Image classification, narrow domain with custom labels - machine-learning

Let's suppose I would like to classify motorbikes by model.
there are couple of hundreds models of motorbikes I'm interested in.
I do have tens, sometimes hundreds of pictures of each motorbike model.
Can you please point me to the practical example that demonstrates how to train model on your data and then use it to classify images? It needs to be a deep learning model, not simple logistic regression.
I'm not sure about it, but it seems like I can't use pre-trained neural net because it has been trained on wide range of objects like cat, human, cars etc. They may be not too good at distinguishing the motorbike nuances I'm interested in.
I found couple of such examples (tensorflow has one), but sadly, all of them were using pre-trained model. None of it had example how to train it on your own dataset.

In cases like yours you either use transfer learning or fine tuning. If you have more then thousand images of motorbikes I would use fine tuning and if you have less transfer learning.
Fine tuning is using a pre trained model and using a different classifier part. Then the new classifier part maybe the last 1-2 layers of the trained model are trained to your dataset.
Transfer learning means using a pre trained model and letting it output features for an input image. Now you use a new classifier based on those features. Maybe a SVM or a logistic regression.
An example for this can be seen here: slide 33.

This paper Quick, Draw! Doodle Recognition from a kaggle challenge may be similar enough to what you are doing. The code is on github. You may need some data augmentation if you only have a few hundred images for each category.

What you want is pretty EZ. Follow the darknet YOLO implementation
Training YOLO on COCO
You can train YOLO from scratch if you want to play with different training regimes, hyper-parameters, or datasets. Here's how to get it working on the COCO dataset.
Get The COCO Data
To train YOLO you will need all of the COCO data and labels. The script scripts/ will do this for you. Figure out where you want to put the COCO data and download it, for example:
cp scripts/ data
cd data
Add your data inside and make sure it is same as testing samples.
Now you should have all the data and the labels generated for Darknet.
Then call training script with the pre-trained weight.
Keep in mind that only training on your motorcycle may not result in good estimation. There would be biased result coming out, I red it somewhere b4.
The rest is all inside the link. Good luck


Image Classification using Single Class Dataset using Transfer Learning

I only have around 1000 images of vehicle. I need to train a model that can identify if the image is vehicle or not-vehicle. I do not have a dataset for not-vehicle, as it could be anything besides vehicle.
I guess the best method for this would be to apply transfer learning. I am trying to train data on a pre-trained VGG19 Model. But still, I am unaware on how to train a model with just vehicle images without any non-vehicle images. I am not being able to classify it.
I am new to ML Overall, Any solution based on practical implementation will be highly appreciated.
You are right about transfer learning approach. Have a look a this article, it is exactly about going from multi-class to binary classification with transfer learning -
You can try using pretrained model and take the output. You might need to apply dimensionality reduction e.g. PCA, to get a more managable size input. After that you can train novelty detection model to identify whether the output is different than your training set.
Refer to this example:
Hope this helps.
This is a binary classification problem: whether the input is a vehicle or not.
If you are new to ML, I would suggest you should start implementing basic binary classifiers like Logistic Regression, Support Vector Machines before jumping to Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs).
I am providing some links for the binary classification problem implementations using different algorithms. I hope this would help.
Logistic Regression:

Fine-tuning and transfer learning by the example of YOLO

I have a general question regarding fine-tuning and transfer learning, which came up when I tried to figure out how to best get yolo to detect my custom object (being hands).
I apologize for the long text possibily containing lots of false information. I would be glad if someone had the patience to read it and help me clear my confusion.
After lots of googling, I learned that many people regard fine-tuning to be a sub-class of transfer learning while others believe that they are to different approaches to training a model. At the same time, people differentiate between re-training only the last classifier layer of a model on a custom dataset vs. also re-training other layers of the model (and possbibly adding an enirely new classifier instead of retraining?). Both approaches use pre-trained models.
My final confusien lies here: I followed these instructions: to train tiny yolo via darkflow, using the command:
# Initialize yolo-new from yolo-tiny, then train the net on 100% GPU:
flow --model cfg/yolo-new.cfg --load bin/tiny-yolo.weights --train --gpu 1.0
But what happens here? I suppose I only retrain the classifier because the instructions say to change the number of classes in the last layer in the configuration file. But then again, it is also required to change the number of filters in the second last layer, a convolutional layer.
Lastly, the instructions provide an example of an alternative training:
# Completely initialize yolo-new and train it with ADAM optimizer
flow --model cfg/yolo-new.cfg --train --trainer adam and I don't understand at all how this relates to the different ways of transfer learning.
If you are using AlexeyAB's darknet repo (not darkflow), he suggests to do Fine-Tuning instead of Transfer Learning by setting this param in cfg file : stopbackward=1 .
Then input ./darknet partial yourConfigFile.cfg yourWeightsFile.weights outPutName.LastLayer# LastLayer# such as :
./darknet partial cfg/yolov3.cfg yolov3.weights yolov3.conv.81 81
It will create yolov3.conv.81 and will freeze the lower layer, then you can train by using weights file yolov3.conv.81 instead of original darknet53.conv.74.
References : ,!topic/darknet/mKkQrjuLPDU
I have not worked on YOLO but looking at your problems I think I can help. Fine tuning, re-training, post-tuning are all somewhat ambiguous terms often used interchangeably. It's all about how much you want to change the pre-trained weights.
Since you are loading the weights in the first case with --load, the pre-trained weights are being loaded here - it could mean you are adjusting the weights a bit with a low learning rate or maybe not changing them at all. In the second case, however, you are not loading any weights, so probably you are training it from scratch. So when you make small (fine) changes, call it fine-tuning, post-tuning would be tuning again after initial training, maybe not as fine as fine-tuning and retraining would then be training the whole network or a part again
There would be separate ways in which you can freeze some layers optionally.

Do I still need to load word2vec model at model testing?

This may sound like a naive question, but i am quite new on this. Let's say I use the Google pre-trained word2vector model ( to train a classification model. I save my classification model. Now I load back the classification model into memory for testing new instances. Do I need to load the Google word2vector model again? Or is it only used for training my model?
It depends on how your corpuses and test examples are structured and pre-processed.
You are probably using the pre-trained word-vectors to turn text into numerical features. At first, text examples are vectorized to train the classifier. Later, other (test/production) text examples will be vectorized in the same, and presented to get the classifier to get its judgements.
So you will need to use the same text-to-vectors process for test/production text examples as was used during training. Perhaps you've done that in a separate earlier bulk step, in which case you already have the features in the vector form the classifier uses. But often your classifier pipeline will itself take raw text, and vectorize it – in which case it will need the same pre-trained (word)->(vector) mappings available at test time as were available during training.

Image similarity detection with TensorFlow

Recently I started to play with tensorflow, while trying to learn the popular algorithms i am in a situation where i need to find similarity between images.
Image A is supplied to the system by me, and userx supplies an image B and the system should retrieve image A to the userx if image B is similar(color and class).
Now i have got few questions:
Do we consider this scenario to be supervised learning? I am asking
because i don't see it as a classification problem(confused!!)
What algorithms i should use to train etc..
Re-training should be done quite often, how should i tackle this
problem so i don't train everytime from scratch( fine-tuning??)
Do we consider this scenario to be supervised learning?
It is supervised learning when you have labels to optimize your model. So for most neural networks, it is supervised.
However, you might also look at the complete task. I guess you don't have any ground truth for image pairs and the "desired" similarity value your model should output?
One way to solve this problem which sounds inherently unsupervised is to take a CNN (convolutional neural network) trained (in a supervised way) on the 1000 classes of image net. To get the similarity of two images, you could then simply take the euclidean distance of the output probability distribution. This will not lead to excellent results, but is probably a good starter.
What algorithms i should use to train etc..
First, you should define what "similar" means for you. Are two images similar when they contain the same object (classes)? Are they similar if the general color of the image is the same?
For example, how similar are the following 3 pairs of images?
Have a look at FaceNet and search for "Content based image retrieval" (CBIR):
Google Scholar
This can be a supervised learning. You can classify the images into categories, if two images are in the same categories (or close in a category), you can think of them as similar.
You can use the deep conventional neural networks for imagenet such as inception model. The inception model outputs a probability map for 1000 classes (which is a vector whose values sum to 1). You can calculate the distance of vectors of two images to get their similarity.
On the same page of the inception model, you will also find the instructions to retrain a model:

How to train a caffemodel on our own dataset?

I tried using pre-trained bvlc_reference_caffenet.caffemodel for object recognition from images. I got good results for images containing only a single object. For images with multiple objects, I removed the argmax() term from prediction which gives the class label with the maximum probability.
Still, the accuracy is very less for the labels which I am getting. So, I am thinking of training the same caffemodel on my own dataset (containing images with multiple objects). How should I proceed? Is there any way to retrain a pre-trained caffemodel with the different dataset?
What you are after is called "finetuning": taking a deep net trained for task A, reusing its weights and re-train it to accomplish task B.
You can start with this tutorial, but you will find much more information simply by googling "finetune caffe model".
You may also be interested in this post regarding training caffe with mutiple categories per input image.
