How to disable authentication requirement for apiDiscovery feature - swagger

Is there any way to disable the authentication requirement for accessing the API Documentation endpoints provided by the apiDiscovery-1.0 feature?
I have the apiDiscovery-1.0 feature enabled on Liberty
I am able to see the swagger documents when I access /ibm/api/explorer as expected, but I am required to authenticate.
I am only able to authenticate by using credentials defined in a basicRegistry element within my server.xml. However, I want to eliminate this basicRegistry from my server configuration.

You can do that in the latest Beta (
With that driver, you only need apiDiscovery-1.0 (SSL is optional).
The default address for the public endpoint is http://host:port/api/explorer
You can change the "/api" portion by using the publicURL attribute in the apiDiscovery element in server.xml, for example:
<apiDiscovery publicURL="/myPublicAPI" />
This is targeted for Liberty's next release,
Please note that in the public endpoint, internal endpoints (such as JMX, Batch, etc) are not displayed - only your deployed applications.
For the internal endpoints, you can use /ibm/api/explorer (which remains requiring SSL and authentication).

I believe you can't remove the requirement for authentication for apiDiscovery for security reasons.
I doubt this helps but, you shouldn't "only be able to authenticate using credentials defined in a basicRegistry element within my server.xml" and instead any supported authentication mechanics should work like quickStartSecurity, LDAP, etc (and they can be set in any configuration file that is read by the server, not just server.xml). For example, you should be able to use quickStartSecurity in wlp/usr/shared/config to apply an Admininistrator role for all servers under that /wlp/usr/servers/ directory.


Disable security verify SSL in oracle apex

I'm using Oracle Application Express 11g.
To secure RESTful services I want to create Third Party Authentication for it.
According to this article :
In order to register my third party user I need to access this url : https://server:port/ords/resteasy/ui/oauth2/clients/ as I don't have SSL every time I face this error(entring the url in http) :
This resource must be accessed over HTTPS only
The Question is : how can I disable "security verify SSL" in apex, in order that I never face this error again.
Note that there is no error like this in other pages because I'm not forced to use https, and I'm receiving this error entring the url in http.
1.4.5 Using OAuth2 in Non HTTPS Environments
RESTful Services can be protected with the OAuth2 protocol to control access to nonpublic data. To prevent data snooping, OAuth2 requires all requests involved in the OAuth2 authentication process to be transported using HTTPS. The default behavior of Oracle REST Data Services is to verify that all OAuth2 related requests have been received using HTTPS. It will refuse to service any such requests received over HTTP, returning an HTTP status code of 403 Forbidden.
This default behavior can be disabled in environments where HTTPS is not available as follows:
Locate the folder where the Oracle REST Data Services configuration is stored.
Edit the file named defaults.xml.
Add the following setting to the end of this file just before the </properties> tag.
<entry key="security.verifySSL">false</entry>
Save the file.
Restart Oracle REST Data Services if it is running.
Note that it is only appropriate to use this setting in development or test environments. It is never appropriate to use this setting in production environments because it will result in user credentials being passed in clear text.

WWW-Authenticate schemes for OpenID Connect

I'm writing my own codes for the OpenID Connect protocol. Basically, I intend to write my own provider and related stuff on Google App Engine's platform using Jersey and Google's datastore via Objectify library.
I'm in the middle of implementing the (access/refresh) token endpoint and there's this client authentication that I need to take care of. I'm just wondering if there are preset authentication schemes' keywords that I could send if in case the client did not have client_secret_basic set during the registration process (or whatever's set in the datastore entry.)
For a failed client authentication with the following methods, the scheme is used as response in the WWW-Authenticate header (401):
client_secret_basic: Basic,
client_secret_post: ???,
client_secret_jwt: ???,
private_key_jwt: ???,
none: obviously none.
I've looked at some open source implementations, nimbus' and OAuth-Apis', but they don't seem to handle this minor issue (they only respond with the generic error response defined in OAuth2 rfc6749#section-5.2.)
If there are no predefined keywords, then I suppose I'll have to make up my own. But it would be great if they exist.
The authoritative list for these is at IANA. There, you can find these handfuls:
Which of these is client_secret_post, client_secret_jwt and private_key_jwt? None. You'll need to map those to one from the registered list above or return your own values. Better yet, you can submit a draft to the OAuth working group or the OpenID Foundation to get the above IANA registry updated with something that makes sense for these missing cases. Then, we can all interop :-)

Dropbox OAuth 2 dynamic return URL

The Dropbox OAuth 2 requires me to set a return URL. Is it possible to implement the OAuth 2 flow with a dynamic return URL?
Background on why I need the return_url to be dynamic: The flow works great if the integration is through a website, however I am working on a product which is managed through a web console, and typically users will access it using the private IP on the unit. This IP is something I cannot know in advance.
Possible Solutions if dynamic return URLs aren't possible:
I host a cloud service of some sort to act as a broker --- the broker is a fixed URL and I relay back the access code to the device.
Use OAuth 1, which doesn't seem to have this restriction.
Florent's comment is correct, this isn't currently possible, as all OAuth 2 redirect URIs are required to be pre-registered as a matter of security. I'll be sure to pass this along as feedback though.
As mentioned though, one thing you may be able to do instead is to use one static redirect URI but encode the necessary information in the 'state' parameter, and decode it as necessary after the redirect back to your app, to handle it as necessary:
Alternatively, you can use OAuth 1, which doesn't require pre-registered redirect URIs. Edit: note that OAuth 1 is only available for API v1, which is now deprecated.

XPages Social Business Toolkit

I am trying to implement XPagesSBT on localhost.
I have followed this article and the SBT document by Niklas and was trying to implement dropbox oAuth.
I have also placed http://localhost/XPagesSBT.nsf/ and http://localhost/WebSecurityStore.nsf in root folder
but still i get this error
Error while executing JavaScript action expression
Script interpreter error, line=1, col=26: Error calling method 'isAuthenticated()' on java class ''
No application is registered with id XPagesSBT and provider Dropbox
if(!#Endpoint("dropbox").isAuthenticated()) {#Endpoint("dropbox").authenticate(true);}
do i need to make any other configuration /setup to XPagesSBT db? or it wont work with Localhost?
I don't remember exactly anymore but reading my blog entry you linked it says you shouldn't use Anonymous:
"Additionally there are a couple of security related settings which are important to understand. First of all you need to assign access to the document with the application keys to the ID with which you signed the two NSFs. In the screenshot above I've entered both OpenNTF servers and my own user ID. When you use the web UI to do this these names are added to the document in an authors field and a readers field.
In the last step you need to configure the ACL of the security store. Anonymous must not have access to this database. All users who you want to be able to use the Social Enabler OAuth functionality need to have author access. This is so that their user keys can be stored in this database so that they only have to do the OAuth dance once. "
It should work on localhost. It looks like a configuration issue with SBT not being able to read the security tokens from the websecuritystore.nsf . Did you create the Dropbox Application Key with an admin id and sign the websecuritystore with the correct id?

Using a Custom Single Sign On Authentication Service with Spring Security Core Plugin

I'm working on a Grails application and want to integrate with a custom single-sign-on service (not CAS, but similar). I'm struggling to find all the pieces that I need to customize to make this happen. Can someone explain to me a general outline as to what I need to use to accomplish this? I've read the documentation on the plugin, but it assumes I know which beans to override and where to put all the needed files.
I've block-quoted what I think needs to be done based on my research below each point.
Order of Operations
1- The user requests secure content (everything is secure in the application for now)
I believe this setting is in the Config.groovy file:
grails.plugins.springsecurity.rejectIfNoRule = true
grails.plugins.springsecurity.securityConfigType = "InterceptUrlMap"
grails.plugins.springsecurity.interceptUrlMap = [
2- Spring Security checks to see if the user has a specific value set in a cookie provided by the authentication service
I'm guessing I need to create an authentication filter, but I don't know where to put it or what it should look like.
If they don't, the user is redirected to this custom SSO service, they login, once authenticated, the user is redirected back to my application (with a new cookie set)
3- Spring security checks for the cookie value and validates it against the custom service (via HTTP POST)
From some research, I think that I need to use PreAuthenticatedProcessingFilter, but I haven't been able to find any examples of how to do this.
4- The custom service returns a series of name/value pairs, a user then needs to be created in the local application database (or the timestamp of "lastLoggedIn" is updated if they user's data is already in the database)
I believe this is done in the same PreAuthenticatedProcessingFilter as number 3 or in a GrailsUserDetailsService
5- The user's authentication is cached in the session for a period of time (6-8 hours) so that re-validation against the SSO service doesn't need to occur every time the user requests a new resource.
I'm not sure if this is something that's done inherently or if I need to add code to do this (and also set the session timeout)
