tooltip for checkboxGroup or radioGroup in repeat control - tooltip

I have a repeat control bound to a (multi column) viewScope array.
The idea is that the chekboxGroup value will come from the first column and that the tooltip will come from the second column from the array.
The first thing (checkbox value) is not the problem. (see code)
The second thing is:
How can I assign the correct tooltip to the correct checkbox ?
<xp:repeat id="repeat4" rows="100" value="#{viewScope.choices}"
indexVar="rownumber" var="row" first="0">
<xp:checkBoxGroup id="checkBoxGroup2" layout="lineDirection">
<xp:this.value><![CDATA[#{javascript:return viewScope.choices[rownumber].get(0)}]]></xp:this.value>
<xe:tooltip id="tooltip1" for="checkBoxGroup2">
<xe:this.label><![CDATA[#{javascript:return viewScope.choices[rownumber].get(1)}]]></xe:this.label>
It seems that the tooltips work but are displayed off screen.
How do I manage to display them at the correct spot ?

Add position="before" or position="above" or position="below" to your tooltip control.
<xe:tooltip id="tooltip1" for="checkBoxGroup2" position="before">
By default it is "after" and this is outside the visible area in your example.


How to hide measure value from table but show value?

I am very new to tableau and I would like to somehow hide from this example the 2nd and 4th row, but put the value behind the 1st and 3rd row.
So the % values should stay but basically, I do not need the tag of it.
Any help would be very appreciated.

Angular UI-grid, how to tell what the next column in the scroll is

I have a ui grid that has 20 columns, and I would like to be able to tell what the next column will be as I scroll through the horizontal axis so that I can have some text that will tell the users what the names of all the columns they can't see are.
Anyone know if this is possible? As I watch the the inspector and scroll through the columns, I see html attributes changing.
---UPDATE 1----
This is what is all looks like (where it says "home #" is dynamic and will change to show the next column that is out of site)
Based on the ui-grid configuration that you use to render the grid, you already know the order of the columns. You can use this information together with the visible on each column added by the gird itself.
What you need to do is bind a event handler on scroll to iterate over the columns on each change and check the visibility of them. Then the first one with visible === false is the upcoming.
Here is a working Plunker where is used this flag.

How to ignore hidden series when clicking on a legend using highcharts?

I have a charts done in highcharts in which I show and hide series depending on a checkbox (if the user clicks on a checkbox and all series are shown, if he unchecks the checkbox, some series are hidden).
It is working great.
Now I have an issue with the legends in the chart: if the series are hidden and the users enables a legend, the segment of all series (hidden or not) are shown in the chart.
I would like to handle the click item so I only handle series that are being shown.
To do that, I created an eventhandler for the legendItemClick event.
Inside it, I am able to access the legend (using this) but I am only able to call functions in a legend level, affecting all series. Is there anyway I could get to a series level?
Edit: created a jsfiddle as an example:
Steps to reproduce:
1- unmark the checkbox
2- click twice in john + joe
Note that the segment related to Jane + Janet will show up
I would like to prevent this segment from showing if the checkbox is not checked.
ps: sorry for the js code in the checkbox event handler, we are using coffeescript, the original code was this one
toggleCompareData: (toggle) ->
columnName = COLUMN_HIGHCHARTS_TOKEN + #secondaryPrefix
if toggle
for serie in #chart.series if serie.stackKey is columnName
for serie in #chart.series
serie.hide() if serie.stackKey is columnName
It looks like bug, reported to our developers here:

SmartGWT ComboBoxItem - item in Combo is not marked in the pick list

I'm using ComboBoxItem(com.smartgwt.client.widgets.form.fields.ComboBoxItem). My question is how to force it to mark, hilight selected value in a pick list?
It is demonstrated in the SmartGWT showcase, Combo with a Label "A simple ComboBoxItem"
'Mouse' item is in the combo, however in the pick list 'Cat' item is selected - not as I would expect - a 'Mouse'.
Thanks in advance,
You can't. ComboBoxItem's PickList object (the drop down list), always moves its cursor (the selection marker) at the top of the list, or the first element that will be selected based on the user's input. If you want the cursor to show the selected value, use the SelectedItem instead, in the same way you use the ComboBoxItem. One drawback with this, is the fact that you can't type and have the auto-complete effect. However, if you type after you open the PickList for the SelectItem, the cursor will move to a matching option.

Cause 'hint' to refire on listview as I move over items

Sure I've seen this done before but off-hand I can't find any examples.
I've got a TListView, set in 'report' viewstyle. It has about half a dozen subitems, and one thing we'd like to do is have the 'hint' (tooltip) on the listview dynamically show another field of data. That is, each time you move the mouse over any given row, the 'hint' would show some text relevant to that particular row.
I'm partway there - I can do this using the OnInfoTip method, but unfortunately once a tip has appeared, Windows seems to decide that I don't need to see a hint for the listview again until I move the mouse away from the listview and then back 'over' it again. Simply moving the mouse down to the next row, all-the-time keeping the mouse over the control, doesn't persuade the program to display the new hint.
Just to be clear - I've got OnInfoTip working so that the program does display the right hint relevant to the item I first moved the mouse over. Changing the hint text isn't the issue. The problem is that moving the mouse to another item in the listview doesn't cause the software to show a new hint. (Hope that makes sense).
Is there some proper way of getting this behaviour to work, or am I going to end up doing something icky with mouseovers and then manually drawing a hintbox (etc)?
check the following link:
Display Custom Hints for TListView Sub Items
I just checked it now on delphi7 it's showing the hint for every row dynamically after moving the mouse on the listview.
Offtopic: This is simple in Virtual Treeview component, it is build-in feature.
i was using the OnInfoTip event (i didn't need hints for the subitems). the hint was "flashing" (show/hide/show/hide/show/hide/show/hide). found the listview's ShowHint was false. set it to True and it worked as it should.
