I am having an unexpected issue with a crash on my app which I am specifically struggling to debug because it occurs in background at a time determined by the iOS system. I have some capitalised comments to the code which show where the issue is being back traced to. I hope this is clear.
I believe it has to do with object deallocation.
I have tried using the __block before initialising the object but
this has not helped.
I have also tried dispatching the lines of code
in error to the main queue but that has not helped.
The actual crash is listed as AppName: __66-[BackgroundUpdateController initiateBackgroundHealthkitObservers]_block_invoke_5 + 160
I apologise if some of the code does not fit standard formatting and conventions. I am self taught from a variety of places and so do not have proper experience with code format.
Many Thanks
#import "BackgroundUpdateController.h"
NSUserDefaults *backgroundDefaults;
#implementation BackgroundUpdateController
backgroundDefaults = [[NSUserDefaults alloc] initWithSuiteName:#"group.HeartAnalyzer"];
return [super init];
// Check we should be running here
if(([backgroundDefaults integerForKey:#"sleepAnalysisEnabled"] != 1) || (![backgroundDefaults boolForKey:#"AutomaticSleepAdd"])) return;
// Initiate some variables, Use __block to ensure the backgroundHealthStore object does not get deallocated
__block HKHealthStore *backgroundHealthStore = [[HKHealthStore alloc] init];
HKQuantityType *activeEnergy = [HKObjectType quantityTypeForIdentifier:HKQuantityTypeIdentifierActiveEnergyBurned];
// Enable background delivery of active energy data from HealthKit
[backgroundHealthStore enableBackgroundDeliveryForType:activeEnergy frequency:HKUpdateFrequencyHourly withCompletion:^(BOOL success, NSError *error) {
// Now setup an HKOberverQuery which triggers hourly if there are new active energy data points in HealthKit
HKObserverQuery *query = [[HKObserverQuery alloc] initWithSampleType:activeEnergy predicate:nil updateHandler:^(HKObserverQuery *query, HKObserverQueryCompletionHandler completionHandler, NSError *error) {
UIApplicationState state = [[UIApplication sharedApplication] applicationState];
if (state == UIApplicationStateBackground || state == UIApplicationStateInactive){// Only run when app is not in foreground
// Load some more variables with checks to ensure they are valid objects
NSDate *previousSavedDate = [backgroundDefaults objectForKey:#"DateBackgroundSleepLastSaved"];
if(previousSavedDate == nil) previousSavedDate = [NSDate distantPast];
NSDate *lastSleepCheck = [backgroundDefaults objectForKey:#"LastSleepCheck"];
if(lastSleepCheck == nil) lastSleepCheck = [NSDate distantPast];
// If the last save date was long enough ago and the last sleep check was long enough ago, proceed
if(([previousSavedDate timeIntervalSinceNow] < -(3600*18)) && ([lastSleepCheck timeIntervalSinceNow] < -(3600*2))){
[backgroundDefaults setObject:[NSDate date] forKey:#"LastSleepCheck"];
[backgroundDefaults setBool:NO forKey:#"BackgroundSleepFound"];
SleepTimesCalculator *sleepClass = [[SleepTimesCalculator alloc] init];
[sleepClass calculateSleepTimes:^{
NSLog(#"Background sleep time calculations complete");
if([backgroundDefaults boolForKey:#"BackgroundSleepFound"]){// Only continue is a sleep time was found
__block NSMutableArray *savedSleepObjects = [backgroundDefaults valueForKey:#"SleepTimesDataBase"];
if(savedSleepObjects.count > 0){
__block NSMutableDictionary *sleepObject = [savedSleepObjects objectAtIndex:0]; // THE __BLOCK USED TO PREVENT THE OBJECT BEING DEALLOCATED, STILL SEEMS TO BE BASED ON THE CRASH
NSDate *sleepStart = [NSDate dateWithTimeIntervalSinceReferenceDate:[[sleepObject valueForKey:#"CalculatedSleepTime"]integerValue]];// Get the sleep time start date object
NSDate *sleepEnd = [NSDate dateWithTimeIntervalSinceReferenceDate:[[sleepObject valueForKey:#"CalculatedWakeTime"]integerValue]];
NSInteger sleepSavedToHealth = [[sleepObject valueForKey:#"SavedToHealth"] integerValue];// Check its not already been saved by some other element of the app
if(sleepSavedToHealth != 1){
HKCategorySample *sleepSample = [HKCategorySample categorySampleWithType:[HKCategoryType categoryTypeForIdentifier:HKCategoryTypeIdentifierSleepAnalysis] value:1 startDate:sleepStart endDate:sleepEnd];// Generate sleep object for HealthKit
[backgroundHealthStore saveObject:sleepSample withCompletion:^(BOOL success, NSError *error) {
if (!success) NSLog(#"Uncommon Error! saveObject:sleepSample");
dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{// DISPATCH TO MAIN QUEUE AN ATTEMPTED FIX FOR CRASH
sleepObject = [savedSleepObjects objectAtIndex:0];// Choose the most recent sleep time to save
[sleepObject setValue:[NSNumber numberWithInteger:1] forKey:#"SavedToHealth"];// THIS IS WHERE THE 'Last Exception Backtrace (0)' ENDS UP
[savedSleepObjects replaceObjectAtIndex:0 withObject:sleepObject];// Replace the object which now has the 'Saved' tag
[backgroundDefaults setObject:[NSDate date] forKey:#"DateBackgroundSleepLastSaved"];// Save the data of the last time we reached this point
[backgroundDefaults setObject:savedSleepObjects forKey:#"SleepTimesDataBase"];// Save the sleep times back to the database
completionHandler();// Call the completion handler as we've been throught the sleepObjects array
else completionHandler();// Call the completion handler anyway
else completionHandler();// Call the completion handler anyway
else completionHandler();
[backgroundHealthStore executeQuery:query];// Execute the HealthKit healthstore query
Prefixing __block does not guarantees existence of an object for #"CalculatedSleepTime" key in sleepObject
I think you have misinterpreted how __block works. This will be a great guide.
On a quick overview of the code, it seems like [sleepObject valueForKey:#"CalculatedSleepTime"] is returning nil & without a nullability check you are trying to extract the integerValue
So, consider:
NSMutableDictionary *sleepObject = [savedSleepObjects objectAtIndex:0];
id calculatedSleepTime = [sleepObject valueForKey:#"CalculatedSleepTime"];
NSDate *sleepStart = [NSDate dateWithTimeIntervalSinceReferenceDate:[calculatedSleepTime integerValue]];
And it looks like you also don't require the __block prefix in HKHealthStore *backgroundHealthStore = [[HKHealthStore alloc] init];
Has anyone else noticed a problem with complication entries not updating properly. I've just added some initial support to my app, but noticed that they weren't displaying what i expected them to display. For example's sake, and for ease of testing this issue quickly I'd create a timeline
A -> B -> C
0s 10s 20s
Yet all I'd see was complication entry A staying around past the time that B and C should have displayed.
My normal app itself isn't set to create regularly spaced complications like this, it has many aspects of timers that it exposes that can be set by the user, but one such aspect just allows the user to start multiple timers at once, which all will finish after the user defined durations they choose. Unlike the iOS clock app's timer you're able to specify the timer durations in seconds, and so its perfectly possible that 2 timers would finish within seconds of each other, on the whole though its more likely that they'll be minutes apart. Also there shouldn't be too many complication entries being added, though other more complicated aspects of my app could easily add 10s or even ~100 complication entries depending on how complex a task the user has setup within it. For now though, this simpler example is easier to discuss and test.
I updated Xcode to the latest version (7.3.2) with no improvements, and sent a build to my actual phone and watch and again no improvement. Until once it did work. On further debugging I discovered that i could make the timeline behave itself by simply lowering my watch (to turn off the screen) and then wake it up again, all whilst it was mid executing my timeline. Having done this the timeline would then work properly from then on.
I've created a test app to demonstrate the problem, which does reproduce the problem fully, so I'm going to send it to apple on a bug report. Just thought i'd see if anyone else had noticed this issue.
Also when my test app executes i get the following logging output with an error that doesn't make sense
-[ExtensionDelegate session:didReceiveUserInfo:]:67 - complication.family=1 in activeComplications - calling reloadTimelineForComplication
-[ComplicationController getTimelineStartDateForComplication:withHandler:]:43 - calling handler for startDate=2016-06-15 22:08:26 +0000
-[ComplicationController getTimelineEndDateForComplication:withHandler:]:73 - calling handler for endDate=2016-06-15 22:08:46 +0000
-[ComplicationController getCurrentTimelineEntryForComplication:withHandler:]:148 - calling handler for entry at date=2016-06-15 22:08:26 +0000
-[ComplicationController getTimelineEntriesForComplication:afterDate:limit:withHandler:]:202 - adding entry at date=2016-06-15 22:08:36 +0000; with timerEndDate=2016-06-15 22:08:46 +0000 i=1
getTimelineEntriesForComplication:afterDate:limit:withHandler: -- invalid entries returned. (1 entries before start date 2016-06-15 22:08:46 +0000). Excess entries will be discarded.
The relevant information from this log is as follows
getTimelineStartDateForComplication - calling handler for startDate=22:08:26
getTimelineEndDateForComplication - calling handler for endDate=22:08:46
getCurrentTimelineEntryForComplication - calling handler for entry at date=22:08:26
getTimelineEntriesForComplication:afterDate - adding entry at date=22:08:36
getTimelineEntriesForComplication:afterDate:limit:withHandler: -- invalid entries returned. (1 entries before start date 22:08:46). Excess entries will be discarded.
Which you can see in the error from the system at the end that it is using the start date of 22:08:46, which was actually what I told Clockkit was my timeline's endDate, NOT the startDate. I'm not sure if this is related to the behaviour i'm seeing as I see the same error when it works after I hide/show the screen.
I've put a video of this behaviour in my test app online here. The details of this test app are as follows
Full code that should just run in the relevant simulators is available here, the relevant complication modules are also listed here for reference.
In my extension delegate, i receive userInfo from the iOS app and schedule a reload of my complication timeline
- (void)session:(WCSession *)session didReceiveUserInfo:(NSDictionary<NSString *, id> *)userInfo
WKExtension *extension = [WKExtension sharedExtension];
DbgLog(#"self=%p; wkExtension=%p; userInfo=%#", self, extension, userInfo);
self.lastReceivedUserInfo = userInfo;
CLKComplicationServer *complicationServer = [CLKComplicationServer sharedInstance];
for (CLKComplication *complication in complicationServer.activeComplications)
DbgLog(#"complication.family=%d in activeComplications - calling reloadTimelineForComplication", complication.family);
[complicationServer reloadTimelineForComplication:complication];
Then in my ComplicationController are the following methods to handle the complication side of things
#define DbgLog(fmt, ...) NSLog((#"%s:%d - " fmt), __PRETTY_FUNCTION__, __LINE__, ##__VA_ARGS__)
#interface ComplicationController ()
#implementation ComplicationController
#pragma mark - Timeline Configuration
- (void)getSupportedTimeTravelDirectionsForComplication:(CLKComplication *)complication withHandler:(void(^)(CLKComplicationTimeTravelDirections directions))handler
- (void)getTimelineStartDateForComplication:(CLKComplication *)complication withHandler:(void(^)(NSDate * __nullable date))handler
NSDate *startDate;
WKExtension *extension = [WKExtension sharedExtension];
assert([extension.delegate isKindOfClass:[ExtensionDelegate class]]);
ExtensionDelegate *extensionDelegate = (ExtensionDelegate *)extension.delegate;
if (extensionDelegate.lastReceivedUserInfo)
NSDictionary *userInfo = extensionDelegate.lastReceivedUserInfo;
startDate = [userInfo objectForKey:#"date"];
DbgLog(#"calling handler for startDate=%#", startDate);
- (NSDate*)getTimelineEndDate
NSDate *endDate;
WKExtension *extension = [WKExtension sharedExtension];
assert([extension.delegate isKindOfClass:[ExtensionDelegate class]]);
ExtensionDelegate *extensionDelegate = (ExtensionDelegate *)extension.delegate;
if (extensionDelegate.lastReceivedUserInfo)
NSDictionary *userInfo = extensionDelegate.lastReceivedUserInfo;
NSDate *startDate = [userInfo objectForKey:#"date"];
NSNumber *duration = [userInfo objectForKey:#"duration"];
NSNumber *count = [userInfo objectForKey:#"count"];
NSTimeInterval totalDuration = duration.floatValue * count.floatValue;
endDate = [startDate dateByAddingTimeInterval:totalDuration];
return endDate;
- (void)getTimelineEndDateForComplication:(CLKComplication *)complication withHandler:(void(^)(NSDate * __nullable date))handler
NSDate *endDate=[self getTimelineEndDate];
DbgLog(#"calling handler for endDate=%#", endDate);
- (void)getPrivacyBehaviorForComplication:(CLKComplication *)complication withHandler:(void(^)(CLKComplicationPrivacyBehavior privacyBehavior))handler {
#pragma mark - Timeline Population
- (CLKComplicationTemplate *)getComplicationTemplateForComplication:(CLKComplication *)complication
forEndDate:(NSDate *)endDate
orBodyText:(NSString *)bodyText
withHeaderText:(NSString *)headerText
assert(complication.family == CLKComplicationFamilyModularLarge);
CLKComplicationTemplateModularLargeStandardBody *template = [[CLKComplicationTemplateModularLargeStandardBody alloc] init];
template.headerTextProvider = [CLKSimpleTextProvider textProviderWithText:headerText];
if (endDate)
template.body1TextProvider = [CLKRelativeDateTextProvider textProviderWithDate:endDate style:CLKRelativeDateStyleTimer units:NSCalendarUnitHour|NSCalendarUnitMinute|NSCalendarUnitSecond];
template.body1TextProvider = [CLKSimpleTextProvider textProviderWithText:bodyText];
return template;
- (CLKComplicationTimelineEntry *)getComplicationTimelineEntryForComplication:(CLKComplication *)complication
forStartDate:(NSDate *)startDate
endDate:(NSDate *)endDate
orBodyText:(NSString *)bodyText
withHeaderText:(NSString *)headerText
CLKComplicationTimelineEntry *entry = [[CLKComplicationTimelineEntry alloc] init];
entry.date = startDate;
entry.complicationTemplate = [self getComplicationTemplateForComplication:complication forEndDate:endDate orBodyText:bodyText withHeaderText:headerText];
return entry;
- (void)getCurrentTimelineEntryForComplication:(CLKComplication *)complication withHandler:(void(^)(CLKComplicationTimelineEntry * __nullable))handler
// Call the handler with the current timeline entry
CLKComplicationTimelineEntry *entry;
assert(complication.family == CLKComplicationFamilyModularLarge);
WKExtension *extension = [WKExtension sharedExtension];
assert([extension.delegate isKindOfClass:[ExtensionDelegate class]]);
ExtensionDelegate *extensionDelegate = (ExtensionDelegate *)extension.delegate;
if (extensionDelegate.lastReceivedUserInfo)
NSDictionary *userInfo = extensionDelegate.lastReceivedUserInfo;
NSDate *startDate = [userInfo objectForKey:#"date"];
NSNumber *duration = [userInfo objectForKey:#"duration"];
//NSNumber *count = [userInfo objectForKey:#"count"];
NSTimeInterval totalDuration = duration.floatValue;
NSDate *endDate = [startDate dateByAddingTimeInterval:totalDuration];
entry = [self getComplicationTimelineEntryForComplication:complication forStartDate:startDate endDate:endDate orBodyText:nil withHeaderText:#"current"];
if (!entry)
NSDate *currentDate = [NSDate date];
entry = [self getComplicationTimelineEntryForComplication:complication forStartDate:currentDate endDate:nil orBodyText:#"no user info" withHeaderText:#"current"];
DbgLog(#"calling handler for entry at date=%#", entry.date);
- (void)getTimelineEntriesForComplication:(CLKComplication *)complication beforeDate:(NSDate *)date limit:(NSUInteger)limit withHandler:(void(^)(NSArray<CLKComplicationTimelineEntry *> * __nullable entries))handler
NSArray *retArray;
assert(complication.family == CLKComplicationFamilyModularLarge);
WKExtension *extension = [WKExtension sharedExtension];
assert([extension.delegate isKindOfClass:[ExtensionDelegate class]]);
ExtensionDelegate *extensionDelegate = (ExtensionDelegate *)extension.delegate;
if (extensionDelegate.lastReceivedUserInfo)
NSDictionary *userInfo = extensionDelegate.lastReceivedUserInfo;
NSDate *startDate = [userInfo objectForKey:#"date"];
if ([startDate timeIntervalSinceDate:date] < 0.f)
// not expected to be asked about any date earlier than our startDate
// Call the handler with the timeline entries prior to the given date
- (void)getTimelineEntriesForComplication:(CLKComplication *)complication afterDate:(NSDate *)date limit:(NSUInteger)limit withHandler:(void(^)(NSArray<CLKComplicationTimelineEntry *> * __nullable entries))handler
NSMutableArray *timelineEntries = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
assert(complication.family == CLKComplicationFamilyModularLarge);
WKExtension *extension = [WKExtension sharedExtension];
assert([extension.delegate isKindOfClass:[ExtensionDelegate class]]);
ExtensionDelegate *extensionDelegate = (ExtensionDelegate *)extension.delegate;
if (extensionDelegate.lastReceivedUserInfo)
NSDictionary *userInfo = extensionDelegate.lastReceivedUserInfo;
NSDate *startDate = [userInfo objectForKey:#"date"];
NSNumber *duration = [userInfo objectForKey:#"duration"];
NSNumber *count = [userInfo objectForKey:#"count"];
NSInteger i;
for (i=0; i<count.integerValue && timelineEntries.count < limit; ++i)
NSTimeInterval entryDateOffset = duration.floatValue * i;
NSDate *entryDate = [startDate dateByAddingTimeInterval:entryDateOffset];
if ([entryDate timeIntervalSinceDate:date] > 0)
NSDate *timerEndDate = [entryDate dateByAddingTimeInterval:duration.floatValue];
DbgLog(#"adding entry at date=%#; with timerEndDate=%# i=%d", entryDate, timerEndDate, i);
CLKComplicationTimelineEntry *entry = [self getComplicationTimelineEntryForComplication:complication forStartDate:entryDate endDate:timerEndDate orBodyText:nil withHeaderText:[NSString stringWithFormat:#"After %d", i]];
[timelineEntries addObject:entry];
if (i==count.integerValue && timelineEntries.count < limit)
NSDate *timelineEndDate = [self getTimelineEndDate];
CLKComplicationTimelineEntry *entry = [self getComplicationTimelineEntryForComplication:complication forStartDate:timelineEndDate endDate:nil orBodyText:#"Finished" withHeaderText:#"Test"];
[timelineEntries addObject:entry];
NSArray *retArray;
if (timelineEntries.count > 0)
retArray = timelineEntries;
// Call the handler with the timeline entries after to the given date
#pragma mark Update Scheduling
// don't want any updates other than the ones we request directly
- (void)getNextRequestedUpdateDateWithHandler:(void(^)(NSDate * __nullable updateDate))handler
// Call the handler with the date when you would next like to be given the opportunity to update your complication content
- (void)requestedUpdateBudgetExhausted
#pragma mark - Placeholder Templates
- (void)getPlaceholderTemplateForComplication:(CLKComplication *)complication withHandler:(void(^)(CLKComplicationTemplate * __nullable complicationTemplate))handler
CLKComplicationTemplate *template = [self getComplicationTemplateForComplication:complication forEndDate:nil orBodyText:#"doing nothing" withHeaderText:#"placeholder"];
// This method will be called once per supported complication, and the results will be cached
Perhaps you can see if you have the same problems with your own complications in your own apps.
I don't think I'm doing anything wrong, nothing that should cause this odd behaviour, just feels like a bug to me. Unfortunately its one that undermines my app which can work with quite small scale timeline entries in some cases and I'd rather not have them just not work if a user pays attention and keeps the watch screen on whilst testing it out.
Thanks for your time,
The error about an entry before the start date is accurate, and the entry is correctly discarded.
The reason why is that getTimelineEntriesForComplication:afterDate: is meant to return future entries after the specified date. What you did was return an entry before the specified date.
The starting date for providing future entries. The dates for your timeline entries should occur after this date and be as close to the date as possible.
Without any posted code to examine, I'd guess that your beforeDate:/afterDate: conditional code is reversed.
Other issues regarding multiple timeline entries per minute:
Regarding the ten second time interval, I can point out several issues for you to consider:
The complication server will request a limited number of entries.
Providing your entries will always be ten seconds apart, and that the server requested 100 entries (either in the past or the future direction), that amounts to 1000 seconds worth (under 17 minutes). This introduces two problems in general:
Given the short span of the timeline, the timeline would need to be updated several times an hour. This is not energy efficient, and you may exhaust your daily complication budget if you extend or reload it too often.
With such a short duration, time travel is effectively useless, as rotating the digital crown could quickly travel more than 16 minutes into the (past or) future, where there would not (initially) be any further entries to display.
The complication server caches a limited number of entries.
Even if you extend your timeline, the server will eventually prune (discard) entries from an extended timeline. Again assuming a 10-second interval, the complication server would only be able to keep about 2 hours worth of entries cached. Furthermore, you have no control over which entries would be discarded.
From a time travel perspective, 5 of every 6 timeline entries would never be displayed while time traveling (since time travel changes by minutes).
This would certainly present some confusion to the user, as they would not be able to view every entry.
A note about update limits:
While you could add multiple entries per minute, you may want to rethink whether that is practical. Considering that most users won't observe most of the frequent changes, it's likely a lot of wasted effort for little gain.
Regarding energy efficiency, you should also consider the hard limits that Apple imposes for updating the complication. Even in watchOS 3 (where you're encouraged to keep the complication and dock snapshot regularly updated in the background), you'll run up against limits of 4 background updates per hour, and 50 complication updates per day. See watchOS - Show realtime departure data on complication for specifics.
From what I've been reading about the largely undocumented NSAsynchronousFetchRequest, it is supposed to be cancelable. In Apple's video "What's New in Core Data" from WWDC 2014, there is an example of it being done (right around 17:40). But nowhere have I found how this is supposed to be done.
I've tried setting it up to cancel a fetch when a new fetch comes in, but I have been, seemingly, unsuccessful in getting this to work. The reason I say "seemingly" is because when I debug the code, it hits the cancel method of NSAsyncronousFetchResult's NSProgress property (and the property is not nil). However, after several previous fetches have been "cancelled" the app freezes for approximately the amount of time it would have taken to perform all the fetches. So, it doesn't seem like the fetches are being canceled. Here is what I am trying to cancel the fetch:
if (self.asyncFetchResult) {
[self.asyncFetchResult.progress cancel];
NSFetchRequest* fetchRequest = [[NSFetchRequest alloc] initWithEntityName:#"OfflineFeature"];
fetchRequest.predicate = [NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:#"layers.layerName in %# AND xMax >= %lf AND xMin <= %lf AND yMax >= %lf AND yMin <=%lf", allLayerNames, bufferedEnvelope.xmin,bufferedEnvelope.xmax,bufferedEnvelope.ymin,bufferedEnvelope.ymax];
NSAsynchronousFetchRequest* asyncFetchRequest = [[NSAsynchronousFetchRequest alloc] initWithFetchRequest:fetchRequest completionBlock:^(NSAsynchronousFetchResult* result) {
if (![result.progress isCancelled]) {
allFeatures = result.finalResult;
dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{
//Bunch of code to use the results
MVAppDelegate* appDelegate = (MVAppDelegate*)[[UIApplication sharedApplication] delegate];
__weak typeof(self) weakSelf = self;
[appDelegate.managedObjectContext performBlock:^{
NSProgress* progress = [NSProgress progressWithTotalUnitCount:1];
[progress becomeCurrentWithPendingUnitCount:1];
NSError* error;
weakSelf.asyncFetchResult = [appDelegate.managedObjectContext executeRequest:asyncFetchRequest error:&error];
if (error) {
NSLog(#"Error performing asynchronous fetch request.\n%#", error);
[progress resignCurrent];
I would appreciate any thoughts on what I'm doing wrong or if there's something else I could try that may be more appropriate. Thanks in advance.
I have this code that is trying to do a background fetch for HealthKit data. The code works fine when I first run the app, but if I manually perform a background fetch (using the debug command), I get an exception thrown and an error that says reason: 'this request has been neutered - you can't call -sendResponse: twice nor after encoding it' and I'm not quite sure why.
Here is the code that fetches the data:
- (void)fetchNewDataWithCompletionHandler:(void (^)(UIBackgroundFetchResult))completionHandler {
if (!self.healthStore) {
self.healthStore = [HKHealthStore new];
dataTypes = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys:
[NSNumber numberWithInt:1], HKQuantityTypeIdentifierStepCount,
[NSNumber numberWithInt:2], HKQuantityTypeIdentifierFlightsClimbed,
[NSNumber numberWithInt:3], HKQuantityTypeIdentifierDistanceWalkingRunning,
[NSNumber numberWithInt:4], HKQuantityTypeIdentifierDistanceCycling, nil];
achievementData = [NSMutableDictionary new];
NSCalendar *calendar = [NSCalendar currentCalendar];
NSDate *startDate = [calendar startOfDayForDate:[NSDate date]];
NSDate *endDate = [calendar dateByAddingUnit:NSCalendarUnitDay value:1 toDate:startDate options:0];
NSPredicate *predicate = [HKQuery predicateForSamplesWithStartDate:startDate endDate:endDate options:HKQueryOptionNone];
for (NSString *key in dataTypes) {
HKSampleType *sampleType = [HKSampleType quantityTypeForIdentifier:key];
HKSampleQuery *query = [[HKSampleQuery alloc] initWithSampleType:sampleType predicate:predicate limit:HKObjectQueryNoLimit sortDescriptors:nil resultsHandler:^(HKSampleQuery *query, NSArray *results, NSError *error) {
if (!error) {
if (!results) {
NSLog(#"No results were returned form query");
} else {
dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{
[self processNewDataWithResults:results andType:key];
} else {
NSLog(#"Error: %# %#", error, [error userInfo]);
[self.healthStore executeQuery:query];
Then I have a separate function that processes the data that you can see gets called when results are found. If you want I can paste it in here but it is pretty lengthy, not sure if it has anything to do with it.
I have tried putting breakpoints in to see when the completion handler is called but from what I can tell it is only getting called once, unless I am missing something silly here.
If anyone has any advice, please let me know :) Thanks!
Here is what the error message looks like:
2015-05-13 10:11:54.467 appName[379:169163] *** Assertion failure in -[UIFetchContentInBackgroundAction sendResponse:], /SourceCache/BaseBoard/BaseBoard-98.3/BaseBoard/BSAction.m:221
2015-05-13 10:11:54.470 appName[379:169163] *** Terminating app due to uncaught exception 'NSInternalInconsistencyException', reason: 'this request has been neutered - you can't call -sendResponse: twice nor after encoding it'
*** First throw call stack:
(0x28ed4137 0x36e30c77 0x28ed400d 0x29bd2bc9 0x2dbde865 0x397ed5 0x2dbde7cf 0x2ca82a3d 0x39019b 0x390187 0x393e9d 0x28e99889 0x28e97fa9 0x28de39a1 0x28de37b3 0x305951a9 0x2c56e695 0xdff29 0x373d8aaf)
libc++abi.dylib: terminating with uncaught exception of type NSException
From looking at the code you posted, I do not see any other way than that the background fetch completion handler will be called exactly 4 times due to the for loop.
The code paths in the resultHandlers of each instance of HKSampleQuery will end up at a completionHandler(UIBackgroundFetchResult...) call in any case and you are always instantiating four of them, so this is what the assertion 'you can't call -sendResponse: twice' is complaining about IMO.
It should be easy to check if that is the problem by commenting out 3 of the queries from the dataTypes dictionary.
Edit: as requested in the comments, here's a possible solution (..just off the top of my head, so take it with a grain of salt..):
It (a) uses a semaphore lock to turn the asynchronous query result callback into a "synchronous" call & (b) uses a dispatch group to wait for all 4 queries to finish before executing the completion handler.
// NOTE: This example assumes that the fetch has "new data" if any of the queries returned something
// Also it skips the 'NSError' part (which could work exactly like the 'result' var)
// Define one or more block-global result variables for queries can put their end state into
UIBackgroundFetchResult __block result = UIBackgroundFetchResultNoData;
// Create a dispatch group that will manage all the concurrent queries
dispatch_queue_t queue = dispatch_queue_create([#"my.query.queue" UTF8String], DISPATCH_QUEUE_CONCURRENT);
dispatch_group_t queries = dispatch_group_create();
// For each dataType dispatch a group block containing the query to run on the concurrent queue
for (NSString *key in dataTypes) {
dispatch_group_async(queries, queue, ^{
// To work around the asynchronous callback, I'll use a lock to wait for the query to return their result, so..
// ..like above, a block-global var will hold the result of the query
BOOL __block success = NO;
// ..create a one-time lock..
dispatch_semaphore_t lock = dispatch_semaphore_create(0);
HKSampleQuery *query = [[HKSampleQuery alloc] initWithSampleType:sampleType predicate:predicate limit:HKObjectQueryNoLimit sortDescriptors:nil resultsHandler:^(HKSampleQuery *query, NSArray *results, NSError *error) {
success = YES; // ..or however you define success.. ;)
dispatch_semaphore_signal(lock); // ..open lock to signal result available..
dispatch_semaphore_wait(lock, DISPATCH_TIME_FOREVER); // ..wait for callback result lock to open..
// ..determine & set result.
if (success) {
result = UIBackgroundFetchResultNewData;
// Schedule a final block to execute (on the main queue) when all the other group blocks have finished running
dispatch_group_notify(queries, dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{
// Determine final result and call completion handler
I'm experiencing strange CoreData issue.
First of all, in my project i use lot of frameworks, so there are many sources of problem - so i considered to create minimal project which repeats my issue. You can clone Test project on Github and repeat my test step-by-step.
So, the problem:
NSManagedObject is tied to it's NSManagedObjectID which doesn't let object to be deleted from NSManagedObjectContext properly
So, steps to reproduce:
In my AppDelegate, i setup CoreData stack as usual. AppDelegate has managedObjectContext property, which can be accessed to obtain NSManagedObjectContext for main thread. Application's object graph consists of one entity Message with body, from, timestamp attributes.
Application has only one viewController with only method viewDidLoad. It looks so:
- (void)viewDidLoad
[super viewDidLoad];
NSManagedObjectContext *context = ((AppDelegate*)[[UIApplication sharedApplication] delegate]).managedObjectContext;
NSEntityDescription *messageEntity = [NSEntityDescription entityForName:NSStringFromClass([Message class]) inManagedObjectContext:context];
// Here we create message object and fill it
Message *message = [[Message alloc] initWithEntity:messageEntity insertIntoManagedObjectContext:context];
message.body = #"Hello world!";
message.from = #"Petro Korienev";
NSDate *now = [NSDate date];
message.timestamp = now;
// Now imagine that we send message to some server. Server processes it, and sends back new timestamp which we should assign to message object.
// Because working with managed objects asynchronously is not safe, we save context, than we get it's objectId and refetch object in completion block
NSError *error;
[context save:&error];
if (error)
NSLog(#"Error saving");
NSManagedObjectID *objectId = message.objectID;
// Now simulate server delay
double delayInSeconds = 5.0;
dispatch_time_t popTime = dispatch_time(DISPATCH_TIME_NOW, (int64_t)(delayInSeconds * NSEC_PER_SEC));
dispatch_after(popTime, dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^(void)
// Refetch object
NSManagedObjectContext *context = ((AppDelegate*)[[UIApplication sharedApplication] delegate]).managedObjectContext;
Message *message = (Message*)[context objectWithID:objectId]; // here i suppose message to be nil because object is already deleted from context and context is already saved.
message.timestamp = [NSDate date]; // However, message is not nil. It's valid object with data fault. App crashes here with "Could not fulfill a fault"
NSError *error;
[context save:&error];
if (error)
NSLog(#"Error updating");
// Accidentaly user deletes message before response from server is returned
delayInSeconds = 2.0;
popTime = dispatch_time(DISPATCH_TIME_NOW, (int64_t)(delayInSeconds * NSEC_PER_SEC));
dispatch_after(popTime, dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^(void)
// Fetch desired managed object
NSManagedObjectContext *context = ((AppDelegate*)[[UIApplication sharedApplication] delegate]).managedObjectContext;
NSPredicate *predicate = [NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:#"timestamp == %#", now];
NSFetchRequest *request = [NSFetchRequest fetchRequestWithEntityName:NSStringFromClass([Message class])];
request.predicate = predicate;
NSError *error;
NSArray *results = [context executeFetchRequest:request error:&error];
if (error)
NSLog(#"Error fetching");
Message *message = [results lastObject];
[context deleteObject:message];
[context save:&error];
if (error)
NSLog(#"Error deleting");
Well, i detected app crash so i try to fetch message another way. I changed fetch code:
// Now simulate server delay
double delayInSeconds = 5.0;
dispatch_time_t popTime = dispatch_time(DISPATCH_TIME_NOW, (int64_t)(delayInSeconds * NSEC_PER_SEC));
dispatch_after(popTime, dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^(void)
// Refetch object
NSManagedObjectContext *context = ((AppDelegate*)[[UIApplication sharedApplication] delegate]).managedObjectContext;
NSPredicate *predicate = [NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:#"timestamp == %#", now];
NSFetchRequest *request = [NSFetchRequest fetchRequestWithEntityName:NSStringFromClass([Message class])];
request.predicate = predicate;
NSError *error;
NSArray *results = [context executeFetchRequest:request error:&error];
if (error)
NSLog(#"Error fetching in update");
Message *message = [results lastObject];
NSLog(#"message %#", message);
message.timestamp = [NSDate date];
[context save:&error];
if (error)
NSLog(#"Error updating");
Which NSLog'ed message (null)
So, it shows:
1) Message is actually not existent in DB. It cannot be fetched.
2) First version of code someway kept deleted message object in context (Probably cause it's object id was retained for block call).
But why i could obtain deleted object by its id? I need to know.
Obviously, first of all, i changed objectId to __weak. Got crash even before blocks:)
So CoreData is built without ARC? Hmm interesting.
Well, i considered to copy NSManagedObjectID. What i've gotten?
(lldb) po objectId
0xc28ed20 <x-coredata://8921D8F8-436C-4CBC-B4AB-118198988D88/Message/p4>
(lldb) po message.objectID
0xc28ed20 <x-coredata://8921D8F8-436C-4CBC-B4AB-118198988D88/Message/p4>
See what's wrong? NSCopying's -copy is implemented like return self on NSManagedObjectID
Last try was __unsafe_unretained for objectId. Here we go:
__unsafe_unretained NSManagedObjectID *objectId = message.objectID;
Class objectIdClass = [objectId class];
// Now simulate server delay
double delayInSeconds = 5.0;
dispatch_time_t popTime = dispatch_time(DISPATCH_TIME_NOW, (int64_t)(delayInSeconds * NSEC_PER_SEC));
dispatch_after(popTime, dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^(void)
if (![NSObject safeObject:objectId isMemberOfClass:objectIdClass])
NSLog(#"Object for update already deleted");
safeObject:isMemberOfClass: implementation:
#ifndef __has_feature
#define __has_feature(x) 0
#if __has_feature(objc_arc)
#error ARC must be disabled for this file! use -fno-objc-arc flag for compile this source
#import "NSObject+SafePointer.h"
#implementation NSObject (SafePointer)
+ (BOOL)safeObject:(id)object isMemberOfClass:(__unsafe_unretained Class)aClass
#pragma clang diagnostic push
#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wdeprecated-objc-isa-usage"
return ((NSUInteger*)object->isa == (NSUInteger*)aClass);
#pragma clang diagnostic pop
Brief explanation - we use __unsafe_unretained variable, so at time of block call it can be freed, so we have to check whether it's valid object. So we save it's class before block (it's not retain, it's assign) and check it in block via safePointer:isMemberOfClass:
So for now, refetching object by it's managedObjectId is UNTRUSTED pattern for me.
Does anybody have any suggestions how i should do in this situation? To use __unsafe_unretained and check? However, this managedObjectId can be also retained by another code, so it will cause could not fulfill crash on property access. Or to fetch object everytime by predicate? (and what to do if object is uniquely defined by 3-4 attributes? Retain them all for completion block?). What is the best pattern for working with managed objects asynchronously?
Sorry for long research, thanks in advance.
P.S. You still can repeat my steps or make your own experiments with Test project
Don't use objectWithID:. Use existingObjectWithID:error:. Per the documentation, the former:
... always returns an object. The data in the persistent store
represented by objectID is assumed to exist—if it does not, the
returned object throws an exception when you access any property (that
is, when the fault is fired). The benefit of this behavior is that it
allows you to create and use faults, then create the underlying data
later or in a separate context.
Which is exactly what you're seeing. You get an object back because Core Data thinks you must want one with that ID even though it doesn't have one. When you try to store to it, without having created an actual object in the interim, it doesn't know what to do and you get the exception.
existingObject... will return an object only if one exists.
I'm trying to save the MOC at intervals of 1000, however the below code just seems to miss some of them. This only saved 2/3 of the objects, the rest just seemed to disappear into the abyss. This seems like such a cludgy way to achieve this, so if anyone can suggest a better way I'd love to hear it.
This method is also taking about 9 minutes to add 115,000 objects. Is there anything I can do to improve this? Thanks.
NSManagedObjectContext *backgroundThreadContext = [[NSManagedObjectContext alloc] initWithConcurrencyType:NSConfinementConcurrencyType];
[backgroundThreadContext setPersistentStoreCoordinator:self.persistentStoreCoordinator];
[backgroundThreadContext setUndoManager:nil];
[products enumerateObjectsUsingBlock:^(id product, NSUInteger idx, BOOL *stop) {
NSManagedObject* newProduct;
newProduct = [NSEntityDescription insertNewObjectForEntityForName:#"Products" inManagedObjectContext:backgroundThreadContext];
[newProduct setValue:[product valueForKey:#"product_name"] forKey:#"name"];
[newProduct setValue:[product valueForKey:#"product_codes"] forKey:#"codes"];
if ([product valueForKey:#"information"] == (id)[NSNull null]){
// No information, NULL
[newProduct setValue:#"" forKey:#"information"];
} else {
NSString *information = [product valueForKey:#"information"];
[newProduct setValue:information forKey:#"information"];
if ([product valueForKey:#"megaimportant"] == (id)[NSNull null]){
// No information, NULL
[newProduct setValue:#"" forKey:#"megaimportant"];
} else {
NSString *megaimportant = [product valueForKey:#"megaimportant"];
[newProduct setValue:megaimportant forKey:#"megaimportant"];
if ((self.productDBCount % 1000) == 0){
NSLog(#"SAVE ME");
NSError *error;
if(![backgroundThreadContext save:&error])
NSLog(#"There was a problem saving the context (add/update). With error: %#, and user info: %#",
[error localizedDescription],
[error userInfo]);
} else if ((self.productDBCount + 1) == self.totalCount){
NSLog(#"Final Save");
NSError *error;
if(![backgroundThreadContext save:&error])
NSLog(#"There was a problem saving the context (add/update). With error: %#, and user info: %#",
[error localizedDescription],
[error userInfo]);
dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^
self.productDBCount = self.productDBCount + 1;
float progress = ((float)self.productDBCount / (float)self.totalCount);
int percent = progress * 100.0f;
self.downloadUpdateProgress.progress = progress;
self.percentageComplete.text = [NSString stringWithFormat:#"%i", percent];
NSLog(#"Added / updated product %f // ProductDBCount: %i // Percentage progress: %i // Total Count: %i", progress, self.productDBCount, percent, self.totalCount);
NSDate *currentProcessedDate = [NSDate date];
NSTimeInterval timeSinceStarted = [currentProcessedDate timeIntervalSinceDate:self.startProcessing];
NSInteger remainingProcesses = self.totalCount - self.productDBCount;
float timePerProcess = timeSinceStarted / (float)self.productDBCount;
float remainingTime = timePerProcess * (float)remainingProcesses;
self.timeRemaining.text = [NSString stringWithFormat:#"ETA: %0.0f minutes %0.0f seconds", (((float)remainingTime - fmodf(remainingTime, 60.0f))/60), fmodf(remainingTime, 60.0f)];
if (self.productDBCount == self.totalCount){
[self updatesCompleted:[jsonArray valueForKey:#"last_updated"]];
In the end of the block that you schedule on the background queue you asynchronously schedule another block on the main queue. There you increment your self.productDBCount. But at the same time you're using this property on the background queue.
So your background block on the next iteration of the loop can get not incremented value (because the block on the main queue has not been executed yet) and make wrong decisions about it. Even worse, if this property is declared as nonatomic, it can even get a corrupted value (although making it atomic won't solve this race condition anyway).
Try to replace asynchronous call with a synchronous one: dispatch_sync(dispatch_get_main_queue()...
To make the import easier on the memory you might also want to reset the context after the save of each batch. But you need to make sure that you don't use any objects that you created on this context after the reset.
If you want to see what takes most of the time during import, run it in Instruments. I can recommend combination of Core Data instruments with Time Profiler instrument. Core Data instruments are available only in simulator.