This question already has answers here:
Drawing many shapes in WebGL
(3 answers)
WebGL Drawing Multiple Shapes of Different Colour
(1 answer)
WebGl adding multiple objects to one canvas
(1 answer)
Closed 3 years ago.
I'm not sure how to alter my solution to allow multiple shapes in webGL. Is it that I need multiple buffer arrays and vertex buffers for each shape? I currently have an object built out of a few transformed cubes, but now I want to add a square based pyramid, for example. I know how to set up the array buffer for this if it were the only object in the scene, but I am not sure how to do it such that it works in harmony with the rest of the objects. Would I also need another draw function, since one used at the moment takes in specific cube matrices as input and uses them to build the cubes? Here is the complete code:
attribute vec4 a_Position;
attribute vec4 a_Color;
attribute vec4 a_Normal;
uniform mat4 u_ModelMatrix;
uniform mat4 u_NormalMatrix;
uniform mat4 u_ViewMatrix;
uniform mat4 u_ProjMatrix;
uniform vec3 u_LightColor;
uniform vec3 u_LightDirection; // Light direction (in the world coordinate, normalized)
varying vec4 v_Color;
uniform bool u_isLighting;
void main() {
gl_Position = u_ProjMatrix * u_ViewMatrix * u_ModelMatrix * a_Position;
vec3 normal = normalize((u_NormalMatrix * a_Normal).xyz);
float nDotL = max(dot(normal, u_LightDirection), 0.0);
// Calculate the color due to diffuse reflection
vec3 diffuse = u_LightColor * a_Color.rgb * nDotL;
v_Color = vec4(diffuse, a_Color.a); }
v_Color = a_Color;
// Fragment shader program
precision mediump float;
varying vec4 v_Color;
void main() {
gl_FragColor = v_Color;
var modelMatrix = new Matrix4(); // The model matrix
var viewMatrix = new Matrix4(); // The view matrix
var projMatrix = new Matrix4(); // The projection matrix
var g_normalMatrix = new Matrix4(); // Coordinate transformation matrix for normals
var ANGLE_STEP = 3.0; // The increments of rotation angle (degrees)
var g_xAngle = 0.0; // The rotation x angle (degrees)
var g_yAngle = 0.0; // The rotation y angle (degrees)
function main() {
// Retrieve <canvas> element
var canvas = document.getElementById('webgl');
// Get the rendering context for WebGL
var gl = getWebGLContext(canvas);
if (!gl) {
console.log('Failed to get the rendering context for WebGL');
// Initialize shaders
if (!initShaders(gl, VSHADER_SOURCE, FSHADER_SOURCE)) {
console.log('Failed to intialize shaders.');
// Set clear color and enable hidden surface removal
gl.clearColor(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0);
// Clear color and depth buffer
// Get the storage locations of uniform attributes
var u_ModelMatrix = gl.getUniformLocation(gl.program, 'u_ModelMatrix');
var u_ViewMatrix = gl.getUniformLocation(gl.program, 'u_ViewMatrix');
var u_NormalMatrix = gl.getUniformLocation(gl.program, 'u_NormalMatrix');
var u_ProjMatrix = gl.getUniformLocation(gl.program, 'u_ProjMatrix');
var u_LightColor = gl.getUniformLocation(gl.program, 'u_LightColor');
var u_LightDirection = gl.getUniformLocation(gl.program, 'u_LightDirection');
// Trigger using lighting or not
var u_isLighting = gl.getUniformLocation(gl.program, 'u_isLighting');
if (!u_ModelMatrix || !u_ViewMatrix || !u_NormalMatrix ||
!u_ProjMatrix || !u_LightColor || !u_LightDirection ||
!u_isLighting ) {
console.log('Failed to Get the storage locations of u_ModelMatrix, u_ViewMatrix, and/or u_ProjMatrix');
// Set the light color (white)
gl.uniform3f(u_LightColor, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0);
// Set the light direction (in the world coordinate)
var lightDirection = new Vector3([0.5, 3.0, 4.0]);
lightDirection.normalize(); // Normalize
gl.uniform3fv(u_LightDirection, lightDirection.elements);
// Calculate the view matrix and the projection matrix
viewMatrix.setLookAt(0, 0, 15, 0, 0, -100, 0, 1, 0);
projMatrix.setPerspective(30, canvas.width/canvas.height, 1, 100);
// Pass the model, view, and projection matrix to the uniform variable respectively
gl.uniformMatrix4fv(u_ViewMatrix, false, viewMatrix.elements);
gl.uniformMatrix4fv(u_ProjMatrix, false, projMatrix.elements);
document.onkeydown = function(ev){
keydown(ev, gl, u_ModelMatrix, u_NormalMatrix, u_isLighting);
var then = 0;
// Draw the scene repeatedly
function render(now) {
now *= 0.001; // convert to seconds
const deltaTime = now - then;
then = now;
g_yAngle = (g_yAngle + 1) % 360;
drawchair(gl, u_ModelMatrix, u_NormalMatrix, u_isLighting, deltaTime)
//draw(gl, u_ModelMatrix, u_NormalMatrix, u_isLighting);
//keyboard functionality
function keydown(ev, gl, u_ModelMatrix, u_NormalMatrix, u_isLighting) {
switch (ev.keyCode) {
case 40: // Up arrow key -> the positive rotation of arm1 around the y-axis
g_xAngle = (g_xAngle + ANGLE_STEP) % 360;
case 38: // Down arrow key -> the negative rotation of arm1 around the y-axis
g_xAngle = (g_xAngle - ANGLE_STEP) % 360;
case 39: // Right arrow key -> the positive rotation of arm1 around the y-axis
g_yAngle = (g_yAngle + ANGLE_STEP) % 360;
case 37: // Left arrow key -> the negative rotation of arm1 around the y-axis
g_yAngle = (g_yAngle - ANGLE_STEP) % 360;
default: return; // Skip drawing at no effective action
// square vertices
function initVertexBuffersCube(gl) {
// Create a cube
// v6----- v5
// /| /|
// v1------v0|
// | | | |
// | |v7---|-|v4
// |/ |/
// v2------v3
var vertices = new Float32Array([ // Coordinates
0.5, 0.5, 0.5, -0.5, 0.5, 0.5, -0.5,-0.5, 0.5, 0.5,-0.5, 0.5, // v0-v1-v2-v3 front
0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5,-0.5, 0.5, 0.5,-0.5,-0.5, 0.5, 0.5,-0.5, // v0-v3-v4-v5 right
0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5,-0.5, -0.5, 0.5,-0.5, -0.5, 0.5, 0.5, // v0-v5-v6-v1 up
-0.5, 0.5, 0.5, -0.5, 0.5,-0.5, -0.5,-0.5,-0.5, -0.5,-0.5, 0.5, // v1-v6-v7-v2 left
-0.5,-0.5,-0.5, 0.5,-0.5,-0.5, 0.5,-0.5, 0.5, -0.5,-0.5, 0.5, // v7-v4-v3-v2 down
0.5,-0.5,-0.5, -0.5,-0.5,-0.5, -0.5, 0.5,-0.5, 0.5, 0.5,-0.5 // v4-v7-v6-v5 back
//shading based on vertices
var colors = new Float32Array([ // Colors
1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, // v0-v1-v2-v3 front
1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, // v0-v3-v4-v5 right
1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, // v0-v5-v6-v1 up
1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, // v1-v6-v7-v2 left
1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, // v7-v4-v3-v2 down
1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0 // v4-v7-v6-v5 back
var normals = new Float32Array([ // Normal
0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, // v0-v1-v2-v3 front
1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, // v0-v3-v4-v5 right
0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, // v0-v5-v6-v1 up
-1.0, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 0.0, // v1-v6-v7-v2 left
0.0,-1.0, 0.0, 0.0,-1.0, 0.0, 0.0,-1.0, 0.0, 0.0,-1.0, 0.0, // v7-v4-v3-v2 down
0.0, 0.0,-1.0, 0.0, 0.0,-1.0, 0.0, 0.0,-1.0, 0.0, 0.0,-1.0 // v4-v7-v6-v5 back
// Indices of the vertices, from which things are built from triangle
// 1_________2
// | /|
// | / |
// | / |
// | / |
// |/________|
// 0 3
// A clockwise arrangement, as it were starting bottom left
var indices = new Uint8Array([
0, 1, 2, 0, 2, 3, // front
4, 5, 6, 4, 6, 7, // right
8, 9,10, 8,10,11, // up
12,13,14, 12,14,15, // left
16,17,18, 16,18,19, // down
20,21,22, 20,22,23 // back
// Write the vertex property to buffers (coordinates, colors and normals)
if (!initArrayBuffer(gl, 'a_Position', vertices, 3, gl.FLOAT)) return -1;
if (!initArrayBuffer(gl, 'a_Color', colors, 3, gl.FLOAT)) return -1;
if (!initArrayBuffer(gl, 'a_Normal', normals, 3, gl.FLOAT)) return -1;
// Write the indices to the buffer object
var indexBuffer = gl.createBuffer();
if (!indexBuffer) {
console.log('Failed to create the buffer object');
return false;
gl.bindBuffer(gl.ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, indexBuffer);
gl.bufferData(gl.ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, indices, gl.STATIC_DRAW);
return indices.length;
function initArrayBuffer (gl, attribute, data, num, type) {
// Create a buffer object
var buffer = gl.createBuffer();
if (!buffer) {
console.log('Failed to create the buffer object');
return false;
// Write date into the buffer object
gl.bindBuffer(gl.ARRAY_BUFFER, buffer);
gl.bufferData(gl.ARRAY_BUFFER, data, gl.STATIC_DRAW);
// Assign the buffer object to the attribute variable
var a_attribute = gl.getAttribLocation(gl.program, attribute);
if (a_attribute < 0) {
console.log('Failed to get the storage location of ' + attribute);
return false;
gl.vertexAttribPointer(a_attribute, num, type, false, 0, 0);
// Enable the assignment of the buffer object to the attribute variable
gl.bindBuffer(gl.ARRAY_BUFFER, null);
return true;
var g_matrixStack = []; // Array for storing a matrix
function pushMatrix(m) { // Store the specified matrix to the array
var m2 = new Matrix4(m);
function popMatrix() { // Retrieve the matrix from the array
return g_matrixStack.pop();
function drawchair(gl, u_ModelMatrix, u_NormalMatrix, u_isLighting) {
// Clear color and depth buffer
gl.uniform1i(u_isLighting, false); // Will not apply lighting
// Calculate the view matrix and the projection matrix
modelMatrix.setTranslate(0, 0, 0); // No Translation
// Pass the model matrix to the uniform variable
gl.uniformMatrix4fv(u_ModelMatrix, false, modelMatrix.elements);
// Draw x and y axes
gl.drawArrays(gl.LINES, 0, n);
gl.uniform1i(u_isLighting, true); // Will apply lighting
// Set the vertex coordinates and color (for the cube)
var n = initVertexBuffersCube(gl);
if (n < 0) {
console.log('Failed to set the vertex information');
// Rotate, and then translate
modelMatrix.setTranslate(0, 0, -5); // Translation (No translation is supported here)
modelMatrix.rotate(g_yAngle, 0, 1, 0); // Rotate along y axis
modelMatrix.rotate(g_xAngle, 1, 0, 0); // Rotate along x axis
// Model the chair seat
modelMatrix.scale(2.0, 0.4, 2.0); // Scale
drawbox(gl, u_ModelMatrix, u_NormalMatrix, n);
modelMatrix = popMatrix();
// Model the chair back
modelMatrix.translate(0, 1.20, -0.8); // Translation
modelMatrix.scale(2.0, 2.2, 0.4); // Scale
drawbox(gl, u_ModelMatrix, u_NormalMatrix, n);
modelMatrix = popMatrix();
//As if you were sitting on the chair;
//Back right leg
modelMatrix.scale(0.3, 1.9, 0.3);
drawbox(gl, u_ModelMatrix, u_NormalMatrix, n);
modelMatrix = popMatrix();
//Back left leg
modelMatrix.scale(0.3, 1.9, 0.3);
drawbox(gl, u_ModelMatrix, u_NormalMatrix, n);
modelMatrix = popMatrix();
//Front right leg
modelMatrix.scale(0.3, 1.9, 0.3);
drawbox(gl, u_ModelMatrix, u_NormalMatrix, n);
modelMatrix = popMatrix();
//Front left leg
modelMatrix.scale(0.3, 1.9, 0.3);
drawbox(gl, u_ModelMatrix, u_NormalMatrix, n);
modelMatrix = popMatrix();
function drawbox(gl, u_ModelMatrix, u_NormalMatrix, n) {
// Pass the model matrix to the uniform variable
gl.uniformMatrix4fv(u_ModelMatrix, false, modelMatrix.elements);
// Calculate the normal transformation matrix and pass it to u_NormalMatrix
g_normalMatrix.setInverseOf(modelMatrix); //set the normal matrix as the inverse of the current model
gl.uniformMatrix4fv(u_NormalMatrix, false, g_normalMatrix.elements);
// Draw the cube
gl.drawElements(gl.TRIANGLES, n, gl.UNSIGNED_BYTE, 0);
modelMatrix = popMatrix();
function drawsphere(gl, u_ModelMatrix, u_NormalMatrix, n) {
// Pass the model matrix to the uniform variable
gl.uniformMatrix4fv(u_ModelMatrix, false, modelMatrix.elements);
// Calculate the normal transformation matrix and pass it to u_NormalMatrix
g_normalMatrix.setInverseOf(modelMatrix); //set the normal matrix as the inverse of the current model
gl.uniformMatrix4fv(u_NormalMatrix, false, g_normalMatrix.elements);
// Draw the cube
gl.drawElements(gl.TRIANGLES, n, gl.UNSIGNED_BYTE, 0);
modelMatrix = popMatrix();
You need to create copies of shaders etc for each graphical primitive. It could turn your code into spaghetti extremely quickly.
You can improve your code by abstracting graphical primitives into classes and use composition to create complicated shapes and figures.
Once you switch to OOP you will benefit from having multiple objects.
I've written a Compute shader that outputs to a Texture. The coordinate system of the output texture is in pixels. I then have a basic vertex and fragment shader that should simply sample the value and respond with what I thought would be in normalised coordinates. However, I thought this mapping between my programmatically drawn texture and the vertices of my rendering surface would match up.
The Compute Function
Can be summarized as
texture.write(color, uint2(x, y));
where x and y are integer pixel locations.
The Vertex Data
// position.x, position.y, texCoords.x, texCoords.y
let vertexData = [Float](arrayLiteral:
-1, 1, 0, 0,
-1, -1, 0, 1,
1, -1, 1, 1,
1, -1, 1, 1,
1, 1, 1, 0,
-1, 1, 0, 0)
The Metal Shader
typedef struct {
packed_float2 position;
packed_float2 texCoords;
} VertexIn;
typedef struct {
float4 position [[ position ]];
float2 texCoords;
} FragmentVertex;
vertex FragmentVertex simple_vertex(device VertexIn *vertexArray [[ buffer(0) ]],
uint vertexIndex [[ vertex_id ]])
VertexIn in = vertexArray[vertexIndex];
FragmentVertex out;
out.position = float4(in.position, 0.f, 1.f);
out.texCoords = in.texCoords;
return out;
fragment float4 simple_fragment(FragmentVertex in [[ stage_in ]],
texture2d<uint, access::sample> inputTexture [[ texture(0) ]],
sampler linearSampler [[ sampler(0) ]])
const uint2 imageSizeInPixels = uint2(360, 230);
float imageSizeInPixelsWidth = imageSizeInPixels.x;
float imageSizeInPixelsHeight = imageSizeInPixels.y;
float2 coords = float2(in.position.x / 360.f, in.position.y / 230.f);
float color = inputTexture.sample(linearSampler, in.texCoords).x / 255.f;
return float4(float3(color), 1.f);
The Sampler
let samplerDescriptor = MTLSamplerDescriptor()
samplerDescriptor.normalizedCoordinates = true
samplerDescriptor.minFilter = .linear
samplerDescriptor.magFilter = .linear
samplerDescriptor.sAddressMode = .clampToZero
samplerDescriptor.rAddressMode = .clampToZero
self.samplerState = self.metalDevice?.makeSamplerState(descriptor: samplerDescriptor)
In this experiment the only value that seems to work is coords, based upon the normalized in.position value. in.texCoords seems to always be zero. Shouldn't the texcoords and position received by the vertex and fragment shader be values be in the range of values defined in the vertex data?
My Vertex Buffer was right, but wrong
In the process of converting Obj-C code to Swift I failed to copy the vertex completely.
The Correct Copy
let byteCount = vertexData.count * MemoryLayout<Float>.size
let vertexBuffer = self.metalDevice?.makeBuffer(bytes: vertexData, length: byteCount, options: options)
The Source of my Woes
let vertexBuffer = self.metalDevice?.makeBuffer(bytes: vertexData, length: vertexData.count, options: options)
The Complete Vertex Buffer Creation
// Vertex data for a full-screen quad. The first two numbers in each row represent
// the x, y position of the point in normalized coordinates. The second two numbers
// represent the texture coordinates for the corresponding position.
let vertexData = [Float](arrayLiteral:
-1, 1, 0, 0,
-1, -1, 0, 1,
1, -1, 1, 1,
1, -1, 1, 1,
1, 1, 1, 0,
-1, 1, 0, 0)
// Create a buffer to hold the static vertex data
let options = MTLResourceOptions().union(.storageModeShared)
let byteCount = vertexData.count * MemoryLayout<Float>.size
let vertexBuffer = self.metalDevice?.makeBuffer(bytes: vertexData, length: byteCount, options: options)
vertexBuffer?.label = "Image Quad Vertices"
self.vertexBuffer = vertexBuffer
I'm learning OpenGL on iOS by this guide, and I want to implement everything on swift. So, there is some code were I'm getting crash:
Memory structures:
private struct Vertex {
var Position: (GLfloat, GLfloat, GLfloat)
var Color: (GLfloat, GLfloat, GLfloat, GLfloat)
private static var Vertices = [
Vertex(Position: (1, -1, 0) , Color: (1, 0, 0, 1)),
Vertex(Position: (1, 1, 0) , Color: (0, 1, 0, 1)),
Vertex(Position: (-1, 1, 0) , Color: (0, 0, 1, 1)),
Vertex(Position: (-1, -1, 0), Color: (0, 0, 0, 1))
private static var Indices: [GLubyte] = [
0, 1, 2,
2, 3, 0
Create vertex buffers:
var vertexBuffer = GLuint()
glGenBuffers(1, &vertexBuffer)
glBindBuffer(GLenum(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER), vertexBuffer)
glBufferData(GLenum(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER), Vertices.size, Vertices, GLenum(GL_STATIC_DRAW))
var indexBuffer = GLuint()
glGenBuffers(1, &indexBuffer)
glBindBuffer(GLenum(GL_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER), indexBuffer)
glBufferData(GLenum(GL_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER), Indices.size, Indices, GLenum(GL_STATIC_DRAW))
Setup memory offsets:
var positionPtr = 0
glVertexAttribPointer(GLuint(positionSlot), 3, GLenum(GL_FLOAT), GLboolean(GL_FALSE), GLsizei(strideofValue(Vertex)), &positionPtr)
var colorPtr = strideof(GLfloat) * 3
glVertexAttribPointer(GLuint(colorSlot), 4, GLenum(GL_FLOAT), GLboolean(GL_FALSE), GLsizei(strideofValue(Vertex)), &colorPtr)
Crash (Trying to draw):
var startPtr = 0
// EXC_BAD_ACCESS code=1 here!
glDrawElements(GLenum(GL_TRIANGLES), GLsizei(Indices.count / 3), GLenum(GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE), &startPtr)
All shaders are compiled without any errors and glClear() draws well, so I suppose my problem is concerned with VBOs.
And here how I calculate size of arrays:
extension Array
var size: Int {
get { return self.count * strideof(Element) }
UPD: I'm using OpenGLES 2.0.
I had learned by you guide for amount 4 months ago. I tried to convert it from objective-c to swift until draw rectangle same below picture.
Now I run it and convert to Swift 2.1. It still work and show same image below.
Here my code (Method setupVBOs, render and struct)
// Track of all our per-vertex information (currently just color and position)
struct Vertex {
var Position: (CFloat, CFloat, CFloat)
var Color: (CFloat, CFloat, CFloat, CFloat)
// Array with all the info for each vertex
var Vertices = [
Vertex(Position: (1, -1, 0) , Color: (1, 0, 0, 1)),
Vertex(Position: (1, 1, 0) , Color: (0, 1, 0, 1)),
Vertex(Position: (-1, 1, 0) , Color: (0, 0, 1, 1)),
Vertex(Position: (-1, -1, 0), Color: (0, 0, 0, 1))
// Array that gives a list of triangles to create, by specifying the 3 vertices that make up each triangle
var Indices: [GLubyte] = [
0, 1, 2,
2, 3, 0
//helper extensions to pass arguments to GL land
extension Array {
func size () -> Int {
return self.count * sizeofValue(self[0])
//The best way to send data to OpenGL is through something called Vertex Buffer Objects.
func setupVBOs() { // VBO : Vertex Buffer Objects.
//There are two types of vertex buffer objects – one to keep track of the per-vertex data (like we have in the Vertices array), and one to keep track of the indices that make up triangles (like we have in the Indices array).
glGenBuffers(1, &vertexBuffer)
glBindBuffer(GLenum(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER), vertexBuffer)
glBufferData(GLenum(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER), Vertices.count * sizeofValue(Vertices[0]), Vertices, GLenum(GL_STATIC_DRAW)) // send the data over to OpenGL-land.
glGenBuffers(1, &indexBuffer)
glBindBuffer(GLenum(GL_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER), indexBuffer)
glBufferData(GLenum(GL_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER), Indices.count * sizeofValue(Indices[0]), Indices, GLenum(GL_STATIC_DRAW))
func render() {
glClearColor(0, 104.0/255.0, 55.0/255.0, 1.0)
//glViewport(0, 0, GLint(frame.size.width), GLint(frame.size.height))
glViewport(0, GLint(frame.size.height/2)/2, GLint(frame.size.width), GLint(frame.size.height/2))
// feed the correct values to the two input variables for the vertex shader – the Position and SourceColor attributes.
glVertexAttribPointer(positionSlot, 3, GLenum(GL_FLOAT), GLboolean(UInt8(GL_FALSE)), GLsizei(sizeof(Vertex)), nil)
glVertexAttribPointer(colorSlot, 4, GLenum(GL_FLOAT), GLboolean(UInt8(GL_FALSE)), GLsizei(sizeof(Vertex)), UnsafePointer<Int>(bitPattern: sizeof(Float) * 3))
// This actually ends up calling your vertex shader for every vertex you pass in, and then the fragment shader on each pixel to display on the screen.
glDrawElements(GLenum(GL_TRIANGLES), GLsizei(Indices.count), GLenum(GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE), nil)
I'm working with openGL ES 2.0 and swift. I finally got to display the texture but it only one pixel is shown!
Can anyone help with this?
My simple vertex shader:
attribute vec2 TexCoordIn;
varying vec2 TexCoordOut;
void main(void) {
gl_Position = Position;
TexCoordOut = TexCoordIn;
And fragment shader:
varying lowp vec2 TexCoordOut;
uniform sampler2D Texture;
void main(void) {
gl_FragColor = texture2D(Texture, TexCoordOut);
My view controller:
// My Vertex, Vertices and Indices
struct Vertex {
var Position: (CFloat, CFloat, CFloat)
var Color: (CFloat, CFloat, CFloat, CFloat)
var TexCoord: (CFloat, CFloat)
var Vertices = [
Vertex(Position: (1, -1, 0) , Color: (1, 0, 0, 1), TexCoord: (1, 0)),
Vertex(Position: (1, 1, 0) , Color: (0, 1, 0, 1), TexCoord: (1, 1)),
Vertex(Position: (-1, 1, 0) , Color: (0, 0, 1, 1), TexCoord: (0, 1)),
Vertex(Position: (-1, -1, 0), Color: (0, 0, 0, 1), TexCoord: (0, 0))
var Indices: [GLubyte] = [
0, 1, 2,
2, 3, 0
func compileShaders() {
var vertexShader: GLuint = self.compileShader("Vertex", shaderType: GLenum(GL_VERTEX_SHADER))
var fragmentShader: GLuint = self.compileShader("Fragment", shaderType: GLenum(GL_FRAGMENT_SHADER))
var programHandle: GLuint = glCreateProgram()
glAttachShader(programHandle, vertexShader)
glAttachShader(programHandle, fragmentShader)
texCoordSlot = GLuint(glGetAttribLocation(programHandle, "TexCoordIn"))
let pointer = UnsafePointer<Int>(bitPattern: sizeof(Float) * 7)
glVertexAttribPointer(texCoordSlot, 2, GLenum(GL_FLOAT), GLboolean(UInt8(GL_FALSE)), GLsizei(sizeof(Vertex)), pointer)
textureUniform = GLuint(glGetUniformLocation(programHandle, "Texture"))
func setupVBOs() {
glGenVertexArraysOES(1, &VAO);
glGenBuffers(1, &vertexBuffer)
glBindBuffer(GLenum(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER), vertexBuffer)
glBufferData(GLenum(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER), Vertices.size(), Vertices, GLenum(GL_STATIC_DRAW))
glVertexAttribPointer(positionSlot, 3, GLenum(GL_FLOAT), GLboolean(UInt8(GL_FALSE)), GLsizei(sizeof(Vertex)), nil)
glGenBuffers(1, &indexBuffer)
glBindBuffer(GLenum(GL_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER), indexBuffer)
glBufferData(GLenum(GL_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER), Indices.size(), Indices, GLenum(GL_STATIC_DRAW))
glBindBuffer(GLenum(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER), 0)
func render() {
glBindTexture(GLenum(GL_TEXTURE_2D), floorTexture)
glUniform1i(GLint(textureUniform), GLint(0))
glDrawElements(GLenum(GL_TRIANGLES), GLsizei(Indices.count), GLenum(GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE), nil)
The foundation I learned in the great Ray Wenderlich Tutorial. But I could not make it to work in swift.
I am learning opengl es 2.0.
I am trying to apply ortho projection in opengl es 2.0
I draw a sqaure but I actually don't get square shape on the screen.
And I am not sure which part I am missing.
Thank you for your help!
There are some methods in setupRenderingEnv that I did not post. but those methods are for setting up the frames and it works fine.
and m_program is created fine.
Again, thank you for your help.
// my vertex shader
attribute vec4 Position;
attribute vec4 SourceColor;
uniform mat4 Projection;
varying vec4 DestinationColor;
void main(void)
DestinationColor = SourceColor;
gl_Position = Projection * Position;
// my drawing file
typedef struct
float Position[3];
float Color[4];
const Vertex Vertices[] =
{{100, -100, 0}, {1, 0, 0, 1}},
{{100, 100, 0}, {0, 1, 0, 1}},
{{-100, 100, 0}, {0, 0, 1, 1}},
{{-100, -100, 0}, {0, 0, 0, 1}}
const GLubyte Indices[] =
0, 1, 2,
2, 3, 0
- (void)setupRenderingEnv
[super setupRenderingEnv];
[self setupVertexBufferObjects];
[self setupRunLoop];
[self applyOrthoWithX:self.frame.size.width andY:self.frame.size.height];
glViewport(0, 0, self.frame.size.width, self.frame.size.height);
//-- used for applying ortho in opengl es 2.0
- (void)applyOrthoWithX:(float)maxX andY:(float)maxY
float a = 1.0f / maxX;
float b = 1.0f / maxY;
float ortho[16] =
a, 0, 0, 0,
0, b, 0, 0,
0, 0, -1, 0,
0, 0, 0, 1
GLint projectionUniform = glGetUniformLocation(super.m_programHandle, "Projection");
glUniformMatrix4fv(projectionUniform, 1, 0, &ortho[0]);
//-- overriding drawCandle. it render image, draw candle
- (void)drawCandle
glClearColor(0, 104.0/255, 55.0/255, 1.0);
GLuint positionSlot = glGetAttribLocation(super.m_programHandle, "Position");
GLuint colorSlot = glGetAttribLocation(super.m_programHandle, "SourceColor");
glVertexAttribPointer(positionSlot, 3, GL_FLOAT, GL_FALSE,
sizeof(Vertex), 0);
glVertexAttribPointer(colorSlot, 4, GL_FLOAT, GL_FALSE,
sizeof(Vertex), (GLvoid *)(sizeof(float) * 3));
glDrawElements(GL_TRIANGLES, sizeof(Indices)/sizeof(Indices[0]), GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, 0);
[super drawCandle];
What shape is your viewport? If it's not square then that's the problem. The matrix you're creating - scaling by inverse width and inverse height - is going to make the width always be 1 unit wide and the height 1 unit tall. If the width and height aren't the same number of pixels, then squares won't draw square. You need to account for the aspect ratio of your viewport. Off the top of my head, I think it would be something more like this:
float ortho [ 16 ] = {
a / b, 0, 0, 0,
0, b, 0, 0,
0, 0, -1, 0,
0, 0, 0, 1
(I might have a/b inverted - can't remember)