Jenkins Grovvy pipeline : setting build options - jenkins

I am creating a Jenkins job using grovvy pipeline scripts (I am new at this). I am stuck at a place where I want to trigger another Job with some build options set.
Basically, without grovvy pipeline script, I can do above (as shown in picture) using Parameterized Trigger Plugin and it provides me useful variables like ${TRIGGERED_BUILD_NUMER_} (as shown in the picture, I am triggering job named Another-Job) and I can also set options like "Block until the triggered projects to finish their builds" and the options below them (as shown in the picture)
I, actually, don't know how to do this using pipeline script. Can someone help me in this or point me to the appropriate documentations?
Thanks in advance!

You can use the build step that does exactly that :
build job: 'Another-Job', parameters: [
[$class: 'StringParameterValue', name: 'operation', value: "${OPERATION}" ],
[$class: 'StringParameterValue', name: 'beanstalk_application_version', value: "${TRIGGERED_BUILD_NUMBER_ANother-Job}-{GIT-COMMIT}" ]]
2 things worth noting :
The "block until triggered project is finished" is the default option of this build step, and this step also propagate any downstream error by default. You can use propagate and wait params if you want do deactivate this default behaviour.
Environment variables or Groovy-defined variables are all available with the same notation, as they would have been available with your freestyle triggering job. Just make sure you use double quotes and not simple quotes around your variables, otherwise the variables won't be interpreted and replaced when triggering downstream jobs.

To build a job with default settings simply write:
build 'Another-Job'
To build a job with parameters:
build job: 'Another-Job', parameters: [string(name: 'some-param-name', value: 'some-param-default-value')]
In general to write pipeline code I suggest you work closely with the pipeline-syntax documentation provided by any running jenkins at:


Can I set up dependency builds in Jenkins similar to TeamCity?

I have not found information about that, I want to trigger build but before it executes, I want it to trigger some other pipelines and wait for a file created by these other pipelines to pass to a main Pipeline, can I do this in Jenkins?
You can, yes, in multiple ways depending on your actual use case.
The simplest way would be to create the job you want to call and then add a step for calling that job, copy artifacts from the job and then continue with the pipeline.
Using Jenkins Build step:
stage ('Child job') {
steps {
build(job: 'foo', wait: true, propagate: true, parameters: [parameters_list])
The parameter wait makes it so your pipeline waits for the child to complete run before continuing and propagate means that the result of the job is shown in the parent pipeline as well. The parameters section is needed only if your child job requires parameters. See the parameter types in the Build step documentation.
You can also use the Jenkins pipeline snippet generator to create the call properly in your own Jenkins instance.
To get any build artifacts from the child job, the easiest way to go is to use the Copy Artifact plugin. You'll need to archiveArtifacts in the first job and then
copyArtifacts fingerprintArtifacts: true, projectName: 'foo', selector: lastCompleted()
When the artifacts are needed.

How to get build number as a parameter for downstream job from upstream job with declarative pipeline code

I have Two jobs like one is CI jod & another one is CD. I want CI build number should use on CD number.. Can you please help me with declarative pipeline script to get build number as a parameter. here CI job is calling CD job.
Jenkins already provides a simple means to access the number of the current build using env.BUILD_NUMBER. So if you wanted to pass the build number of CI to the downstream job CD, you could do
job : 'CD',
parameters: [
string(name: 'MAIN_BUILD_NUMBER', value: "${env.BUILD_NUMBER}")
Then in the CD job, declare a parameter like this:
parameters {
string(defaultValue: null, description: 'Build No', name: 'MAIN_BUILD_NUMBER')
You should then be able to use ${env.MAIN_BUILD_NUMBER} anywhere in your CD jobs' Jenkinsfile.

How to retrieve job name in parameterized Jenkins Pipeline Project

I have a parameterized pipeline project with active choices parameter, where choice list is dynamically populated by groovy script. I need to retrieve and use current job name in the script. The following line works for me in Freestyle Projects:
def jobName =
However when I try to use it in Pipeline Project I get:
No such property: jenkinsProject for class: groovy.lang.Binding
In Retrieving Jenkins job name using groovy script in Active Choice Reactive Parameter it's stated that this has been resolved in Active Choices plugin v1.4. I'm using version 2.2.1 and the issue still persists. Is this property not available in Pipeline Project? Is there a workaround or an alternative?
If you trying to get the current build job name inside running job
There is a builtin env variable for it:
You can see list of available env variable in your Jenkins at
Jest replace hostname with your Jenkins address and jobname with some job you have in your Jenkins.
My Jenkins
Jenkins version: 2.176.2
Active Choices Plug-in: 2.2.1
Worked with pipeline job.
If you trying to do it in the parameters script I'm not sure that possible.
I faced the same issue and came up with a solution.
You can use Jenkins pipeline currentBuild variable, more about its properties - open page jenkins-server-url/jenkins/pipeline-syntax/globals on your Jenkins server
String currentJobParentFolderName = currentBuild.fullProjectName.split('/')[0]
String currentJobName = currentBuild.projectName
String paramValue = getParamValue(currentJobName)
buildDiscarder(logRotator(daysToKeepStr: '10')),
[$class: 'CascadeChoiceParameter',
name: 'PARAM',
choiceType: 'PT_SINGLE_SELECT',
description: 'param1',
filterLength: 1,
filterable: false,
randomName: 'choice-parameter-99999999999',
script: [
$class: 'GroovyScript',
fallbackScript: [
classpath: [],
sandbox: false,
'return ["Failed to get values"]'
script: [
classpath: [],
sandbox: false,
"""return ['$paramValue']"""
timestamps {
job's main logic
private static def getParamValue(String jobName) {
Map paramValMapping = [
'jobName1': 'value1',
'jobName2': 'value2',
String paramValue = paramValMapping.get(jobName)
if (!paramValue) {
throw new Exception("Failed to get value")
return paramValue
currentBuild.fullProjectName - job name including upper level folders (I needed exactly this)
currentBuild.projectName - just a job name
Unfortunately I didn't manage to place all this logic inside of CascadeChoiceParameter script section.
Also I needed only one value, but this approach can be used for a list of values as well, just don't forget about quotes for string values.
Pay attention that such script changes may require script approve from Jenkins admin in jenkins/scriptApproval for EACH incoming value paramValue
So for everyone who's still looking for a solution to this problem, there are actually three ways you could go about solving this.
The reason why the jenkinsProject variable is not available in Pipeline jobs is due to an issue with the active choices plugin itself. You can read more about this in the following ticket: There's a separate feature branch in the Active Choices project on GitHub that (kinda) solves this issue: It wasn't merged into master (and it looks like it never will be), because adding this to Pipeline jobs breaks this functionality for the Freestyle jobs. What you can do is you can compile the plugin from the source yourself and install it on your Jenkins. Pipeline jobs will have the binding variables available in their active choice parameters, however Freestyle jobs will no longer have them. Only use this if the following two options are for some reason not possible in your case.
You can use the properties{} step to configure job parameters from the pipeline run. During pipeline run you could simply use the JOB_BASE_NAME environment variable as an expression of the GString that you'd pass as a script text. The only disadvantage here is that the parameters will only become available after the first build. So if you have a new job you'd need to trigger it once before it becomes parameterized.
You could just use the input() step. Your job won't be parametrized, but users will be able to provide their input to the build during its run. It's not very convenient if you need it to be triggered by some other job or an external webhook, but for cases where the job is expected to only be triggered manually it's probably the best option.

Is there any way to build jobs with groovy script

I am passing Extended Choice Parameters from one job to another job, in the second job I am writing a groovy script to receive the parameter, and on basis of that parameter job must run multiple times in parallel. But there is no method available to build jobs in groovy.
Use build job from Jenkins Pipeline
build job: 'jobName',
parameters:[[$class: 'StringParameterValue', name: 'val1', value: '1' ],
[$class: 'LabelParameterValue', name: 'SLAVE_NODE', label: 'slavename']
The jenkins-pipeline that you added to your job is probably what you are searching for. With pipelines, you can define your build using a Groovy DSL.
You find an introduction in the documentation. A (incomplete) list of steps available through plugins can be found in the steps reference.
P.S. Be warned that there are two different flavors: declarative pipelines (defined using the pipeline keyword) do not offer full freedom, but are a bit easier to handle regarding build failures and parse errors in your pipeline code. Scripted pipelines (with node steps allocating an executor) offer (nearly) the full power of Groovy.

How can I pass “build-step parameters” to a downstream project (freestyle project with parameterized triggers)?

I have a Jenkins setup with two freestyle-projects linked via Jenkins upstream/downstream post-build triggers (Jenkins Parameterized Trigger plugin). The upstream project builds something that is uploaded somewhere. And the downstream project picks that new thing up and tests it.
At the moment the downstream project finds the build by date by looking for “the latest”. I want to change that.
I would like to change upstream to generate a random string as filename in the build step and pass that to downstream as parameter. How can I do that?
(I know how to generate a random string – the point is: how to pass build-step information down to the “downstream job”?)
In your upstream pipeline script, add this:
build job: 'your-downstream-job', parameters: [[$class: 'StringParameterValue', name: 'YOUR_STRING_PARAM', value: "${yourRandomGeneratedStringVariable}" ]]
And your your-downstream-job should be e.g. a normal job which is parameterized (check the tick at This project is parameterized), with the StringParameter YOUR_STRING_PARAM.
Then just read the value of this environment variable and you can go on.
