Passing NSFetchedResultsController between UIViewControllers - ios

I have 3 different view controllers that present same data. Basically they are presented one after another. They are presenting same entity that is fetched with NSFetchedResultsController.
I am now pondering since these are same NSFetchedResultsControllers, should I just optimize things and create one, that I pass between controllers? Is there any downside to this, or even better is this good practice?
Also just passing dataset wouldn't suffice since i want controllers to react to changes to database.

should I just optimize things and create one, that I pass between controllers?
Yes, minimising the overhead of performing a similar fetchRequest on init of every VC is a good practice.
A better alternate instead of passing the NSFetchedResultsControllers object between VCs would be -
To completely abstract out all FetchedResultsControllers initialisation & delegate function implementations to a helper class christened like:
#interface CoreDataHelper: NSObject < NSFetchedResultsControllerDelegate >
You'll need re-wiring of the delegate listeners & choose appropriate time for allocating & if required(not essential) deallocating of the CoreDataHelper instance
A singleton CoreDataHelper will serve you well enough to handle all Core Data interactions.
Segregating Model interactions away & independent from View components enables for creating loosely-coupled modules, making them reusable & succinct.


Pass Data,Share global variable,Singleton?

I have a UITabbarController with three UINavigationControllers.And each navigation controllers has a UITableViewController as rootViewController. It's a typical design in many apps.Now I want to share a object between these three UITableViewController in their UINavigationControllers.I have the following ideas:
In UITabbarViewController, I can declare a property,maybe 'strong'.Each UITableViewController can access to the object useself.tabbarcontroller.object
Create a singleton that keeps this object. But it may cause singleton abuse.Some topic advise use dependency injection to avoid the abuse.But it seems it could not satisfy my requirement.
Make the object a global variable.I really do not want to take this method.
I prefer to use method 1. Any ideas about the data passing?
If you need to pass it to the ViewController just like an Android intent extra then i would go for method 1.
If you need to store it and access it multiple times from various classes then i would go for method 2 or 3, maybe 2 is more clear.
Hope this helps.

Will adding multiple methods in shared singleton class cause any performance issue?

In a shared class I created, some methods in the shared class are called only once from a view controller . Do I need to add those method inside view controller class? Will adding those methods directly inside view controller improve performance?
I know singleton instance will be allocated once and it will retain for whole application, In that case calling method from singleton class or adding method directly inside view controller doesn't make any performance difference is what I guess!
You should keep the methods separate in a Model class (often a singleton) if these methods do not belong in the View Controller class. That way you are implementing the MVC design pattern which is good to apply to your projects for many reasons (read a good design patterns book for more).
Performance is not something you have to worry at this point (you hardly ever see any improvement by adding these methods directly to the View Controller), but code readiness and clean code practices are something that will actually pay off.
Keep also in mind that the view controller is there for mediating control between the model and the views, so anything related to this task should be in the View Controller code.
Actually the Singleton class instance initialised once per application. So ideally you should use that for sharing common data between view controllers .
Now about method implementation. If those method are doing something which is not related to view controllers for example if those methods are modifying some data and returning back to the controller and if that is common throughout all the controllers then you can implement that in Singleton class . I dont think there will be any big performance issue if you go with either method . Its just matter of clean coding .

Have multiple instances of a class point to one object #property

I will try to make this question as understandable as possible. I am implementing core data in my app, and I need to access the NSManagedObjectContext from around 10,000 different instances of a class (this class extends UIView). The Core Data stores what is displayed on these instances and the class builds it.
Everything that I have found so far uses View Controllers, of which you only have one instance, so you can just alloc init the VC in AppDelegate, set an #property for NSManagedObjectContext and be on your way. This does not work for my program.
What I want to do is have many instances of my CoreDataHelper class (which I will alloc init in the class that I have around 10,000 instances of, which all have a property pointing to the same NSManagedObjectContext. Is this a possible way to do it or will I have to make my program less flexible by moving all of the code to create the 10,000 different objects to the View Controller?
Sure, just put your NSManagedObjectContext in a singleton and all your instances can access the single class.
It does not matter if you get your managed object context from a singleton or from your app delegate (where presumably you the core data stack is set up by default).
To follow the pattern suggested by Apple with view controllers, do the exact same thing with your views: give them a #property of type NSManagedObjectContext and set it during initialization. Seems straight forward enough.
The advantage of the singleton is that you do not even need the property on your view but can call the singleton instead. But why go there? From your comments I understand that you do not really know how a singleton works. You don't need it. Go with the class property solution.
One more caveat: with your setup, you are seriously braking the MVC architecture by giving the views access to your data. Instead, you should indeed have a view controller do this and then populate your views with the retrieved data. I do not think that there is a compelling reason to deviate from this principle.

Conceptional: two controller using the same calculation method - delegate?

I have two or even more view controllers (A and B) which uses the same calculation method. I would guess the best way is to put the calculation method in its own class (lets call it C), define a protocol and thats it. If this is right, how do I know how to address the delegate?
If I alloc/init an object of the class C (the one with the calculatormethod) e.g. in class B I have the object pointer in class B - thats ok. But how do I get the object pointer known in class A or even other classes (i.e. how do I tell those controllers which want to use the delegate (i.e the same calculation method), how to address the delegate once it is alloc/init by class B?
Any help is very much appreciated!
I have two or even more view controllers (A and B) which uses the same calculation method.
Unless this is for calculating view layouts, it probably indicates you've have an MVC violation. View Controllers typically should not calculate anything. Their job is to manage user interaction. Data and calculations belong in the model.
If it is a proper view controller calculation (like managing layout), then you're correct that you want a delegate. "Delegation" is what Cocoa tends to call the Strategy pattern. You move your algorithm into another object and that lets you vary the algorithm without varying the rest of the code.
So in one case you need access to some model object, and in the other you need access to some delegate. In either case, the solutions can be similar. I'll call either situation "C" as you have.
One solution, particularly is you're using a storyboard, is to create "C" in the storyboard and wire it with an IBOutlet. You can create any object you like in a storyboard. Just drag out an "Object" and set its class to the appropriate class. Wire it up just like anything else. (This is a technique that is commonly used for multi-view nib files on OS X, and I had remembered translating over to Storyboards, but it doesn't work for sharing objects across scenes, only within scenes; so it's not as useful on iOS.)
Another solution, particularly for the model, is to implement it as a singleton, or to have a separate singleton (a "model controller") that returns it. You should not use the app delegate for this; use a singleton made expressly for this purpose.
You can create "C" in the application delegate and pass it into the root view controller (this is a proper use of the app delegate, because it's part of global program initialization). The view controllers can pass the object as part of their segues. This is my preferred solutions for passing model objects around.
If it really is a layout calculation delegate, this is probably part of some kind of configuration system (assuming it can change). The current configuration can be treated as a piece of the model, and all the above techniques still work.
If it really is just shared algorithms and doesn't vary, don't forget C functions. There is no rule that you must put all code into methods. Functions are ideal for stateless calculation. Categories can be used this way to, but simple functions have fewer complexities.
What you are saying is that both classes A and B have a common dependency (could be class C or simply a protocol C).
A and B don't need to know anything about how they are instantiated, they just need to know that they will be eventually provided with an instance implementing (protocol) C.
Another important thing is that you probably don't want C to be hold with a strong reference by either A or B.
I would look at which class F could have the responsibility to instantiate A and B.
The responsibility of this class (which could be described as a Factory) could also be to provide instances of A and B with a C instance.
So what I would do: Define a "factory" class that has methods to build instances of A and B.
Each of these methods would also provide with a C instance. This C instance could be a property of the factory class if you want it to be shared (or this factory class could also pick the C instances from a pool of available C instances).
UPDATE: not practical if you are using storyboards to instantiate your controllers. In this case you probably want to go with other given answer or implement your shared computational functions as methods of a singleton class C (see How to pass object between several views in storyboard, iOS Dev for example)
Use a superclass for A and B (and any number of additional controllers) that contains the calculation method. By using a superclass, you don't have to alloc init another class or use delegates, all the subclasses will have access to the method.
Another approach that would be more general would be to implement a category on UIViewController to add the calculation method. This way, any controller that descends from UIViewController (UITableViewController, UICollectionViewController, etc.) would have access to that method.
After Edit:
I see in your comments that your calculations have nothing to do with the controllers, just some sort of algorithm, so a category or subclass of UIViewController is probably not the best way to go. If you want to do it in another class, any controller that needs to use it, can instantiate an instance of that class, set itself as delegate, and get the result back through the delegate method (that is, if you even need a delegate -- if the calculation is fast, then you can just return a result from the method rather than using a delegate). After your controller gets the result back, the instance should be deallocated. You don't have to worry about which controller set the delegate, since each controller creates its own instance of the calculation class, and sets itself as delegate. I use this kind of structure for apps that need to do downloads from a server from multiple controllers. The download class is instantiated, does its work, sends back the result in a delegate method, and then gets deallocated. It only sticks around for as long as it needs to to do its work.

iOS: class instances connection and architecture with multiple UIViewControllers

I have a theoretical-practical question. I can't understand how I must do. I have a class let's call them DataManager that manage all plist writing-reading things and I need to get access to plist (i.e. work with that DataManager class) from different UIViewControllers.
I also have one class, I call it ModelManager, that is work with all kind of "utilities classes", include my DataManager. ModelManager works only with one complex UIViewController right now, let's call it MainUIViewController for clearness. And for now, I thought that all calls from UIViewControllers will be comes to ModelManager and from it to end-call classes. But now I'm confused.
Here is an illustration of my architecture:
I'm see different approaches and don't know how to decide and if there is some rules or guides for that. So, here is my choices:
1) I add some interface to ModelManager and from my another UIViewController (not a MainUIViewController) allocate and initialise it.
2) I add some interface to ModelManager and create a property with reference to ModelManager in another UIViewController and when segues performs set this property from MainUIViewController.
3) Work with DataManager itself and allocate and initialise it from another UIViewController
4) Work with DataManager itself and create a property with reference to DataManager in another UIViewController and when segues performs set this property from MainUIViewController.
Which approach is correct?
I know that this is some kind of depends from developer which approach to choose, but I never read and didn't find any tutorial or guide of how to develop multi-class architecture.
Ask me about any circumstance that you want to know.
You can use a singleton or you can instantiate one instance of the class in your app delegate and pass it around to all your view controllers via #propertys on each controller. There's no right answer, it's mostly a matter of preference. I prefer to make my ModelManager/DataManager type classes singletons, but a lot of people are rabidly opposed to singletons. However, if you work with Cocoa for any length of time you'll find that it's full of them (NSUserDefaults, NSFileManager, UIDevice, probably some others I'm forgetting).
Here's a good example on how to create singletons:
BTW: Once you have your singleton, learn how to use KVO to make your view controllers respond to changes in the model. It's pretty fantastic once you get the hang of it.
