IOS - CNContactPickerViewController should display only the names that has an email? - ios

I just want to get the name and email from the mobile contact and print it. I'm using the following code to do this task.
import UIKit
import ContactsUI
class ViewController: UIViewController, CNContactPickerDelegate{
override func viewDidLoad() {
override func didReceiveMemoryWarning() {
#IBAction func button(_ sender: Any)
let contactPicker = CNContactPickerViewController()
contactPicker.delegate = self
contactPicker.displayedPropertyKeys =
self.present(contactPicker, animated: true, completion: nil)
func contactPicker(_ picker: CNContactPickerViewController, didSelect contact: CNContact)
if let emailValue : CNLabeledValue = contact.emailAddresses.first
print(emailValue.value as String)
print(contact.givenName + " " + contact.familyName)
It prints the name and email that I select in CNContactPickerViewController, even if the selected name does not have an email, it just prints the name alone.
Now, what i want is, I don't want to display the names that has no email, in the CNContactPickerViewController. Only names that has email stored along with it, should be displayed. How can i do that ?
Using Xcode 8.2, Swift 3, IOS 10
NOTE: I don't want to check whether the email exists or not, or is it valid or not.

Have you tried adding a predicate to the CNContactPickerViewController? The documentation appears to have exactly the requirement that you're looking for.
In your button() method add the following before calling present().
contactPicker.predicateForEnablingContact = NSPredicate(format: "emailAddresses.#count > 0")


Using multiple toggles I'would like to regroup all toggles in one action

I'm trying to create an array composed of multiple tools.
The array changes depending on which tools are carried.
Expecting a long list of tools I would like to avoid having to write an action for each single element to add or remove from the array. ( I managed this part as you'll see below)
Instead I'd like to use the name of the toggle switch and apply the same action to all the toggles on the screen.
I came up with this inelegant method:
import UIKit
class mainVC: UIViewController {
var myEquippement: [String] = []
override func viewDidLoad() {
#IBAction func shovelSwitch(_ sender: UISwitch) {
if sender.isOn{
else {
let subjectIndex = myEquippement.firstIndex(of: "Shovel")
myEquippement.remove(at: subjectIndex!)
#IBAction func hammerSwitch(_ sender: UISwitch) {
if sender.isOn{
else {
let subjectIndex = myEquippement.firstIndex(of: "Hammer")
myEquippement.remove(at: subjectIndex!)
#IBAction func screwdriverSwitch(_ sender: UISwitch) {
if sender.isOn{
else {
let subjectIndex = myEquippement.firstIndex(of: "Screwdriver")
myEquippement.remove(at: subjectIndex!)
#IBAction func sawSwitch(_ sender: UISwitch) {
if sender.isOn{
else {
let subjectIndex = myEquippement.firstIndex(of: "Saw")
myEquippement.remove(at: subjectIndex!)
could you point me please to a better way of doing it.
I thought of using something like this:
#IBAction func toggleSwitched(_ sender: UISwitch) {
if sender.isOn{
else {
let subjectIndex = myEquippement.firstIndex(of: sender.title!)
myEquippement.remove(at: subjectIndex!)
but sender.title always returns a nil value, the force unwrapping crashes the app.
Thanks in advance for your help.
One solution would be to have a master array of tool names. When creating a switch, assign its tag property to the corresponding index within that array.
Then in your single switch handler you can use the sender's tag to get the name of the tool from the master list of tool names. That will give you the title for the switch. Then your logic for adding/removing the title from myEquipment can be used.

CNContactViewControllerDelegate not called when contact property selected/edited on iOS

The delegate for CNContactviewController is not called when properties get edited or selected.
When editing a new contact, the contactViewController(_ viewController: CNContactViewController, shouldPerformDefaultActionFor property: CNContactProperty) function is supposed to be called, but it's not.
How do you get notified when the user edits/selects a contact property?
Steps to reproduce:
Copy the view controller below.
Edit/select a contact
Expected behavior:
"yo" is printed every time you edit/select a property.
Actual behavior:
import Foundation
import Contacts
import ContactsUI
class ContactViewController: UIViewController, CNContactViewControllerDelegate {
override func viewDidLoad() {
func createContact() {
let contactController = CNContactViewController(forNewContact: nil)
contactController.delegate = self
contactController.allowsEditing = true
contactController.allowsActions = true
contactController.displayedPropertyKeys = [CNContactPostalAddressesKey, CNContactPhoneNumbersKey, CNContactGivenNameKey]
present(contactController, animated:true)
// =============================================================================================================
// MARK: CNContactViewControllerDelegate Functions
// =============================================================================================================
func contactViewController(_ viewController: CNContactViewController, didCompleteWith contact: CNContact?) {
viewController.dismiss(animated: true, completion: nil)
func contactViewController(_ viewController: CNContactViewController, shouldPerformDefaultActionFor property: CNContactProperty) -> Bool {
return true
// =============================================================================================================
// MARK: UIViewController Functions
// =============================================================================================================
override var prefersStatusBarHidden: Bool {
return true
override func didReceiveMemoryWarning() {
There are three initializers for making a CNContactViewController:
Existing contact: init(for:)
New contact: init(forNewContact:)
Unknown contact: init(forUnknownContact:)
The first and third forms call the delegate method contactViewController(_:shouldPerformDefaultActionFor:). The second form does not. That's the one you are using.
With the second flavor, the only event you get is contactViewController(_:didCompleteWith:), and at that point the new contact has already been saved into the database.
When editing a new contact, the contactViewController(_ viewController: CNContactViewController, shouldPerformDefaultActionFor property: CNContactProperty) function is supposed to be called
No, it isn't. That's just an idea you made up.
Expected behavior: "yo" is printed every time you edit/select a property.
Then stop expecting that.
How do you get notified when the user edits/selects a contact property?
You don't.
When you use a framework like Cocoa, you don't get to make up any expectations you like. Your expectations need to be based on what the framework actually does. You might wish that CNContactViewController and its delegate messages worked as you describe, and that might make a very good enhancement request to Apple. But it is not how it works in fact, so expecting it to do so won't do you any good.

Switch Save user preference

I am trying to send a tag with OneSignal when the switch is turned on, and send request to delete the tag when it is turned off again.
#IBAction func tagGeneral(_ sender: UISwitch) {
if (sender.isOn == true) {
OneSignal.sendTag("General", value: "value")
else {
This is the code i use for it. Seems to be working but when the user goes to another page the switch is automatically turned off...
How can i fix this?
Regarding #Ryan's comment, Here's an answer:
First. there are many ways to save the user preference, i'll be doing it with UserDefaults() | Edit your button action code:
#IBAction func tagGeneral(_ sender: UISwitch) {
let userdef = UserDefaults.standard
if (sender.isOn == true) {
OneSignal.sendTag("General", value: "value")
// user made the choice
userdef.set(true, forKey: "sw_set")
} else {
// reset
userdef.set(false, forKey: "sw_set")
Normally this wouldn't work without this little function, make sure you call this function in your viewDidAppear():
private func init_switch() {
// Thanks #Vadian for the tip
let userdef = UserDefaults.standard
self.yourSwitch.isOn = userdef.bool(forKey: "sw_set")
Call it in viewDidAppear():
override func viewDidAppear(_ animated: Bool) {
And let me know if it helped.

XCode8 Swift3 - Problems with open contact list and retrieve data by click

Currently I'm developing my first iOS App and I'm a little slow and rude about the code (it's so weird and different from java) and, if this was the only problem, with the new update, Xcode is making my code insane. I think I solved most of the issues but...
Before, on one of the screens, the app opened a the address book and let the user click on one; when the clicked was done, the contact list close and data from that contact was retrieved to the controller. Now, if the user click on a contact, more info is displayed but any information come out of the console log.
I try everything I find on net and I'm not sure why is not working.
Before, I use Addressbook (or something like that) but I already tried with CNContact.
This is the Button code
#IBAction func addNewContactOnClick(_ sender: AnyObject) {
let peoplePicker = CNContactPickerViewController()
peoplePicker.delegate = self
self.present(peoplePicker, animated: true, completion: nil)
CNContactPickerDelegate methods
func contactPicker(picker: CNContactPickerViewController, didSelectContacts contacts: [CNContact]){
contacts.forEach { contact in
for number in contact.phoneNumbers {
let phoneNumber = number.value as! CNPhoneNumber
print("number is = \(phoneNumber)")
func contactPickerDidCancel(picker: CNContactPickerViewController) {
print("Cancel Contact Picker")
Methods of CNContactPickerDelegate is changed in Swift 3 like below.
func contactPicker(_ picker: CNContactPickerViewController, didSelect contacts: [CNContact]) {
//your code
func contactPickerDidCancel(_ picker: CNContactPickerViewController) {
//your code
For other methods of CNContactPickerDelegate check Apple Documentation.

How to implement Nuance Speechkit when using CocoaPods in Swift

Between the pod spec and what is currently on S.O. I had a tough time figuring out how to get speech-to-text working using SpeechKit + CocoaPod + Swift. Finally got it working so figured I'd help the next poor soul that comes looking for help! :)
First install the CocoaPod:
Add #import <SpeechKit/SpeechKit.h> to your bridging header
Login to Nuance's dev portal and create an app:
Clean up the demo code so that is is more organized. I just wanted as much of the code to be in one place as possible so you can see a fully working implementation.
Then create a UIViewController and add the following code with the correct credentials:
import UIKit
import SpeechKit
class SpeechKitDemo: UIViewController, SKTransactionDelegate {
override func viewDidLoad() {
override func didReceiveMemoryWarning() {
// Dispose of any resources that can be recreated.
//!!link this to a corresponding button on the UIViewController in I.B.
#IBAction func tappedButton(sender: AnyObject) {
// All fields are required.
// Your credentials can be found in your Nuance Developers portal, under "Manage My Apps".
let SKSAppKey = "[Get this from the nuance app info page]";
let SKSAppId = "[Get this from the nuance app info page]";
let SKSServerHost = "[Get this from the nuance app info page]";
let SKSServerPort = "[Get this from the nuance app info page]";
let SKSLanguage = "eng-USA";
let SKSServerUrl = "nmsps://\(SKSAppId)#\(SKSServerHost):\(SKSServerPort)"
let session = SKSession(URL: NSURL(string: SKSServerUrl), appToken: SKSAppKey)
//this starts a transaction that listens for voice input
let transaction = session.recognizeWithType(SKTransactionSpeechTypeDictation,
detection: .Short,
language: SKSLanguage,
delegate: self)
//required delegate methods
func transactionDidBeginRecording(transaction: SKTransaction!) { }
func transactionDidFinishRecording(transaction: SKTransaction!) { }
func transaction(transaction: SKTransaction!, didReceiveRecognition recognition: SKRecognition!) {
//Take the best result
let topRecognitionText = recognition.text;
print("Best rec test: \(topRecognitionText)")
//Or iterate through the NBest list
let nBest = recognition.details;
for phrase in (nBest as! [SKRecognizedPhrase]!) {
let text = phrase.text;
let confidence = phrase.confidence;
print("\(confidence): \(text)")
func transaction(transaction: SKTransaction!, didReceiveServiceResponse response: [NSObject : AnyObject]!) { }
func transaction(transaction: SKTransaction!, didFinishWithSuggestion suggestion: String!) { }
func transaction(transaction: SKTransaction!, didFailWithError error: NSError!, suggestion: String!) { }
