IFTTT Applet not working - twitter

I have created a If This Then That applet whiche reads as follows:
If new feed item matches 'Lecturer:' from https://dedekindsarmy.github.io/feed.xml, then send a direct message to #dedekindsarmy
However, I published a trial post in my feed which includes in the description the Lecturer: substring and nothing happened.
How do I fix it?


How can I verify CAN message ID received in CANoe against DBC file using CAPL?

I did similar with message DLC using predefined function ChkCreate_InconsistentDLC. Looking for options to do the same for message ID.
I have been trying to find some predefined function.

Twilio Twimlets are broken

The echo twimlet gives this error in the developer console when trying to save:
TypeError: $(...) is null
TypeError: t is not a function
Any ideas on what might be the problem? I've tried even a very simple echo twimlet, as well as trying to edit an existing twimlet.
There is currently an issue with editing saved Twimlets. An error will occur when you attempt to edit a saved Twimlet. However, this error does not apply when generating a new Twimlet.
We are moving towards using Twiml Bins in the Twilio Console. You can create request URLs containing some TwiML instructions and save and edit them at anytime.
It can be a bit of extra work to do this from scratch so if you are really hoping to stick with the Twimlet, alternatively, be sure to check your URL encoding.

DocuSign Connect update XML desserialization error

I have been using DocuSign SOAP and REST based API calls to create envelope and am also using their Connect feature to update the recipient and envelope statuses for my clients.
I am getting a strange error parsing DocuSign Connect update for one client.
The error says "There is an error in XML document (1, 16174)".
Here is my code...
Dim sr As New StreamReader(Request.InputStream)
Dim reader As XmlReader = New XmlTextReader(New StringReader(xml))
Dim serializer As New XmlSerializer(GetType(DocuSignEnvelopeInformation), "http://www.docusign.net/API/3.0")
If Not serializer Is Nothing Then
envelopeInfo = TryCast(serializer.Deserialize(reader), DocuSignEnvelopeInformation)
Dim envid As String = envelopeInfo.EnvelopeStatus.EnvelopeID.ToString
I have tried bunch of things such as removing the XML definition from the XML document but did not work. The strange thing is that the same code works for all of my other clients. This is the only client that is having issues. They have added closed 65 tags in the document to be signed but I don't think that the tags are causing issues on their end since I also tried removing them.
Please advise.
I have run into this issue before when there are unsupported characters in the tab values or in the PDF byte stream itself when it is decoded. I suspect that copying and pasting values into tabs from external programs like Word introduce some invisible weird characters like 
 - carriage returns and the like. You should validate your XML in its entirety.

Push to Specific User

Writing in Delphi 10 Seattle, targeting the 'pusher' as Windows, and the receiver as iOs (for now). The aim is to be able to push a message to a specific user without relying on broadcast and client side filtering.
I've managed to achieve the following so far:
1. Send a broadcast push to my iOS app
2. Login as a user on my iOS app
3. Create a pointer in my Installation record for User -> _User
That's as far as I can get in Delphi. From what I understand, I have to update the Installation record on login to reflect the installations logged in user.
I cannot find out how to do that in Delphi's Parse/BAAS objects. What seems to be missing is that I can't get the logged in users Installation ID. I assume if I could I could then update that via the TBackendStorage Class.
Any help would be appreciated.
I've cross posted this question to Embarcadero forums and community site.
To retrieve the User Object Id
ACreatedObject: TBackendEntityValue; // REST.Backend.MetaTypes
To Update the Installation with the User Object iD
Assuming you have a column 'User' in your Installation table on Parse as a pointer to _User class.
Within the PushEventsDeviceRegistered Event:
JO,JOP:TJSonObject; // System.JSON
O:TBackendEntityValue; // REST.Backend.MetaTypes
if PushEvents.InstallationValue.TryGetObjectID(fInstallationObjectId) then
To Target the Push Message Based on User Name
Note, you could create the target via JSON objects,but I've used a string with formatting here.
Target = '{"where":{"User":{"$select":{"query":'+
BackendPush.Message:='Gratz on the Election Result';
Non Local Variables/Declarations
The following Delphi BaaS components were created at Design time.
ParseProvider: TParseProvider;
PushEvents: TPushEvents;
BackendUsers: TBackendUsers;
BackendStorage: TBackendStorage;
BackendPush: TBackendPush;
The following class (or global) variables are referred to:
fUserObjectId:string; // Must be set before push registration is activated.
NOTE: The original code is fully tested, however I've cut/paste (and edited to remove non-relevant stuff) so forgive me if there are any cut/paste errors.

How to display message at the bottom of a display file in CL program?

Suppose a display file has been declared in a CL program. It accepts some user input and conducts some validations to it. If it fails the validation a message would be displayed on the bottom of the display file. Is it possible to achieve this in CL? I have tried SNDPGMMSG with MSGTYPE(*DIAG), but the message is displayed only after the program has been terminated, and not on the display file during the execution.
The message to be sent is retrieved from message file so using field to display message is not applicable.
Normally we use message subfile to achive what you required above.
It can be done in display file for both CL and RPG
For CL example, you could read here http://www.mcpressonline.com/cl/the-cl-corner-letting-the-user-know-what-s-right-and-wrong.html.
You could search for "cl program message subfile" for other examples
Define a 75 character field in your display file DDS. Call it MESSAGE. In your CL do something like:
if (&option *ge '35') do
CHGVAR &MESSAGE 'Invalid option chosen'
goto getOption
