What does this Swift iPad crash log mean? [duplicate] - ios

This question already has an answer here:
`save(to:for:completionHandler:)` of `UIDocument` crashes
(1 answer)
Closed 5 years ago.
App runs fine on every device that qualifies for deployment target of 9.3+ except iPad2. The url is good. Works on every iPhone and every other iPad. The crash is on a physical iPad2 and Simulator iPad2 iOS 9.3.
doc.save(to: target, for: .forCreating, completionHandler: {(success) in
if (success) {
print("Save succeeded")
} else {
print("Save failed")
This is where it crashes. Get to a breakpoint at this line, and do not get to breakpoints in completion handler or either print. Again, just the one model of just iPad.
The crash log is over my head. Does it make sense to any of you? Thank you.
Edit: expanded the crash log

tl;dr: It's a bug in the Swift Data type. Solution: In your UIDocument contents(forType:) implementation, change this:
return data
to this:
return NSData(data:data)
More info: Note that merely casting data to NSData won't help:
return data as NSData
That doesn't get us any further because it's the bridging that's the problem. We're already bridging to NSData and it isn't helping. You have to create a completely new object that is not a Swift Data object.
Even more info: For future generations who come along and want to test this, the crash can be reliably reproduced as follows. Make a new Single View project, with an app delegate and a ViewController as usual. In the ViewController.swift file, put this:
import UIKit
class WhatsUpDoc: UIDocument {
var array = [String]()
override func load(fromContents contents: Any, ofType typeName: String?) throws {}
override func contents(forType typeName: String) throws -> Any {
let data = NSKeyedArchiver.archivedData(withRootObject: array)
return data // comment out this line to avoid the crash
return NSData(data:data)
class ViewController: UIViewController {
var doc : WhatsUpDoc?
override func viewDidLoad() {
let documentsDirectory = FileManager.default.urls(for: .documentDirectory, in: .userDomainMask).first!
let baseURL = documentsDirectory.appendingPathComponent("Untitled")
let doc = WhatsUpDoc(fileURL: baseURL)
self.doc = doc
self.doc!.save(to:self.doc!.fileURL, for: .forCreating)
Configure your project to have a deployment target of 9.0, and make sure you've got a 9.0 simulator SDK on hand. In Window > Devices, give yourself an iPad 2 simulator. Set that simulator as the project's destination. Run, and crash. Comment out the line that says to comment it out, and don't crash.
Post-analysis Q&A:
Wait, so what exactly _is_ the bug? You're not saying you can't write a Swift Data object to disk, are you?
No, it's got something to do with the peculiar threaded nature of writing during a UIDocument file save. Note that we are crashing in a background thread (thread 10 or 11 in the OP's screen shots). And what we are crashing in is a method of SwiftNSData, the NSData wrapped by a Swift Data. We're trying to enumerate the data's bytes on this background thread, and we can't; presumably this isn't thread-safe on certain device types, i.e. 32-bit devices. My solution is to get Swift Data out of the picture completely.
Okay, so it turns out this bug is known; the answer is given here: https://stackoverflow.com/a/41163395/341994 How about that?
Okay, but I figured it out independently in response to the current question. I didn't find out about the other question and answer until later, when it occurred to me to do a search. So I've marked the current question as a duplicate, but I'm leaving my answer for historical purposes, esp. as it gives a clear test case (which the other question does not).
By the way, I do not know why using NSMutableData(data:) would be better than my solution of using NSData(data:), but that's what Apple says to do, so let's just take it as gospel.


How to keep a clean production version of your iOS App?

I develop an iOS App called Swordy Quest:
It contains Game Center integration for Leaderboards, Achievements, Player vs Player (PVP) matchmaking and Clans.
I have a local test version that I use when developing (with a test bundleID). I also have a production version of my game that I use to play the game and progress as if I was a customer. However, in order to upgrade/implement the Game Center functionality above, I need to use my production bundleID for testing. This then overwrites my 'customer game' with all my test data (ruining my 'natural' progress).
So I am wondering, is it possible to have a 'clean' production version of an app and still have a separate test version that allows me to test Game Center functionality. Or is there some way to restore a previous app state in Xcode so I could save my production clean version before polluting it with test data? I know in Mac Apps you can change the custom working directory, but I don't think you can in iOS?
I have looked into backing up my Production version of the app before working on Game Center upgrades, but it looks like this is probably not possible? Has anyone come up with a clever way around this?
Please note I have stored both CoreData and UserDefaults in the app.
Custom working directory is something only command-line tool projects. ChangeCurrentDirectoryPath option is no longer available at this place as the screenshot below in XCode 4.6.1. Sounds crazy but you can try downgrade to Xcode 4 and make it happen.
Or you will need load files using Cocoa’s NSBundle class or Core Foundation’s CFBundle functions. So make duplicate target for your Swordy Quest test. It will not affect your clean copy.
Manage schemes:
Finally click the little gear button create a clean copy to avoid touch your production code.
After you set up your keys both product and test where
Build Settings > Packaging ( write to filter Packaging )
Implement as a code below to your logic function ( for example implement in it to a function which trigger a GameHomeVC from LoginPlayerVC )
var key: String?
key = #"prodKey";
key = #"testKey";
as a precursor, i'm not familiar with Game Center, so there may be concerns there that i haven't accounted for. so, with that, my instinct in solving this starts out with launch arguments. there is a great article on how to do this here: https://www.swiftbysundell.com/articles/launch-arguments-in-swift/.
Now that you're able to start changing behavior based off of launch arguments from different schemes, you can start to look at how to segment your test / prod data.
As I'm not a CoreData expert, i can't say with 100% confidence that this is possible (or easy), but i would investigate how to setup separate persistent stores based off of a launch argument. using this article as a reference, it seems like you could roughly do something like the below after creating a -testGameCenter launch argument to a new TestGameCenter scheme to create an in-memory data store when testing Game Center
lazy var persistentContainer: NSPersistentContainer = {
let container = NSPersistentContainer(name: "YourDataStore")
if CommandLine.arguments.contains("-testGameCenter") {
let description = NSPersistentStoreDescription()
description.url = URL(fileURLWithPath: "/dev/null")
container.persistentStoreDescriptions = [description]
container.loadPersistentStores(completionHandler: { _, error in
if let error = error as NSError? {
fatalError("Failed to load stores: \(error), \(error.userInfo)")
return container
if you're able to solve the CoreData problem above, it's time to start looking at how to segment your UserDefaults data. this gross but easy solution that immediately comes to mind is prefixing your UserDefault keys with test when running from your test scheme. below is an example of how could structure a wrapper around UserDefaults to manage this
struct UserDefaultsWrapper {
let userDefaults: UserDefaults
let keyPrefix: String
init(userDefaults: UserDefaults, keyPrefix: String) {
self.userDefaults = userDefaults
self.keyPrefix = keyPrefix
func setValue(_ value: Any?, forKey key: String) {
self.userDefaults.setValue(value, forKey: prefixedKey(forKey: key))
func value(forKey key: String) -> Any? {
self.userDefaults.value(forKey: prefixedKey(forKey: key))
func prefixedKey(forKey key: String) -> String {
return "\(keyPrefix)\(key)}"
where you could make use of the wrapper like so
let userDefaultsPrefix = CommandLine.arguments.contains("-testGameCenter") ? "testGameCenter_" : ""
let userDefaultsWrapper = UserDefaultsWrapper(userDefaults: .standard, keyPrefix: userDefaultsPrefix)
to get something more elegant, you could look a little more into UserDefaults to see if you could apply a solution similar to the one for CoreData where there are two entirely separate stores. from a quick glance at this initializer, maybe you could do something as simple as this with your wrapper instead
struct UserDefaultsWrapper {
let userDefaults: UserDefaults
init(userDefaults: UserDefaults) {
self.userDefaults = userDefaults
func setValue(_ value: Any?, forKey key: String) {
self.userDefaults.setValue(value, forKey: key)
func value(forKey key: String) -> Any? {
self.userDefaults.value(forKey: key)
where you construct it like so
let userDefaultsSuiteName: String? = CommandLine.arguments.contains("-testGameCenter") ? myTestingGameCenterSuiteName : nil
let userDefaults = UserDefaults(suiteName: userDefaultsSuiteName)
let userDefaultsWrapper = UserDefaultsWrapper(userDefaults: userDefaults)
lastly, from a comment you made on another reply, it sounds like you are also concerned with fresh install scenarios. that said, the approaches i've outlined will not help (at least i don't think) with persisting data across deletes/installs. but, what i think you should think about is if it's necessary to test those delete/install concerns from your production bundle id. could you instead either manually test those concerns from your test bundle id and/or write unit tests around the components that involve those concerns? when you are approaching your testing strategy, it's important to make sure that you're testing the right things at the right layers; testing the wrong things at the wrong layers makes each testing layer much, much harder to execute
Targets is designed to do just that. You set pre-processor macros values to get the compiler to compile specific code based on target / macros values.
In your case, you change path to the customer game / test data file based on selected the target / macro combination.
You can also set a different bundleID for each target.
Once this is all setup you simply just switch between target and compile. The whole thing should just work seamlessly.
Make a backup of your project and then follow this tutorial which covers exactly how to do this:
If the link above is broken in future, just search "Xcode target tutorials"

Swift: Load JSON from a url and store in cache or file system

I am currently in the process of writing an iOS APP that downloads information from an API in JSON format then displays it in the app.
One of the key features to this app is it being able to work offline as well as online, for this reason there should be a cached version as well as an online version.
After reading through the internet to my shock I have not found any examples what so ever of this approach.
The only thing I have found that's even come close to this is HanekeSwift but the documentation seems incomplete and there is no way to clear the cache and i'm not even sure if this is a memory based cache or a filesystem based cache.
Since there is lots of ways out there to do this, core data, file system frameworks etc.. I'm not sure which one would be the best to go for, theoretically to break down my thought process all I need to do is:
Check if the JSON file exists on the system
If not download it from the network and store it for later use (Preferably as a string format)
If file exists load it into a swiftyJSON object
I feel like core data would be overkill, I feel like the file system way is dated as most of the filesystem cocoa pods/libraries don't seem to be compatible with the current swift version (2.3)
Can anyone share some light on what the generic standard way of doing this is or what option would be the most suitable for my purpose of use and why.
Kindest regards
SwiftifyJSON makes objects that support archiving.
Try this
class HSCache: NSObject {
static var defaults: NSUserDefaults = NSUserDefaults()
class func cacheThis(key: String, object : AnyObject) {
defaults.setObject(NSKeyedArchiver.archivedDataWithRootObject(object), forKey: key)
class func getFromCache(key: String, type : AnyClass) -> AnyClass? {
if defaults.objectForKey(key) != nil {
return NSKeyedUnarchiver.unarchiveObjectWithData(defaults.objectForKey(key) as! NSData) as? AnyClass
return nil
class func deleteFromCache(key: String) {

Failed to send custom object using WatchConnectivity (swift)

I was trying to pass my swift object from the iOS app to the Watch. However, I found it works for basic types like NSString, but my custom object type.
My custom object is able to cast to NSData
I've made my object implement NSObject and NSCoding, which works well. I can do following without problem:
let encodedChordProgression = NSKeyedArchiver.archivedDataWithRootObject(chordProgressions[1])
let decodedChordProgression = NSKeyedUnarchiver.unarchiveObjectWithData(encodedChordProgression) as! ChordProgression
NSLog("get decodedChordProgression = \(decodedChordProgression.description)")
WatchConnectivity code works for NSString
In iPhone:
try WatchSessionManager.sharedManager.updateApplicationContext(["data": "mystringishere"])
with Watch:
dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue()) { [weak self] in
self?.dataSourceChangedDelegates.forEach { $0.dataSourceDidUpdate(applicationContext["data"] as! NSString)}
My custom object with WatchConnectivity Failed
However, when I switch the object to my own object, it failed by not calling the dataSourceChangedDelegates callback function. That is:
In iPhone:
let encodedChordProgression = NSKeyedArchiver.archivedDataWithRootObject(chordProgressions[1])
try WatchSessionManager.sharedManager.updateApplicationContext(["data": encodedChordProgression])
with Watch:
dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue()) { [weak self] in
self?.dataSourceChangedDelegates.forEach { $0.dataSourceDidUpdate(applicationContext["data"] as! NSData)}
func dataSourceDidUpdate(encodedChordProgression: NSData) {
let chordProgression = NSKeyedUnarchiver.unarchiveObjectWithData(encodedChordProgression) as! ChordProgression
NSLog("get something here: \(chordProgression.description)")
What I've tried & my problem
I've tried to read the system.log of both the iPhone app and Watch app, but I couldn't find any clue, which is the biggest problem I have now.
The full code is: here (checkout 7f2a72c6004f6580e2a38a2d7fd0ed2cef8a2b2e)
NSKeyedArchiver/NSKeyedUnarchiver won't work in this way unfortunately. This is because even though you may share class files between your watchkit and iOS targets, they are essentially different classes to the compiler because they are compiled for different architectures.
What I have done to get around this issue myself (because I initially tried to do the same thing) is serialize my custom objects to a json dictionary (or json NSData if you like) and send that. Here is a github project I have made that automatically serializes your swift objects to json for you (specifically with this use case in mind).
I tried with "NSKeyedArchiver/NSKeyedUnarchiver" and this is working perfectly.
no need to go for serialization and all.
your dictionary should have same type of data and Archiver is doing it very well.

Using reopened standard file descriptors in an iOS app with background capabilities?

I would like to be able to redirect my logging statements to a file so that I can retrieve them when my app runs standalone (i.e. is not attached to Xcode). I have discovered (thank you Stackoverflow) that freopen can be used to accomplish this.
If I create a new Xcode project and add the code to redirect stderr then everything works as expected.
However, when I add the redirection code to my existing, bluetooth project I am having trouble. The file is being created and I can retrieve it using iTunes or Xcode's Devices window, but it is of size 0. If I explicitly close the file then the text that I wrote actually makes it into the file. It is as though iOS is not flushing the file when the app is terminated. I suspect that the trouble stems from the fact that I have enabled background processing. Can anyone help me to understand this?
Here is my code:
let pathes = NSSearchPathForDirectoriesInDomains(.DocumentDirectory, .UserDomainMask, true);
let filePath = NSURL(fileURLWithPath: pathes[0]).URLByAppendingPathComponent("Test.log")
freopen(filePath.path!, "a", stderr);
fputs("Hello, Samantha!\r\n", stderr);
struct StderrOutputStream: OutputStreamType {
static let stream = StderrOutputStream()
func write(string: String) {fputs(string, stderr)}
var errStream = StderrOutputStream.stream
print("Hello, Robert", toStream: &errStream)
fclose(stderr) // Without this the text does not make it into the file.
I'd leave this as a comment, but have you looked into NSFileHandle? It sounds like you just need a way to append data to the end of a text file, correct?
Once you have a handle with something like NSFileHandle(forWritingToURL:), you can use .seekToEndOfFile() and .writeData(_:). As a side note, you'll need to convert your String to Data before writing it.
Admittedly, this will probably end up being more lines of code, and you'll almost certainly need to take threading into consideration.

What is wrong with this line of Swift iOS Code?

I have created an iOS app using Swift and everything is working fine and dandy on the simulator. I get no errors or crashes at all, but when I submit my app to put up on the app store Apple rejects it and lets me know that it crashes when the user makes a selection. I cannot recreate this error/crash. I took the crash logs and symbolicated them. This line of code came up as the culprit for the crashes:
linksToPass = getLinks(season) as [String:[String]]
This line is trying to store the resulting Dictionary from the getLinks() function I created. It for sure is getting a dictionary and if there is no dictionary to send back I create a dictionary which has error information in it, so it is for sure returning a dictionary in that format no matter what. Seeing as I cannot recreate the crash, I am just trying to error check this line of code in any way possible so it does't crash when I resubmit to Apple.
I tried checking if the resulting dictionary was nil like so:
if(getLinks(seasons) != nil){
linksToPass = getLinks(season) as [String:[String]]
This is not valid though, and XCode lets me know that UInt8 is not compatible with NSDictionary or something of that nature.
I then fixed that line and changed it to this:
if(getLinks(seasons) != ["":[""]]){
linksToPass = getLinks(season) as [String:[String]]
I am just not sure if this is even a good way to check for errors. I was wondering if there were any suggestions on how I may go about making sure this line does not fail and result in a crash. Thank you very much.
Here is my getLinks() function if that helps add more info to the problem:
var season = ""
let hymn_links = Hymn_Links()
func getLinks (nameofseason:String) -> NSDictionary
switch (nameofseason)
return ["Maps Not Found": []]
EDIT #2:
This is my updated getLinks() function with the use of optionals.
func getLinks (nameofseason:String) -> NSDictionary?
switch (nameofseason)
return nil
Also in my statement of linksToPass I changed it to:
if let links = getLinks(season) as? [String:[String]]
linksToPass = links
hymnnames = [String] (linksToPass.keys)
There are some known issues with the Swift optimiser. Some people have resorted to shipping with debug builds.
My suggestion would be to test with an optimised build to see if you can reproduce it. You can then try shipping a debug build to the App store.
General Code Comments
Why are you returning an NSDictionary rather than a Swift dictionary anyway? Without knowing the contents and creation method for your hymn_links object I can't be sure how good it is.
I would avoid as casts until Swift 1.2 and stick to using as? and then handling the nil case. At least in your "Edit 2" a nil will cause a crash as nil cannot be cast to [String:[String]] although [String:[String]]? should be possible.
Can you guarantee that all of the items returned by the switch statement will never under any circumstances be nil? If not getLinks should return an Optional.
Note that is is virtually impossible for getLinks to know that one of the items will never be nil and in Swift un-handed nils are a crash waiting to happen. Unless all these methods correctly handle nil.
Return an Optional and handle that in the statement that calls getLinks.
Languages handle nils differently, Objective-C handles them rather well, Java and Swift by crashing. But Swift has a mechanism to handle nils without crashing: Optionals, use it.
