Error shutting down simulator - ios

In xcrun simctl documentation there is an entry:
xcrun simctl shutdown booted - Shutdown a device
Bun when I call it from command line, the simulator is not actually shut down but is freezed instead.
How this could be solved?
The only workaround I found is to kill the simulator by its Process ID.
killall "Simluator" predates CoreSimulator and still assumes that it owns the entire boot lifecycle. You should only use 'simctl shutdown' for devices that you booted via 'simctl boot'.


what is the service-target name for the iOS Simulator Process

I want add a dylib once launch a iOS Simulator App.
I know we coud do something like:
$ xcrun simctl spawn booted launchctl debug system/ --environment DYLD_INSERT_LIBRARIES=path/to/dynamic/lib.dylib
this is good for but what is the service-target name for my own APP?

How to launch an iOS simulator app from the command line

Is there a way to launch an app on the iOS simulator from the command line, like
simctl launch <app-package>
or something like that?
To install your app:
xcrun simctl install booted
To launch the app:
xcrun simctl launch booted
Hope this helps.

simctl | fbsimctl : Simulator becomes unresponsive if booted after shutdown command

I'm trying to achieve some automation for iOS simulators. I'm facing a strange issue that I'm not able to understand. Precisely following is my scenario:
I create a simulator using command: xcrun simctl create "iPhone 8 Plus"
I rename my newly created simulator: xcrun simctl rename <udid> my-new-iphone-8-plus
I boot my simulator: xcrun simctl boot <udid>
I open the simulator app: open /Applications/ At this point the simulator app is up and running and I can fully interact with the simulator.
I shutdown the simulator: xcrun simctl shutdown <udid>. At this point the simulator gets shutdown but the simulator app is still running, which makes sense because I may be running more than one simulators simultaneously.
I boot the shutdown simulator again: xcrun simctl boot <udid>. At this point the simulator launches quickly. Neither the boot screen appears nor any loading indicator, as it appeared the first time I launched it.
At this moment the simulator is not responsive to my touch. It seems like it's stuck. The command returns successfully and doesn't return any errors.
I have tried the same thing using fbsimctl as well. I faced the same issue. Also tried with multiple simulators.
ONE IMPORTANT THING: When I close the simulator manually by selecting the desired simulator window and then do CMD + W or close it from the top left red close button and then boot it again from command line it surprisingly works fine.
OBJECTIVE: When the simulator is booted after shutdown using command line, the simulator should be responsive like it was before.
I tried other things as well, like killing process using pid. It didn't help.
Any help in this regard will be highly appreciated. Thanks!

xcrun simctl boot / uninstall hang when simulator isn't running

I'm trying to use xcrun simctl to boot a device and uninstall an application, but it hangs on the uninstall step
xcrun simctl boot <deviceudid>
xcrun simctl uninstall <deviceudid> <bundleid>
and it hangs on uninstall and sits forever...however, if i have the simulator already running and execute
xcrun simctl uninstall <deviceudid> <bundleid>
it works fine...but i'm trying to do this in a script without opening the simulator manually
This happens because when you use 'xcrun simctl boot ...' you are not getting a full boot of the simulator. Some services (including those provided by the system app, like install or launch) are unavailable in this mode.
If you want to script booting the device in full, you'll probably want to refer to my answer in Xcode 6 - Launch simulator from command line

How do I remove app from iOS 8 Simulator from command line?

I have an automation running in the iOS Simulator that I have to remove before another run. How do I remove the app from the iOS Simulator from the command line?
For each simulator device directory (located at ~/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/*), I
tried to delete ./data/Containers/Bundle/Application/ and ./data/Containers/Data/Application/.
Even when I tried to delete the app by long pressing the app in the Simulator (the app becomes jiggly) and click on the X button, the user defaults were not being cleared. I want the app state to be 100% clean.
I found a good solution to solve this problem.
With Xcode 6.1, to uninstall an app, use the following command:
xcrun simctl uninstall booted
where is the bundle identifier of the application you wish to uninstall.
One approach that we found for deleting user defaults is to delete all files in the ./data/Library/Preferences/* in addition to deleting application and data directories.
However, in Xcode 6, the command xcrun has new subcommand called simctl that allows me to manage iOS Simulator including resetting the simulator, and installing the application.
The solution that I came up with is to use the command
xcrun simctl erase [device ID]
If xcrun simctl list(†) returns
9DDA0CFE-7CEC-40B6-A343-1EC01F282B22 (active, disconnected)
Watch: Apple Watch Series 2 - 42mm (88474523-163E-4021-B591-2AECBFA26997) (Shutdown)
Phone: iPhone 7 Plus (5785E680-15CD-42D3-82AB-597286A270C5) (Shutdown)
then run these 2 commands
xcrun simctl erase 88474523-163E-4021-B591-2AECBFA26997
xcrun simctl erase 5785E680-15CD-42D3-82AB-597286A270C5
(†) The device ID can be obtained from running
xcrun simctl list
This will reset the simulator (equivalent to iOS Simulator > Reset Contents and Settings... menu item).
With Xcode 6.0.1 (Build 6A317), there is either a bug or a change in behavior where when you uninstall an application, user defaults are not removed.
Usage: simctl [--noxpc] [--set <set path>] <subcommand> ... | help [subcommand]
Command line utility to control the iOS Simulator
For subcommands that require a <device> argument, you may specify a device UDID
or the special "booted" string which will cause simctl to pick a booted device.
If multiple devices are booted when the "booted" device is selected, simctl
will choose one of them.
create Create a new device.
delete Delete a device.
erase Erase a device's contents and settings.
boot Boot a device.
shutdown Shutdown a device.
rename Rename a device.
getenv Print an environment variable from a running device.
openurl Open a URL in a device.
addphoto Add a photo to the photo library of a device.
install Install an app on a device.
uninstall Uninstall an app from a device.
launch Launch an application by identifier on a device.
spawn Spawn a process on a device.
list List available devices, device types, or runtimes.
notify_post Post a darwin notification on a device.
icloud_sync Trigger iCloud sync on a device.
help Prints the usage for a given subcommand.
Reset all Content & Settings in a single command
Quit iPhone Simulator
In Terminal, run:
xcrun simctl erase all
This will reset content and settings of all the simulators for the active version of Xcode (the one referenced by xcode-select -p).
xcrun simctl uninstall simulatorIdentifier appBundleId
