Possible to detect installed browser languages? - localization

In a current website I am delegating the production of error messages to the HTML5 Validation API. That is, if the form is invalid, I just present the messages produced by Element.validationMessage. This works great! The only thing is that this is a Norwegian website, for a Norwegian speaking audience, and some users (developers, usually) have installed American Windows versions that have no Norwegian language packs. Thus the messages they see are in English, even though their preferred language is Norwegian.
Output from console
So what I would like is to present some generic validation error message in Norwegian if the user runs a browser where the preferred language is Norwegian, but the language support is missing.
Is it at all possible to do this? I would think not.
edit: Server based solutions using Headers are accepted! This need not be a browser-only thing.


Localizing an IHP application

Some features of the Haskell web framework IHP produce strings that are sen by the user, e.g. the error messages from validators like nonEmpty, and they are all in English.
How would I use IHP to produce a page with a non-English audience? Or, even more interesting, produce a webpage that adjusts its language to the preferences of the user?
Right now I18n is not yet supported directly in IHP. You'd need to manually deal with this for now. Validation error messages can be overriden using withCustomErrorMessage.

Kentico LanguageDataSource not returning all languages

We upgraded from Kentico 8.2 to (9 and then to) 10 and lost our Language Selector. It was in our master page and appears throughout our site. We've switched to the LanguageDataSource but it was not returning all available languages. Rather, it was returning only the languages into which the current page was translated. In other words, if the current page has English and German versions, the language data source would only return English and German, but not Spanish, even though we have Spanish enabled in Kentico.
We found the checkbox which excludes untranslated pages (and defaults to checked) and unchecked it. This appeared to fix the problem, as English/German pages now showed the French option as well. However, we learned that when an unauthenticated user views the same page, (s)he only sees the English and German.
How do we get the language data source to return all available languages, rather than just the languages into which the current page has been translated, and get it to do so for all users, rather than just authenticated users?
This functionality was probably dropped in the version 9. There's probably no way of doing it without a piece of custom code. However, you can recover the abandoned web part as described in the documentation.
It turned out that the master page had two language data sources on it. One was used for desktops and one for mobile. The strange behavior was due to the mobile one having the 'exclude untranslated pages' checked. The result of this was being cached and was also being used in the desktop one. We removed the extra data source (though it probably would have worked fine if we had just unchecked the exclude box in the mobile data source) and the remaining one behaves as desired. Thanks, everyone, for the input.

Blackberry AppWorld - Description language

I'm adding an application to AppWorld, and on the Description field I'm adding a spanish description (wich my application supports).
The thing is that our app it only supports english since is targeted for a local market. Unfortunately it still asks me for English details of it (like descriptions), so my question is.... is it mandatory to provide an English descriptions? Even tho our app doesn't support (or will) support any other language.
Yes, you do need to include an English description, as it is mandatory regardless of the language the application runs in.
Why? Applications are not filtered by language like they can be by device model or OS. Since any device, regardless of language, can view or download the app, English is used as a default when a language-specific description doesn’t exist.
If your application is published in Spanish, I'd highly recommend to include a statement that explains fact in a brief English description, followed by a more detailed separate description of the application submitted in Spanish.

Danish localization when publishing app

I'm trying to figure out how to localize the title and description of our app in Danish, English and German.
When i add a new app in itunes connects it asks me to enter the information in english. When i then go to manage localizations i only get a limited list of languages to add - Danish is NOT one of them.
I read the iTunes connect developer guide which mentions the following: "This is in addition to the English (or other default language you set on your defaults page) metadata you’ve
already supplied during your initial app creation."
But i can't find anywhere to set Danish as the default language to then get the option to add english and german as extra languages.
So how do i go about making sure that my app is available with a local title and description in the Danish store as well as the english and german stores?
Any help is GREATLY appreciated since I can't seem to get an answer from Apple.
Unfortunaly you cannot change the default language as far as I know (and this has created some major headache for developers in the past as the default language appears in ALL stores that have no custom language. If you for example chose your native language instead of english, you will have that displayed all over the world and can create a lot of exceptions for the countries in the list). (Edit since recently the default language can be changed per App)
As for the language list: you only get what is there and have to rely on apple to extend the list in the future (never a bad idea to send en enhancement request).
Unfortunaly probably not what you wanted to hear but localization handling is still somewhat suboptimal. The only thing you can do is enter the information in the default language in Danish (and thus create a danish page for some parts of the world as well) and fill ALL of the other languages with a localized description (or english if you cannot localize) which at least gives an english description for some of the larger markets.
I'm not sure how/if Apple allows the default description in Danish if the setting is English but I already had to fill all localizations in the list with english text (even Japanese, French etc.) and had the app approved.

translate to multiple languages

I would like to get translation from one ( best - automatically detected) language to 4 different using google-translate. My idea is to wrote a html document which contain 4 frames - in one of them I can find text form and button. After click on it, Internet browser will send demand to google translate and show results in 4 frames.
If you want a self service, hosted service that does translations and content management for you check out Localize.js
This is going to be terribly translated. As someone that speaks English well, Russian poorly, and Spanish even more poorly, I can detect that these auto-translations never come out right.
My recommendation is to serve your page through a basic system that will allow you to respond to submitted form values. Pass in &LANG=two country iso code and then have your backend serve up the correct data.
Have someone that speaks both languages prepare the content for you. Then, whenever you are serving these pages, you can also conditionally adjust CSS to account for differences in format which come from difference in language length.
If you don't have those capabilities available, make 5 pages. One in English and the other 4 in the other languages. You will seriously seem retarded to anyone that speaks those languages well if you use an auto-translate. I think this is a bad idea for any kind of professional page, even if you can work out the technical issues.
-Brian J. Stinar-
Google has an API to its translate tool that will enable you to send it some text and receive back that text translated into any language you choose.
edit: This is now a paid service
