Test Driven Upload method? - ios

I'm in a situation where I'm trying to use Test Driven Development.
I've got no experienced in Swift, Xcode, Apple, IOS, TDD or even the macbook I'm using for development. Basically I'm a .Net Developer in a very unfamiliar situation.
My current problem arrises from my ignorance on how to make a unit test that test a void method.
I'm trying to make a method that sends a Image to a server.
But my issue here is that I do not know how to test a method that doesn't return a value.
I imagine that my method is going to be something similar to this:
public func Upload(_ image: UIImage)
and I imagine that I'll need to implement some version of URLSession that eventually will have to call a resume() method. but how do I test if this method is doing what it's supposed to be doing without invoking the network ? and after that how do I make an integration test where I can see that the expected result is in fact a file uploaded to the server ?
Currently the server will be on the computer I'm developing on but the actual software will run from a testIphone that I've been issued.
I've been searching online for days now and the best I've come across have been this link http://swiftdeveloperblog.com/image-upload-with-progress-bar-example-in-swift/
But it only approaches bits and pieces I imagine will be part of the solution not the testing of said solution.
I think it's important to add I'm very much against creating to much complexity for testing purposes. testing should be simple and straight forward.

The approach to take is to use a a test double to check that the correct networking calls are made by your upload method. You'll be making an asynchronous call to a networking library, which may be URLSession or may be another library such as AlamoFire. It shouldn't matter to your upload method which library is in use.
To achieve this, you want to avoid directly using URLSession, and use a wrapper which conforms to an interface that you can then mock in your tests. This means that your code will use a different implementation of the networking class at runtime than at test time, and you'll "inject" the correct one as required.
For example, you could have this interface to your networking library:
protocol NetworkRequesting {
func post(data: Data, url: URL)
With the following real implementation to be used at runtime:
struct NetworkRequester: NetworkRequesting {
func post(data: Data, url: URL) {
let session = URLSession()
let task = session.uploadTask(with: URLRequest(url: url), from: data)
However, at test time, you use the following mock instead:
class MockNetworkRequester: NetworkRequesting {
var didCallPost = false
var spyPostData: Data? = nil
var spyPostUrl: URL? = nil
func post(data: Data, url: URL) {
didCallPost = true
spyPostData = data
spyPostUrl = url
And then, given the following class under test:
class ImageUploader {
let networkRequester: NetworkRequesting
init(networkRequester: NetworkRequesting) {
self.networkRequester = networkRequester
func upload(image: UIImage, url: URL) {
You can test the implementation of upload like so:
class UploadImageTests: XCTestCase {
func test_uploadCallsPost() {
let mockNetworkRequester = MockNetworkRequester()
let uploader = ImageUploader(networkRequester: mockNetworkRequester)
uploader.upload(image: UIImage(), url: URL(string:"http://example.com")!)
Currently, that test will fail as upload does nothing, but if you put the following into the class under test, the test will pass:
func upload(image: UIImage, url: URL) {
guard let otherUrl = URL(string:"https://example.org") else { return }
networkRequester.post(data: Data(), url: otherUrl)
And that's your first TDD cycle. Clearly it's not yet behaving as you'd like, so you need to write another test to make sure that the url used is the one you expect, or the data passed is what you expect.
There are a number of ways to get your code to use the real network requester at runtime, you could have the init method use default parameter values to get it to use NetworkRequester, or use a static factory method to create it, and there are other options like Inversion of Control, which is well beyond the scope of this answer.
The important thing to remember is that you're testing that you make the correct calls to the networking framework, you're not testing the networking framework. I like to keep my protocol interfaces pretty declarative, passing the things required to make a request in any framework, but you might find you prefer to go closer to the metal and essentially mirror the implementation of URLSession - it's up to you, and more of an art than a science, in my opinion.


Manual logged screen_view events sometimes have screen_name - (not set)

My project consist of obj-c and swift classes. I use Firebase 7.3.0.
I manually log screen_view event for my screens. I call this method in viewWillAppear or viewDidAppear like this:
#objc class MyAnalyticConstants: NSObject {
static let myScreenName = "AwesomeScreen"
class MyViewController: UIViewController {
override func viewWillAppear(_ animated: Bool) {
MyAnalyticsClass().logScreenViewEvent(name: MyAnalyticConstants.myScreenName)
class MyAnalyticsClass {
func logScreenViewEvent(name: String, parameters: [String: Any]? = nil) {
var param = [String: Any]()
if let parameters = parameters {
param = parameters
param[AnalyticsParameterScreenName] = name
logEvent(name: AnalyticsEventScreenView, parameters: param)
func logEvent(name: String, parameters: [String: Any]?) {
analytics.logEvent(name, parameters: parameters)
I turned off automatic screenview reporting by setting FirebaseAutomaticScreenReportingEnabled to NO (Boolean) in the Info.plist. I use struct with static names for my screens.
However, sometimes I see (not set) value for "screen_view" event inside my google analytics path exploration for production. I can't catch this while using DebugView.
I would really appreciate it, if somebody could help me to fix or explain it.
I swizzled firebase method
+ (void)xxx_logEventWithName:(NSString *)name
parameters:(nullable NSDictionary<NSString *, id> *)parameters {
[self xxx_logEventWithName:name parameters:parameters];
if ([name isEqualToString:#"screen_view"] && [parameters[#"screen_name"] length] <= 3) {
NSLog(#"%#", #[][1]);
and jumped through app during 30 min. I didn't catch up crash. Any other ideas?
Ok, there are a few things you could typically do in this case.
I wrote it as an afterthought, but it's something you should make sure of before doing technical debugging that follows: you should go to your analytics property/view and debug the filters. Maybe you have replacing filters interfering with your values, but I presume you checked your data in a full and unfiltered view where your app is the sole "stream" of data. This is important. The bug can come from a different app to this property, so either make sure you're the only source, or make sure you filter out other sources/apps/platforms.
Check your logEvent function calls where you either send AnalyticsEventScreenView or just the "screen_view" string as the first parameter. You see how the Firebase lib uses one function to send all kinds of events? They now treat screenviews as events. Which has its elegancy, but also may lead to unintended mistakes. Check what the globals actually mean in here: https://github.com/firebase/firebase-cpp-sdk/blob/0c8c8b29bc2d62d66c6ac49ff2c3fb04f815a687/analytics/ios_headers/FIREventNames.h
Check your logScreenViewEvent function calls. Pay attention to cases when you pass the first parameter as a variable. Also make sure you're never setting the AnalyticsParameterScreenName, which is also known as a string "screen_name" from here: https://github.com/firebase/firebase-cpp-sdk/blob/0c8c8b29bc2d62d66c6ac49ff2c3fb04f815a687/analytics/ios_headers/FIRParameterNames.h in the parameters dictionary, the second attribute. Cuz setting it there will effectively overwrite whatever is the first attribute you're setting. I actually usually suggest having only one argument for the screenview function declaration, especially to avoid collisions like this.
Oh, almost forgot. Make sure you ALWAYS use your neat MyAnalyticsClass wrapper and never call the native logEvent(). I would just check all files where you include the Firebase sdk and see if it should be replaces with the wrapper.
Finally, if the above didn't help, you can insert the check in both your function wrappers to throw an error whenever the event name equals to "screen_view" and the "screen_name" parameter's length not more than 2 character (I'm just trying to include all falsy values, so null, undefined, nil, whatever). And run unit tests or even better - regression testing with things set like that. Well, or manually test it out, watching for the errors in the console rather than the web debugger.

How to keep a clean production version of your iOS App?

I develop an iOS App called Swordy Quest:
It contains Game Center integration for Leaderboards, Achievements, Player vs Player (PVP) matchmaking and Clans.
I have a local test version that I use when developing (with a test bundleID). I also have a production version of my game that I use to play the game and progress as if I was a customer. However, in order to upgrade/implement the Game Center functionality above, I need to use my production bundleID for testing. This then overwrites my 'customer game' with all my test data (ruining my 'natural' progress).
So I am wondering, is it possible to have a 'clean' production version of an app and still have a separate test version that allows me to test Game Center functionality. Or is there some way to restore a previous app state in Xcode so I could save my production clean version before polluting it with test data? I know in Mac Apps you can change the custom working directory, but I don't think you can in iOS?
I have looked into backing up my Production version of the app before working on Game Center upgrades, but it looks like this is probably not possible? Has anyone come up with a clever way around this?
Please note I have stored both CoreData and UserDefaults in the app.
Custom working directory is something only command-line tool projects. ChangeCurrentDirectoryPath option is no longer available at this place as the screenshot below in XCode 4.6.1. Sounds crazy but you can try downgrade to Xcode 4 and make it happen.
Or you will need load files using Cocoa’s NSBundle class or Core Foundation’s CFBundle functions. So make duplicate target for your Swordy Quest test. It will not affect your clean copy.
Manage schemes:
Finally click the little gear button create a clean copy to avoid touch your production code.
After you set up your keys both product and test where
Build Settings > Packaging ( write to filter Packaging )
Implement as a code below to your logic function ( for example implement in it to a function which trigger a GameHomeVC from LoginPlayerVC )
var key: String?
key = #"prodKey";
key = #"testKey";
as a precursor, i'm not familiar with Game Center, so there may be concerns there that i haven't accounted for. so, with that, my instinct in solving this starts out with launch arguments. there is a great article on how to do this here: https://www.swiftbysundell.com/articles/launch-arguments-in-swift/.
Now that you're able to start changing behavior based off of launch arguments from different schemes, you can start to look at how to segment your test / prod data.
As I'm not a CoreData expert, i can't say with 100% confidence that this is possible (or easy), but i would investigate how to setup separate persistent stores based off of a launch argument. using this article as a reference, it seems like you could roughly do something like the below after creating a -testGameCenter launch argument to a new TestGameCenter scheme to create an in-memory data store when testing Game Center
lazy var persistentContainer: NSPersistentContainer = {
let container = NSPersistentContainer(name: "YourDataStore")
if CommandLine.arguments.contains("-testGameCenter") {
let description = NSPersistentStoreDescription()
description.url = URL(fileURLWithPath: "/dev/null")
container.persistentStoreDescriptions = [description]
container.loadPersistentStores(completionHandler: { _, error in
if let error = error as NSError? {
fatalError("Failed to load stores: \(error), \(error.userInfo)")
return container
if you're able to solve the CoreData problem above, it's time to start looking at how to segment your UserDefaults data. this gross but easy solution that immediately comes to mind is prefixing your UserDefault keys with test when running from your test scheme. below is an example of how could structure a wrapper around UserDefaults to manage this
struct UserDefaultsWrapper {
let userDefaults: UserDefaults
let keyPrefix: String
init(userDefaults: UserDefaults, keyPrefix: String) {
self.userDefaults = userDefaults
self.keyPrefix = keyPrefix
func setValue(_ value: Any?, forKey key: String) {
self.userDefaults.setValue(value, forKey: prefixedKey(forKey: key))
func value(forKey key: String) -> Any? {
self.userDefaults.value(forKey: prefixedKey(forKey: key))
func prefixedKey(forKey key: String) -> String {
return "\(keyPrefix)\(key)}"
where you could make use of the wrapper like so
let userDefaultsPrefix = CommandLine.arguments.contains("-testGameCenter") ? "testGameCenter_" : ""
let userDefaultsWrapper = UserDefaultsWrapper(userDefaults: .standard, keyPrefix: userDefaultsPrefix)
to get something more elegant, you could look a little more into UserDefaults to see if you could apply a solution similar to the one for CoreData where there are two entirely separate stores. from a quick glance at this initializer, maybe you could do something as simple as this with your wrapper instead
struct UserDefaultsWrapper {
let userDefaults: UserDefaults
init(userDefaults: UserDefaults) {
self.userDefaults = userDefaults
func setValue(_ value: Any?, forKey key: String) {
self.userDefaults.setValue(value, forKey: key)
func value(forKey key: String) -> Any? {
self.userDefaults.value(forKey: key)
where you construct it like so
let userDefaultsSuiteName: String? = CommandLine.arguments.contains("-testGameCenter") ? myTestingGameCenterSuiteName : nil
let userDefaults = UserDefaults(suiteName: userDefaultsSuiteName)
let userDefaultsWrapper = UserDefaultsWrapper(userDefaults: userDefaults)
lastly, from a comment you made on another reply, it sounds like you are also concerned with fresh install scenarios. that said, the approaches i've outlined will not help (at least i don't think) with persisting data across deletes/installs. but, what i think you should think about is if it's necessary to test those delete/install concerns from your production bundle id. could you instead either manually test those concerns from your test bundle id and/or write unit tests around the components that involve those concerns? when you are approaching your testing strategy, it's important to make sure that you're testing the right things at the right layers; testing the wrong things at the wrong layers makes each testing layer much, much harder to execute
Targets is designed to do just that. You set pre-processor macros values to get the compiler to compile specific code based on target / macros values.
In your case, you change path to the customer game / test data file based on selected the target / macro combination.
You can also set a different bundleID for each target.
Once this is all setup you simply just switch between target and compile. The whole thing should just work seamlessly.
Make a backup of your project and then follow this tutorial which covers exactly how to do this:
If the link above is broken in future, just search "Xcode target tutorials"

Disable firestore in ios dev Schema

I am working on a swift project, here is what I am trying to do:
I have a service class, responsible for saving data to firestore (bulk insert or single insert).
The service is used in a couple of viewControllers.
When using my dev schema I would like the app not writing anything to Firestore.
At the moment I have a env variable that act as a flag and in each function in my service I need to check if whether is set or not for saving data
func singleInsert(collection: String, data: [String: Any], id: String?) {
if !isLoggingEnabled {
// just print some stuff
// save my data in firestore
It works.. but it is really ugly, I was wondering if there is a better way to do it. It is worth notice that I want to disable firestore only within my service class. There are instances in the app (which don't use the service) where firestore need to be always enabled.
I end up using something close to a factory pattern.
class RealTimeEventFactory {
var realTimeEventServiceImpl: RealTimeEventProtocol
init(isLoggingEnabled: Bool, errorHandler: ErrorHandlerProtocol) {
if isLoggingEnabled {
self.realTimeEventServiceImpl = RealTimeEventService(errorHandler: errorHandler)
} else {
self.realTimeEventServiceImpl = RealTimeEventServiceMock()
So I have two services both conforming to same protocol. Based on the isLoggingEnabled flag the factory will generate the required instance.
It's not perfect but seems to work fine

How to unit test code which receives response from server

I have a code fragment which I want to unit test , this code depends upon callback from network stack on event of receipt of data. The network calls are made through a library its basically amazon iOT library, thus I am not directly interacting with iOS network framework but this library. I want to unit test this code, not sure if its possible if yes how.
Attached is the code in question
static func subscribeForData(completionCallBack:((String,NSDictionary)->())?,errorCallBack:((NSError)->())?) {
let iotDataManager = AWSIoTDataManager.default()
let defaults = UserDefaults.standard
let login = .....
iotDataManager.subscribe(toTopic: "testNode/device/"+login, qoS: .messageDeliveryAttemptedAtLeastOnce, messageCallback: {
(payload) ->Void in
let stringValue = NSString(data: payload, encoding: String.Encoding.utf8.rawValue)!
The best way you can achieve this is through Dependency Injection (DI).
DI can be used as a mean to inject both the real networking code and the "mocked" one.
In order to deal with DI you need to modify your code. In particular an instance of AWSIoTDataManager should be passed to subscribeForData method instead of hardcoding it (why do you have a static method?).
There are different approaches in order to deal with this. One is described for example in The complete guide to Network Unit Testing in Swift. I think that if you read it, you will acquire something new useful for the feature.
Your "mocked" class (I put with "" since it could be defined as a stub or a spy) would have the same API provided by the real one.
As I stated previously, Unit Tests should be fast and should NOT depend on databases, real networks requests and so on.

XCTests and PHPhotoLibrary

I have functionality in the app that saved picture in photo gallery. An I wonder how to test this code:
func saveInPhotoGallery() {
guard self.cameraOutput != nil else { return }
if self.cameraOutput is UIImage {
PHAssetChangeRequest.creationRequestForAsset(from: (self.cameraOutput as? UIImage)!)
}, completionHandler: { (saved, error) in
guard error == nil else {
Let's assume now that I want to test in my case scenario that self.cameraOutput is and UIImage and sth went wrong and there is an error in completionHandler so I ended up in self.unsucessfullSavingOperation(error) method. This has separate tests of course, but what I want to cover is:
Make sure whenever something will went wrong with inserting image in Camera Roll I will end up calling this method
And when I try to call saveInPhotoGallery() in test target it produce Alert that this require access to your photo library (doh!). But there is a way to skip this alert in Unit Tests or check whanever it popup and press allow? (like I said, for this test, let's assume that I have this permissions)
Or there is a way to mock this behaviour?
Yes, I'd mock PHPhotoLibrary. The main thing you'll need to replace is your use of PHPhotoLibrary.shared() which creates a dependency to a concrete instance. Instead, we can depend on an abstraction, that is, a protocol.
Then production code can supply PHPhotoLibrary.shared() as the instance to use. Test code can supply a mock object.
Let me know if you need more elaboration on breaking the dependency, or on making a mock object, or both.
