What is currently a good way to develop a Vaadin 8 project with Eclipse? - vaadin

Yesterday I tried to create a Vaadin project as described under https://vaadin.com/framework/get-started
I did it that way because the current eclipse plugin doesn't support greating Vaadin 8 projects.
Then I imported the project using Eclipse Import->Existing Maven Projects.
THis worked almost fine - only when starting the project using "Debug on Server" the Browser cannot connect to the application, although the application seems to be loaded.
When using mvn clean install and deploying the war manually this works.
What is missing there? Is there currently a good way of using Vaadin 8 with Eclipse?

Apparently this is more of an eclipse configuration question.
The context root can be changed using the projects Properties->Web Project Settings.

I would already use Vaadin together with spring-boot. On spring site they do have also a nice initializer tool to create your project: https://start.spring.io/ (Vaadin 8 is already used)
Also very helpful: http://vaadin.github.io/spring-tutorial/
The big advantage of using spring for me is the dependency injection, which simplifies the project setup.


Is Netbeans 14 still not supporting Grails project?

Netbeans 8 works quite well with Grails. I can click New Project to create a new Grails project. Netbeans 8 can show the project with Domain, Controller, Views folders on the left nicely. I can even debug the project with breakpoint. Netbeans 8 only works well with Grails 2. But at lease it can show the project folder structures nicely with newer versions of Grails like 4 and 5.
Netbeans 14 is missing all of these with/without the default Groovy plugin. It can't even open a simple Helloworld Grails project I create using the grails create-app helloworld command.
I googled Netbeans and Grails but the posts were quite outdated from many years ago. They said to use the Netbeans 8 Groovy plugin.
Is there any updated way to setup Netbeans 14 to work with Grails?
I attached 2 pictures. One is how it looks with 14. The other is how it looks with 8.
Unfortunately, I think the answer to your question is that Netbeans 14 does not support Grails. It's tough to prove a negative, but there is very strong circumstantial evidence of that being the case:
If you go to the homepage for Apache NetBeans there is a Plugins menu entry,and clicking that yields a list of the 62 available plugins. If you search that list list for "Grails" nothing is returned, so there is no "official" plugin for Grails.
Within NetBeans 14, if you select Tools > Plugins and search the Installed and Available Plugins tabs for "Grails", nothing is returned.
If you review the "What's Changed" entries for NetBeans 14 there is no mention of Grails.
Note this comment from GeertJan Wielenga, Release Manager for Apache NetBeans in 2019 (emphasis mine): "I would recommend to keep the name at Groovy, because otherwise when we re-add support for Grails, we’ll need to call it ‘Groovy, Gradle, and Grails’. And anyway both Gradle and Grails derive from Groovy, so keeping the name Groovy makes sense."
For some releases since NetBeans 8.2 it has been possible to add Grails support using the old 8.2 plugin (e.g. this answer), but the approaches were brittle, and did not offer any functionality beyond that available in NetBeans 8.2. I suppose you could try a similar workaround to get Grails running on NetBeans 14, as described in SO answers for other NetBeans releases, but stability might be an issue.
For what it's worth, Intellij IDEA provides a Grails plugin, though I haven't tried it.
Finally, Grails not working in NetBeans 14 should not be viewed as a NetBeans issue. Instead, it's a third-party plugin issue, and as far as I know there has been no development on the 8.2 plugin you are currently using for years. (That said, it would be helpful if the NetBeans documentation for each release formally stated any new functionality, and any functionality that was no longer supported, or no longer worked.)

Run Apache Isis Application on Eclipse

I just started learning Apache ISIS. I have configured the application and imported into Eclipse(Mars). Can anyone tell me how I can run the application from eclipse.
The main thing you need to do is to set up the DataNucleus enhancer. There's details and a screencast here
We have found that the DN enhancer can be a little unreliable on larger projects, which was one of the reasons as developers we ended up moving to using IntelliJ (community edition is fine). YMMV.
Within an IDE you run the app using the org.apache.isis.WebServer helper class (it's just a wrapper around jetty).

intellij can't resolve grails.plugin

I am using Grails 2.3.3 and IntelliJ ultimate 12.1.6 on my Vista 32 machine.
I used grails command line to create a new app and then added spring security and spring security ui. My BuildConfig.groovy plugins section contains
compile ":spring-security-core:2.0-RC2"
compile ":spring-security-ui:1.0-RC1"
I ran
grails s2-quickstart
grails s2ui-override auth
grails s2ui-override register
My generated RegisterController looks like this:
class RegisterController extends grails.plugin.springsecurity.ui.RegisterController {
the grails.plugin is red and unresolved and no matter what I try I can't get IntelliJ to resolve grails.plugin
Grails compiles and runs the app without issue, and if I override methods I find in the source code for the spring ui RegisterController they are correctly wired in to the app, but I can't even compile from intell and I can't get intellij to help me override code.
I thought maybe creating the project outside of IntelliJ was an issue so I created a new Grails project using the IntelliJ interface, the plugins still do not resolve.
I tried adding the plugins as runtime with no success.
I have spent the afternoon and evening researching this with no success. There are questions similar to this with major versions 10 and 11 of IntelliJ but nothing current, so I am resolved to asking for help to get IntelliJ to recognize the Grails plugin classes. I can post an entire small sample project if necessary.
I often have this issue when I place a new plugin into my BuildConfig.groovy, but not typically when I add a jar dependency.
I resolve it by doing the following in the menu: Tools > Grails > Synchronize Grails Settings
You can tell whether or not a plugin is synchronized in IDEA by navigating in the Project view to grails-app > target > work > plugins. Each synchronized plugin with have a tiny blue square over the bottom right corner of the directory icon. If it doesn't have that icon, it isn't synchronized with IDEA properly.
Using IntelliJ 13.1.5 and Grails 2.4.3 with Maven there is an issue with 2 different groovy-all jars being pulled in by the IDE.
The way to resolve it is to go to Module Settings and under both the project and projectGrialsPlugins modules modify the User Grails library entry. Click the edit button(pencil) and remove the groovy-all.2.3.3.jar from the project.
Remember if you close the project and reopen it those settings may need to be reapplied.

Vaadin Visual Designer not working

I created a Vaadin 7 project in Eclipse Kepler for Java EE. I am having difficulty in opening the Vaadin Visual Designer. I am using Win 7 64 bit, Java JDK 7, Vaadin plugin for eclipse, IveDE, Apache Tomcat 7.
The source tab for the visual designer is accessible but the Design tab is not available at the bottom left corner. Anyone faced this issue before? I might be missing some files, but I tried updating eclipse and resolved Ive without any change.
Please advice. Thanks in advance for the help.
It is the same issue as described in this post,
Found the workaround, at http://dev.vaadin.com/ticket/12141
add this to the ecilpse.ini file
However I still get a pop up message in eclipse saying that is cannot detect XULRunner 1.9
Any suggesstions?
Thanks in advance.
Did you update the path to your actual xul runner location? For example, if you extracted the archive directly to C:, your path will look like this:
You probably don't have all the xul runner files directly on C:.
I am not sure the Vaadin Plugin for Eclipse installs the xulrunner by default. I say this because on this blog Using Vaadin Eclipse Plugin under Win7 x64 I found xulrunner installment listed as a required step.
Just add to the eclipse.ini this:
Eclipse will show an error, just ignore that as designer will be working then.

How can i create the setup file for blackberry phones using eclipse?

setup file creation for blackberry phones using eclipse environment
I'm going to take a big guess here and assume you mean automated building and deployment?
If so I use BB-ANT-tools, which can integrate with eclipse or can be ran via the command line. We also have it integrated with our Version Control System (TFS using Team Explorer Everywhere 2010) so that it created a build on every check-in.
You can read about BB-ANT-tools here: http://bb-ant-tools.sourceforge.net/docs
