access ENV_INJECT variables in Jenkins job DSL - jenkins

I am unable to access any Jenkins environment Variables inside the groovy script of a JobDSL. I can see values of system environment variables.
Here is the groovy script I am running:
Here is the output:
I have tried setting environment variables using Environment Injection and that doesn't work either (all set variables are null).

You should be able to use ${VAR_NAME}, more info here. One exception is node specific variables such as WORKSPACE, in those cases you need to do the following (from here):
hudson.FilePath workspace = hudson.model.Executor.currentExecutor().getCurrentWorkspace()


Accessing Jenkins-set environment variables from a Jenkins Plugin

If there is a Jenkins shell script build step, environment variables are set so that, for example, if you echo $WORKSPACE you see the current working directory. I am writing a custom plugin which also can execute shell commands but WORKSPACE is not set when this plugin executes.
I could see that Jenkins sets all those env variables prior to executing the shell commands the Jenkins project specifies so that they would not be already set for a custom plugin. If that is the case, it would seem like there is no way to access those env variables.
But if there is a way to obtain the values of the env variables that would be useful.

Environment variable in Jenkins Pipeline

Is there any environment variable available for getting the Jenkins Pipeline Title?
I know we can use $JOB_NAME to get title for a freestyle job,
but is there anything that can be used for getting Pipeline name?
You can access the same environment variables from groovy using the same names (e.g. JOB_NAME or env.JOB_NAME).
From the documentation:
Environment variables are accessible from Groovy code as env.VARNAME or simply as VARNAME. You can write to such properties as well (only using the env. prefix):
env.MYTOOL_VERSION = '1.33'
node {
sh '/usr/local/mytool-$MYTOOL_VERSION/bin/start'
These definitions will also be available via the REST API during the build or after its completion, and from upstream Pipeline builds using the build step.
For the rest of the documentation, click the "Pipeline Syntax" link from any Pipeline job
To avoid problems of side effects after changing env, especially using multiple nodes, it is better to set a temporary context.
One safe way to alter the environment is:
withEnv(['MYTOOL_HOME=/usr/local/mytool']) {
sh '$MYTOOL_HOME/bin/start'
This approach does not poison the env after the command execution.

Jenkins Pipeline accessing environment variables

I'm trying to use DSL pipelines in Jenkins. I thought it'd be nice if I could use the project name as part of my script.
git credentialsId: 'ffffffff-ffff-ffff-ffff-ffffffffffffff',\
url: "${repo_root}/${JOB_NAME}.git"
I get the error:
groovy.lang.MissingPropertyException: \
No such property: JOB_NAME for class: groovy.lang.Binding
I thought I followed these directions, and they mention JOB_NAME as one of the variables.
I decided to try:
sh 'env'
in my DSL, and this prints out:
JOB_NAME = foo-bar
which is what I expect.
Another blog mentions:
Usage of environment variables
We have two ways to get their value. The properties passed by -D= during the startup we could read as System.getProperty("key") thanks to the Groovy's strong relation with Java.
Reading normal environment variables in Java way is the System.getenv("VARIABLE")...
Let's try this:
println "JOB_NAME = " + System.getenv('JOB_NAME');
Now, I get:
java.lang.NullPointerException: Cannot get property 'System' on null object
Null object? But, I can see that JOB_NAME is an environment variable!
How do I read in the $JOB_NAME into a DSL script in a Pipeline job. I am trying a Pipeline job, and when I get that working will make this a Multibranch Pipeline with a Jenkinsfile.
All environment variables are accessible using env, e.g. ${env.JOB_NAME}.
Okay this really vexed me for a while today. Ultimately, I was being done in by a couple of things:
Single-quoted strings in Groovy mean "don't evaluate variables," just like it does in bash
Using $ interpolation is completely unnecessary if you're just referencing the variable, so you can just do env.JOB_NAME.
This SO question proved to be the one that helped me crack the code: Jenkins Workflow Checkout Accessing BRANCH_NAME and GIT_COMMIT
Indeed just use ${env.JOB_NAME} to access a known variable.
However if you need to access environment variable where name is given by another variable (dynamic access), just use env["your-env-variable"].
I had the problem where I configured 3 environment variables (in Jenkins -> Administer -> Configure System -> Environment variables), let's name them ENV_VAR_1, ENV_VAR_2, ENV_VAR_3.
Now I want to dynamically access them, I can do as such :
def envVarName = "ENV_VAR_" + count // Suppose count is initialized in a loop somewhere above...
def value = env[envVarName] // Will be resolved to env["ENV_VAR_1"] depending on count value
My environment variables in Jenkins configuration look like this :
I had an issue with this not working. The globally set properties/environment variables were only available inside a node step. It's a bug in version 2.4 of Pipeline plugin. Upgrade to 2.5 if you face this issue and your global properties will be available anywhere in the script. I've posted this to the Jenkins wiki here with the test script I used.

Jenkins - How to read the environment variables in groovy post build step

I am trying to read the environment variables in Groovy Postbuild step. I am able to read the values of parameters passed to builds but unable to read the values of parameters which are set in one of my Execute Windows batch command.
In one example of my Execute Windows batch command I do this:
SET custom_param=myValue
if I use ${custom_param} in other jenkins steps/jobs, it gets my value. So I am sure it has the value. I just can't get it in groovy script
I have tried followings to do so, none of them have worked:
Any help here would be great
(Assuming you're not running your script in groovy sandbox)
Try the bellow:
build = Thread.currentThread().executable
String jobName = build.project.getName()
job = Hudson.instance.getJob(jobName)
my_env_var = job.getLastBuild().getEnvironment()["YOUR_ENV_VAR"]
Groovy Post build step run as separate process. It has access to environment as normal JVM process.
You could use EnvInject plugin as a a build step. Subsequent steps in build will able to read this via normal environment access (System.env in your groovy script)
When you set some custom variables in your "Windows command batch" step, these variables are available only during this Jenkins step.
Once Jenkins move on the next step, your variables are lost...
If you want to set some variables permanently, you can try to use the SETX command:
What is the difference between setx and set in environment variables in Windows?

How to read environment variable set by envinject in Java?

I am running a Jenkins instance hosted by Cloudbees. I installed the Jenkins EnvInject plugin and I added a Pre-Build step. I added a variable under "Properties Content":
The CERT_HOME path and actual certificates are under the WebDAV directory that Cloudbees provides.
In a JUnit test, I try to access the environment variable like this:
private static final String CERT_HOME = System.getenv("CERT_HOME");
However, it returns null.
Under the build, I do see the environment variable:
How do I read an environment variable in my JUnit test that I set using the EnvInject plugin?
Maven surefire tries to give you a clean environment within the forked process, have a look at using environmentVariables with ${env.CERT_HOME} to try passing it through
