Xilinx error: Port connections cannot be mixed ordered and named - xilinx

FA FA9(.in0(CSA10[0]), .in1(CSA11[0]), .carry_in(CSA12[0]), .sum(CSA20[0]), carry_out(CSA20[1]));
For the above line of code, I got error "Port connections cannot be mixed ordered and named". All the CSAs are declared as wire [1:0] CSA11, CSA12, etc. The tool I am using is Xilinx 14.7.
I think the port connection I am using in the above statement is only named connection.
Thanks in advance!

Looks like you missed the "." before "carry_out". Try this:
FA FA9(.in0(CSA10[0]), .in1(CSA11[0]), .carry_in(CSA12[0]), .sum(CSA20[0]), .carry_out(CSA20[1]));


AT COMMANDS no answer (esp8266 f-12)

since I started working with my modules esp8266 F-12, I have found some strange behaviors. When I started programming the module using the serial monitor I had no problem, but when I do it automatically like ``````
char car=wifi.read();
String info+=car
Then, the module runs without printing nothing, but sometimes it does what I want him to d'o, but some other times is not doing anything until I send the command via serial. Has someone some Idea? Thanks
The AT-Command Set doc says "AT commands end with a new line (CR LF)".
Have you tried sending CR LF explicitly?

how to write driver for MX 6 and TJA1100 PHY?

I am working on new costume board based on (i. MX 6Solo6DualLite).and I use (TJA1100 100BASE-T1 PHY) for Automotive Ethernet..
please correct me if my questions don't make sense, or I am in the wrong way.
I want to write driver for this device.. and make sure that it works correctly.
1- I can make sure that the driver works properly in the U-boot step, Right? I mean no need to load Linux kernel, so I have just to add source code C driver in U-boot source code and compile it. I want to do this in U-boot step, so I can limit the numbers of files that initialise all peripheriques, and make it simple as possible since that U-boot can behave like (mini-Os)
2-I don't know how to write this driver (exactly..), so I am looking for the driver (source code) that initialise the Ethernet Controller in any other processor , and initialise another typeof ethernet phy, in order to get an idea and write a similar driver source code for I.MX6 and TJA1100,?
after this i think that i could maybe add some very basic file c For simple Protocol like ARP, for test purpose..
3- is this good idea writing driver code by inspiring from another driver code source?
4 - maybe, if you already have a driver for (i. MX 6Solo6DualLite and TJA1100 100BASE-T1 PHY) can you provide to me please... ?
for my second question i tried to extract from U-boot source code the C file that initialise Ethernet Controller in AM335x, and initialise LAN8710A phy,(in beaglebone black) in order to get an idea and write a similar driver source code but i couldn't found it .. i found network C file for protocol .... but that's disturp me i couldn't seperate them from the real C file that initialise ethernet controller and ethernent Phy .
There is a driver published on the NXP forum:
It includes both some bare metal code that should be usable with U-Boot and a Linux driver.

What is the tADOConnection.ConnectionString in Delphi to access the Interbase server

I have a WindowsXPSP3 op system, on it a DelphiXE and InterbaseXE installed.
I created a database in IB and it works OK through the IBConsole and ISQL and connection testing also works through TCP/IP localhost:3050.
Now I try to access it from Delphi.
I did:
var AC:tADOConnection;
I tried all possible version I could google for the ConnectionString, but all generated an error. I used various Provider= versions, etc., but none works.
Could someone provide me with a simple working ConnectionString? Do I need to install any ADO driver or similar additionally?
There are two ways to easily create a valid connection string
a.1) Click on the small button in the object inspector right of the connection string property.
a.2) Create your connection, test it, press OK
b.1) Create an empty file e.g. 'TEST.UDL'. Use Notepad.EXE for example.
b.2) Double click on the file in the explorer. This will open the connection string editor
b.3) Create your connection, test it. Press OK
b.4) Your file now contains the connection string which you may copy&past in your application
Another benefit of the second method is that you can even use the file as a connection string. This makes life alot easier if you have to configure your connection from time to time (Just double click on the UDL if you have to change the connection properties). Here's how a valid connection string for a file looks like:
FILE NAME=<Full path to your UDL file>

Erlang Bit Syntax pattern matching works in shell but not as passed argument

I am trying to make a simple UDP packet decoder.
<<Opts:8,MobIdLength:8,MobId:64,MobIdType:8,MgeType:8,SeqNum:16,Rest/binary>> = Packet,
Packet is passed by a receive loop:
rcv_loop(Socket) ->
inet:setopts(Socket, [{active, once}, binary]),
io:format("rcvr started:~n"),
{udp, Socket, Host, Port, Bin} ->
I keep getting(following error edited 9/7/12 9:30 EST):
** exception error: no match of right hand side value
in function udp_server:packet_decoder/1
called as udp_server:packet_decoder(<<131,8,53,134,150,4,149,0,80,15,
in call from udp_server:rcv_loop/1
in call from udp_server:init/0
If I create the same variable in the Erlang shell as a binary, i.e.
Packet = <<131,8,53,134,150,4,149,0,80,15,1,2,1,2,0,16,80,71,115,52,80,71,115,53,24,63,227,197,211,228,89,72,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,16,0,5,5,32,1,4,255,159,15,18,28,0,34,62,2,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,47,67>>.
<<Opts:8,MobIdLength:8,MobId:64,MobIdType:8,MgeType:8,SeqNum:16,Rest/binary>> = Packet.
It works just fine. Is there some subtlety in passing this to a function that I am missing? I have tried what I think is everything(except the right way). I tried setting the type and size. I also just tried
<<Rest/binary>> = Packet.
To no avail. Any help much appreciated.
The error you are getting when you run your code does not match your code. The error you are getting:
** exception error: no match of right hand side value ...
is a badmatch error and comes from an explicit = match where the pattern does not match the value from the RHS. There is no = in the code for rcv_loop/1. This implies that the loop you are running is not this code. So there are some questions to be asked:
When you have recompiled the module containing rcv_loop/1 have you restarted the loop so you run the new code? This is not done automagically.
Are you sure you are loading/running the code you think you are? I know this question sounds stupid but it is very easy, and not uncommon, to work on one version of the code and load another. You need to get the paths right.
The other things about mentioned about your code would not give this error. The calls to io:format/2 are wrong but would result in errors when you make the actual calls to io:format/2. Using the variable Socket as you do is not an error, it just means that you only want to receive UDP packets from just that socket.
EDIT : the first part of my answer was completely wrong so in order to not mislead, I deleted it.
Like spotted Alexey Kachayev io:format takes as second parameter a list, so :
<<Opts:8,MobIdLength:8,MobId:64,MobIdType:8,MgeType:8,SeqNum:16,Rest/binary>> = Packet,
I figured it out(kinda). I had been working on this in erlide in eclipse which had worked fine for all of the other parts of the. I tried compiling it from the erl shell and it worked fine. There must be some minor difference in the way eclipse is representing the source or the way it invokes the erlang compiler and shell. I will take it up with erlide.org. Thanks for the help!

OpenWrt/network - Configuring dnsmasq for ad-blocking fails with "bad address at"

Trying to get ad blocking working in OpenWrt router firmware 10.03.1
I've prepared a file /etc/hosts.ads contain harmless entries like
in /etc/dnsmasq.conf I added the following line:
and restarted dnsmasq.
Now on restart I see the log being filled with error messages:
Jun 3 22:52:33 OpenWrt daemon.err dnsmasq[13056]: bad address at /etc/hosts.ads line 1
about every single line in the hosts.ads
I googled it but with no luck. Everything seems right syntax-wise, why the dnsmasq does not like it?
(all lines in hosts.ads end with [LF] only)
Appropriate format for /etc/hosts.ads is a standard HOSTS format such as: eviladserver1.com eviladserver2.com
Look at my implementation of adblock for OpenWRT at http://jazz.tvtom.pl/adblock-w-openwrt/ (polish).
Per the dnsmasq documentation, addn-hosts= specifies additional addresses in /etc/hosts format. It looks like you're trying to add an additional dnsmasq configuration file instead. For that, you want conf-file= to specify the file directly, or you want to put the file in a directory specified by conf-dir=.
