Split audio track into segments by BPM and analyse each segment using Superpowered iOS - ios

I have been using the Superpowered iOS library to analyse audio and extract BPM, loudness, pitch data. I'm working on an iOS Swift 3.0 project and have been able to get the C classes work with Swift using the Bridging headers for ObjC.
The problem I am running into is that whilst I can create a decoder object, extract audio from the Music Library and store it as a .WAV - I am unable to create a decoder object for just snippets of the extracted audio and get the analyser class to return data.
My approach has been to create a decoder object as follows:
var decodeAttempt = decoder!.open(self.originalFilePath, metaOnly: false, offset: offsetBytes, length: lengthBytes, stemsIndex: 0)
'offsetBytes' and 'LengthBytes' I think are the position within the audio file. As I have already decompressed audio, stored it as WAV and then am providing it to the decoder here, I am calculating the offset and length using the PCM Wave audio formula of 44100 x 2 x 16 / 8 = 176400 bytes per second. Then using this to specify a start point and length in bytes. I'm not sure that this is the correct way to do this as the decoder will return 'Unknown file format'.
Any ideas or even alternative suggestions of how to achieve the title of this question? Thanks in advance!

The offset and length parameters of the SuperpoweredDecoder are there because of the Android APK file format, where bundled audio files are simply concatenated to the package.
Despite a WAV file is as "uncompressed" as it can be, there is a header at the beginning, so offset and length are not a good way for this purpose. Especially as the header is present at the beginning only, and without the header decoding is not possible.
You mention that you can extract audio to PCM (and save to WAV). Then you have the answer in your hand: just submit different extracted portions to different instances of the SuperpoweredOfflineAnalyzer.


Audio Synthesis with (AVFoundation?) Using Sine Wave

Let's say I have an array of Y values for a sine wave. (Assume X is time)
In Python you can just write it to a Wav file:
wav.write("file.wav", <sample rate>, <waveform>)
Is it possible to do this in Swift using AVFoundation? If so how? If not, what library should I be using? (I'm trying to avoid AudioKit for now.)
In AVFoundation there is AVAudioFile, but you'll have to provide the data as AVAudioPCMBuffers, which keeps the data in a AudioBufferList, which in turn consists of AudioBuffers, which are imho all rather complicated since their design goal apparently was to be able to handle every conceivable audio format (including compressed, VBR etc.). So AVAudioFile is probably overkill for just writing some synthetic samples to a WAV file.
Alternatively, there is the Audio File Services C-API. It provides AudioFileCreateWithURL, AudioFileWriteBytes and AudioFileClose, which will probably do the trick for your task.
The most complicated part may be the AudioStreamBasicDescription required by AudioFileCreateWithURL. To help with this a utility function exists: FillOutASBDForLPCM.

How to wrap an h.264 file as mp4 on iOS

I have a bare h.264 file (from a raspberry pi camera), and I'd like to wrap it as an mp4. I don't need to play it, edit it, add or remove anything, or access the pixels.
Lots of people have asked about compiling ffmpeg for iOS, or streaming live data. But given the lack of easy translation between the ffmpeg command line and its iOS build, it's very difficult for me to figure out how to implement this simple command:
ffmpeg -i input.h264 -vcodec copy out.mp4
I don't specifically care whether this happens via ffmpeg, avconv, or AVFoundation (or something else). It just seems like it should be not-this-hard to do on a device.
It is not hard but requires some work and attention to detail.
Here is my best guess:
read PPS/SPS from your input.h264
extract height & width from SPS
generate avcC header from PPS/SPS
create an AVAssetWriter with file type AVFileTypeQuickTimeMovie
create an AVAssetWriterInput
add the AVAssetWriterInput as AVMediaTypeVideo with your height & width to the AVAssetWriter
read from your input.h264 (likely in Annex B format) one NALs at a time
convert your NALs from your input.h264 from start code prefixed (0 0 1; Annex B) to size prefixed (mp4 format)
drop NALs of type AU, PPS, SPS
create a CMSampleBuffer for each NAL and add a CMFormatDescription with the avcC header
regenerate timestamps starting a zero using the known frame rate (watch out if your frames are reordered)
append your CMSampleBuffer to your AVAssetWriterInput
goto 7 until EOF

Is it possible to split the recorded wav file into multiple wav files on iOS, given the duration of the splits?

I want to extract a few clips from the recorded wav file. I am not finding much help online regarding this issue. I understand we can't split from compressed formats like mp3, but how do we do it with caf/wav files?
One approach you may consider would be to calculate and read the bytes from an audio file and write them to a new file. Because you are dealing with LPCM formats the calculations are relatively simple.
If for example you have a file of 16bit mono LPCM audio sampled at 44.1kHz that is one minute in duration, then you have a total of (60 secs x 44100Hz) 2,646,000 samples. Times 2 bytes per sample gives a total of 5,292,000 bytes. And if you want audio from 10sec to 30sec then you need to read the bytes from 882,000 to 2,646,000 and write them to a separate file.
There is a bit of code involved but it can be done using Audio File Services Class from the AudioToolbox framework.
Functions you'll need to use are AudioFileOpenURL, AudioFileCreateWithURL, AudioFileReadBytes, AudioFileWriteBytes, and AudioFileClose.
An algorithm would be something like this-
You first set up an AudioFileID which is an opaque type that gets passed in to the AudioFileCreateWithURL function. Then open the file you wish to splice up using AudioFileOpenURL.
Calculate the start and end bytes of what you want to copy.
Next, in a loop preferably, read in the bytes and write them to file. AudioFileReadBytes and AudioFileWriteBytes allow you to do this. Whats good is that you can read and write whatever size bytes you decide on each iteration of the loop.
When finished close the new file and original using AudioFileClose.
Then repeat for each file (audio extraction) to be written.
On an additional note you would split a compressed format by converting the compressed format to LPCM first.

Get PTS from raw H264 mdat generated by iOS AVAssetWriter

I'm trying to simultaneously read and write H.264 mov file written by AVAssetWriter. I managed to extract individual NAL units, pack them into ffmpeg's AVPackets and write them into another video format using ffmpeg. It works and the resulting file plays well except the playback speed is not right. How do I calculate the correct PTS/DTS values from raw H.264 data? Or maybe there exists some other way to get them?
Here's what I've tried:
Limit capture min/max frame rate to 30 and assume that the output file will be 30 fps. In fact its fps is always less than values that I set. And also, I think the fps is not constant from packet to packet.
Remember each written sample's presentation timestamp and assume that samples map one-to-one to NALUs and apply saved timestamp to output packet. This doesn't work.
Setting PTS to 0 or AV_NOPTS_VALUE. Doesn't work.
From googling about it I understand that raw H.264 data usually doesn't contain any timing info. It can sometimes have some timing info inside SEI, but the files that I use don't have it. On the other hand, there are some applications that do exactly what I'm trying to do, so I suppose it is possible somehow.
You will either have to generate them yourself, or access the Atom's containing timing information in the MP4/MOV container to generate PTS/DTS information. FFmpeg's mov.c in libavformat might help.
Each sample/frame you write with AVAssetWriter will map one to one with the VCL NALs. If all you are doing is converting then have FFmpeg do all the heavy lifting. It will properly maintain the timing information when going from one container format to another.
The bitstream generated by AVAssetWriter does not contain SEI data. It only contains SPS/PPS/I/P frames. The SPS also does not contain VUI or HRD parameters.
-- Edit --
Also, keep in mind that if you are saving PTS information from the CMSampleBufferRef's then the time base may be different from that of the target container. For instance AVFoundation time base is nanoseconds, and a FLV file is milliseconds.

Delphi: BASS.dll - how to copy part of MP3 stream to another file

Im using BASS.dll library and all I want to do is to "redirect" part of MP3 Im playing using for example BASS_StreamCreateFile to another file (may be MP3 or WAVe). I dont know how to start? Im trying to use help to find an answer, but still nothing. I can play this stream. Read some data I need. Now I need to copy ile for example from 2:00 to 2:10 (or by position).
Any ideas how should I start?
Well, I don't know BASS specifically, but I know a little about music playing and compressed data formats in general, and copying the data around properly involves an intermediate decoding step. Here's what you'll need to do:
Open the file and find the correct position.
Decode the audio into an in-memory buffer. The size of your buffer should be (LengthInSeconds * SamplesPerSecond * Channels * BytesPerSample) bytes. So if it's 10 seconds of CD quality audio, that's 10 * 44100 * 2 (stereo) * 2 (16-bit audio) = 1764000 bytes.
Take this buffer of decoded data and feed it into an MP3 encoding function, and save the resulting MP3 to a file.
If BASS has functions for decoding to an external buffer and for encoding a buffer to MP3, you're good; all you have to do is figure out which ones to use. If not, you'll have to find another library for MP3 encoding and decoding.
Also, watch out for generational loss. MP3 uses lossy compression, so if you decompress and recompress the data multiple times, it'll hurt the sound quality.
