I'm trying to use the FlowGraphsAndClassDiagrams skeleton as provided to TU Eindhoven. For the function buildGraph a FlowProgram should be given. I tried to run the following:
m = createM3FromEclipseProject(|project://eLib|);
FlowProgram p = createOFG(|project://eLib|);
rel[loc from, loc to] relations = buildGraph(p);
This yields the error message: expected FlowProgram, but got Program.
So, the question is, what is a FlowProgram and where is it defined? What is the difference between it and the program as created by createOFG?
There seems to be a version difference. createOFG returns something of type Program which used to be in a previous version FlowProgram. So if you change FlowProgram to Program in your code it will work. Or you could ignore the type completely and use p = createOFG(|project://eLib|); and the type should be inferred for you.
Additional information:
Program is defined in lang::ofg::ast::FlowLanguage as data Program = program(set[Decl] decls, set[Stm] statements);
I am an absolute newbie to coding, but I need to modify a F# script. It always gives me the error "Method or object constructor 'x' is not static". I read that this might be due to the fact that I try to call a non-static method within a module, which is by default static. For example 'x' = Get.Axis():
module Primitives =
let axis1 = Zaber.Motion.Ascii.Device.GetAxis(1)
The manual only provides code in C#: var axis1 = device.GetAxis(1);
If I use static member instead of let, I'll get a 'unexpected keyword static in definition' error, although I checked the indentation as suggested in another question.
Assuming you're using the Zaber Motion Library, I think what you need to do is get an instance of a device first, instead of trying to access the class in a static context.
Their documentation includes an example of how to get a list of devices by opening a serial port:
open Zaber.Motion.Ascii
use connection = Connection.OpenSerialPort("COM3")
let deviceList = connection.DetectDevices()
match deviceList |> Seq.tryHead with // See if we got at least one device
| Some device ->
let axis = device.GetAxis(1)
// TODO: Do whatever you want with the axis here
| None ->
failwith "No Devices Found on COM3"
Let's say that I call some functions indirectly, via a variable. For example:
obj = {
on_init = function()
print "hello."
on_destroy = function()
print "bye."
on_do_something = function()
print "doing something."
error("Hi de hi, hi de ho!")
local event = "do_something"
local func = obj["on_" .. event]
All works fine.
However, the problem is that when the called function raises an exception (as in the code above) the error message isn't quite clear. It is thus:
lua: test.lua:13: Hi de hi, hi de ho!
stack traceback:
[C]: in function 'error'
test.lua:13: in function 'func'
test.lua:20: in main chunk
It says "in function 'func'". I'd prefer it to say "in function 'on_do_something'" instead.
I'd imagine this scenario to be very common. Is there a solution for this?
I tried calling the function thus:
obj["on_" .. event]()
But then the error message says "in function '?'", which isn't helpful either.
(I tried this code on Lua 5.1, 5.2 and LuaJIT without notable differences.)
This is a limitation of the heuristics used by Lua to provide names for functions.
In Lua, all functions are anonymous. A given function can be the value of several variables: global, local, and table fields. The Lua debug system, which is used in error handling, tries to find a reasonable name for a value based on where it came from by looking into the bytecode being executed.
Why is 'name' nil for debug.getinfo(1).
You have a few options. The debug module will try to produce something useful. For instance, you might be able to get the file name and line number where it was defined, if this is your own code. See
http://www.lua.org/pil/23.1.html for the list of what is available via debug module. Or, you might be able to define the functions in the module, then add them to the table:
-- module something
function a()
tt = {
fn1 = a,
Depending on where you trap the error (error handler installed via debug hook?), you could check if filename is the module where your table of functions is defined, and if it is, then use the debug module to print appropriate info based on your table structure etc; if it is not, just print the default traceback etc.
So I have been doing research on interfaces on F#. I have found these 2 articles on it. The MSDN and F# for fun and profit But unfortunately they are only skin deep.
here is my module with my interfaces
//open statements omitted for brevity
module DrawingInterfaces =
///gets a string representation of the SVG code representation of the object
type IRepresentable_SVG =
abstract member getSVGRepresenation : unit -> string
//other interfaces omitted for brevity
Now within the same namespace and physical folder also I have this:
type lineSet (x1off,x2off,y1off,y2off,x1,x2,y1,y2,rot,rotOff,count) =
//tons of member vals omitted for brevity
member val x1Start = x1 with get, set
interface DrawingInterfaces.IRepresentable_SVG with
member __.getSVGRepresenation() =
let mutable svg = ""
let mutable currentx1 = x1Start
This used to give me 2 errors, before I was using the __. notation for the member. The first error was on the interface line. And a second on the member line.
The errors were respectively:
The type 'IRepresentable_SVG' is not defined
This instance member needs a parameter to represent the object being invoked.
I was able to fix the first one by changing the file order. Thanks to John Palmer.
The second one is nearly fixed./
After using the __ . notation I was able to get rid of the second error. However, now a new error pops up when I try to use type members in my interface implementation.
let mutable currentx1 = x1Start
x1Start shows as not being defined. I need to be able to use values stored in my other members within my implementation.
Let's first make it work and then point to your problems. I define below 2 separate modules in 2 separate .fs files within the same namespace Example for interface definition in module Example.DrawingInterfacesand interface implementation in module Example.UseInterface and also a console app that will use the interface from third (implicit) module Program. In my project correspondent code files are in the following order: DefInterface.fs, UseInterface,fs, Program.fs (I also made few idiomatic styling changes and more brevity omissions)
File: DefInterface.fs
namespace Example
module DrawingInterfaces =
type IRepresentable_SVG =
abstract member GetSVGRepresenation : unit -> string
File: UseInterface.fs
namespace Example
module UseInterface =
type LineSet (x1) =
member val X1Start = x1 with get, set
interface DrawingInterfaces.IRepresentable_SVG with
member __.GetSVGRepresenation() = "test" + " " + __.X1Start.ToString()
File: Program.fs
open Example
open System
let main argv =
let lineSet = UseInterface.LineSet(5)
let example : DrawingInterfaces.IRepresentable_SVG = lineSet :> _
example.GetSVGRepresenation() |> printfn "%A"
lineSet.X1Start <- 10
example.GetSVGRepresenation() |> printfn "%A"
Compile, run and make sure it works.
Now to problems in your code:
first error message stems from the need to refer to the full implemented interface name in UseInterface.fs, which is Example.DrawingInterfaces.IRepresentable_SVG although as both modules belong to the same namespace the Example prefix may be omitted
second error message points to the need of using instance method in implementation class UseInterface.LineSet, which is achieved by prepending self-identifier __. to the method signature
Finally, notice the usage of your interface in Program.fs that imports namespace, provides module names for definition and implementation respectively, and also explicitly casts implementation LineSet to IRepresentable_SVG.
EDIT: I've added X1Start property to the original LineSet to show how it can be used from interface implementation per question author's request. Now self-id __. is more involved and probably using self. or even this. instead would make more sense.
I'm a hobbyist programmer (cook by trade) that's currently trying to teach myself F# and functional programming in general.
Anyway, I was fooling around with DeflateStream and wrote the following two functions:
let Compress compressMe =
let ds = new DeflateStream(File.Create("compressed.txt"), CompressionMode.Compress)
let Decompress =
let ds = new DeflateStream(File.OpenRead("compressed.txt"), CompressionMode.Decompress)
In the body of the main function they are called one right after the other like this:
Compress args.[0]
However, if compressed.txt doesn't exist when the program is run Decompress throws a FileNotFoundException which is surprising because the only thing that could throw this is the call to File.OpenRead("compress.txt"). After about an hour I figured out that Decompress was implementing IComparable and was being executed before the call to it in the main function. I found that by changing its definition to let Decompress () = [...] it no longer implemented IComparable and my code executed as it was intended to. Can anyone tell me why F# was infering IComparable and why such and inference would cause the function to execute before the main function marked with [<EntryPoint>]? Also, please forgive the imperitive style of my code, I'm incredibly new at this.
Thanks in adavance.
I'm not entirely sure about the IComparable bit, but the issue you have is that without the parentheses, the compiler is treating Decompress as a value not a function. This would be similar to if you had written.
let compressedName = "compressed.txt"
in that case, compressedName is now a value. Adding the parentheses tells the compiler that this is a function whose code must be called each time the function is rather than a value initialized once (before the entry point) by the code you wrote.
When you write something like
let value =
//some long calculation
let main args = ...
The compiler executes the long calculation before main. This is because you probably use the value later in your code. To suppress this, as you found, you need to use let value() = ....
I am not sure where Icomparable is coming from, but this is the key to what is happening.
Note, if you write
let a = ...
let b = ...
The compiler will gurantee a is calculated before b executes.
As others have pointed out, the absence of parentheses in the declaration is significant.
let Decompres = ...
declares a variable of type unit. This type is used to represent "data" (even if this data doesn't encode much information), and it implements IComparable like any other data-oriented type.
let Decompress() = ...
declares a function, and functions in F# are not comparable, probably because there is no universally accepted notion of equality on functions.
I can't see that the "IComparable-ness" of Decompress had anything to do with the exception you got.
i have got several times , trying to implement different functions, the message you see as title. I would like to know if anyone can tell me the general meaning (and reason) of this error message. As i mentioned before, i have got the problem several times and manage to fix it, but still didnt get the exact reason, so i will not post any specific code.
Thank you in advance
The most common case when you may get this error is when you write let binding that is not followed by an expression that calculates the result. In F#, everything is an expression that returns some result, so if you write let a = 10 it is generally not a valid expression. To make it valid, you need to return something:
let foo () =
let a = 10
() // return unit value (which doesn't represent any information)
The only exception where you can write just let a = 10 is a global scope of an F# source file - for example, inside a module declaration or in an F# script file. (This is why the declaration of foo above is valid).
It is difficult to give any advice without seeing your code, but you probably have a let declaration that is not followed by an F# expression.
Out of curiosity, the following example shows that let can really be used inside an expression (where it must return some meaningful result):
let a = 40 + (let a = 1
a + a)