What is the better way to encrypt NSURLCache? - ios

I want to encrypt/decrypt all cached data from a NSURLSession using AES256. I'm new using Alamofire but I think it is possible to do it without involving the library itself.
I don't know exactly what is the most seamless way to encrypt the data before caching and decrypt it after being retrieved from cache.
I see I can use Alamofire's SessionDelegate and the methods dataTaskWillCacheResponse and dataTaskWillCacheResponseWithCompletion to encrypt but I don't see anything related with the data being extracted from the cache to do the decrypting.
On the other hand I was thinking about a custom NSURLProtocol to override cachedResponse but I don't see anything related with the caching of that response, only with the extracted data.
In summary, I don't know if it is possible to accomplish this, or I have to use a mix between the NSURLSessionDelegate/SessionDelegate and NSURLProtocol, or maybe subclass NSURLCache to do the job and pass it to the Alamofire session, or there is something simpler out there, or I'm terribly wrong :P
Any help will be really appreciated.
I'm trying to achieve it with the next implementation. First of all a very simple subclass of the cache:
class EncryptedURLCache: URLCache {
let encryptionKey: String
init(memoryCapacity: Int, diskCapacity: Int, diskPath path: String? = nil, encryptionKey: String) {
guard !encryptionKey.isEmpty else {
fatalError("No encryption key provided")
self.encryptionKey = encryptionKey
super.init(memoryCapacity: memoryCapacity, diskCapacity: diskCapacity, diskPath: path)
override func cachedResponse(for request: URLRequest) -> CachedURLResponse? {
defer { objc_sync_exit(self) }
return super.cachedResponse(for: request)?.cloneDecryptingData(withKey: encryptionKey)
override func storeCachedResponse(_ cachedResponse: CachedURLResponse, for request: URLRequest) {
defer { objc_sync_exit(self) }
super.storeCachedResponse(cachedResponse.cloneEncryptingData(withKey: encryptionKey), for: request)
And an extension of the cached response to return the encrypted/decrypted data
extension CachedURLResponse {
func cloneEncryptingData(withKey key: String) -> CachedURLResponse {
return clone(withData: data.aes256Encrypted(withKey: key))
func cloneDecryptingData(withKey key: String) -> CachedURLResponse {
return clone(withData: data.aes256Decrypted(withKey: key) ?? data)
private func clone(withData data: Data) -> CachedURLResponse {
return CachedURLResponse(
response: response,
data: data,
userInfo: userInfo,
storagePolicy: storagePolicy
This is working but only for a mockable.io that I mounted with the header Cache-Control: max-age=60. I'm also testing against the SWAPI http://swapi.co/api/people/1/ and against Google Books https://www.googleapis.com/books/v1/volumes?q=swift+programming.
In all three cases the responses are correctly encrypted and cached. I'm doing my testing cutting off the Internet connection and setting the session configuration's requestCachePolicy = .returnCacheDataDontLoad.
In this scenario, the request made to mockable.io is correctly decrypted and returned from cache but the others say NSURLErrorDomain Code=-1009 "The Internet connection appears to be offline.". This is VERY strange because, with that policy, it has to say NSURLErrorDomain Code=-1008 "resource unavailable" if there is no possibility to return the cached data. If there is an error decrypting then it says it was an error serializing to a JSON object.
I've also tested with the common shared cache and it works as expected, with that policy the data is returned. I thought it could be something related with the absence of cache headers in the SWAPI and GBooks responses but this test works, it returns the cached data.
Then I made another test: using my cache but without encrypting/decrypting data, simply cloning the returned cached response with the data as is, with no results. Then I tried a final and very stupid test: to avoid cloning the response, just return the cachedResponse and then IT WORKED. How the h*** is that possible? If I clone the cachedResponse to inject my encrypted/decrypted data it does not work! Even in examples from Apple they are creating new cached responses with no fear.
I don't know where is the error but I'm going to jump over the window in a minute or two.
Please, any help? Thank you so much.
I was changing emails with a DTS engineer from Apple and the conclusion is that this is not possible to achieve this because the backing CF type is doing more logic than the Foundation object, in this case it is doing a validation against the URLRequest that is passed to it when the system caches the response, but I cannot pass it when make the clone with the regular NSCachedURLResponse.
When the system validates against the request, there is none to match with.

There is no way to intercept cache retrieval calls from the delegate side that I'm aware of, and I don't think that a custom protocol will even be asked to handle the request if it comes out of the cache, but I could be wrong. So probably your options are:
Explicitly ask the cache for the data before you make the URL request.
Add code in the code that actually handles the response so that it recognizes that the data is encrypted and decrypt it.
For example, you could insert an additional header into the headers as you store it into the cache to indicate that the cached data is encrypted. Then, when you see that magic header value on the way back out, decrypt it.
Write a subclass of NSURLCache and handle the decryption there (and ideally, store the on-disk data in a different file to avoid breaking any requests in your app that use the normal cache).


iOS How to check how many request was sent for server, parse swift 4

I have something strange with my parse server, I start to check Analytics toll at the parse, and I saw during some period I have more than600 request per minutes, to the server, in my opinion, is not possible because only I am, testing app.
At image you can see a trend, I have 10-14 requests, and immediately I get 600?
How I can check how many requests are sent my app?
You can use a proxy to catch your request
-> Charles is a really useful tool for this
If you want count in your app how many are sent, it depends on how you organised your code.
-> you could create a counter for this (in your custom "ReqeustMaker" create a static variable or even in in a shared instance class if you need more fancy stuff)
Using the following code you can trap all the calls, and find them all on Xcode debug console:
class MyURLProtocol: NSURLProtocol {
class func canInit(with request: URLRequest) -> Bool {
print("Requests : \(request.url?.absoluteString ?? "")")
return false
and call this when app is loading:

Swift (Xcode) REST API Connection using OAuth 1

Quick background, I am extremely new in this realm. I am aware that this type of question has been asked before and answered successfully. The issue that I am experiencing is caused by the inability to wrap my head around the process of establishing the connection. I have spent hours (into days) searching for the answer and I am still unsuccessful. This has become my "white whale" so to speak.
I am using Xcode 9 with Swift version 4. Many of the answer I come across use Objective-C and I cannot mix and match. So I would like to UNDERSTAND why I am unable to connect and the correct process to connect so I can write the code with the understanding of what I am doing. Lastly, I have signed up (and completed) a few paid Udemy courses to try and learn the process correctly. I have been able to connect to API sources but OAuth 1 is tripping me up. Any constructive help would be incredibly appreciated.
I am attempting to connect to the Fat Secret database. I would like to connect a search bar to the food.search functionality and also the food.get for another search bar.
Company- FatSecret
URL for API- platform.fatsecret.com/rest/server.api
URL to FatSecret documentation (I have gone through this MANY times)- http:// {space} platform.fatsecret. {space }com/api/Default. {space} aspx?screen=rapiauth
Parameters- Parameters {
oauth_consumer_key - consumer_key (I have a consumer key)
oauth_signature_method - "HMAC-SHA1"
oauth_timestamp - The date and time, expressed in the number of seconds since January 1, 1970 00:00:00 GMT. The timestamp value must be a positive integer and must be equal or greater than the timestamp used in previous requests
oauth_nonce - A randomly generated string for a request that can be combined with the timestamp to produce a unique value
oauth_version - Must be "1.0"
As I previously stated, the answer to my question is displayed above. I understand that part but I do not understand how to incorporate it into my code.
Past code-
let url = URL(string: "I am unable to post more than 2 links due to my rep so I put {space} in the above url to circumvent the error. I used the listed url from the parameters")!
let task = URLSession.shared.dataTask(with: url) {
(data, response, error) in
if error != nil { print("success")
} task.resume()
The above code is what I used to establish the connection. I receive "success" in the console so I expanded my parameters.
let url = URL(string: "I am unable to post more than 2 links due to my rep so I put {space} in the above url to circumvent the error. I used the listed url from the parameters")!
let task = URLSession.shared.dataTask(with: url) {
(data, response, error) in
if error != nil { print(error)
if let urlContent = data {
do {
let jsonResult = try JSONSerialization.jsonObject(with: urlContent, options: JSONSerialization.ReadingOptions.mutableContainers) as AnyObject
} catch {
} task.resume()
The above code produces nothing in the console. I believe (sorry for my ignorance) that the reason I am not getting a response is because I am not sending any authorization in the request, nor am I am sending in the correct encoding. I imagine that I can create the parameters by var/let statements and then call on those statements but I am not able to see the way to do that. I could likely also store all of my connection information in a different swift file or class and call on that when I need to access data. This base signature is required with every request. I have to imagine that best practice would be setting it up that way but again, I can't visualization the process. It becomes a trial and error process that results in incredible frustration.
Again, any help would be incredibly appreciated. I apologize for the length of this post. Thank you for taking the time to read this post.
This may be late but I have successfully managed to implement the FatSecret REST API and have created a small Xcode project that shows how I handled OAuth. The only calls that can be made are food.search and food.get. https://github.com/NicholasBellucci/FatSecretSwift

How to reduce boilerplate in responseJSON just like I use URLRequestConvertible to group related web calls

I use URLRequestConvertible to groups my web calls, and to reduce the boilerplate code. But in each responseJSON I still have boilerplate to process my JSON response. They all look like these,
Check response.result.isSuccess
Check response.result.value as? the type data I expect (mostly a dictionary)
Check for the success indicator in dictionary
If succeed then retrieve the data I need.
And because I group the related calls in one URLRequestConvertible, their responses have the similar format that I actually have the 5th step to further retrieve the "real" data I am looking for.
So is there any way to reduce these boilerplate codes in responseJSON?
BTW, I actually come up with a kludge solution for it. But I was wondering is there any common practice for that?
I raised the same question at alamofire forum #2099 and got the answer to use ResponseSerializer
But after check the ResponseSerializer document I realize my home-made solution was not as crappy as I thought (using ResponseSerializer seems rather complicated)
So my solution is to add a static verify method to my Router and let it do the basic verification work (from Step #1 to Step #5)
static func verify(json:DataResponse<Any>, request:Router) -> result //needs the 2nd
parameter b/c is a static method
Now my calling method changed to these,
var result = CallResult.fail
.responseJSON { response in
result = Router.verify(json:response,request:Router.Callback(input))
.responseJSON { _ in //AS I already parsed response into my result
//process the result now

Intercepting EVERY response with Alamofire

I'm just exploring using Alamofire and it is excellent but I'd like to do something that I feel is possible just not sure how.
Our authentication with the server uses one-time-use bearer tokens. So for every request made I have to store the new token sent down with that request.
What I'd like to do is intercept every response that comes back and check the Authorisation header. Save it to disk and then forward to the place waiting for the actual data.
Is this possible with Alamofire?
If so, please could you point me in the right direction.
OK, after a bit of searching the github and head scratching I decided to create a new response serialiser by extending the Request type.
I created a new saveAuth() block like so...
extension Request {
public static func AuthSaver() -> ResponseSerializer<Bool, NSError> {
return ResponseSerializer { request, response, data, error in
guard error == nil else { return .Failure(error!) }
if let auth = response?.allHeaderFields["Authorization"] as? String {
Router.OAuthToken = auth // this uses a didset on the Router to save to keychain
return .Success(true)
public func saveAuth() -> Self {
return response(responseSerializer: Request.AuthSaver()) {_ in}
I can call it like...
Alamofire.request(Router.Search(query: query))
.responseSaveAuth() // this line
.responseJSON {
response in
// ...
It still requires adding in each place that I want to strip out the newly sent auth token but it means I can choose when not to do it also and it's a single line of code.
It's maybe not the most elegant code in the extension (I'm still getting to grips with it all) but it makes it much easier to save the authentication each time.
I have solved this by only having one place in my app that sends network requests. Basically, I have a "network manager" that builds up NSURLRequests and pipes them to one function that actually sends the request (in my case it's an NSOperation sub class). That way I have only one location that I'm reading responses from.

NSURLSession Performance - Probable race conditions or blocked threads?

I've ran into a bit of a performance issue with my iOS app, this is my first time working with NSURLSession and NSURLRequest, and although I've tried to inform myself as much as I can, I've hit a wall trying to debug a performance issue I'm facing.
So here's what I got: I've got an iOS 9 app written in Swift 2, I'm communicating with a NodeJS/Express server through Get, Post and Put Http requests, utilizing NSURLRequest and NSURLMutableRequest. I'm sending requests to fetch a group of objects (All together no more than 12000 bytes), however the requests are taking a significant amount of time (sometimes up to a minute). I've added logging to the nodeJs server and I can see that the requests take no longer than 30 milliseconds to be processed.
Note: I'm unsure if this is relevant, but I'm using a singleton "helper "class to make all my api requests and parse the results (saving authentication tokens, parsing JSON objects and saving them to Core Data, saving user preferences to NSUserDefaults, etc), I'm using a singleton so i can access it statically and I'm parsing all the data without saving anything in singleton's properties other than the URL of the server and the NSURLSession.
Here's what my code looks like.
//On initialization of the helper class
private let session = NSURLSession.sharedSession()
func getAllObjects() {
let route = "api/someRoute"
let request = getRequest(route)
request.timeoutInterval = httpTimeout
session.dataTaskWithRequest(request, completionHandler: ResultingObjects).resume()
The getRequest method returns a formatted NSMutableURLRequest, shown
func getRequest(route: String) -> NSMutableURLRequest {
let request = NSMutableURLRequest()
request.URL = NSURL(string: "\(serverUrl)/\(route)")!
request.HTTPMethod = "GET"
request.addValue("Bearer \(self.AuthenticationToken()!)", forHTTPHeaderField: "Authorization")
return request
The completion handler will parse the objects returned and notify
the main thread with the resulting parsed objects, as so:
private func ResultingObjects(data: NSData?, response: NSURLResponse?, error: NSError?) {
if let d = data {
if !isAuthorized(d){
do {
if let JSON = try NSJSONSerialization.JSONObjectWithData(d, options: []) as? NSDictionary {
if let message = JSON["message"] as? String {
if message == "Empty result" {
//- Return notification to be handled in main thread
notifyMainThread(NoObjectsFetched, payload: nil)
if let objcts = JSON["SomeObjects"] as? NSArray {
if let SomeObjects = parseResultingObjects(objcts) {
//- Return notification to be handled in main thread
notifyMainThread(ObjectsFetched, payload: ["payload": SomeObjects])
catch {
print("Error getting resulting objects")
else if let e = error {
print("\(e), could not process GET request")
I've also tried parsing the resulting objects on the main thread but
that doesn't seem to make a difference.
If you are curious, this is how I'm sending data to the main thread:
private func notifyMainThread(notification: String, payload: AnyObject?) {
dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), {
if let p = payload {
NSNotificationCenter.defaultCenter().postNotificationName(notification, object: nil,
userInfo: p as! [String: [MYMODEL]])
else {
NSNotificationCenter.defaultCenter().postNotificationName(notification, object: nil)
What I've found out:
Nothing makes sense! I've attempted debugging this but I cant really pin point what the issue is, When the debugger hits my "getAllObjects" method, it can take a good few seconds (up to 45 seconds) before the server logs that it received and processed the request (which it usually takes around 30 milliseconds). As far as I can tell, this happens for all requests types. Also, once the application gets the data back (super fast), it takes a long time (around 4 seconds) to parse it, and its only around 11kbs.
I've also attempted to change the requests cache policy in case the application was checking the validity of the cached records with the server, I used ReloadIgnoringLocalAndRemoteCachedData which didn't work either.
Now, this sounds like a memory leak
If I pause the application at any point (after using it for a few minutes), I can see a concerning number of threads. I'm honestly not too familiar with IOS so I'm unsure if this threads are from the simulator or if they all belong to the app, the app streams video contents (which has no latency issues) usin the AVPlayer class and I believe that many of this threads are related to this, however I'm unsure if this is normal, here's a screenshot of what I mean (Note the scroll bar T_T) Screenshot
Could it be that I've got a memory leak or some zombie threads considerably slowing the performance of my app? The only really noticeable delay happens only on HTTP requests which is quite odd, no other part of my UI lags, and no other feature in my app suffers from performance issues (even streaming video contents from a url).
What would be the best way to profile this performance issues to pin point the source of the problem?
Thanks to the suggestions by Scriptable, I've managed to address the threading issue (caused by multiple AVPlayers doing their thing). The performance of the requests however are not solved.
Its worth pointing out, the server is physically in the same country as where I'm making the requests from, when making requests from the browser or form the Command Line the requests are almost immediate.
Also, when I randomly pause the app (while I wait to the request to happen) I can see a 'mach_msg_trap' in some of the threads, I'm not familiar with this but I believe this might be a race condition? or a deadlock?
