Maximo cannot deliever message to endpoint - interaction

I've created an interaction in maximo 7.6 and when I try to run it, I get this error message:
BMXAA1481E - Cannot deliver the message to the endpoint. Internal
I've tried fixing it, but nothing works, does anyone how to fix this or even why does it pop up?


ERROR: Failed to get navigation preload state: The user denied permission to use Service Worker

I have a service worker running in production, lately I have started seeing increase in error Failed to get navigation preload state: The user denied permission to use Service Worker. This error was always logged on our end but the amount has been quadrupled in past 3 weeks. I am not sure what causes this error at the first place, and I have tried multiple ways but could not able to reproduce. Most of these errors are coming from recently released Chrome 105, but I did not saw any policy change in the new release which can trigger this.
I am looking for more details about the error? What causes it? How it can be reproduced?

Erlcloud SQS message not sent

Using the Erlcloud library for erlang I tried sending a message to the SQS,
erlcloud_sqs:send_message("ErlangGamesPacket","hi") for this command I am getting in return [{message_id,"8e4a535a-961f-4bc2-bd32-408d665b9323"},
but on checking in the console its shows "No message recieved".
Do anyone know anything regarding this?

Safari failing to send valid GET request using Angular's HttpClient

When sending a GET request in Safari, Safari is failing to send a valid request to the server. In fact, it isn't even reaching the server (I've checked this on the back end). Its also failing to provide all but two of the request headers and the response is null (which results in safari logging a kcferrordomaincfnetwork error 303 in the console). I've attached some screenshots below along with some additional findings. Can anyone provide any insight?
Screenshot of the request when it fails
Screenshot of the request when it passes
Issue is only reproducible in Safari on iOS devices.
Issue was happening on the MacBook previously. After clearing the website data once, we never saw the issue again
The call is intermittently failing
When setting a breakpoint before the product details call and manually calling it in the console, it fails the first time and then passes the second time.
Sometimes it isn’t the product details call that is failing (although it usually is)
Sometimes it is the create app or get product image call that fails.
Issue seems to go away after clearing website data, but comes back after one successful session.
When the call fails, we are getting the following error in the console: kcferrordomaincfnetwork error 303
Session storage is empty and issue persists
No exceptions are occurring (I enabled "break on all exceptions" in Safari)
Try running ng serve with the --no-live-reload option. We were seeing similar behavior, and WDS may have been interrupting the HTTP calls. So far, this has solved our problem.

what causes XPC error Connection interrupted

I have piece of code that fires couple of requests using NSURLsession and sometimes I get the below message on debugger of xcode
received XPC error Connection interrupted for message type 3
I am thinking what causes this issue ?
Is it something to be worried about ?
Googling doesn't help much
Maybe it is caused by Network Proxy like VPN/VPS ,close them and Command R again.
I got exactly the same error.
During the first attempt I had the VPN on. After turning it off the message did not appear.

AWS A Redis::CommandError occurred

I'm all of a sudden getting this error with my Rails application. I'm not sure what's going on. The word "password" is misspelled in the error message.
A Redis::CommandError occurred in emails#save_and_finish:
ERR invalid passward
app/controllers/emails_controller.rb:222:in `block in _send_blast'
I don't think it has anything to do with the part of the code where it's stopping because it works fine in development.
Not sure if that's the case, but I had the same misspelled "invalid passward" message.
We are using Redis by and we had the billing issue, the "invalid passward" was the (ugly) way they blocked us. So the solution is to contact the support.
