Firebase custom event for ios "notification_open" not showing on dashboard - ios

I know that notification_open is used by Firebase on Android but not on ios.
Can I use notification_open as a custom event name on iOS app?

You shouldn't use preserved event names in Automatically collected events, after I change to something like ios_notification_open, it shows up in Firebase Analytics dashboard


iOS Firebase Events Don't Show in BigQuery but do in Google Analytics and Firebase Console

I'm having an issue with Firebase Events from my iOS app in that they are missing from BigQuery (Events Table) but show up in the Firebase Console and Google Analytics dashboard. Android does not have this issue for a custom event of a similar name. The event we are looking for is "ar_video_launch_ios" but the issue is the same for all iOS events.
Firebase - Shows iOS events:
Google Analytics - Shows iOS events:
BigQuery iOS - Missing iOS events:
BigQuery Android - Android event of similar name exists:
Running "Firebase/Analytics" Cocoapod v7.8.0.
The query I'm using is:
SELECT * FROM `<event_table_name>` where event_name like '%_ios%' LIMIT 1000
The same query is used to successfully pull the android events using '%_android%' so the data seems to be missing from the events table entirely. Any ideas?
This happens because the app export for iOS apps is not enabled in the BigQuery firebase integration.
Follow these steps to troubleshoot:
Sign in to Firebase.
Click the Settings icon, then select Project Settings.
On the Project Settings page, click the Integrations tab.
On the BigQuery card, click View Link.
Now check in Google Analytics within Exported integrations
In exporting_apps, Select all Apps including your iOS apps
You can directly access BigQuery integration page with this link
ps: You need Owner access to perform these steps.

Rename Firebase Analytics Log Event

I currently have a production app using Firebase Analytics events, some of the event names no longer make sense and I would like to rename them.
Is it possible to rename a Firebase Analytics log event?
For instance, rename My_Event to My_New_Event
Analytics.logEvent("My_Event", parameters: nil)
There is no way to change historical analytics data. So while you can start logging a new name for the same event at any point, you will then have to look for both events in the Google Analytics and Firebase dashboards.
If you're using the BigQuery integration, you can implement the old name as an alias in your queries. But no such functionality exists in the Google Analytics or Firebase dashboards that I'm aware of.
In response to your question: "Is it possible to rename a Firebase Analytics log event?" The answer is yes if you have edit permissions for your Google Analytics 4 property.
In Firebase Analytics click Events, the Modify Event button, and then the Create button. Follow the guidance from here or the video to rename the event, for example:

Migrate custom events created from Fabric into Firebase?

My existing iOS app have custom events logged in Fabric to verify user actions. Now I migrated from fabric into firebase. All Crashlytics issues are shown in firebase Crashlytics. But custom events stored in fabric is not transferred to firebase events page. Will it automatically moved or we need to do it? Can anyone help me with that.
new events added to firebase analytics takes around a day to update and reflected in events section, mean while you can debug your custom events and check in realtime for debug version check the following link

What is the use of google tag manager for iOS app?

I am using firebase Analytics to log all the event. I m not able to understand the google tag manager , How can i use it . What google tag manager can do for iOS app.
One of the big iOS/Android projects I work on uses GTM variables for remote configuration.
For example, our menu items change based on whether it is Winter. So, we flip a boolean on GTM, and voila, within 24 hours, all our apps have the correct menu items.
We are planning to migrate this functionality to Firebase database, however, which has the benefit of instant updates.

Get Firebase analytics collection enable status

For firebase analytics, we can enable/disable analytics collection by calling
- (void)setAnalyticsCollectionEnabled:(BOOL)analyticsCollectionEnabled
But how can we get the enable status of Firebase analytics? Is there a method like:
- (BOOL)isAnalyticsCollectionEnabled
Unfortunately you can't. Analytics are enabled by default, so you can perfectly track this yourself. From Firebase documentation:
Sets whether analytics collection is enabled for this app on this device. This setting is persisted across app sessions. By default it is enabled.
But, if your code eventually loses track of the current state, you should probably set it again to the desired on/off status just to be extra sure ;-)
