Avaya ACR Search and Replay API : 401 Insufficient Rights - avaya

I am trying to play back a call using the Search and Replay API on Contact Recorder. I have set up the API user in the ACR Admin interface, giving it roles "May use external API's, May export recordings as files". I have also given it rights to play back all recordings ("000000-999999").
Using the HTTP request, it looks like my authentication is passing. When I use an incorrect password, I get "401 Unauthorized", and when using the correct password, I get "401 Insufficient rights".
Is there anyone that can give me a hint on where to look or roles that I might have missed?

Found my own solution:
The actual problem was an incorrect INUM, although the server returned "insufficient rights".
I looked up a test INUM in the database, and tried testing with that. The correct way is to search for the INUM using the API, and then play back the recording using the details retrieved. Do not look up an INUM in the database and expect it to be retrievable through the API.
One possible reason might be that the INUM retrieved from the database might be a screen recording, or a segment of another recording, which is unplayable.


How do I programmatically create a video meeting on teams.microsoft.com?

This might seem rather basic, it seems like it should be the simplest possible API call to make with any video call provider.
I need to:
Get an API key for my web application.
Create a meeting link with the video call provider using the key.
Share that link with an external user via e-mail (or SMS, or whatever, my app does that bit).
Redirect then internal user to the link (possibly in an <iframe>).
Optionally end the meeting afterwards so the link can't be re-used.
Optionally report on who attended and for how long.
It seems like that should be fairly simple (or at least straightforward), and for every other provider I've looked at it is, but for Teams I have struggled to get started.
For instance, in Skype this is (or used to be) simply a POST to https://api.join.skype.com/v1/meetnow/createjoinlinkguest.
I think the API key needs to be generated in Azure, and then the meeting request needs to be made via Microsoft Graph but it also appears like it is not possible to use this API unless a delegated user - i.e. users would have to sign in via their "work or school account".
I think that would mean switching our entire user model over to Microsoft's, a prohibitively large amount of work just to generate video call links.
Is there a way to generate these links without requiring the user to sign in via Microsoft?
Is this only possible via an Azure application instance and Graph API? It seems a very long way round compared to any other provider?

How do I get revenue reports from a YouTube CMS account using an API (for an MCN)?

I have access to a YouTube CMS account (for an MCN). On YouTube I can do lots and lots of things with it and this also includes downloading CSV reports which contain detailed information about earnings.
However I want to do some automatic processing of that data and thus access the data using an API instead of a manual CSV download. It looks like the YouTube Analytics Content Owner Reports should contain these data as well, thus I tried to get some data from this API (for now only using the API Explorer) but the only thing I was able to get was a "Forbidden" response.
The API Explorer tells me that for a CMS account I need to specify contentOwner==OWNER_NAME but there is nowhere an explanation what that OWNER_NAME would be. I tried to just insert the displayed name of my CMS account, replacing spaces with underscores, but no success. How do I find out what my owner name is?
Additionally, when I authenticate using OAuth I receive as usual the list of accounts where I can choose which one to use (e.g. all the YouTube channels I am a manager of), but the CMS account is not listed. However if I go to YouTube I can click on the top right corner and then switch to the CMS. No idea if that is important...
Then again, maybe I am totally on the wrong track, because I want to get the reports for all channels connected to my MCN but that does not mean that I own the content. So maybe I am no content owner? In this case: Which is the correct way to request the reports from the API?
First of all, the CMS account is not a separate account you can log in via Oath. It is more like a privilege and it is connected to one of your google/youtube accounts. This is in contrast to youtube's regular channel-management, where each channel has it's own login credentials.
I attached a screenshot of my youtube account-selector-view, where the CMS belongs to the account name#email.com, which is also the account you have to use for oauth authorization to access your CMS reports.
Furthermore you can see the name of the CMS, in this case it "CMSName". So, generally this is the name you would use for contentOwner==CMSName. However, your CMS Name seems to include whitespaces. Unfortunately, i cannot reconstruct this case because of missing admin-rights, but i would suggest you the _ for whitespaces too, because " " and "%20" do not map the regular expression for valid params.
But you said, that you had no success by trying it. But there are too error scenarios:
403 Forbidden: The name of the CMS could either be wrong or the selected OAth account does not have the required privileges. Do you have all required Scopes and selected the correct account?
400 Bad Request: This happens when the request is invalid per se. So if you choose contentOwner==CMSName as ids param, a filter parameter is always required, e.g. channel==[ChannelIdForWhichIHaveCMSRights]. So, a API request, that should generally work, would look like this: https://www.googleapis.com/youtube/analytics/v1/reports?ids=contentOwner%3D%3D[CONTENTOWNER_ID]&start-date=2015-01-01&end-date=2015-01-15&metrics=views&filters=channel%3D%3D[CHANNEL_ID_WITH_CMS_RIGHTS]&access_token=[OATH_TOKEN_FOR_RIGHT_ACCOUNT]
If both cases won't work for you and you're still getting 403 errors, let us do some debugging and try to fetch the content Owner Id. I will now introduce the YouTube Content ID API https://developers.google.com/youtube/partner/.
A few words in advance: You have to activate the API in your developer console, like any other API you want to use for your app. BUT:
Note: The YouTube Content ID API is intended for use by YouTube content partners and is not accessible to all developers or to all YouTube users. If you do not see the YouTube Content ID API as one of the services listed in the Google Developers Console, see www.youtube.com/partner to learn more about the YouTube Partner Program.
You don't see it in the list auf available APIs, unless your account is connected to a CMS and some time has past... It takes 7-14 days unless the Content ID API is available for your account. This is a information i got from the support, but they told me, that it is an automated step.
So, now lets assume, that you already have access to the Content ID API.
You can fetch a list of contentOwnerShips that belong to an account. You can use the API explorer https://developers.google.com/youtube/partner/docs/v1/contentOwners/list#try-it just use as param fetchMine=true and authorize with the https://www.googleapis.com/auth/youtubepartner-content-owner-readonly scope. The response looks like this:
"kind": "youtubePartner#contentOwnerList",
"items": [
"kind": "youtubePartner#contentOwner",
"id": "[CMS_ID]",
"displayName": "[DisplayName]",
"primaryNotificationEmails": [
"conflictNotificationEmail": "mail#random.xx",
"disputeNotificationEmails": [
"fingerprintReportNotificationEmails": [
This is where you get your CMS_ID from, you can also use it for any API Request as onBehalfOfContentOwner.
To get a list of all channels that belong to the ownership, simply make this request
But this request requires the granted "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/youtubepartner" scope.
Hoe this could help you, feel free to ask further questions.

getting random 404 errors using Valence

When I make API calls to the server, I'm getting 404 errors for various data -- grades, role IDs, terms -- that I won't get on the next time I call it. The data's there on the server, viewable by the same user, and is often returned successfully, but not every time. The same user context will return data successfully for other calls.
Any ideas what could be causing this?
I'm using the Valence API with the Python client library and our 9.4.1 SP18 instance of Desire2Learn in a non-interactive script.
more detail: the text it returns on the bad 404s is " ErrorThe system cannot find the path specified."
It would help enormously to gather data about your case: packet traces that can show successful calls from your client alongside unsuccessful calls, in particular, would be very useful to see. If you are quite certain (and I see no reason you shouldn't be from your description) that you're forming the calls in the right way each time you make them, then the kind of behaviour you're noticing would seem to speak to some wider network or configuration issue: sometimes your calls are properly getting through the web service layer, and sometimes they are not -- this would seem therefore not to be down to the way you're using the API but in the way the service is able to receive that request.
I would encourage you, especially if you can gather data to provide showing this behaviour, to open a support incident with Desire2Learn's help desk in conjunction with your Approved Support Contact, or your Partner Manager (depending on whether you're a D2L client or a D2L partner).

How to I access a SoundCloud public stream?

How do I play a track from a SoundCloud URL, which, for example, I got from the xml response from a query
I should have thought that it would have been as easy as:
yet I get
<error>401 - Unauthorized</error>
All I want to do is consume it in a Silverlight MediaElement, so all I need is set some url to the MediaElement's Source property.
I've checked an application that I wrote about 2 years ago, and THEN, accessing the stream url was as easy as this for a public track:
however this no longer seems to work.
For example, all I had to do then in C# was:
MediaElement me = new MediaElement();
me.Source= new Url("http://api.soundcloud.com/tracks/18163056/stream&consumer_key=MY_CONSUMER_KEY");
Any hints would be appreciated.
I had a reply on a Microsoft forum that seems to imply that SoundCloud might not be possible to stream to Windows 8 Metro devices without consuming the whole stream before playback starts - which is quite worrying and would seem to imply that to make authentication possible, it would have to be done entirely in the url querystring insterad of using the header:
(The following reply is the answer to the following question: 'I am able to access an audio stream by http using the MediaElement, however I need to access it via https in which I need to add the oAuth info to the header of the initial request.
How is this done when using a MediaElement, and if it cannot be done, what is the workaround for consuming an audio feed in Metro 8 that requires header authentication to stream?')
"Direct access to the underlying network stream is not currently permitted by the MediaElement. Because of this there is currently no way to modify the header of the HTTP request to include any additional authentication information. That said, you do have control over the URL. You could theoretically setup an HTTP proxy service that translated the HTTP GET request parameters into the necessary oAuth credentials. Keep in mind that this is just a theoretical workaround. You may find different behavior in practice. Another theoretical workaround would be to handle the oAuth yourself via a raw stream socket and pass the retuned media data to the MediaElement via "Set Source" and a "Random Access Stream". Please keep in mind that this method has major limitations. in order to use a "Random Access Stream" with the ME you need to make sure all of the data is available before passing it to the ME."
The proxy service is not scalable for an application that is merely distributed for free as every stream would need to come via the proxy. And the raw stream socket, although getting around this, would mean that playback could not start until the whole file had downloaded - and this goes against all current UX (User Experience) guidelines.
So once again, if anyone has any tips, or info about how the whole authentication thing can be achieved in a querystring instead of using headers, I'd appreciate it!
I'm a little confused about whether you're referring to a public or a private track? If it's a public track, then you shouldn't need to send any authentication information, just your client id.
When I request https://api.soundcloud.com/tracks/31164607/stream?client_id=YOUR_CLIENT_ID then I get a 302 redirect to the proper mp3 stream.
Remember, adding parameters to a URL must start with a ? not &. This could (more than likely) be the reason why you are getting a 401 (SC is not picking up the client_id).
After authentication the link like this
is working fine. I am using Action Script.
I'm following up on Tom's reply because he calls attention to url character specificity. My HTTP requests randomly started failing today, and I was prefacing my client_Id with a ?. As soon as I changed that single ? to &, it started working. So in my case, SC wasn't picking up my client_Id because I used the wrong character. I think depending on where in the request we're talking about specifically, it's worth noting that differences between ? and & do make a difference.

URL to get my Twitter followers says "requires authentication" even though I am logged in

I want to get the user_id fields of my Twitter followers.
Seems like this API method is what I am looking for:
Unfortunately it returns an XML file that says This method requires authentication.
Even though this method is documented as Requires Authentication: False
Furthermore, I am logged into Twitter as NicolasRaoul (typing URL in the same browser).
What am I doing wrong?
The Twitter screen name NicolasRaoul does not exist as of this writing, so that could be part of your problem.
When I clicked the link you provided, I received the same error message you did, however shortly thereafter, I tried again and received what I expected to receive:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<error>Not found</error>
I don't know why I initially received the request to authenticate; I should have received a 404. For what it's worth I can say, after all my years of working with the Twitter API, that Twitter can be pretty flaky every once in awhile, so let's just hope your error was due to Twitter having a bad day.
Since NicolasRaoul doesn't exist, I'll use Nicolas_Raoul (hopefully you) for the following examples.
For your use case, I would suggest utilizing http://api.twitter.com/1/followers/ids/Nicolas_Raoul.xml to get up to 5,000 follower user IDs. If you have more than 5,000 followers, you'll need to make use of the cursor parameter. Documentation is here.
Alternatively, you could use http://api.twitter.com/1/statuses/followers/Nicolas_Raoul.xml to get the full user objects of 100 of your followers returned in the order that they followed you. If you have more than 100 followers, you'll need to again use the cursor parameter. Documentation is here.
Note that for all Twitter API calls, I recommend using JSON since it is a much more lightweight document format than XML. You will typically transfer only about 1/3 to 1/2 as much data over the wire, and I find that (in my experience) Twitter times-out less often when serving JSON.
