Where does the jenkins shared library files get stored? - jenkins

The shared library files in jenkins are loaded at the beginning of the job, where does it get stored? I am trying to access the dockerfile stored in the shared library, I need the path to give in the docker build command. Is there a way I can find out the place where the shared library files are loaded in jenkins?

If the shared library is loaded from SCM and your workspace path is jenkins/workspaces/jobName, then a copy is checked out to jenkins/workspaces/jobName#libs or similar (might be suffixed with a number if that path is occupied by another concurrent build).
However, there is another way, if I understand you correctly you wan't to retrieve a resource in this library? In that case you should use the libraryResource and writeFile steps. Like this:
writeFile file:'myFile.txt', text:libraryResource("path/to/myFile.txt")


access jenkins build artifacts in postbuild-plugin

Is there any way to access the previously build artifacts in a post-build-plugin? If yes, how do I access them?
For example:
My build creates a .jar file as an artifact.
In my plugin, I would like to access that .jar file and send it to an external server. That server is going to evaluate the file and depending on the result, I'd like to mark the build as failed/unstable/successful.
All build artifacts are in the workspace, in the same path the previous step saved them, ie build/libs/foo.jar. If you click in workspace, you can find it there, and it would be available for any post-build-plugin if you dont move it or delete it. Post build steps are executed in the workspace so it should be accessible with ie ./build/libs/foo.jar

Is there a way to scrape variable information from the source files or folder names that my artifact is built from?

I have automated a build/deploy process in Azure Devops / TFS and would like to scrape a file or folder name as a variable from the source file path that is used for my build artifact.
For example, I might want to scrape the folder name of the folder at the build source path and store it for use in the build #, release #, etc.
I have gone through Microsoft's documentation and I believe the information I'm looking for might be associated with the following... but I can't seem to find the right location.
Release.Artifacts.{alias}.BuildURI #The URL for the build.
Azure pipelines example: vstfs://build-release/Build/130
GitHub example: https://github.com/fabrikam/asp
When I attempt to locate the folder name from the source, I have so far been unable to find it in code.
Sorry, it's not possible to get the source file & folder name/Artifact name from the environment variable.
As of now, you need to specify the Artifact alias name in order to access the artifact related information.
E.g, Release.Artifacts.{alias}.DefinitionName
General Artifact variables
Primary Artifact Variables
Using default variables, you can use the default variables in two ways - as parameters to tasks in a release pipeline or in your scripts. here

Generate a file as a Release Pipeline's output in Azure DevOps?

During a Release pipeline I need to download a Storage Table content before deleting the resource, but I don't know which path I can save the files to.
I can't save to another Azure resource, more like a Pipeline output, or like the files generated by the Tests.
I tried saving to something like $(Build.ArtifactStagingDirectory) but no success
You can add a Copy Files task to copy the files to $(Build.ArtifactStagingDirectory) first, then publish them to build artifacts using Publish Build Artifacts task.
You can also copy the files to a file share (UNC path like \\sharefolder) if it's an option.

Obtain the artifact directory path as a relative path for the Release process

We are working on the configuration process for the Continuous Integration for some projects, we are using TFS and now we have a problem with some releases definitions. We want to use the Web Deploy package created in the Build process for the Deployment.
So far the build definition that we have is following:
enter image description here
The path for the creation of the package is the default, so we are able to find it inside the artifact directory. But the problem is when we nee extract the files in the target folder for the website in the server.
The Release definition that we are using is:
enter image description here
In this part in the Download artifact phase the agent doing the release has access to the published files in the build process, so here we know where the .zip package is, and we can have the path using $(System.ArtifactsDirectory), but if we use Deploy IIS App task, as you can see we are connecting to the servers where we are doing the release and $(System.ArtifactsDirectory) give us the local address for the artifacts where the agents are configured, and the variable give the path like C:\agent_work\r1\a, where C is local for the agent, and the .zip file doesn't exist in that address. And we can't build a new path like \Myserver\$(System.ArtifactsDirectory).... , because $(System.ArtifactsDirectory) is an absolute path and as a result the whole path it is : \Myserver\C:\Myfolder....
We need other solution, we have considered in the build process create the package in a different folder, and in this case we always know where is the package, we aren't depending on the agent folders, and in this way we can use as Web Deploy Package path: \Myserver\packagefolder\file.zip, but we would like to use a different solution.
Is there any way to have the artifact folder with a relative path or something like this????
You could use Windows Machine File Copy task to copy the package file from agent to the servers where you are doing the release.
Use this task to copy application files and other artifacts such as
PowerShell scripts and PowerShell-DSC modules that are required to
install the application on Windows Machines. It uses RoboCopy, the
command-line utility built for fast copying of data.
You could use a temporary folder handling the package file on the agent. Such as Build.StagingDirectory. Build variables
Add a packagelocation such as /p:PackageLocation="$(Build.StagingDirectory)\\ in your MSbuild Arguments. Then copy the files from StagingDirectory to your local folder in remote server by using Windows Machine File Copy task.

How to pass job-specific files to Jenkins as part of job configuration?

I have a jenkins job that pulls source code from GitHub public repo. I need to pass some files such as instance-specific configuration files containing secrets to the job and merge with source code prior to running build because these files are obviously inappropriate to be put in public SCM. The Jenkins instance is a multi-tenanted shared service.
The config files don't change often so I don't want to implement using file parameter which forces user manually input the file on every run. Another reason file parameter doesn't work is some builds are triggered automatically by SCM.
I don't want to use Config File Provider Plugin either, because the plugin requires jenkins admin access but I want users with job-level privileges manage the files themselves.
Ideally the uploaded files are saved alongside with job config.xml instead of in workspace, because I would like to delete workspace after each build. I can write scripts to copy the files from job config folder to workspace.
Are there any solutions available? Thanks.
If the "special" files are being placed in a folder with say some access privileges to it, couldn't you either run a Pre-SCM-Buildstep to move the files with shell commands, or introduce a regular build step (i.e. after the SCM stuff and before the other build steps) that would also use shell commands to move files?
