Is it possible to OTA install an iOS App that is signed with FREE Apple Dev Account - ios

Note that I'm aware of these posts:
How to create IOS .IPA file and share it, using FREE Apple ID?
How to create ipa in xcode 6 without Apple Developer account?
I don't want to send the app to anybody for testing (not knowing their UUID).
My situation is this
I have the .ipa file. Can generate it using 'xcodebuild' command or by drag&drop the archive's .app file into iTunes
this .ipa is codesigned with my free AppleID
the provisioning profile, generated by XCode contains 3 device UUID
What I'd like to know: why I can't install this .ipa file to the device which UUID is presented in the provisioning profile.
If I try to install it using iTunes it starts to install, but after the progress bar (progress circle to be exact :P) on my device completes, the app icon just disappears and iTunes is stuck in the syncing process. No error message is shown.
I also tried to install it using diawi and got the error message "Unable to Download App". Although it shows me that my device's UUID is in the app's provisioning profile.

No, I believe the free account only allows you to build and install directly on the device with a development build. Also, those builds' provisioning profile expires after 7 days, so the OTA builds wouldn't last very long anyway.
If you want more details of why the install is failing, you should look at the device console during the installation. It will give you more details on the exact reason for the failure.


Ipa installation loop

I have created a minimal demo app from the default tab template and the generated apk works correctly on my Android.
I can get the generated .ipa to the iPhone 4 IOS 7 via iTune but when I try to run the app it just show a message 'installing' and the app stuck in an infinite “installing” loop.
This generally indicates a problem with the provisioning profile. Make sure that our device is one of the devices registered in the app's provisioning profile. Also, note that you can't install "app store" builds directly on your device. Those are meant for uploading to iTunes. You can only install development builds directly.

keep old app versions submitted to store and install them on dev iPhone

I would like to keep versions submitted to the store to install them on my developer phone at a later time, is that possible? If I take that .ipa, how can I install it on my phone? Do I have another format than .ipa?
How can I build an archive of all my app store versions to install them at a later time?
I tried the solution from Rhythmic Solution, doesn't work yet ("A valid provisioning profile for this executable was not found."). My steps:
from the archives in Xcode, export one entry as App Store build
open iReSign
enter path to exported .ipa in first field
enter path to downloaded developer provisioning profile in second field
use an entitlements.plist created like here
select developer certificate
resign button
drag it on to the "installed apps" section in Xcode/devices
now I get the error "A valid provisioning profile for this executable was not found."
I think you can upload all those versions on and get the url and save them whenever you need that version just take the respective url and install in your phone.
On other note git is a very important tool to track the versions of you code.
A while back I came across some ancient Ad Hoc builds of mine and wanted to try them out, but the technique works with AppStore submission builds, as well as developer and enterprise.
The general method is to
1. unzip your .ipa file into an .app
2. replace the embedded.mobileprovision provisioning profile (which has probably expired or does not allow installation on your device)
3. the above step invalidates the app's signature, so you resign it
4. zip the app back into an .ipa file
5. install the app via over-the-air download, drag onto the Xcode Devices window or itunes syncing (if you like pain)
iResign can do steps 1-4 for you.
If you want to duplicate entitlements, you can start here - however that can be more complicated than simply copying them across, e.g. push notifications can change from production to development and vice versa.

Install .ipa with iTunes 12.3

I would like to install an application that I exported as .ipa with Xcode. I exported the file with Xcode 7 Beta and without Apple account developper.
I followed several tutorial to install the application on my iPhone (connecting the device - click on intall - sync)
But it does not. I is not an error message, but the application will not install in full. Loading goes well, and at the time of application installation, everything stopped, and the logo is clouded.
iTunes or the iPhone do not say anything to me about an error eventual.
When I click the application (grayed) iPhone triggers an alert "can not open -titleApplication-" with two options: Cancel or repair.
I exported the file with Xcode 7 Beta and without Apple account developper
That's a bug in Xcode, then. I'm surprised it allowed you to do that.
You cannot export without a developer account, because you need a distribution profile. For example, you could export as an Ad Hoc Distribution build linked to your device, and you could then install the .ipa file through iTunes - but to do that, you would need an Ad Hoc Distribution profile, and you can't obtain one without an Ad Hoc certificate and identity, which required a developer membership.
You can, without a membership, hook your device to your computer and run your app on that device - that's a new feature in Xcode 7. But you cannot usefully export anything without a membership.

Unable to install the app in iPhone for testing. Because of UDID issue

When I try to added the device UDID In the developer account loader has come for 30 min and got hang. When I logged in back to developer account device was added in the list.
I have added the device to Provisioning Profiles but unable to install the app in iPhone. Please help me to resolve the issue.
Are sure that you used correct mobile provisioning profile? Maybe you added UDID in portal but used old provision for the new build?
To check it you can:
unzip .ipa-file you are trying to install
After this open package with content of app
Open file embeded.mobileprovision
Check if UDID of your device is listed inside this file (using text search)
If it is missed then you should rebuild your app using new provision profile from Developer Portal.
Did you make you iPhone for developing in Device Organiser? Anyway you should check in your Developer Account whats wrong. Check certificates etc.

iOS7 distributed App installation via iTunes fails without error

After I my App as usually I tried to install it via iTunes.
It has successfully synced to the iPhone, but the Icon is grayed out and it seems like the installation has not finished
Where you normally find the App-Name "Installation ..." has appeared.
Can't find any log or error message
(can't push the App with the development machine because of Apple's new security feature => "do you trust this computer" which just won't disappear)
There is actually one log you can look at during the install; go to the Organizer window in Xcode, look at your device in the Devices tab, and look at the Device Logs. There should be several issues that will be logged during the iTunes install: rollback notifications, errors and such.
Look for one error in particular, similar to this one:
installd[31] : profile not valid: 0xe8008012
As Nikos M. alluded to in his comment above, this would indicate a provisioning profile issue. When I had this issue, my provisioning profile was up to date, but the app still wasn't installing. I found this question on this site, and the accepted answer fixed the issue for me: Xcode 4.5 - can't install developer .ipa files via iTunes
Basically, it's a problem with the provisioning profile. Not sure why it happens, but it prevents the app from being installed on some devices sometimes. As answered in the question above, you need to get on the iOS Developer Portal, make a small edit to your provisioning profile (your Ad-Hoc Distribution Profile, not the Development profile), change it back, regenerate the profile and download it again. Rebuild your .ipa file with this fresh profile, replace your old .ipa with this new one in iTunes and try installing the app again.
I ran into this problem with a coworker, and after some consternation, we realized he was using a device that we had not authorized during the certificate generation. The result was as you described (a gray overlay on the application's icon that could not be opened).
