Build blocks and isolate characters OpenCV - opencv

I have been searching for an answer for a while to this question but cannot find anything useful.
I am trying to read machine readable zone with a camera. I need to extract characters one by one from machine readable zone and feed to OCR. I tried to threshold image, to find contours, extract characters one by one but while it is on live camera find contours miss some characters and I get results not as I expected.
While machine readable zone is known size, form, is there a proper method to build blocks for each character and extract them?
rect = []
blur = cv2.medianBlur(roi_gray,3) #roi_gray is aligned horizontally MRZ zone
thresh = cv2.adaptiveThreshold(blur,255,cv2.ADAPTIVE_THRESH_GAUSSIAN_C, cv2.THRESH_BINARY,11,2)
_,contours, hierarchy = cv2.findContours(thresh.copy(),cv2.RETR_CCOMP,cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE)
contours = sorted(contours, key=cv2.contourArea, reverse = True)[:90]
minH = 20
minW = 20
for ctr in contours:
if cv2.contourArea(ctr) < 1000:
xyc,wh,a = cv2.minAreaRect(ctr)
w,h = wh
x,y = xyc
if h >= minH or w >= minW:
rect is containing collected contours but problem is that after thresholding as example character N is splitting into two contours, or it was not found by findContours so letter is missing in finally output.
I have found video there seems author build blocks for each character but unfortunately author does not provide any additional information about method or code. Video link

To me that ID text of interest area has an aspect ratio, maybe the block means that text area. Having an aspect ration (-+ an error) it may be a possibility to remove other text areas. In OpenCV 3 there is a detector for text.
More, I suppose the area detected is tracked, at least it seems so in the video.
IMHO that app is doing a blur, then a binarization then a erode-dilate to detect text lines. So, after a wrap correction (or maybe even a little perspective correction), with a vertical projection you can detect the character width, so you can detect each character and feed it to the OCR.
According to the comment, I add the info for the character area. I would do an opening operation for filling white spaces inside the letters, or linking the contours. Then, by simply vertical sum the pixels values, you'll get a vertical projection. now you have some minimums between the characters. Using those minimums you can get a character width by averaging the distances between them.
What you can also do is not processing on each frame this width, but getting a width that vary not too much over consecutive frames. You can achieve this by doing an average over widths in the last 5 frames (using a queue).
Try it and come back with some results, like this we will be able to help you more.
There is an OpenCV forum, too, there you'll probably find more informations


Finding vertexes for construction of minimum size bounding box / convex hull

I have an array of data from a grayscale image that I have segmented sets of contiguous points of a certain intensity value from.
Currently I am doing a naive bounding box routine where I find the minimum and maximum (x,y) [row, col] points. This obviously does not provide the smallest possible box that contains the set of points which is demonstrable by simply rotating a rectangle so the longest axis is no longer aligned with a principal axis.
What I wish to do is find the minimum sized oriented bounding box. This seems to be possible using an algorithm known as rotating calipers, however the implementations of this algorithm seem to rely on the idea that you have a set of vertices to begin with. Some details on this algorithm:
My main issue is in finding the vertices within the data that I currently have. I believe I need to at least find candidate vertices in order to reduce the amount of iterations I am performing, since the amount of points is relatively large and treating the interior points as if they are vertices is unnecessary if I can figure out a way to not include them.
Here is some example data that I am working with:
Here's the segmented scene using the naive algorithm, where it segments out the central objects relatively well due to the objects mostly being aligned with the image axes:
In red, you can see the current bounding boxes that I am drawing utilizing 2 vertices: top-left and bottom-right corners of the groups of points I have found.
The rotation part is where my current approach fails, as I am only defining the bounding box using two points, anything that is rotated and not axis-aligned will occupy much more area than necessary to encapsulate the points.
Here's an example with rotated objects in the scene:
Here's the current naive segmentation's performance on that scene, which is drawing larger than necessary boxes around the rotated objects:
Ideally the result would be bounding boxes aligned with the longest axis of the points that are being segmented, which is what I am having trouble implementing.
Here's an image roughly showing what I am really looking to accomplish:
You can also notice unnecessary segmentation done in the image around the borders as well as some small segments, which should be removed with some further heuristics that I have yet to develop. I would also be open to alternative segmentation algorithm suggestions that provide a more robust detection of the objects I am interested in.
I am not sure if this question will be completely clear, therefore I will try my best to clarify if it is not obvious what I am asking.
It's late, but that might still help. This is what you need to do:
expand pixels to make small segments connect larger bodies
find connected bodies
select a sample of pixels from each body
find the MBR ([oriented] minimum bounding rectangle) for selected set
For first step you can perform dilation. It's somehow like DBSCAN clustering. For step 3 you can simply select random pixels from a uniform distribution. Obviously the more pixels you keep, the more accurate the MBR will be. I tested this in MATLAB:
% import image as a matrix of 0s and 1s
oI = ~im2bw(rgb2gray(imread('vSb2r.png'))); % original image
% expand pixels
dI = imdilate(oI,strel('disk',4)); % dilated
% find connected bodies of pixels
CC = bwconncomp(dI);
L = labelmatrix(CC) .* uint8(oI); % labeled
% mark some random pixels
rI = rand(size(oI))<0.3;
sI = L.* uint8(rI) .* uint8(oI); % sampled
% find MBR for a set of connected pixels
for i=1:CC.NumObjects
[Y,X] = find(sI == i);
mbr(i) = getMBR( X, Y );
You can also remove some ineffective pixels using some more processing and morphological operations:
remove holes
find boundaries
find skeleton
I = imfill(I, 'holes');
I = bwmorph(I,'remove');
I = bwmorph(I,'skel');

computer vision - Counting small circles in an image

The image below has many circles. Click and zoom in to see the circles.
What I want is counting the circles using any free language, such as python.
Is there a function or idea to do it?
Edit: I came up with a better solution, partially inspired by this answer below. I thought of this method originally (as noted in the OP comments) but I decided against it. The original image was just not good enough quality for it. However I improved that method and it works brilliantly for the better quality image. The original approach is first, and then the new approach at the bottom.
First approach
So here's a general approach that seems to work well, but definitely just gives estimates. This assumes that circles are roughly the same size.
First, the image is mostly blue---so it seems reasonable to just do the analysis on the blue channel. Thresholding the blue channel, in this case, using Otsu thresholding (which determines an optimal threshold value without input) seems to work very well. This isn't too much of a surprise since the distribution of color values is pretty much binary. Check the mask that results from it!
Then, do a connected component analysis on the mask to get the area of each component (component = white blob in the mask). The statistics returned from connectedComponentsWithStats() give (among other things) the area, which is exactly what we need. Then we can simply count the circles by estimating how many circles fit in a given component based on its area. Also note that I'm taking the statistics for every label except the first one: this is the background label 0, and not any of the white blobs.
Now, how large in area is a single circle? It would be best to let the data tell us. So you could compute a histogram of all the areas, and since there are more single circles than anything else, there will be a high concentration around 250-270 pixels or so for the area. Or you could just take an average of all the areas between something like 50 and 350 which should also get you in a similar ballpark.
Really in this histogram you can see the demarcations between single circles, double circles, triple, and so on quite easily. Only the larger components will give pretty rough estimates. And in fact, the area doesn't seem to scale exactly linearly. Blobs of two circles are slightly larger than two single circles, and blobs of three are larger still than three single circles, and so on, so this makes it a little difficult to estimate nicely, but rounding should still keep us close. If you want you could include a small multiplication parameter that increases as the area increases to account for that, but that would be hard to quantify without going through the histogram, I didn't worry about this.
A single circle area divided by the average single circle area should be close to 1. And the area of a 5-circle group divided by the average circle area should be close to 5. And this also means that small insignificant components, that are 1 or 10 or even 100 pixels in area, will not count towards the total since round(50/avg_circle_size) < 1/2, so those will round down to a count of 0. Thus I should just be able to take all the component areas, divide them by the average circle size, round, and get to a decent estimate by summing them all up.
import cv2
import numpy as np
img = cv2.imread('circles.png')
mask = cv2.threshold(img[:, :, 0], 255, 255, cv2.THRESH_BINARY_INV + cv2.THRESH_OTSU)[1]
stats = cv2.connectedComponentsWithStats(mask, 8)[2]
label_area = stats[1:, cv2.CC_STAT_AREA]
min_area, max_area = 50, 350 # min/max for a single circle
singular_mask = (min_area < label_area) & (label_area <= max_area)
circle_area = np.mean(label_area[singular_mask])
n_circles = int(np.sum(np.round(label_area / circle_area)))
print('Total circles:', n_circles)
This code is simple and effective for rough counts.
However, there are definitely some assumptions here about the groups of circles compared to a normal circle size, and there are issues where circles that are at the boundaries will not be counted correctly (these aren't well defined---a two circle blob that is half cut off will look more like one circle---no clear way to count or not count these with this method). Further I just used automatic thresholding via Otsu here; you could get (probably better) results with more careful color filtering. Additionally in the mask generated by Otsu, some circles that are masked have a few pixels removed from their center. Morphology could add these pixels back in, which would give you a (slightly larger) more accurate area for the single circle components. Either way, I just wanted to give the general idea towards how you could easily estimate this with minimal code.
New approach
Before, the goal was to count circles. This new approach instead counts the centers of the circles. The general idea is you threshold and then flood fill from a background pixel to fill in the background (flood fill works like the paint bucket tool in photo editing apps), that way you only see the centers, as shown in this answer below.
However, this relies on global thresholding, which isn't robust to local lighting changes. This means that since some centers are brighter/darker than others, you won't always get good results with a single threshold.
Here I've created an animation to show looping through different threshold values; watch as some centers appear and disappear at different times, meaning you get different counts depending on the threshold you choose (this is just a small patch of the image, it happens everywhere):
Notice that the first blob to appear in the top left actually disappears as the threshold increases. However, if we actually OR each frame together, then each detected pixel persists:
But now every single speck appears, so we should clean up the mask each frame so that we remove single pixels as they come (otherwise they may build up and be hard to remove later). Simple morphological opening with a small kernel will remove them:
Applied over the whole image, this method works incredibly well and finds almost every single cell. There are only three false positives (detected blob that's not a center) and two misses I can spot, and the code is very simple. The final thing to do after the mask has been created is simply count the components, minus one for the background. The only user input required here is a single point to flood fill from that is in the background (seed_pt in the code).
img = cv2.imread('circles.png', 0)
seed_pt = (25, 25)
fill_color = 0
mask = np.zeros_like(img)
kernel = cv2.getStructuringElement(cv2.MORPH_RECT, (3, 3))
for th in range(60, 120):
prev_mask = mask.copy()
mask = cv2.threshold(img, th, 255, cv2.THRESH_BINARY)[1]
mask = cv2.floodFill(mask, None, seed_pt, fill_color)[1]
mask = cv2.bitwise_or(mask, prev_mask)
mask = cv2.morphologyEx(mask, cv2.MORPH_OPEN, kernel)
n_centers = cv2.connectedComponents(mask)[0] - 1
print('There are %d cells in the image.'%n_centers)
There are 874 cells in the image.
One possible solution would be to read the image using OpenCV, get its grayscale, then use Canny edge detection and perform countour finding in OpenCV. This will return a list of countours. It would look something like:
import cv2
image = cv2.imread('path-to-your-image')
gray = cv2.cvtColor(image, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
# tweak the parameters of the GaussianBlur for best performance
blurred = cv2.GaussianBlur(gray, (7, 7), 0)
# again, try different values here
edged = cv2.Canny(blurred, 20, 140)
(_, contours, _) = cv2.findContours(edged.copy(), cv2.RETR_EXTERNAL, cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE)
If you have all images like this - consider thresholding it, not necessarily by auto threshold-seeking algorithm like Otsu, but rather using simplest threshold by a given threshold value. Yes, before thresholding you have to convert your color input to gray-scale, or take one of color channels. Then based on few experiments with channels and threshold values - determine threshold value to have circles with holes in monochrome thresholding result. Based on your png image I found value of 81 (intensity of gray varies from 0 to 255) to be great to threshold gray-scale version of your input to have such binary image with holes in place, as described above.
Then simply count those holes.
Holes can be determined by seed-filling white area, connected to image border. As result you will have white hole connected components on black background - so simply count them.
More details you can find here and use leptonica primitives to do thresholding, hole counting an so on.

How to use OpenCV to read a traditional thermometer

I'm new to OpenCV looking for direction on best approach to reading a traditional thermometer using computer vision. Any guidance, general approach, sample code? Thanks for any consideration on this very broad question.
So I guess more specifically how do you narrow your contours to your area of interest, such as just having bounding boxes around just the numbers for instance in the the attached image. Thanks for any consideration. [1]: "thermometer"
import cv2
import numpy as np
img = cv2.imread('thermometer.jpg')
gray = cv2.cvtColor(img,cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
gray = cv2.bilateralFilter(gray, 11, 17, 17)
edges = cv2.Canny(gray,50,150,apertureSize = 3)
contours,hierarchy = cv2.findContours(edges,cv2.RETR_TREE,cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE)
keys = [i for i in range(48,58)]
#cnts = sorted(contours, key = cv2.contourArea, reverse = True)[:10]
for cnt in contours:
#if cv2.contourArea(cnt)>50:
[x,y,w,h] = cv2.boundingRect(cnt)
roi = img[y:y+h,x:x+w]
roismall = cv2.resize(roi,(10,10))
key = cv2.waitKey(0)
Yeah, that is pretty general. I don't know what computer vision is, but I'm guessing it's some software that looks at said thermometer.
So first of all think in terms of what this software can understand. I'm going to guess that it can pick up on a color change. So you should be able to know when the colors go from red to white (or whatever it is when the thermometer is not red). The program may or may not be smart enough to read the numbers indicating the temperature along the thermometer (I'm assuming this is a vertical thermometer). If the #s are written on glass or a curved, the software probably won't be able to read it. However if it is black letters on a flat white background you may be in luck. Can you then find the closest # to where the red transitions to white? If not you may need to calibrate ahead of time the temperature that is associated with varying heights. In that case you will essentially be ignoring the written #s and be hardcoding them into your program.
Good luck!
Assuming its a static image you can calculate a scale of x pixels = y degrees. Or, well approximately... You can detect the high point of the mercury with simple colour detection, convert image to hsv, filter out with in range to leave just the red, then find the smallest y val and check against your scale.
Finding the Assuming a constant linear scale and each x amount of pixels in the y-axis is equal to y degrees will be easier than trying to detect the digits and read them. Though, to answer your question, as your digits are constant, I'd recommend cropping around the known positions of the numbers and template matching, but that's still pointless as the numbers won't change, so you can just hardcode the positions!
or, if it's a real world scenario, either use a digital thermometer and detect the lcd digits with template matching, or connect a thermometer to the computer.

Documentation of CvStereoBMState for disparity calculation with cv::StereoBM

The application of Konolige's block matching algorithm is not sufficiantly explained in the OpenCV documentation. The parameters of CvStereoBMState influence the accuracy of the disparities calculated by cv::StereoBM. However, those parameters are not documented. I will list those parameters below and describe, what I understand. Maybe someone can add a description of the parameters, which are unclear.
preFilterType: Determines, which filter is applied on the image before the disparities are calculated. Can be CV_STEREO_BM_XSOBEL (Sobel filter) or CV_STEREO_BM_NORMALIZED_RESPONSE (maybe differences to mean intensity???)
preFilterSize: Window size of the prefilter (width = height of the window, negative value)
preFilterCap: Clips the output to [-preFilterCap, preFilterCap]. What happens to the values outside the interval?
SADWindowSize: Size of the compared windows in the left and in the right image, where the sums of absolute differences are calculated to find corresponding pixels.
minDisparity: The smallest disparity, which is taken into account. Default is zero, should be set to a negative value, if negative disparities are possible (depends on the angle between the cameras views and the distance of the measured object to the cameras).
numberOfDisparities: The disparity search range [minDisparity, minDisparity+numberOfDisparities].
textureThreshold: Calculate the disparity only at locations, where the texture is larger than (or at least equal to?) this threshold. How is texture defined??? Variance in the surrounding window???
uniquenessRatio: Cited from calib3d.hpp: "accept the computed disparity d* only ifSAD(d) >= SAD(d*)(1 + uniquenessRatio/100.) for any d != d+/-1 within the search range."
speckleRange: Unsure.
trySmallerWindows: ???
roi1, roi2: Calculate the disparities only in these regions??? Unsure.
speckleWindowSize: Unsure.
disp12MaxDiff: Unsure, but a comment in calib3d.hpp says, that a left-right check is performed. Guess: Pixels are matched from the left image to the right image and from the right image back to the left image. The disparities are only valid, if the distance between the original left pixel and the back-matched pixel is smaller than disp12MaxDiff.
speckleWindowSize and speckleRange are parameters for the function cv::filterSpeckles. Take a look at OpenCV's documentation.
cv::filterSpeckles is used to post-process the disparity map. It replaces blobs of similar disparities (the difference of two adjacent values does not exceed speckleRange) whose size is less or equal speckleWindowSize (the number of pixels forming the blob) by the invalid disparity value (either short -16 or float -1.f).
The parameters are better described in the Python tutorial on depth map from stereo images. The parameters seem to be the same.
texture_threshold: filters out areas that don't have enough texture
for reliable matching
Speckle range and size: Block-based matchers
often produce "speckles" near the boundaries of objects, where the
matching window catches the foreground on one side and the background
on the other. In this scene it appears that the matcher is also
finding small spurious matches in the projected texture on the table.
To get rid of these artifacts we post-process the disparity image with
a speckle filter controlled by the speckle_size and speckle_range
parameters. speckle_size is the number of pixels below which a
disparity blob is dismissed as "speckle." speckle_range controls how
close in value disparities must be to be considered part of the same
Number of disparities: How many pixels to slide the window over.
The larger it is, the larger the range of visible depths, but more
computation is required.
min_disparity: the offset from the x-position
of the left pixel at which to begin searching.
Another post-filtering step. If the best matching disparity is not
sufficiently better than every other disparity in the search range,
the pixel is filtered out. You can try tweaking this if
texture_threshold and the speckle filtering are still letting through
spurious matches.
prefilter_size and prefilter_cap: The pre-filtering
phase, which normalizes image brightness and enhances texture in
preparation for block matching. Normally you should not need to adjust
Also check out this ROS tutorial on choosing stereo parameters.

Simple way to check if an image bitmap is blur

I am looking for a "very" simple way to check if an image bitmap is blur. I do not need accurate and complicate algorithm which involves fft, wavelet, etc. Just a very simple idea even if it is not accurate.
I've thought to compute the average euclidian distance between pixel (x,y) and pixel (x+1,y) considering their RGB components and then using a threshold but it works very bad. Any other idea?
Don't calculate the average differences between adjacent pixels.
Even when a photograph is perfectly in focus, it can still contain large areas of uniform colour, like the sky for example. These will push down the average difference and mask the details you're interested in. What you really want to find is the maximum difference value.
Also, to speed things up, I wouldn't bother checking every pixel in the image. You should get reasonable results by checking along a grid of horizontal and vertical lines spaced, say, 10 pixels apart.
Here are the results of some tests with PHP's GD graphics functions using an image from Wikimedia Commons (Bokeh_Ipomea.jpg). The Sharpness values are simply the maximum pixel difference values as a percentage of 255 (I only looked in the green channel; you should probably convert to greyscale first). The numbers underneath show how long it took to process the image.
If you want them, here are the source images I used:
slightly blurred
There's a problem with this algorithm in that it relies on the image having a fairly high level of contrast as well as sharp focused edges. It can be improved by finding the maximum pixel difference (maxdiff), and finding the overall range of pixel values in a small area centred on this location (range). The sharpness is then calculated as follows:
sharpness = (maxdiff / (offset + range)) * (1.0 + offset / 255) * 100%
where offset is a parameter that reduces the effects of very small edges so that background noise does not affect the results significantly. (I used a value of 15.)
This produces fairly good results. Anything with a sharpness of less than 40% is probably out of focus. Here's are some examples (the locations of the maximum pixel difference and the 9×9 local search areas are also shown for reference):
The results still aren't perfect, though. Subjects that are inherently blurry will always result in a low sharpness value:
Bokeh effects can produce sharp edges from point sources of light, even when they are completely out of focus:
You commented that you want to be able to reject user-submitted photos that are out of focus. Since this technique isn't perfect, I would suggest that you instead notify the user if an image appears blurry instead of rejecting it altogether.
I suppose that, philosophically speaking, all natural images are blurry...How blurry and to which amount, is something that depends upon your application. Broadly speaking, the blurriness or sharpness of images can be measured in various ways. As a first easy attempt I would check for the energy of the image, defined as the normalised summation of the squared pixel values:
1 2
E = --- Σ I, where I the image and N the number of pixels (defined for grayscale)
First you may apply a Laplacian of Gaussian (LoG) filter to detect the "energetic" areas of the image and then check the energy. The blurry image should show considerably lower energy.
See an example in MATLAB using a typical grayscale lena image:
This is the original image
This is the blurry image, blurred with gaussian noise
This is the LoG image of the original
And this is the LoG image of the blurry one
If you just compute the energy of the two LoG images you get:
E = 1265 E = 88
or bl
which is a huge amount of difference...
Then you just have to select a threshold to judge which amount of energy is good for your application...
calculate the average L1-distance of adjacent pixels:
N1=1/(2*N_pixel) * sum( abs(p(x,y)-p(x-1,y)) + abs(p(x,y)-p(x,y-1)) )
then the average L2 distance:
N2= 1/(2*N_pixel) * sum( (p(x,y)-p(x-1,y))^2 + (p(x,y)-p(x,y-1))^2 )
then the ratio N2 / (N1*N1) is a measure of blurriness. This is for grayscale images, for color you do this for each channel separately.
