Why does NodeHandle hang? - ros

I'm having an issue trying to create a subscriber in Indigo. I have a shared_ptr within a class to hold the NodeHandle object. I do this so that NodeHandle can be used in other class members. The problem is when the thread starts, it seems to hang on the make_shared call to the NodeHandle object within the MyClass constructor as it never reaches the next line after.
class MyClass
std::shared_ptr<ros::NodeHandle> nh;
std::map<std::string, std::string> remap;
// ...
// remap is empty
ros::init(remap, "my_node");
nh = make_shared<ros::NodeHandle>();
cout << "does not reach this line" << endl;
int MyClass::run()
// ...
I start the thread liks so ...
// ...
myobj = make_shared<MyClass>();
my_thread = thread(&MyClass::run, myobj);
// ...

It appears that the problem was due to having my own boost logging system in place and not using the ROS logger (which made it difficult to find as it seemingly has nothing to do with ros::NodeHandle, but probably does underneath). I would comment out my entire code base and start adding to see when ros::NodeHandle would run and at the point of removing my logger and adding it back, I would see the difference between it running and hanging.

Well, here's an example of using Boost::make_shared for a nodehandle.
Note that it makes use of ros::NodeHandlePtr, an already existant Boost shared pointer not using the "std::make_shared" one.
This maybe does not really answer the question but I am suggesting another way around using the boost library.
#include <ros/ros.h>
#include <std_msgs/Empty.h>
#include <boost/thread/thread.hpp>
void do_stuff(int* publish_rate)
ros::NodeHandlePtr node = boost::make_shared<ros::NodeHandle>();
ros::Publisher pub_b = node->advertise<std_msgs::Empty>("topic_b", 10);
ros::Rate loop_rate(*publish_rate);
while (ros::ok())
std_msgs::Empty msg;
int main(int argc, char** argv)
int rate_b = 1; // 1 Hz
ros::init(argc, argv, "mt_node");
// spawn another thread
boost::thread thread_b(do_stuff, &rate_b);
ros::NodeHandlePtr node = boost::make_shared<ros::NodeHandle>();
ros::Publisher pub_a = node->advertise<std_msgs::Empty>("topic_a", 10);
ros::Rate loop_rate(10); // 10 Hz
while (ros::ok())
std_msgs::Empty msg;
// process any incoming messages in this thread
// wait the second thread to finish
return 0;
In case you get trouble with the CMakeLists, here it is :
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 2.8.3)
find_package(catkin REQUIRED COMPONENTS
find_package(Boost COMPONENTS thread REQUIRED)
catkin_package(CATKIN_DEPENDS roscpp rospy std_msgs)
include_directories(include ${catkin_INCLUDE_DIRS})
add_executable(thread src/thread_test.cpp)
target_link_libraries(thread ${catkin_LIBRARIES} ${BOOST_LIBRARIES})
Hope that helps !


Is this the correct way to thread sync with out mutex

Is this the correct way to sync threads without mutex.
This code should be running for a long time
#include <boost/thread.hpp>
#include <boost/thread/mutex.hpp>
#include <boost/memory_order.hpp>
#include <atomic>
std::atomic<long> x =0;
std::atomic<long> y =0;
boost::mutex m1;
// Thread increments
void Thread_Func()
// boost::mutex::scoped_lock lx(m1);
// Checker Thread
void Thread_Func_X()
// boost::mutex::scoped_lock lx(m1);
if(y > x)
// should never hit until int overflows
std::cout << y << "\\" << x << std::endl;
//Test Application
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
boost::thread_group threads;
return 0;
Without knowing exactly what you're trying to do, it is hard to say it is the "correct" way. That's valid code, it's a bit janky though.
There is no guarantee that the "Checker" thread will ever see the condition y > x. It's theoretically possible that it will never break. In practice, it will trigger at some point but x might not be LONG_MIN and y LONG_MAX. In other words, it's not guaranteed to trigger just as the overflow happens.

Can I call ROS "ros::init(...)" within the player (Player/Stage) driver?

I am trying to write a Player driver that will publish messages on ROS.
Player driver does not create an executable file and hence I am not sure how to call ROS initialize within the player driver.
The main function of player driver looks like this...
void PlayerDriver::Main()
int argc; // Player Main() method does not take argument
char **argv; // What to do with argc and argv??
geometry_msgs::Point commandInput;
ros::init(argc, argv, "Command");
ros::NodeHandle n;
ros::Publisher command_pub = n.advertise<geometry_msgs::Point>("servocommand", 1000);
ros::Rate loop_rate(1);
while (ros::ok())
//Do some stuff
commandInput.x = globalVel.v;
commandInput.y = globalVel.w;
commandInput.z = 0.0;
//Do some stuff
The Player driver compiles and creates a shared library and I have a cfg file.
It is called by "player playerdriver.cfg" and works fine, gets connected to a Player Client but it does not publish messages on ROS.
As the Player Main() method does not take arguments, I believe this is where I am doing some mistake. Any suggestions are welcome.
Look here link. And also go through the Publisher/Subscriber tutorial from ROS. You can start here with the research -> Example publisher.
Option 1:(Recommended) You can pass the argc and argv value through constructor.
Option 2:
You can try this:
int argc = 0;
char **argv = NULL;
ros::init(argc, argv, "node_name");
NB: ROS uses argc & argv to parse remapping arguments from the command line.

Network stats gatherer (loadable kernel module) isn't working?

I'm kinda new to linux kernel modules and I'm trying to write my own module that gives me some statistics about a device ( the NIC here).
although I'm using kernel 2.6.35 and I've included linux/netdevices, compiling keeps saying that the function ndo_get_stats is implicitly declared. can anyone tell me what's going on ?
here's the module, simple I know,
#include <linux/module.h> /* Needed by all modules */
#include <linux/kernel.h> /* Needed for KERN_INFO */
#include <linux/netdevice.h> /* Needed for netdevice*/
static int __init hello_start(void)
struct net_device *dev;
struct net_device_stats *devstats;
printk(KERN_INFO "Loading Stats module...\n");
printk(KERN_ALERT "Hello world\n");
dev = first_net_device(&init_net);
while (dev)
printk(KERN_INFO "found [%s] and it's [%d]\n", dev->name, dev->flags & IFF_UP);
printk(KERN_INFO "End of dev struct ... now starts the get_stats struct\n");
devstats = ndo_get_stats(dev);
printk(KERN_INFO "recive errors: [%li]\n transmission errors: [%li]\n number of collisions: [%li]", devstats->rx_errors , devstats->tx_errors, devstats->collisions);
dev = next_net_device(dev);
return 0;
static void __exit hello_end(void)
printk(KERN_ALERT "Goodbye.\n");

Bad file descriptor on pthread_detach

My pthread_detach calls fail with a "Bad file descriptor" error. The calls are in the destructor for my class and look like this -
if(pthread_detach(get_sensors) != 0)
printf("\ndetach on get_sensors failed with error %m", errno);
if(pthread_detach(get_real_velocity) != 0)
printf("\ndetach on get_real_velocity failed with error %m", errno);
I have only ever dealt with this error when using sockets. What could be causing this to happen in a pthread_detach call that I should look for? Or is it likely something in the thread callback that could be causing it? Just in case, the callbacks look like this -
void* Robot::get_real_velocity_thread(void* threadid) {
Robot* r = (Robot*)threadid;
inline void Robot::get_real_velocity_thread_i() {
while(1) {
sensor_packet temp = get_sensor_value(REQUESTED_VELOCITY);
real_velocity = temp.values[0];
if(temp.values[1] != -1)
real_velocity += temp.values[1];
} //end while
/*Callback for get sensors thread*/
void* Robot::get_sensors_thread(void* threadid) {
Robot* r = (Robot*)threadid;
inline void Robot::get_sensors_thread_i() {
while(1) {
if(sensorsstreaming) {
unsigned char receive;
int read = 0;
read = connection.PollComport(port, &receive, sizeof(unsigned char));
if((int)receive == 19) {
read = connection.PollComport(port, &receive, sizeof(unsigned char));
unsigned char rest[54];
read = connection.PollComport(port, rest, 54);
//bump + wheel drop
sensor_values[0] = (int)rest[1];
sensor_values[1] = -1;
sensor_values[2] = (int)rest[2];
sensor_values[3] = -1;
lots more setting just like the two above
} //end if header == 19
} //end if sensors streaming
} //end while
Thank you for any help.
The pthread_* functions return an error code; they do not set errno. (Well, they may of course, but not in any way that is documented.)
Your code should print the value returned by pthread_detach and print that.
Single Unix Spec documents two return values for this function: ESRCH (no thread by that ID was found) and EINVAL (the thread is not joinable).
Detaching threads in the destructor of an object seems silly. Firstly, if they are going to be detached eventually, why not just create them that way?
If there is any risk that the threads can use the object that is being destroyed, they need to be stopped, not detached. I.e. you somehow indicate to the threads that they should shut down, and then wait for them to reach some safe place after which they will not touch the object any more. pthread_join is useful for this.
Also, it is a little late to be doing that from the destructor. A destructor should only be run when the thread executing it is the only thread with a reference to that object. If threads are still using the object, then you're destroying it from under them.

Forcing a Lua script to exit

How do you end a long running Lua script?
I have two threads, one runs the main program and the other controls a user supplied Lua script. I need to kill the thread that's running Lua, but first I need the script to exit.
Is there a way to force a script to exit?
I have read that the suggested approach is to return a Lua exception. However, it's not garanteed that the user's script will ever call an api function ( it could be in a tight busy loop). Further, the user could prevent errors from causing his script to exit by using a pcall.
You could use setjmp and longjump, just like the Lua library does internally. That will get you out of pcalls and stuff just fine without need to continuously error, preventing the script from attempting to handle your bogus errors and still getting you out of execution. (I have no idea how well this plays with threads though.)
#include <stdio.h>
#include <setjmp.h>
#include "lua.h"
#include "lualib.h"
#include "lauxlib.h"
jmp_buf place;
void hook(lua_State* L, lua_Debug *ar)
static int countdown = 10;
if (countdown > 0)
printf("countdown: %d!\n", countdown);
longjmp(place, 1);
int main(int argc, const char *argv[])
lua_State* L = luaL_newstate();
lua_sethook(L, hook, LUA_MASKCOUNT, 100);
if (setjmp(place) == 0)
luaL_dostring(L, "function test() pcall(test) print 'recursing' end pcall(test)");
return 0;
You could set a variable somewhere in your program and call it something like forceQuitLuaScript. Then, you use a hook, described here to run every n instructions. After n instructions, it'll run your hook which just checks if forceQuitLuaScript is set, and if it is do any clean up you need to do and kill the thread.
Edit: Here's a cheap example of how it could work, only this is single threaded. This is just to illustrate how you might handle pcall and such:
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "lauxlib.h"
void hook(lua_State* L, lua_Debug *ar)
static int countdown = 10;
if (countdown > 0)
printf("countdown: %d!\n", countdown);
// From now on, as soon as a line is executed, error
// keep erroring until you're script reaches the top
lua_sethook(L, hook, LUA_MASKLINE, 0);
luaL_error(L, "");
int main(int argc, const char *argv[])
lua_State* L = luaL_newstate();
lua_sethook(L, hook, LUA_MASKCOUNT, 100);
// Infinitely recurse into pcalls
luaL_dostring(L, "function test() pcall(test) print 'recursing' end pcall(test)");
return 0;
The way to end a script is to raise an error by calling error. However, if the user has called the script via pcall then this error will be caught.
It seems like you could terminate the thread externally (from your main thread) since the lua script is user supplied and you can't signal it to exit.
If that isn't an option, you could try the debug API. You could use lua_sethook to enable you to regain control assuming you have a way to gracefully terminate your thread in the hook.
I haven't found a way to cleanly kill a thread that is executing a long running lua script without relying on some intervention from the script itself. Here are some approaches I have taken in the past:
If the script is long running it is most likely in some loop. The script can check the value of some global variable on each iteration. By setting this variable from outside of the script you can then terminate the thread.
You can start the thread by using lua_resume. The script can then exit by using yield().
You could provide your own implementation of pcall that checks for a specific type of error. The script could then call error() with a custom error type that your version of pcall could watch for:
local there_is_an_error = do_something()
if (there_is_an_error) then
error({code = 900, msg = "Custom error"})
possibly useless, but in the lua I use (luaplayer or PGELua), I exit with
If you're using coroutines to start the threads, you could maybe use coroutine.yield() to stop it.
You might wanna take look at
project. its preemptive scheduler for lua.
It uses a lua_yeild function inside the hook. So you can suspend your lua thread. It also uses longjmp inside but its is much safer.
Use this single line code on that where you are want to destroy lua script.
lua_KFunction cont(lua_State* L);
int my_yield_with_res(lua_State* L, int res) {
cout << " my_yield_with_res \n" << endl;
return lua_yieldk(L, 0, lua_yield(L, res), cont(L));/* int lua_yieldk(lua_State * L, int res, lua_KContext ctx, lua_KFunction k);
Приостанавливает выполнение сопрограммы(поток). Когда функция C вызывает lua_yieldk, работающая
сопрограмма приостанавливает свое выполнение и вызывает lua_resume, которая начинает возврат данной сопрограммы.
Параметр res - это число значений из стека, которые будут переданы в качестве результатов в lua_resume.
Когда сопрограмма снова возобновит выполнение, Lua вызовет заданную функцию продолжения k для продолжения выполнения
приостановленной C функции(смотрите §4.7). */
int hookFunc(lua_State* L, lua_Debug* ar) {
cout << " hookFunc \n" << endl;
return my_yield_with_res(L, 0);// хук./
lua_KFunction cont(lua_State* L) {// функция продолжения.
cout << " hooh off \n" << endl;
lua_sethook(L, (lua_Hook)hookFunc, LUA_MASKCOUNT, 0);// отключить хук foo.
return 0;
struct Func_resume {
Func_resume(lua_State* L, const char* funcrun, unsigned int Args) : m_L(L), m_funcrun(funcrun), m_Args(Args) {}
//имена функций, кол-во агрументов.
void func_block(lua_State* L, const char* functionName, unsigned int Count, unsigned int m_Args) {
lua_sethook(m_L, (lua_Hook)hookFunc, LUA_MASKCOUNT, Count); //вызов функции с заданной паузой.
if (m_Args == 0) {
lua_getglobal(L, functionName);// получить имя функции.
lua_resume(L, L, m_Args);
if (m_Args != 0) {
int size = m_Args + 1;
lua_getglobal(L, functionName);
for (int i = 1; i < size; i++) {
lua_pushvalue(L, i);
lua_resume(L, L, m_Args);
void Update(float dt) {
unsigned int Count = dt * 100.0;// Время работы потока.
func_block(m_L, m_funcrun, Count, m_Args);
~Func_resume() {}
lua_State* m_L;
const char* m_funcrun; // имя функции.
unsigned int m_Count;// число итерации.
unsigned int m_Args;
const char* LUA = R"(
function main(y)
--print(" func main arg, a = ".. a.." y = ".. y)
for i = 1, y do
print(" func main count = ".. i)
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
lua_State* L = luaL_newstate();/*Функция создает новое Lua состояние. */
luaL_dostring(L, LUA);
//..pushlua(L, 12);
pushlua(L, 32);
//do {
Func_resume func_resume(L, "main", 2);
// } while (LUA_OK != lua_status(L)); // Пока поток не завершен.
return 0;
