I was using neo4j 3.1.0 enterprise edition. The main logical in my graph is: There are "IP" nodes and "User" nodes and both have "UNIQUE" constraints. Each time an user login, I add a relationship from IP to User.
Here is my insert Cypher:
MERGE (i:IP {ip:""})
MERGE (u:User {username:"xxx#gmail.com"})
MERGE (i) - [l:SUCC] -> (u)
SET i:ExpireNode, i.expire={expire}
SET u:ExpireNode, u.expire={expire}
SET l.expire={expire}, l.login={login}
The insert is pretty fast as the beginning. But when the number of node grows to millions, it became very slow and sometimes took more than 1 second to insert nodes and relationships.
How could I optimize it? I was running neo4j with 12-cores CPU and 64G memory. The initial head size is 16G and page cache is 30G.
Tested the same cypher in Web UI and it took 10ms for commands. But by using java driver, it will sometimes take more than 1s. Below is my java code:
try (Transaction tx = session.beginTransaction()) {
for (Login login : loginList) {
Value value = login2Operation(login);
tx.run(INSERT_COMMANDS_SUCC, value);
After some exploring, I found that the insert speed increased significantly if running in 5 threads. But the overall speed is too slow and I have to increase to 100 threads. Then the single insert of each speed grows to 1s. So, I believe the problem is because the parallel ability of Neo4j.
In the neo4j.conf, I added dbms.threads.worker_count=200. But it's not helping. Any ideas?
Thanks to #InverseFalcon 's advices and the UNWIND operation helps a lot!
Get more details in Michael Hunger's tips and tricks
I recently upgraded my Neo4j to 3.1.3, and alongside that, got the most recent APOC plugin (
I had a bit of code that worked fine, and could create ~3 million relationships in about a minute and a half wall time. But now, it's been running for over 8 hours and shows no sign of stopping...
Because the code used to run without any problems, I'm hoping something must have changed between versions that has lead to my code having been borked.
Is it rock_n_roll that should be changed (maybe to apoc.periodic.commit with positional arguments or something)? Thanks for any insight.
Here's what I'm running .
CALL apoc.periodic.rock_n_roll(
"MATCH (c:ChessPlayer),(r:Record) WHERE c.ChessPlayer_ID = r.ChessPlayer RETURN c,r",
"CYPHER planner=rule WITH {c} AS c, {r} AS r CREATE (c)-[:HAD_RECORD]->(r)",
My understanding is that call is querying the Cartesian product of ChessPlayers and Records, and then trying to filter them out row by row, and then doing the batch update on those final results (which eats a lot of memory, I think this one opening transaction is what's killing you). So if you can break it up so that each transaction can touch as few nodes as possible, it should be able to perform massively better (especially if r.ChessPlayer is indexed, since now you don't need to load all of them)
CALL apoc.periodic.rock_n_roll(
"MATCH (c:ChessPlayer) WHERE NOT EXISTS((c)-[:HAD_RECORD]->()) RETURN c",
"MATCH (r:Record) WHERE c.ChessPlayer_ID = r.ChessPlayer WITH c,r CREATE UNIQUE (c)-[:HAD_RECORD]->(r)",
periodic.commit() would work on a similar principle. The smaller (least nodes touched) you can make each transaction, the faster the batch will become.
In a general sense, is there a best practice to use when attempting to estimate how long the setting of relationships takes in Neo4j?
For example, I used the data import tool successfully, and here's what I've got in my 2.24GB database:
IMPORT DONE in 3m 8s 791ms. Imported:
7432663 nodes
0 relationships
119743432 properties
In preparation for setting relationships, I set some indices:
CREATE INDEX ON :ChessPlayer(player_id);
CREATE INDEX ON :Matches(player_id);
Then I let it rip:
MATCH (p:Player),(m:Matches)
WHERE p.player_id = m.player_id
CREATE (p)-[r:HAD_MATCH]->(m)
Then, I started to realize, that I have no idea how to even estimate how long that setting these relationships might take to set. Is there a 'back of the envelope' calculation for determining at least a ballpark figure for this kind of thing?
I understand that everyone's situation is different on all levels, including software, hardware, and desired schema. But any discussion would no doubt be useful and would deepen mine (and anyone else who reads this)'s understanding.
PS: FWIW, I'm running Ubuntu 14.04 with 16GB RAM and an Intel Core i7-3630QM CPU # 2.40GHz
The problem here is that you don't take into account transaction sizes. In your example all :HAD_MATCH relationships are created in one single large transaction. A transaction internally builds up in memory first and then gets flushed to disc. If the transaction is too large to fit in your heap you'll might see massive performance degradation due to garbage collections or even OutOfMemoryExceptions.
Typically you want to limit transaction sizes to e.g. 10k - 100k atomic operations.
The probably most easy to do transaction batching in this case is using the rock_n_roll procedure from neo4j-apoc. This uses one cypher statement to provide the data to be worked on and a second one running for each of the results from the previous one in batched mode. Note that apoc requires Neo4j 3.x:
CALL apoc.periodic.rock_n_roll(
"MATCH (p:Player),(m:Matches) WHERE p.player_id = m.player_id RETURN p,m",
"WITH {p} AS p, {m} AS m CREATE (p)-[:HAD_MATCH]->(m)",
There was a bug in 3.0.0 and 3.0.1 causing this performing rather badly. So the above is for Neo4j >= 3.0.2.
If being on 3.0.0 / 3.0.1 use this as a workaround:
CALL apoc.periodic.rock_n_roll(
"MATCH (p:Player),(m:Matches) WHERE p.player_id = m.player_id RETURN p,m",
"CYPHER planner=rule WITH {p} AS p, {m} AS m CREATE (p)-[:HAD_MATCH]->(m)",
I'm using Cypher's LOAD CSV syntax in Neo4J 2.1.2. So far it's been a huge improvement over the more manual ETL process required in previous versions. But I'm running into some behavior in a single case that's not what I'd expect and I wonder if I'm missing something.
The cypher query being used is this:
LOAD CSV FROM 'file:///Users/James/Desktop/import/dependency_sets_short.csv' AS row
MATCH (s:Sense {uid: toInt(row[4])})
MERGE (ds:DependencySet {label: row[2]}) ON CREATE SET ds.optional=(row[3] = 't')
CREATE (s)-[:has]->(ds)
Here's a couple of lines of the CSV:
Basically, I'm matching a Sense node (previously imported) based on it's ID value which is the fifth column. Then I'm doing a merge to either get a DependencySet node if it exists, or create it. Finally, I'm creating a has edge between the Sense node and the DependencySet node. So far so good, this all works as expected. What's confusing is the performance as the size of the CSV grows.
CSV Lines Time (msec)
500 480
1000 717
2000 1110
5000 1521
10000 2111
50000 4794
100000 5907
200000 12302
300000 35494
400000 Java heap space error
My expectation is that growth would be more-or-less linear, particularly as I'm committing every 500 lines as recommended by the manual, but it's actually closer to polynomial:
What's worse is that somewhere between 300k and 400k rows, it runs into a Java heap space error. Based on the trend from previous imports, I'd expect the import of 400k to take a bit over a minute. Instead, it churns away for about 5-7 minutes before running into the heap space error. It seems like I could split this file into 300,000-line chunks, but isn't that what "USING PERIODIC COMMIT" is supposed to do, more or less? I suppose I could give Neo4J more memory too, but again, it's not clear why I should have to in this scenario.
Also, to be clear, the lookups on both Sense.uid and DependencySet.label are indexed, so the lookup penalty for these should be pretty small. Here's a snippet from the schema:
ON :DependencySet(label) ONLINE (for uniqueness constraint)
ON :Sense(uid) ONLINE (for uniqueness constraint)
Any explanations or thoughts on an alternative approach would be appreciated.
EDIT: The problem definitely seems to be in the MATCH and/or CREATE part of the query. If I remove lines 3 and 5 from the Cypher query it performs fine.
I assume that you've already created all the Sense labeled nodes before running this LOAD CSV import. What I think is going on is that as you are matching nodes with the label Sense into memory and creating relationships from the DependencySet to the Sense node via CREATE (s)-[:HAS]->(ds) you are increasing utilization of the available heap.
Another possibility is that the size of your relationship store in your memory mapped settings needs to be increased. In your scenario it looks like the Sense nodes have a high degree of connectivity to other nodes in the graph. When this happens your relationship store for those nodes require more memory. Eventually when you hit 400k nodes the heap is maxed out. Up until that point it needs to do more garbage collection and reads from disk.
Michael Hunger put together an excellent blog post on memory mapped settings for fast LOAD CSV performance. See here: http://jexp.de/blog/2014/06/load-csv-into-neo4j-quickly-and-successfully/
That should resolve your problem. I don't see anything wrong with your query.
i believe the line
MATCH (s:Sense {uid: toInt(row[4])})
makes the time paradigm. somewhere around the 200 000 in the x line of your graph, you have no longer all the Sense nodes in the memory but some of them must be cached to disk. thus all the increase in time is simply re-loading data from cache to memory and vise-versa (otherwise it will be still linear if kept in memory).
maybe if you could post you server memory settings, we could dig deeper.
to the problem of java heap error refer to Kenny's answer
We are evaluating Neo4J for our application, testing it against a small test database with a total of around 20K nodes, 150K properties, and 100K relationships. The branching factor is ~100 relationships/node. Server and version information is below [1]. The Cypher query is:
MATCH p = ()-[r1:RATES]-(m1:Movie)-[r2:RATES]-(u1:User)-[r3:RATES]-(m2:Movie)-[r4:RATES]-()
RETURN r1.id as i_id, m1.id, r2.id, u1.id, r3.id, m2.id, r4.id as t_id;
(The first and last empty nodes aren't important to us, but I didn't see how to start with relationships.)
I killed it after a couple of hours. Maybe I'm expecting too much by hoping Neo4J would avoid combinatorial explosion. I tried tweaking some server parameters but got no further.
My main question is whether what I'm trying to do (a nine-step path query) is reasonable for Neo4J, or, for that matter, any graph database. I realize nine steps is a very deep search, and one that touches every node in the database multiple times, but unfortunately that's what our research needs to do.
Looking forward to your thoughts.
[1] System info:
The Linux server has 32 processors and 64GB of memory.
Neo4j - Graph Database Kernel (neo4j-kernel), version: 2.1.2.
java version "1.7.0_60", Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.7.0_60-b19), Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 24.60-b09, mixed mode)
To answer your main question, Neo4j has no problem doing a variable length query that does not result in a combinatorial explosion in the search space (an exponential time complexity as a result of your branching factor).
There is however an optimization that can be done to your Cypher query.
MATCH ()-[r1:RATES]->(m1:Movie),
RETURN r1.id as i_id, m1.id, r2.id, u1.id, r3.id, m2.id, r4.id as t_id;
That being said, Cypher has some current limitations with these kinds of queries. We call these queries "graph global operations". When you are running a query that touches the graph globally without a specific starting point, computation as well as writes and reads to disc can cause performance bottlenecks. When returning large payloads over HTTP REST, you'll encounter data transfer limitations within your network.
To test the difference between query response times due to network data transfer constraints, compare the previous query to the following:
MATCH ()-[r1:RATES]->(m1:Movie),
RETURN count(*)
The difference between the queries in response time should be significant.
So what are your options?
Option 1:
Write a Neo4j unmanaged extension in Java that runs on-heap embedded in the JVM using Neo4j's Java API. Your Cypher query can be translated imperatively into a traversal description that operates on your graph in-memory. Seeing that you have 64GB of memory, your Java heap should be configured so that Neo4j has access to 70-85% of your available memory.
You can learn more about the Neo4j Java API here: http://docs.neo4j.org/chunked/stable/server-unmanaged-extensions.html
Option 2:
Tune the performance configurations of Neo4j to run your graph in-memory and optimize your Cypher queries to limit the amount of data transferred over the network. Performance will still be sub-optimal for graph global operations.
I have written a variety of queries using cypher that take no less than 200ms per query. They're very straightforward, so I'm having trouble identifying where the bottleneck is.
Simple Match with Parameters, 2200ms:
Simple Distinct Match with Parameters, 200ms:
Pathing, 2500ms:
At first I thought the issue was a lack of resources, because I was running neo4j and my application on the same box. While the performance monitor indicated that CPU and memory were largely free'd up and available, I moved the neo4j server to another local box and observed similar latency. Both servers are workstations with fairly new Xeon processors, 12GB memory and SSDs for the data storage. All of the above leads me to believe that the latency isn't due to my hardware. OS is Windows 7.
The graph has less than 200 nodes and less than 200 relationships.
I've attached some queries that I send to neo4j along with the configuration for the server, database, and JVM. No plugins or extensions are loaded.
Pastebin Links:
Database Configuration
Server Configuration
JVM Configuration
[Expanding a bit on a comment I made earlier.]
#TFerrell: Your comments state that "all nodes have labels", and that you tried applying indexes. However, it is not clear if you actually specified the labels in your slow Cypher queries. I noticed from your original question statement that neither of your slower queries actually specified a node label (which presumably should have been "Project").
If your Cypher query does not specify the label for a node, then the DB engine has to test every node, and it also cannot apply an index.
So, please try specifying the correct node label(s) in your slow queries.
Is that the first run or a subsequent run of these queries?
You probably don't have a label on your nodes and no index or unique constraint.
So Neo4j has to scan the whole store for your node pulling everything into memory, loading the properties and checking.
try this:
run until count returns 0:
match (n) where not n:Entity set n:Entity return count(*);
add the constraint
create constraint on (e:Entity) assert e.Id is unique;
run your query again:
match (n:Element {Id:{Id}}) return n
It seems there is something wrong with the automatic memory mapping calculation when you are on Windows (memory mapping on heap).
I just looked at your messages.log and added up some numbers, so it seems the mmio alone is enough to fill your java heap space (old-gen) leaving no room for the database, caches etc.
Please try to amend that by fixing the mmio config in your conf/neo4j.properties to more sensible values (than the auto-calculation).
For your small store just uncommenting the values starting with #neostore. (i.e. remove the #) should work fine.
Otherwise something like this (fitting for a 3GB heap) for a larger graph (2M nodes, 10M rels, 20M props,10M long strings):
Here are the added numbers:
auto mmio: 134217728 + 134217728 + 536870912 + 536870912 + 1073741824 = 2.3GB
stores sizes: 1073920 + 1073664 + 3221698 + 3221460 + 1073786 = 9MB
JVM max: 3.11 RAM : 13.98 SWAP: 27.97 GB
max heaps: Eden: 1.16, oldgen: 2.33
taken from:
neostore.propertystore.db.strings] brickCount=8 brickSize=134144b mappedMem=134217728b (storeSize=1073920b)
neostore.propertystore.db.arrays] brickCount=8 brickSize=134144b mappedMem=134217728b (storeSize=1073664b)
neostore.propertystore.db] brickCount=6 brickSize=536854b mappedMem=536870912b (storeSize=3221698b)
neostore.relationshipstore.db] brickCount=6 brickSize=536844b mappedMem=536870912b (storeSize=3221460b)
neostore.nodestore.db] brickCount=1 brickSize=1073730b mappedMem=1073741824b (storeSize=1073786b)