How to fasten learning without changing learning rate in linear regression - machine-learning

Whenever I made a linear regression model, it just diverged, all the time. I really couldn't find any solutions for that. But when I changed the learning rate to 0.0000252, it worked! But another problem is that it learns so slowly so that I have to wait for the model to learn for more than 10 minutes.
How can I fasten learning without changing the learning rate?

The first question is: why use SGD (which i assume here). There are more specialized learning-procedures for Linear-regression, which partially do not need that kind of hyperparameter-tuning. Maybe you are in a very large-scale setting then where SGD is a valid approach.
Assuming SGD-based learning is the way to go:
You should use some kind of learning-schedule
Add at least a learning-rate decay, which reduces the learning-rate for example after each epoch by a factor of something like 0.9 (yes, one more hyperparameter)
Try to use some kind of momentum, e.g. Nesterov-momentum which was developed for convex-optimization (your case is convex) and holds strong guarantees
This kind of momentum is even popular in the non-convex setting
Most DeepLearning libs should provide this out-of-the-box
You can try adaptive learning-rate based algorithms like:
Adam, AdaDelta, AdaGrad, ...
These try to remove the burden from selecting those LR-hyperparameters while still trying to convergence as quickly as possible
Of course they are heuristics (strictly spoken), but they seem to work well for most people (although an optimized SGD is most of the time the best)
Most DeepLearning libs should provide this out-of-the-box
Use specialized software for linear-models like liblinear or others
And one more thing, because i''m surprised that it's that easy to observe divergence on this simple problem: normalize your input!


Best Reinforcement Learner Optimizer

I'm running a SAC reinforcement learner for a robotics application with some pretty decent results. One of the reasons I opted for reinforcement learning is for the ability for learning in the field, e.g. to adjust to a mechanical change, such as worn tires or a wheel going a little out of alignment.
My reinforcement learner restores it's last saved weights and replay buffer upon startup, so it doesn't need to retrain every time I turn it on. However, one concern I have is with respect to the optimizer.
Optimizers have come a long way since ADAM, but everything I read and all the RL code samples I see still seem to use ADAM with a fixed learning rate. I'd like to take advantage of some of the advances in optimizers, e.g. one cycle AdamW. However, a one-cycle optimizer seems inappropriate for a continuous real-world reinforcement learning problem: I imagine it's pretty good for the initial training/calibration, but I expect the low final learning rate would react too slowly to mechanical changes.
One thought I had was perhaps to do a one-cycle approach for initial training, and triggering a smaller one-cycle restart if a change in error that indicates something has changed (perhaps the size of the restart could be based on the size of the change in error).
Has anyone experimented with optimizers other than ADAM for reinforcement learning or have any suggestions for dealing with this sort of problem?
Reinforcement learning is very different from traditional supervised learning because the training data distribution changes as the policy improves. In optimization terms, the objective function can be said to be non-stationary. For this reason, I suspect your intuition is likely correct -- that a "one-cycle" optimizer would perform poorly after a while in your application.
My question is, what is wrong with Adam? Typically, the choice of optimizer is a minor detail for deep reinforcement learning; other factors like the exploration policy, algorithmic hyperparameters, or network architecture tend to have a much greater impact on performance.
Nevertheless, if you really want to try other optimizers, you could experiment with RMSProp, Adadelta, or Nesterov Momentum. However, my guess is that you will see incremental improvements, if any. Perhaps searching for better hyperparameters to use with Adam would be a more effective use of time.
EDIT: In my original answer, I made the claim that the choice of a particular optimizer is not primarily important for reinforcement learning speed, and neither is generalization. I want to add some discussion that helps illustrate these points.
Consider how most deep policy gradient methods operate: they sample a trajectory of experience from the environment, estimate returns, and then conduct one or more gradient steps to improve the parameterized policy (e.g. a neural network). This process repeats until convergence (to a locally optimal policy).
Why must we continuously sample new experience from the environment? Because our current data can only provide a reasonable first-order approximation within a small trust region around the policy parameters that were used to collect that data. Hence, whenever we update the policy, we need to sample more data.
A good way to visualize this is to consider an MM algorithm. At each iteration, a surrogate objective is constructed based on the data we have now and then maximized. Each time, we will get closer to the true optimum, but the speed at which we approach it is determined only by the number of surrogates we construct -- not by the specific optimizer we use to maximize each surrogate. Adam might maximize each surrogate in fewer gradient steps than, say, RMSProp does, but this does not affect the learning speed of the agent (with respect to environment samples). It just reduces the number of minibatch updates you need to conduct.
SAC is a little more complicated than this, as it learns Q-values in an off-policy manner and conducts updates using experience replay, but the general idea holds. The best attainable policy is subject to whatever the current data in our replay memory are; regardless of the optimizer we use, we will need to sample roughly the same amount of data from the environment to converge to the optimal policy.
So, how do you make a faster (more sample-efficient) policy gradient method? You need to fundamentally change the RL algorithm itself. For example, PPO almost always learns faster than TRPO, because John Schulman and co-authors found a different and empirically better way to generate policy gradient steps.
Finally, notice that there is no notion of generalization here. We have an objective function that we want to optimize, and once we do optimize it, we have solved the task as well as we can. This is why I suspect that the "Adam-generalizes-worse-than-SGD" issue is actually irrelevant for RL.
My initial testing suggest the details of the optimizer and it's hyperparameters matter, at least for off-policy techniques. I haven't had the chance to experiment much with PPO or on-policy techniques, so I can't speak for those unfortunately.
To speak to #Brett_Daley's thoughtful response a bit: the optimizer is certainly one of the less important characteristics. The means of exploration, and the use of a good prioritized replay buffer are certainly critical factors, especially with respect to achieving good initial results. However, my testing seems to show that the optimizer becomes important for the fine-tuning.
The off-policy methods I have been using have been problematic with fine-grained stability. In other words, the RL finds the mostly correct solution, but never really hones in on the perfect solution (or if it does find it briefly, it drifts off). I suspect the optimizer is at least partly to blame.
I did a bit of testing and found that varying the ADAM learning rate has an obvious effect. Too high and both the actor and critic bounce around the minimum and never converge on the optimal policy. In my robotics application this looks like the RL consistently makes sub-optimal decisions, as though there's a bit of random exploration with every action that always misses the mark a little bit.
OTOH, a lower learning rate tends to get stuck in sub-optimal solutions and is unable to adapt to changes (e.g. slower motor response due to low battery).
I haven't yet run any tests of single-cycle schedule or AdamW for the learning rate, but I did a very basic test with a two stage learning rate adjustment for both Actor and Critic (starting with a high rate and dropping to a low rate) and the results were a clearly more precise solution that converged quickly during the high learning rate and then honed in better with the low-learning rate.
I imagine AdamW's better weight decay regularization may result in similarly better results for avoiding overfitting training batches contributing to missing the optimal solution.
Based on the improvement I saw, it's probably worth trying single-cycle methods and AdamW for the actor and critic networks for tuning the results. I still have some concerns for how the lower learning rate at the end of the cycle will adapt to changes in the environment, but a simple solution for that may be to monitor the loss and do a restart of the learning rate if it drifts too much. In any case, more testing seems warranted.

How to deal with ill-conditioned neural networks?

When dealing with ill-conditioned neural networks, is the current state of the art to use an adaptive learning rate, some very sophisticated algorithm to deal with the problem, or to eliminate the ill conditioning by preprocessing/scaling of the data?
The problem can be illustrated with the simplest of scenarios: one input and one output where the function to be learned is y=x/1000, so a single weight whose value needs to be 0.001. One data point (0,0). It turns out to matter a great deal, if you are using gradient descent, whether the second data point is (1000,1) or (1,0.001).
Theoretical discussion of the problem, with expanded examples.
Example in TensorFlow
Of course, straight gradient descent is not the only available algorithm. Other possibilities are discussed at here - however, as that article observes, the alternative algorithms it lists that are good at handling ill condition, are not so good when it comes time to handle a large number of weights.
Are new algorithms available? Yes, but these aren't clearly advertised as solutions for this problem, are perhaps intended to solve a different set of problems; swapping in Adagrad in place of GradientDescent does prevent overshoot, but still converges very slowly.
At one time, there were some efforts to develop heuristics to adaptively tweak the learning rate, but then instead of being just a number, the learning rate hyperparameter is a function, much harder to get right.
So these days, is the state of the art to use a more sophisticated algorithm to deal with ill condition, or to just preprocess/scale the data to avoid the problem in the first place?

Is supervised learning synonymous to classification and unsupervised learning synonymous to clustering?

I am a beginner in machine learning and recently read about supervised and unsupervised machine learning. It looks like supervised learning is synonymous to classification and unsupervised learning is synonymous to clustering, is it so?
Supervised learning is when you know correct answers (targets). Depending on their type, it might be classification (categorical targets), regression (numerical targets) or learning to rank (ordinal targets) (this list is by no means complete, there might be other types that I either forgot or unaware of).
On the contrary, in unsupervised learning setting we don't know correct answers, and we try to infer, learn some structure from data. Be it cluster number or low-dimensional approximation (dimensionality reduction, actually, one might think of clusterization as of extreme 1D case of dimensionality reduction). Again, this might be far away from completeness, but the general idea is about hidden structure, that we try to discover from data.
Supervised learning is when you have labeled training data. In other words, you have a well-defined target to optimize your method for.
Typical (supervised) learning tasks are classification and regression: learning to predict categorial (classification), numerical (regression) values or ranks (learning to rank).
Unsupservised learning is an odd term. Because most of the time, the methods aren't "learning" anything. Because what would they learn from? You don't have training data?
There are plenty of unsupervised methods that don't fit the "learning" paradigm well. This includes dimensionality reduction methods such as PCA (which by far predates any "machine learning" - PCA was proposed in 1901, long before the computer!). Many of these are just data-driven statistics (as opposed to parameterized statistics). This includes most cluster analysis methods, outlier detection, ... for understanding these, it's better to step out of the "learning" mindset. Many people have trouble understanding these approaches, because they always think in the "minimize objective function f" mindset common in learning.
Consider for example DBSCAN. One of the most popular clustering algorithms. It does not fit the learning paradigm well. It can nicely be interpreted as a graph-theoretic construct: (density-) connected components. But it doesn't optimize any objective function. It computes the transitive closure of a relation; but there is no function maximized or minimized.
Similarly APRIORI finds frequent itemsets; combinations of items that occur more than minsupp times, where minsupp is a user parameter. It's an extremely simple definition; but the search space can be painfully large when you have large data. The brute-force approach just doesn't finish in acceptable time. So APRIORI uses a clever search strategy to avoid unnecessary hard disk accesses, computations, and memory. But there is no "worse" or "better" result as in learning. Either the result is correct (complete) or not - nothing to optimize on the result (only on the algorithm runtime).
Calling these methods "unsupervised learning" is squeezing them into a mindset that they don't belong into. They are not "learning" anything. Neither optimizes a function, or uses labels, or uses any kind of feedback. They just SELECT a certain set of objects from the database: APRIORI selects columns that frequently have a 1 at the same time; DBSCAN select connected components in a density graph. Either the result is correct, or not.
Some (but by far not all) unsupervised methods can be formalized as an optimization problem. At which point they become similar to popular supervised learning approaches. For example k-means is a minimization problem. PCA is a minimization problem, too - closely related to linear regression, actually. But it is the other way around. Many machine learning tasks are transformed into an optimization problem; and can be solved with general purpose statistical tools, which just happen to be highly popular in machine learning (e.g. linear programming). All the "learning" part is then wrapped into the way the data is transformed prior to feeding it into the optimizer. And in some cases, like for PCA, a non-iterative way to compute the optimum solution was found (in 1901). So in these cases, you don't need the usual optimization hammer at all.

In Q-learning with function approximation, is it possible to avoid hand-crafting features?

I have little background knowledge of Machine Learning, so please forgive me if my question seems silly.
Based on what I've read, the best model-free reinforcement learning algorithm to this date is Q-Learning, where each state,action pair in the agent's world is given a q-value, and at each state the action with the highest q-value is chosen. The q-value is then updated as follows:
Q(s,a) = (1-α)Q(s,a) + α(R(s,a,s') + (max_a' * Q(s',a'))) where α is the learning rate.
Apparently, for problems with high dimensionality, the number of states become astronomically large making q-value table storage infeasible.
So the practical implementation of Q-Learning requires using Q-value approximation via generalization of states aka features. For example if the agent was Pacman then the features would be:
Distance to closest dot
Distance to closest ghost
Is Pacman in a tunnel?
And then instead of q-values for every single state you would only need to only have q-values for every single feature.
So my question is:
Is it possible for a reinforcement learning agent to create or generate additional features?
Some research I've done:
This post mentions A Geramifard's iFDD method
which is a way of "discovering feature dependencies", but I'm not sure if that is feature generation, as the paper assumes that you start off with a set of binary features.
Another paper that I found was apropos is Playing Atari with Deep Reinforcement Learning, which "extracts high level features using a range of neural network architectures".
I've read over the paper but still need to flesh out/fully understand their algorithm. Is this what I'm looking for?
It seems like you already answered your own question :)
Feature generation is not part of the Q-learning (and SARSA) algorithm. In a process which is called preprocessing you can however use a wide array of algorithms (of which you showed some) to generate/extract features from your data. Combining different machine learning algorithms results in hybrid architectures, which is a term you might look into when researching what works best for your problem.
Here is an example of using features with SARSA (which is very similar to Q-learning).
Whether the papers you cited are helpful for your scenario, you'll have to decide for yourself. As always with machine learning, your approach is highly problem-dependent. If you're in robotics and it's hard to define discrete states manually, a neural network might be helpful. If you can think of heuristics by yourself (like in the pacman example) then you probably won't need it.

Best approach to what I think is a machine learning problem [closed]

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I am wanting some expert guidance here on what the best approach is for me to solve a problem. I have investigated some machine learning, neural networks, and stuff like that. I've investigated weka, some sort of baesian solution.. R.. several different things. I'm not sure how to really proceed, though. Here's my problem.
I have, or will have, a large collection of events.. eventually around 100,000 or so. Each event consists of several (30-50) independent variables, and 1 dependent variable that I care about. Some independent variables are more important than others in determining the dependent variable's value. And, these events are time relevant. Things that occur today are more important than events that occurred 10 years ago.
I'd like to be able to feed some sort of learning engine an event, and have it predict the dependent variable. Then, knowing the real answer for the dependent variable for this event (and all the events that have come along before), I'd like for that to train subsequent guesses.
Once I have an idea of what programming direction to go, I can do the research and figure out how to turn my idea into code. But my background is in parallel programming and not stuff like this, so I'd love to have some suggestions and guidance on this.
Edit: Here's a bit more detail about the problem that I'm trying to solve: It's a pricing problem. Let's say that I'm wanting to predict prices for a random comic book. Price is the only thing I care about. But there are lots of independent variables one could come up with. Is it a Superman comic, or a Hello Kitty comic. How old is it? What's the condition? etc etc. After training for a while, I want to be able to give it information about a comic book I might be considering, and have it give me a reasonable expected value for the comic book. OK. So comic books might be a bogus example. But you get the general idea. So far, from the answers, I'm doing some research on Support vector machines and Naive Bayes. Thanks for all of your help so far.
Sounds like you're a candidate for Support Vector Machines.
Go get libsvm. Read "A practical guide to SVM classification", which they distribute, and is short.
Basically, you're going to take your events, and format them like:
dv1 1:iv1_1 2:iv1_2 3:iv1_3 4:iv1_4 ...
dv2 1:iv2_1 2:iv2_2 3:iv2_3 4:iv2_4 ...
run it through their svm-scale utility, and then use their script to search for appropriate kernel parameters. The learning algorithm should be able to figure out differing importance of variables, though you might be able to weight things as well. If you think time will be useful, just add time as another independent variable (feature) for the training algorithm to use.
If libsvm can't quite get the accuracy you'd like, consider stepping up to SVMlight. Only ever so slightly harder to deal with, and a lot more options.
Bishop's Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning is probably the first textbook to look to for details on what libsvm and SVMlight are actually doing with your data.
If you have some classified data - a bunch of sample problems paired with their correct answers -, start by training some simple algorithms like K-Nearest-Neighbor and Perceptron and seeing if anything meaningful comes out of it. Don't bother trying to solve it optimally until you know if you can solve it simply or at all.
If you don't have any classified data, or not very much of it, start researching unsupervised learning algorithms.
It sounds like any kind of classifier should work for this problem: find the best class (your dependent variable) for an instance (your events). A simple starting point might be Naive Bayes classification.
This is definitely a machine learning problem. Weka is an excellent choice if you know Java and want a nice GPL lib where all you have to do is select the classifier and write some glue. R is probably not going to cut it for that many instances (events, as you termed it) because it's pretty slow. Furthermore, in R you still need to find or write machine learning libs, though this should be easy given that it's a statistical language.
If you believe that your features (independent variables) are conditionally independent (meaning, independent given the dependent variable), naive Bayes is the perfect classifier, as it is fast, interpretable, accurate and easy to implement. However, with 100,000 instances and only 30-50 features you can likely implement a fairly complex classification scheme that captures a lot of the dependency structure in your data. Your best bet would probably be a support vector machine (SMO in Weka) or a random forest (Yes, it's a silly name, but it helped random forest catch on.) If you want the advantage of easy interpretability of your classifier even at the expense of some accuracy, maybe a straight up J48 decision tree would work. I'd recommend against neural nets, as they're really slow and don't usually work any better in practice than SVMs and random forest.
The book Programming Collective Intelligence has a worked example with source code of a price predictor for laptops which would probably be a good starting point for you.
SVM's are often the best classifier available. It all depends on your problem and your data. For some problems other machine learning algorithms might be better. I have seen problems that neural networks (specifically recurrent neural networks) were better at solving. There is no right answer to this question since it is highly situationally dependent but I agree with dsimcha and Jay that SVM's are the right place to start.
I believe your problem is a regression problem, not a classification problem. The main difference: In classification we are trying to learn the value of a discrete variable, while in regression we are trying to learn the value of a continuous one. The techniques involved may be similar, but the details are different. Linear Regression is what most people try first. There are lots of other regression techniques, if linear regression doesn't do the trick.
You mentioned that you have 30-50 independent variables, and some are more important that the rest. So, assuming that you have historical data (or what we called a training set), you can use PCA (Principal Componenta Analysis) or other dimensionality reduction methods to reduce the number of independent variables. This step is of course optional. Depending on situations, you may get better results by keeping every variables, but add a weight to each one of them based on relevant they are. Here, PCA can help you to compute how "relevant" the variable is.
You also mentioned that events that are occured more recently should be more important. If that's the case, you can weight the recent event higher and the older event lower. Note that the importance of the event doesn't have to grow linearly accoding to time. It may makes more sense if it grow exponentially, so you can play with the numbers here. Or, if you are not lacking of training data, perhaps you can considered dropping off data that are too old.
Like Yuval F said, this does look more like a regression problem rather than a classification problem. Therefore, you can try SVR (Support Vector Regression), which is regression version of SVM (Support Vector Machine).
some other stuff you can try are:
Play around with how you scale the value range of your independent variables. Say, usually [-1...1] or [0...1]. But you can try other ranges to see if they help. Sometimes they do. Most of the time they don't.
If you suspect that there are "hidden" feature vector with a lower dimension, say N << 30 and it's non-linear in nature, you will need non-linear dimensionality reduction. You can read up on kernel PCA or more recently, manifold sculpting.
What you described is a classic classification problem. And in my opinion, why code fresh algorithms at all when you have a tool like Weka around. If I were you, I would run through a list of supervised learning algorithms (I don't completely understand whey people are suggesting unsupervised learning first when this is so clearly a classification problem) using 10-fold (or k-fold) cross validation, which is the default in Weka if I remember, and see what results you get! I would try:
-Neural Nets
-Decision Trees (this one worked really well for me when I was doing a similar problem)
-Boosting with Decision trees/stumps
-Anything else!
Weka makes things so easy and you really can get some useful information. I just took a machine learning class and I did exactly what you're trying to do with the algorithms above, so I know where you're at. For me the boosting with decision stumps worked amazingly well. (BTW, boosting is actually a meta-algorithm and can be applied to most supervised learning algs to usually enhance their results.)
A nice thing aobut using Decision Trees (if you use the ID3 or similar variety) is that it chooses the attributes to split on in order of how well they differientiate the data - in other words, which attributes determine the classification the quickest basically. So you can check out the tree after running the algorithm and see what attribute of a comic book most strongly determines the price - it should be the root of the tree.
Edit: I think Yuval is right, I wasn't paying attention to the problem of discretizing your price value for the classification. However, I don't know if regression is available in Weka, and you can still pretty easily apply classification techniques to this problem. You need to make classes of price values, as in, a number of ranges of prices for the comics, so that you can have a discrete number (like 1 through 10) that represents the price of the comic. Then you can easily run classification it.
