Scrolling issue in nested UITableview in iOS - ios

I'm creating a layout where the data should scroll vertically and each rows data should scroll vertically. To accomplish this I have used UITableView as parent and inside each UITableViewCell, I am adding UITablview for vertical scroll.
The parent UITableView has only two section, each section has child UITableView. The Child tableView has more than 50 rows. I am facing scrolling issue.
I want that the child UITableView scrolls only when the respective section reaches to top of the screen. Now the behaviour is it scrolls independentaly.
How we can achieve this?

You have to make a custom subclass of your inner UITableView and override following method based on your condition and return true/false:

Try by setting following property to the main table view.
self.tableView!.delaysContentTouches = true
self.tableView!.canCancelContentTouches = true
Another option is, Use TableView inside CollectionView


dynamic, custom layout UICollectionView embedded in UITableViewCell

I have UITableViewController with 1 section and header with UISegmentedControl inside.
If user presses first segment we should display UITableView cells
If user presses second segment we should display custom vertical scrolling collection grid with collection items below that header
possible solutions:
change UITableViewController to UICollectionViewController, and UITableViewCells to UICollectionViewCells. This should work but I'm trying to avoid this solution
UICollectionView embedded in UITableViewCell. Setting UICollectionView scrolling enabled to false, adjusting UITableViewCell's height to fit entire UICollectionView's contentSize.height. In systemLayoutSizeFitting(...) method of container (UITableViewCell) we call layoutIfNeeded on container and on contained UICollectionView and return UICollectionView's contentSize.
(re)calculation of entire UICollectionView contentSize requires a lot of work if we have hundreds of items (cellForItemAtIndexPath for every item). Want to avoid this somehow. Maybe we can increase container (UITableViewCell) height during scrolling UICollectionView which is embedded inside.
Same as 2 but we have fixed size container UITableViewCell (same height as view without header) with UICollectionView inside. When we scroll UITableView to the very bottom UICollectionView scroll should continue scrolling.
I don't understand how to deal with 2 instances of UIScrollView with scrollingEnabled = true for both. I think this could be solved with pan gesture recognizer delegates. If it is so I need help here.
I would personally opt for number 1 and completely avoid number 2. For number 3, you could set tableView.scrollingEnabled = false when the second segment is tapped. Set it to true when the first segment is tapped. That way, when it's false, the UICollectionView in your UITableViewCell can still scroll.
This tutorial may help with putting a UICollectionView in a UITableViewCell.

How to make a Horizontal and vertical scrolling TableView in iOS using storyboard?

here is my design structure
I was wondering about creating a horizontal and vertical scrolling tableview. I have tried a tableview inside a scrollview but I failed miserably. What to do?
I use swift4 but I wanted to do in storyboard.
The nature of content is like an excel sheet with lots of horizontal and vertical scrolling rows and columns of data.
Actually you can do this using a hack. Put the tableView inside a scrollView. Then you should give a dynamic width to the tableView by specifying a width in storyboard for tableView or any child view of that scrollView(So we get the horizontal scrolling).You have to adjust some constraints depending on your requirement
Mine worked fine but as many users have said try a collection View if its easy
Note. There is a default scrollView within a tableView, So adjust your height of tableView in a way so the scrollView of tableView work and not the parent scrollView, while scrolling from top to bottom
Instead of using TableView try using collection view, there you can use horizontal and vertical scrolling using storyboard?
Try to use collectionview instead of tableview.
If your requirement demands use of tableview anyhow, then you can use tableview within scrollview.
In tableview within scrollview approach, you need to distinguish your parent scrollview as well as tableview's scrollview. Try to differentiate parent scrollview and tableview's scrollview with different tags. Because both scrollview will call delegate methods of viewcontroller, if implemented. Just check tag of scrollview in all delegate methods of scrollview and perform action accordingly.
As per my understaing you want a view which you want vertical scroll view and horizontal inside it.
So here my suggestion is to use UITABLEVIEW for vertical scrolling and UICOLLECTIONVIEW for horizontal scrolling inside tableview
Both will work fine

UIScrollView in Custom UITableViewCell mixing up data

I have a UIScrollView in each UITableViewCell of my table view that lays out UIViews horizontally - kind of like the "Featured" section on Apple's App Store. When I'm setting up the UITableViewCell I call a function within the custom UITableViewCell to layout the scroll view. This loops through data assigned to that tableview cell's index path and then creates the custom views and adds them to the scroll view. However, these get mixed up when scrolling the tableview and when the tableview refreshes.
If I clear the subviews before laying them out, it does work. However, I'd like to keep the scroll position at the same point every time it shows the cells. How is this possible?
I've just added an external array that stores the current offset for each scrollview, and then manually set the offset on each scrollview everytime the tableview gets refreshed.

Issue with row selection UITableView inside UIScrollView

I have a view controller with following layout:
Container View
UITableView as a sub view of a UIScrollView
I have another UITableViewController in which I have a few rows and some methods when the row gets selected. Now I want to display this UITableview inside the UIScrollView. So I add the UITableView as a subview of UIScrollView. The table is displayed in the scroll view just fine, but when I tap in the scroll view to select the table's row, then row is being highlighted but the method is not getting called when the row is selected..
PBDashboardPickupTable *dashtable = [[PBDashboardPickupTable alloc]initWithNibName:#"PBDashboardPickupTable" bundle:nil];
[self.scrollView addSubview:dashtable.tableView];
Also I have set scroll view's delayContentTouches to YES and cancelContentTouch to NO from Interface Builder. Also userInteractionEnabled is set to YES... then why is the method not getting called when I tap the table view's row?
Apple specifically warns in the documentation to avoid putting a UITableView inside of a UIScrollView:
Important: You should not embed UIWebView or UITableView objects in UIScrollView objects. If you do so, unexpected behavior can result because touch events for the two objects can be mixed up and wrongly handled.
Since UITableView inherits from UIScrollView, I would suggest you add any additional views you need as a tableHeaderView, tableFooterView, or as custom cells in the table.

Nested table view in ios 6

I am creating nested table view. One table view for vertical scrolling. And another for horizontal scrolling inside the cell of first. I set the delegate of horizontal table view to vertical table view's cell subclass. But the problem is that the horizontal table view's delegate methods aren't calling.
Does any one have an idea why its not calling?
You have to make sure that you are setting the delegate programatically when configuring the cell that contains the second tableview.
Can you post some code...
