Swift 3: How to get language code from a country code? - ios

I want to get the main language of a country. For example: "US" -> "en" or "VN" -> "vi" In Swift 3, are there any ways to do this?

The system has a list of common locales that include both a language and region. You can use this to get common languages for a region. There is no concept of a main language in a Locale.
func commonLanguages(for region:String) -> [String] {
return Locale.availableIdentifiers
.map { Locale(identifier:$0) }
.filter { $0.regionCode == region }
.map { $0.languageCode ?? "??" }

You can use a predefined language code list to identify the language code
let array: [String] = [
var countryCode: String = "US";
for (index, languageCode) in array.enumerated() {
let languageComponent: [String] = languageCode.components(separatedBy: "-");
let lastElement = languageComponent[languageComponent.count - 1];
if (lastElement == countryCode) {


Text hyperlink hashtags(#) and mentions(#) in Jetpack Compose?

Text hyperlink hashtags(#) and mentions(#) in Jetpack Compose?
fun HashtagsAndMentions() {
val colorScheme = MaterialTheme.colorScheme
val primaryStyle = SpanStyle(color = colorScheme.primary)
val textStyle = SpanStyle(color = colorScheme.onBackground)
val annotatedString = buildAnnotatedString {
withStyle(style = textStyle) {
append("I am ")
pushStringAnnotation(tag = "hashtags", annotation = "hashtags")
withStyle(style = primaryStyle) {
append(text = "#hashtags")
withStyle(style = textStyle) {
append(" and ")
pushStringAnnotation(tag = "mentions", annotation = "mentions")
withStyle(style = primaryStyle) {
append(text = "#mentions")
withStyle(style = textStyle) {
append(" in Jetpack Compose.")
onClick = {
annotatedString.getStringAnnotations("hashtags", it, it).firstOrNull()?.let {
annotatedString.getStringAnnotations("mentions", it, it).firstOrNull()?.let {
text = annotatedString,
style = MaterialTheme.typography.bodyLarge,
modifier = Modifier.padding(16.dp))
fun PreviewTest() {
The above are fixed tags, how to dynamically identify and link?
ideas String to array
val string = "I am #hashtags and #mentions in Jetpack Compose."
val array = arrayOf("I am ", "#hashtags", " and ", "#mentions", "in Jetpack Compose.")
Here is an available hashtag and mention link.
Many thanks to #cyberpunk_unicorn for the idea, unfortunately his answer is not available, but I marked it anyway.
I refactored his code to ensure that it is runnable, concise enough, and very helpful to those who need it later.
This is a very flexible link scheme, you can add support for mobile phone numbers, emails, links, etc., as long as your regular expressions are correct, these links can be correctly identified.
fun HashtagsMentionsTextView(text: String, modifier: Modifier = Modifier, onClick: (String) -> Unit) {
val colorScheme = MaterialTheme.colorScheme
val textStyle = SpanStyle(color = colorScheme.onBackground)
val primaryStyle = SpanStyle(color = colorScheme.blue)
val hashtags = Regex("((?=[^\\w!])[##][\\u4e00-\\u9fa5\\w]+)")
val annotatedStringList = remember {
var lastIndex = 0
val annotatedStringList = mutableStateListOf<AnnotatedString.Range<String>>()
// Add a text range for hashtags
for (match in hashtags.findAll(text)) {
val start = match.range.first
val end = match.range.last + 1
val string = text.substring(start, end)
if (start > lastIndex) {
text.substring(lastIndex, start),
AnnotatedString.Range(string, start, end, "link")
lastIndex = end
// Add remaining text
if (lastIndex < text.length) {
text.substring(lastIndex, text.length),
// Build an annotated string
val annotatedString = buildAnnotatedString {
annotatedStringList.forEach {
if (it.tag == "link") {
pushStringAnnotation(tag = it.tag, annotation = it.item)
withStyle(style = primaryStyle) { append(it.item) }
} else {
withStyle(style = textStyle) { append(it.item) }
text = annotatedString,
style = MaterialTheme.typography.bodyLarge,
modifier = modifier,
onClick = { position ->
val annotatedStringRange =
annotatedStringList.first { it.start < position && position < it.end }
if (annotatedStringRange.tag == "link") onClick(annotatedStringRange.item)
fun PreviewTest() {
val string = "I am #hashtags or #hashtags# and #mentions in Jetpack Compose. I am #hashtags or #hashtags# and #mentions in Jetpack Compose. 这是在 Jetpack Compose 中的一个 #标签 和 #提及 的超链接。 这是在 Jetpack Compose 中的一个 #标签 和 #提及 的超链接。"
HashtagsMentionsTextView(string, Modifier.padding(16.dp)) {
preview effect

Metric math alarms: How can I use a for_each expression to loop over metrics within a dynamic block?

I am trying to create dynamic metric math alarms, that are configurable with a JSON.
I am struggling with looping over the metric alarm with a for_each expression as this is a loop within a loop.
Here is an example of what I am trying to do:
resource "aws_cloudwatch_metric_alarm" "Percentage_Alert" {
for_each = var.percentage_error_details
locals { alarm_details = each.value }
alarm_name = "${terraform.workspace}-${each.key}"
comparison_operator = local.alarm_details["Comparison_Operator"]
evaluation_periods = "1"
threshold = local.alarm_details["Threshold"]
metric_query {
id = "e1"
expression = local.alarm_details["Expression"]
label = local.alarm_details["Label"]
return_data = "true"
dynamic "metric_query" {
for metric in each.value["Metrics"]{
id = metric.key
metric_name = metric.value
period = local.alarm_details["Period"]
stat = local.alarm_details["Statistic"]
namespace = local.full_namespace
unit = "Count"
And this is the sample JSON
"locals": {
"Name": {
"Name": "metric_math",
"Metrics": {
"m1": "Sucess",
"m2": "Failure"
"Expression": "100*(m2/(m1+m2))",
"Threshold" : 1,
"Period": 25,
"Priority": "critical",
"Statistic": "Sum",
"Label": "label",
"Comparison_Operator": "GreaterThanOrEqualToThreshold"
And this is the error message i'm getting:
Error: Invalid block definition
On ../modules/cloudwatch/metriclogfilter/main.tf line 89: Either a quoted
string block label or an opening brace ("{") is expected here.
Any help would be much appreciated.

How to write a map to a YAML file in Dart

I have a map of key value pairs in Dart. I want to convert it to YAML and write into a file.
I tried using YAML package from dart library but it only provides methods to load YAML data from a file. Nothing is mentioned on how to write it back to the YAML file.
Here is an example:
void main() {
var map = {
"name": "abc",
"type": "unknown",
"name": "xyz"
Expected output:
name: abc
type: unknown
name: xyz
How to convert the dart map to YAML and write it to a file?
It's a bit late of a response but for anyone else looking at this question I have written this class. It may not be perfect but it works for what I'm doing and I haven't found anything wrong with it yet. Might make it a package eventually after writing tests.
class YamlWriter {
/// The amount of spaces for each level.
final int spaces;
/// Initialize the writer with the amount of [spaces] per level.
this.spaces = 2,
/// Write a dart structure to a YAML string. [yaml] should be a [Map] or [List].
String write(dynamic yaml) {
return _writeInternal(yaml).trim();
/// Write a dart structure to a YAML string. [yaml] should be a [Map] or [List].
String _writeInternal(dynamic yaml, { int indent = 0 }) {
String str = '';
if (yaml is List) {
str += _writeList(yaml, indent: indent);
} else if (yaml is Map) {
str += _writeMap(yaml, indent: indent);
} else if (yaml is String) {
str += "\"${yaml.replaceAll("\"", "\\\"")}\"";
} else {
str += yaml.toString();
return str;
/// Write a list to a YAML string.
/// Pass the list in as [yaml] and indent it to the [indent] level.
String _writeList(List yaml, { int indent = 0 }) {
String str = '\n';
for (var item in yaml) {
str += "${_indent(indent)}- ${_writeInternal(item, indent: indent + 1)}\n";
return str;
/// Write a map to a YAML string.
/// Pass the map in as [yaml] and indent it to the [indent] level.
String _writeMap(Map yaml, { int indent = 0 }) {
String str = '\n';
for (var key in yaml.keys) {
var value = yaml[key];
str += "${_indent(indent)}${key.toString()}: ${_writeInternal(value, indent: indent + 1)}\n";
return str;
/// Create an indented string for the level with the spaces config.
/// [indent] is the level of indent whereas [spaces] is the
/// amount of spaces that the string should be indented by.
String _indent(int indent) {
return ''.padLeft(indent * spaces, ' ');
final writer = YamlWriter();
String yaml = writer.write({
'string': 'Foo',
'int': 1,
'double': 3.14,
'boolean': true,
'list': [
'Item One',
'Item Two',
'Item Four',
'map': {
'foo': 'bar',
'list': ['Foo', 'Bar'],
File file = File('/path/to/file.yaml');
string: "Foo"
int: 1
double: 3.14
boolean: true
- "Item One"
- "Item Two"
- true
- "Item Four"
foo: "bar"
- "Foo"
- "Bar"
package:yaml does not have YAML writing features. You may have to look for another package that does that – or write your own.
As as stopgap, remember JSON is valid YAML, so you can always write out JSON to a .yaml file and it should work with any YAML parser.
I ran into the same issue and ended up hacking together a simple writer:
// Save the updated configuration settings to the config file
void saveConfig() {
var file = _configFile;
// truncate existing configuration
// Write out new YAML document from JSON map
final config = configToJson();
config.forEach((key, value) {
if (value is Map) {
file.writeAsStringSync('\n$key:\n', mode: FileMode.writeOnlyAppend);
value.forEach((subkey, subvalue) {
file.writeAsStringSync(' $subkey: $subvalue\n',
mode: FileMode.writeOnlyAppend);
} else {
file.writeAsStringSync('$key: $value\n',
mode: FileMode.writeOnlyAppend);

Dynamic cell color in jspdf autoTable?

Is it possible to define the cell color with a nested property of the object mapped to the table ?
The JSON structure of the objects is :
objects: [
"agent": "agent_1",
"days": {
day_0: {
"code": "ABC",
"color": "#0062cc"
day_1: {
"code": "DEF",
"color": "#a09494b2"
I have a table defined like this :
let columns = [
{title: "Agent", dataKey: "agent"},
{title: "january 1st", dataKey: "day_0"},
{title: "january 2nd", dataKey: "day_1"}]
let rows = [
{agent: "agent_1", day_0: "ABC", day_1: "DEF"},
All that works fine. But I'd like to set the color of each day cell dynamically, set with the color code of the corresponding object. Something like :
createdCell: function(cell, data) {
cell.styles.fillColor = "day_0.color";
But I can't figure how to pass the data to the table. Is it possible ? Can displayProperty help in any way ?
EDIT: In this case it was that v2.3.4 of jspdf-autotable was needed
Based on our comments discussion I think I understood your problem. You can try something like this (with the hexToRgb function from here)
let columns = [{
title: "Agent",
dataKey: "agent"
title: "january 1st",
dataKey: "day_0"
title: "january 2nd",
dataKey: "day_1"
let objects = [{
agent: "agent_1",
day_0: {
"code": "ABC",
"color": "#00ff00"
day_1: {
"code": "DEF",
"color": "#ff0000"
// etc
let doc = jsPDF()
doc.autoTable(columns, objects, {
createdCell: function(cell, data) {
let hex = cell.raw.color
if (hex) {
let rgb = hexToRgb(hex)
cell.styles.fillColor = rgb;
cell.text = cell.raw.code
function hexToRgb(hex) {
var bigint = parseInt(hex.replace('#', ''), 16);
var r = (bigint >> 16) & 255;
var g = (bigint >> 8) & 255;
var b = bigint & 255;
return [r, g, b];
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/jspdf/1.4.1/jspdf.debug.js"></script>
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/jspdf-autotable/2.3.4/jspdf.plugin.autotable.js"></script>
I just leave the answer here just in case anyone needs it.
We can use the didParseCell hook.
head: [[..., color]],
body: [[..., #ffffff], [..., #ff0000]], // pass hexa value to the cell
didParseCell: function (HookData) {
if (HookData.cell == undefined)
// find cell taht contains the hexa value
// the change the fillColor property
// and set the cell value to empty
var color = HookData.cell.text[0];
if (color.match(/^#[a-fA-F0-9]{3}([a-fA-F0-9]{3})/g) != null) {
HookData.cell.styles.fillColor = hexToRgb(color);
HookData.cell.text = [];
Code to convert hexa to RGB:
hexToRgb(hex) {
var bigint = parseInt(hex.replace('#', ''), 16);
var r = (bigint >> 16) & 255;
var g = (bigint >> 8) & 255;
var b = bigint & 255;
return [r, g, b];
Package version:
jspdf : 2.5.1
jspdf-autotable :3.5.25

How to group non-empty lines with PEG.js

I'm trying to parse a categories file with PEG.js
How can I group categories (set of non-empty lines followed by a blank line)
synonyms:en:flavoured, flavored
synonyms:en:sorbets, sherbets
en:Artisan products
fr:Produits artisanaux
< en:Artisan products
fr:Gressins artisanaux
en:Baby foods
fr:Aliments pour bébé, aliment pour bébé, alimentation pour bébé, aliment bébé, alimentation bébé, aliments bébé
< en:Baby foods
fr:Céréales pour bébé, céréales bébé
< en:Whisky
fr:Whisky écossais
es:Whiskies escoceses
For now I can parse line by line with this code:
start = stopwords* synonyms* category+
language_and_words = l:[^:]+ ":" w:[^\n]+ {return {language: l.join(''), words: w.join('')};}
stopwords = "stopwords:" w:language_and_words "\n"+ {return {stopwords: w};}
synonyms = "synonyms:" w:language_and_words "\n"+ {return {synonyms: w};}
category_line = "< "? w:language_and_words "\n"+ {return w;}
category = c:category_line+ {return c;}
I got:
"language": "en",
"words": "Artisan products"
"language": "fr",
"words": "Produits artisanaux"
but I want (for each group):
"language": "en",
"words": "Artisan products"
"language": "fr",
"words": "Produits artisanaux"
I tried this too, but it doesn't group and I got \n at the beginning of some lines.
category_line = "< "? w:language_and_words "\n" {return w;}
category = c:category_line+ "\n" {return c;}
I found a partial solution:
start = category+
word = c:[^,\n]+ {return c.join('');}
words = w:word [,]? {return w.trim();}
parent = p:"< "? {return (p !== null);}
line = p:parent w:words+ "\n" {return {parent: p, words: w};}
category = l:line+ "\n"? {return l;}
I can parse this...
< fr:a,b
fr:dd,ee, ffff
and get grouped:
[ {...}, {...} ],
[ {...}, {...} ]
But there is a problem with "lang:" at the beginning of each category, if I try to parse "lang:" my catégories are not grouped...
I find it's useful to break down iteratively the parse (problem decomposition, old-school à la Wirth). Here's a partial solution that I think gets you in the right direction (I didn't parse the Line elements of categories.
start =
category "category"
= category:(Line)+ categorySeparator { return category }
stopwords "stopwords"
= stopwordLine*
stopwordLine "stopword line"
= stopwordLine:StopWordMatch EndOfLine* { return stopwordLine }
= "stopwords:" match:Text { return match }
synonyms "stopwords"
= synonymLine*
synonymLine "stopword line"
= synonymLine:SynonymMatch EndOfLine* { return synonymLine }
= "synonyms:" match:Text { return match }
Line "line"
= line:Text [\n] { return line }
Text "text"
= [^\n]+ { return text() }
EndOfLine "(end of line)"
= '\n'
= !. { return "EOF"; }
categorySeparator "separator"
= EndOfLine EndOfLine* / EndOfLine? EndOfFile
My use of mixed case is arbitrary and not very stylish.
There's also a way to save the solutions online: http://peg.arcanis.fr/2WQ7CZ/
