the sink reads from, which hosts or clusters it writes data to, etc. Ideally, if several sinks are set up in a sink group, all the sinks will read from the same channel—this helps clear data in the current tier at a reasonable pace, yet ensure the data is being sent to multiple machines in a way that supports load balancing and failover.
For cases where it is important to clear the channel faster than a single sink group is able to do, but it is also required that the agent be set up to send data to multiple hosts, multiple sink groups can be added, each with sinks that have similar configuration. This ensures that more connections are open per agent to a destination agent, while also allowing data to be pushed to more than one agent if required. This allows the channel to be cleared faster, while making sure load balancing and failovers happen automatically.
Sink processors are the components that decide which sink is active at any point in time. Note that sink processors are different from sink runners. The sink runner actually runs the sink, while the sink processor decides which sink should pull events from its channel. When the sink runner asks the sink group to tell one of its sinks to pull events out of its channel and write them to the next hop (or to storage), the sink processor is the component that actually selects the sink that does this processing.
Flume comes bundled with two sink processors: the load-balancing sink processor and the failover sink processor.
Load-Balancing Sink Processor
A sink group with a load-balancing sink processor, which will select one among all the sinks in the sink group to process events from the channel.
The order of selection of sinks can be configured to be random or round-robin. If the order is set to random, one among the sinks in the sink group is selected at random to remove events from its own channel and write them out. The round-robin fashion: each process loop calls the process method of the next sink in the order in which they are specified in the sink group definition. If that sink is writing to a failed agent or to an agent that is too slow, causing timeouts, the sink processor will select another sink to write data.
The load-balancing sink processor is configured in the following way:
This configuration sets the sink group to use a load-balancing sink
processor that selects one of s1, s2, s3, or s4 at random. If one of
the sinks (or more accurately, the agent that the sink is sending data
to) fails, the sink will be blacklisted with the backoff period
starting at 250 milliseconds and then increasing exponentially until
it reaches 10 seconds. After this point, the sink backs off for 10
seconds each time a write fails, until it is able to write data
successfully, at which point the backoff is reset to 0. If the value
of the selector parameter is set to round_robin, s1 is asked to
process data first, followed by s2, then s3, then s4, and s1 again.
agent.sinks = s1 s2 s3 s4
agent.sinkgroups = sg1
agent.sinkgroups.sg1.sinks = s1 s2 s3 s4
agent.sinkgroups.sg1.processor.type = load_balance
agent.sinkgroups.sg1.processor.selector = random
agent.sinkgroups.sg1.processor.backoff = true
agent.sinkgroups.sg1.processor.selector.maxTimeOut = 10000
This configuration means that only one sink is writing data from each agent at any point in time. This can be fixed by adding multiple sink groups with load-balancing sink processors with similar configuration.
Failover Sink Processor
The failover sink processor selects a sink from the sink group based on priority. The sink with the highest priority writes data until it fails, and then the sink with the highest priority among the other sinks in the group is picked. A different sink is selected to write the data only when the current sink writing the data fails. This means even though it is possible that the agent with highst priority may have failed and come back online, the failover sink processor does not make the sink writing to that agent active until the currently active sink hits an error. This ensures that all agents on the second tier have one sink from each machine writing to them when there is no failure, and only on failure will certain machines see more incoming data.
If no priority is set for a specific sink, the priority of the sink is determined based on the order of the sinks specified in the sink group configuration. Each time a sink fails to write data, the sink is considered to have failed and is blacklisted for a brief period of time. This blacklist time interval (similar to the backoff period in the load-balancing sink processor) increases with each consecutive attempt that results in failure, until the value specified by maxpenalty is reached (in milliseconds). Once the blacklist interval reaches this value, further failures will result in the sink being tried after that many milliseconds. Once the sink successfully writes data after this, the backoff period is reset to 0. Take a look at the following example:
agent.sinks = s1 s2 s3 s4
agent.sinkgroups.sg1.sinks = s1 s2 s3 s4
agent.sinkgroups.sg1.processor.type = failover
agent.sinkgroups.sg1.processor.priority.s2 = 100
agent.sinkgroups.sg1.processor.priority.s1 = 90
agent.sinkgroups.sg1.processor.priority.s4 = 110
agent.sinkgroups.sg1.processor.maxpenalty = 10000
Source: https://www.safaribooksonline.com/library/view/using-flume/9781491905326/ch06.html


Streaming Beam pipeline with "lookbehind"

I am new to Beam/Dataflow and am trying to figure out if it is suited to this problem. I am trying to keep a running sum of which types of messages are currently backlogged in a queueing system. The system uses a monotonically increasing offset number to order messages: producers learn the number when the send a message, and consumers track the watermark offset as they process each message in FIFO order. This pipeline would have two inputs: counts from the producers and watermarks from the consumers.
The queue producer would regularly flush a batch of count metrics to Beam:
(type1, offset, count)
(type2, offset, count)
where the offset was the last offset the producer wrote for typeN, and count is how many typeN messages it enqueued in the current batch period.
The queue consumer will regularly send its latest consumed watermark offset. The effect this should have is to invalidate any counts that have an offset lower than this consumer watermark.
The output of the pipeline is the sum of all counts with a higher offset than the largest consumer watermark yet seen, grouped by message type. (snapshotted every 5 minutes or so.)
(Of course there would be 100k message "types", hundreds of producer servers, occasional 2-hour periods where the consumer doesn't report an advancing watermark, etc.)
Is this doable? That this pipeline would need to maintain and scan an unbounded-ish history of count records is the part that seems maybe unsuited to Beam.
One possible approach would be to model this as two timeseries (left , right) where you want to match left.timestamp <= right.timestamp. You can do this using the State and Timer API.
In order to achieve this unbounded, you will need to be working within a GlobalWindow. Important note in the Global Window there is no expiry of the state, so you will need to make sure to do Garbage Collection on your left and right streams. Also data will arrive in the onprocess unordered, so you will need to make use of Event Time timers to do the actual work.
Very roughly:
Store data in BagState.
Setup Event time timer to go off
Do your buiss logic.
This is a lot easier with Apache Beam > 2.24.0 as OrderedListState has been added.
Although the timeseries use case is different from the one in this question, this talk from the 2019 Beam summit also has some pointers (but does not make use of OrderedListState, which was not available at the time);
State and Timer API and Timeseries

Cloud Dataflow what is the exact definition of freshness and latency?

When using Cloud Dataflow, we get presented 2 metrics (see this page):
system latency
data freshness
These are also available in Stackdriver under the following names (extract from here):
system_lag: The current maximum duration that an item of data has been awaiting processing, in seconds.
data_watermark_age: The age (time since event timestamp) of the most recent item of data that has been fully processed by the pipeline.
But, these descriptions are still very vague:
what does "awaiting processing" mean? is how long a message waits in pubsub? or the total time it has to wait inside the pipeline?
the "maximum duration": after that maximum item is processed, will the metric be adjusted?
"time since event timestamp" does that mean if my event was put in pubsub at timestamp t1 and it flows out of one end of the pipeline at timestamp t2, the pipeline is at t1? I think I can assume that if the metric is at t1, everything before t1 can be assumed processed.
As these metrics coincide with the semantics of Apache Beam, I would love to see some examples, or at least more clear definitions of these metrics to make them usable.
These metrics are notoriously tricky. An in-depth dive into how they work can be seen in this talk by a member of the Beam / Dataflow team.
Pipelines are split in series of computations that occur in memory, and computations that require serializing your data to some sort of data store. For example, consider the following pipeline:
with Pipeline() as p:
p | beam.ReadFromPubSub(...) \
| beam.Map(parse_data)
| beam.Map(into_key_value_pairs) \
| beam.WindowInto(....) \
| beam.GroupByKey() \
| beam.Map(format_data) \
| beam.WriteToBigquery(...)
This pipeline would get broken up into two stages. A stage is a series of computations that can be applied in memory.
The first stage goes from ReadFromPubSub to the GroupByKey operation. Everything in between those two PTransforms can be done in-memory. To perform the GroupByKey, the data needs to be written to persistent state (and therefore into a new source).
The second stage goes from GroupByKey to WriteToBigQuery. In this case, the data is read from a 'source'.
Each source has its own set of watermarks. The watermarks that you see in the Dataflow UI are the maximum watermarks coming from any source in the pipeline.
Answering your questions:
What's awaiting processing?
It is how long an element waits in PubSub. Specifically, how long an element waits inside any source in the pipeline.
Consider a simpler pipeline:
ReadFromPubSub -> Map -> WriteToBigQuery.
This pipeline does the following operations for each item: Read an item from PubSub -> Operate on it -> Insert to BigQuery -> **Confirm to PubSub that the item has been consumed**.
Now, imagine that the BigQuery service goes down for 5 minutes. This means that PubSub will not receive confirmations for any of the elements for 5 minutes. Therefore, these elements will be stuck in PubSub for a while.
This means that the system latency (and the data freshness metric as well) will balloon up to 5 minutes while BQ writes are blocked.
Does maximum duration get adjusted after processing?
That's right. For instance, consider the previous pipeline again: BQ is dead for 5 minutes. When BQ comes back, a large batch of items may be written to it, and confirmed as read from PubSub. This will drastically reduce the system latency (and data freshness) back to a few seconds.
What's time since event timestamp?
An event timestamp can be provided as an attribute of the message to PubSub. It's a bit of a tricky concept, but essentially:
For each stage there is an output data watermark. An output data watermark of T indicates that the computation has processed all elements with event time before T. The latest an output data watermark can be is the earliest input watermark of all its upstream computations. However, the output watermark could be held back if there is some input data that has not yet been processed.
This metric is, of course, heuristic. If some data point comes in very late, then the Data Freshness will be held back.
I'd advice you to check out the talk by Slava. It goes over all these concepts.

Control rate of individual topic consumption in Kafka Streams

I am trying to backprocess data in Kafka topics using a Kafka Streams application that involves a join. One of the streams to be joined has much larger volume of data per unit of time in the corresponding topic. I would like to control the consumption from the individual topics so that I get roughly the same event timestamps from each topic in a single consumer.poll(). However, there doesn't appear to be any way to control the behavior of the KafkaConsumer backing the source stream. Is there any way around this? Any insight would be appreciated.
Currently Kafka cannot control the rate limit on both Producers and Consumers.
But if you are using Apache Spark as the stream processing platform, you can limit the input rate for the Kafka receivers.
in the consumer side you can use consume([num_messages=1][, timeout=-1])
function instead of poll.
consume([num_messages=1][, timeout=-1]):
Consumes a list of messages (possibly empty on timeout). Callbacks may be executed as a side effect of calling this method.
The application must check the returned Message object’s Message.error() method to distinguish between proper messages (error() returns None) and errors for each Message in the list (see error().code() for specifics). If the enable.partition.eof configuration property is set to True, partition EOF events will also be exposed as Messages with error().code() set to _PARTITION_EOF.
num_messages (int) – The maximum number of messages to return (default: 1).
timeout (float) – The maximum time to block waiting for message, event or callback (default: infinite (-1)). (Seconds)

Apache Storm - use multiple spouts?

So I'm trying to configure my spout(s) to read from an Amazon SQS queue. Now, I want a situation wherein I can share the load across multiple spouts.
I understand it's possible to have multiple threads, but can I have two or more different spout instances/applications which are reading from the same queue and emitting to the same topology? For eg. Spout A and Spout B read from the SQS and then both emit to bolt C?
Of course, you can have multiple spouts, but you have to define them accordingly to prevent double submit of the same element (or your topology does accept that by design). Multiple processes of the same element imply bad counters for instance.
Check Storm concurrency as a start with executors (threads) and tasks (instances) per spout / bolt and choose the number you want.
In your code, you have to be sure that you don't manage the same tuples twice or more, either you do it before storm (a queue which doesn't accept the same element twice which is processed / emptied by many spouts for instance, or multiple queues - one for each spout, beware of transactions) or you do it in storm (process messages only with x param in one spout, with y in another and a message cannot be x and y at the same time).
SQS Queue -----> Spout (N Number of Executors).
This model will perfectly fine. as soon as, any of executor instance will pick up message, message will become invisible from SQS.
Keep Message Invisibility time Much higher than Message Processing time with in Storm Topology.
You can keep delete SQS message logic inside ack method.

Can I use module pool to decide load balance?

I'm looking for an automatic way to do my load balance and this module attracted me.
As the manual says,
pool can be used to run a set of Erlang nodes as a pool of computational processors.
It is organized as a master and a set of slave nodes and includes the following features:
The slave nodes send regular reports to the master about their current load.
Queries can be sent to the master to determine which node will have the least load.
The BIF statistics(run_queue) is used for estimating future loads.
It returns the length of the queue of ready to run processes in the Erlang runtime system.
What's the frequency and load for the slave nodes to send regular reports?
Is it a proper way to make load balance?
Reports are sent every 2 seconds and use information gathered from statistics(run_queue) to determine the node with the least load. run_queue returns the queue size of the current node's scheduler.
When you call pool:get_node/0 you are getting the node with the lowest number of tasks waiting to be executed on it's scheduler. Keep in mind that nodes are kept in sorted order so calls to pool:get_node/0 do not directly query nodes, but rather rely on information that could be up to 2 seconds old.
If you need a load balanced pool of nodes, pool works great.
Here is some more info from the pool.erl source:
%% Supplies a computational pool of processors.
%% The chief user interface function here is get_node()
%% Which returns the name of the nodes in the pool
%% with the least load !!!!
%% This function is callable from any node including the master
%% That is part of the pool
%% nodes are scheduled on a per usgae basis and per load basis,
%% Whenever we use a node, we put at the end of the queue, and whenever
%% a node report a change in load, we insert it accordingly
