Why mysql is not working after port number of wamp is changed to 8080 - wampserver

I installed wampserver to my system and after installing I tried localhost in the browser but it was not working.
As I also have OSGEO installed in my system and that installs a MYSQLServer.
So, I changed the port number of the wampservers Apache to 8080 and changed mysql port from 3306 to 3307 in my.ini.
I changed these lines in the httpd.conf file.
Listen [::0]:8080
Now wamp is working. But when I tried "http://localhost:8080/phpmyadmin/" in the browser I am getting following error:
Thank you.

Since the OSGEO installs a MYSQL Server instance as well as WAMPServer which uses the default port 3306, it gets conflicted with MYSQL Server of WAMPServer.
I changed the port that MYSQL should use in the WAMPServer my.ini file to 3307
port = 3307
and in php.ini changed
mysqli.default_port = 3307
mysql.default_port = 3307
According to #RiggsFolly, if using wampserver version 3.0.8+, use port 3308 instead


Can not connect docker mysql that's forwarding to 3306

When I'm trying to connect to a docker MySQL that's running and forwarding to my local TCP:3306 I get the following answer
mysql -u root -pPASSWORD
mysql: [Warning] Using a password on the command line interface can be insecure.
ERROR 2002 (HY000): Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/tmp/mysql.sock' (2)
but when I do mysql -u root -pPASSWORD -h127.0.0.1 it connects wonderfully.
Any clue?
Considering the comments and this post I create ~/.my.cnf
with this content
Giving these changes I could connect the localhost with the address.
If you don't specify a host with -h (or a host directive in your .my.cnf), then MySQL defaults to connect to localhost. Connections to localhost use the UNIX domain socket interface, not TCP/IP. So it's not connecting to a TCP/IP port, and therefore does not forward to your docker container.
This distinction between localhost and is a historical oddity of MySQL. Normally localhost and are assumed to be equivalent. But MySQL treats the hostname "localhost" as special, using it to invoke the UNIX domain socket interface. This is a bit faster than using TCP/IP, but of course only works if the connection is on the local computer.

Docker - eclipse-mosquitto:2.0.7 Error: Address not available

I'm trying to run mosquitto as docker container in windows 10. Getting below error log Address not available.
1614449526: mosquitto version 2.0.7 starting
1614449526: Config loaded from /mosquitto/config/mosquitto.conf.
1614449526: Starting in local only mode. Connections will only be possible from clients running on this machine.
1614449526: Create a configuration file which defines a listener to allow remote access.
1614449526: Opening ipv4 listen socket on port 1883.
1614449526: Opening ipv6 listen socket on port 1883.
**1614449526: Error: Address not available**
1614449526: mosquitto version 2.0.7 running
Could anyone advise how to solve this error?
Thank you.
I'd the same issue.
My solution was:
Enter to mosquitto container item from portainer.io. then you must loggin by console in mosquitto's container. Select command : /bin/sh for loggin...
Once into command line must to adjust the mosquitto.conf located in : /mosquitto/config
Must change the following parameters: Uncomment and fixed
listener 1883
persistence true
allow_anonymous true
later, exit from command console and restart mosquitto container...and ready !!
check logs!
Hope to help!
i followed Stéphane Trottier's suggestion but ran into issues b/c of the port and an outdated config change:
allow_anonymous true
listener 2883
protocol mqtt
i also used port 2883 instead since it seems 8883 is for tls so i was getting connection refused errors on the client and protocol errors on the server. my docker compose looks like this:
image: eclipse-mosquitto:latest
- ./mqtt/config:/mosquitto/config
user: "1000:1000"
- 1883:2883
I had the same issue yesterday... Generally, some OSs require more permissions to run services on ports lower than 2000. This is how I made it work for me. I'm just running this for a hobby project. For work I would do things differently.
added local mosquitto folder and placed mosquitto.conf file in it.
added allow_anonymous true
changed port to something higher than 2000.
mount local config volume in docker
allow_anonymous true
port 8883
I run it via docker compose file.
version: '3.1'
image: eclipse-mosquitto
hostname: mosquitto
container_name: mosquitto
- "8883:8883"
- ./mosquitto:/mosquitto/config
- webnet
The error is gone from my logs and I can connect to it just fine on that port.
1614505908: The 'port' option is now deprecated and will be removed in a future version. Please use 'listener' instead.
1614505908: mosquitto version 2.0.7 starting
1614505908: Config loaded from /mosquitto/config/mosquitto.conf.
1614505908: Opening ipv4 listen socket on port 8883.
1614505908: Opening ipv6 listen socket on port 8883.
1614505908: mosquitto version 2.0.7 running
looks like I'll have to replace port with listener at some point soon.
both azegurelabs and Stéphane Trottier answers worked for me.
but the easier and more accurate solution is to just run image with default provided conf
docker run -it --rm --name mosquitto -p 1883:1883 eclipse-mosquitto:2.0 mosquitto -c /mosquitto-no-auth.conf
or to run image with your config file
docker run -it -p 1883:1883 -v <absolute-path-to-configuration-file>:/mosquitto/config/mosquitto.conf eclipse-mosquitto:<version>
you can read more here: mosquitto docker github page

How to configure nginx listen to port 80 and redirect to my website running on port 80?

I want my nginx listen to port 80 and redirect to my website in Tomcat Docker on port 80 as well.
I tried change port of Tomcat to other and when user visits my website, it shows the port number in URL bar. So I want to use the default port 80.
The problem is that I cannot run nginx and Tomcat Docker on port 80 at the same time.
Correct, you should run
-- nginx in port 80
-- set Tomcat to run with another port (e.g. 8080)
-- use proxy_pass option in nginx, setting http://localhost:8080

Setting up Mosquitto on home server

I'm struggling with exposing Mosquitto that I setup on my Centos7 homeserver to the outside internet through my router.
Mosquitto runs fine on my localhost and post 1883 on the homeserver. I am able to pub/sub, and it is listening on the port as (tcp)
My home router has a dynamic IP (for now), say On the router I port forwarded 1883 as both internal/external ports to my home server, say
In the mosquitto.conf file, I have one simply line "listener 1883".
When I then attempt to pub/sub using a python client on an external computer as mqttc.connect("", 1883), it says connection refused.
Any hints on what I'm doing wrong or how to get it working? BTW, my understanding of this setup is very basic and I've pretty much been going off blogs.
Here's how it will work:
1.) Setup mosquitto.conf as
listener 1883
#cafile <path to ca file>
#certfile <path to server cert>
#keyfile <path to server key>
#require_certificate false binds the server to all interfaces present.
You can uncomment the code to enable TLS for better security. But you'll have to configure the client to use the same as well..
2.) Port forward router's 1883 port number to port 1883 of IP of machine running the broker.
3.) Start the broker and test your client!
You should not put the external address into the mosquitto config file.
You should probably not even have a listen line at all as mosquitto will bind to all available IP addresses on the machine it's running with the default port (1883).
If you really must use the listen directive (e.g. in order to set up SSL) then it should be configured with the internal IP address of the machine running the broker, in this case and with a different port number so it does not clash with the default
listen 1884

could not connect to server: Connection refused (0x0000274D/10061)

I'm using rails to develop a website but i get this error when i try to open my localhost
could not connect to server: Connection refused (0x0000274D/10061)
Is the server running on host "localhost" (::1) and accepting TCP/IP connections on port 5432? could not connect to server: Connection refused (0x0000274D/10061)
Is the server running on host "localhost" ( and accepting TCP/IP connections on port 5432?
How to fix it guys
In Windows, search for "services" and search for postgres in the list. Right click and select "Start".
It looks like your postgreql server is not running.
You can try to launch it with :
On Linux :
sudo service postgresql start
On windows : changing XX by your postgresql version run :
net start postgresql-XX
You can also stop using postgres and specify a sqlite database in your config/database.yml file :
changing this line :
adapter: postgresql
by this line :
adapter: sqlite3
If you are using postgreql this issue is due to not starting a server, so you should start the server, one way to do it is to cd to postgresql bin and start it with pg_ctl, here is an example:
cd "C:\Program Files\PostgreSQL\14\bin"
pg_ctl -D "C:\Program Files\PostgreSQL\14\data" start
If you are running postgres in a docker image, be sure to map the container port to the host. You can do this with docker run -p 5432:5432 <container-name> or by adding the following to your docker-compose.yml file:
- 5342:5342
