I would like to create an array of same value in Amibroker. The array should look like this;
Arr_fix[0] = 80;
Arr_fix[1] = 80;
Arr_fix[2] = 80;
Arr_fix[n] = 80; //n is LAST_VALUE of array
You can simply write
var = 80;
Plot( var, "var", colorDefault, styleLine );
and "80" will be there on entire array length of a symbol.
On the other hand if you want to create a custom array then do
n = ...; // rownum value
mat = Matrix( n, 1 );
for( i = 0; i < n; i++ )
mat[i][0] = 80;
printf( MxToString( mat ) );
or shorter
mat = Matrix( n, 1, 80 );
n could be Barcount too.
You could also convert from string to matrix:
matstring = "[80;80;80;80]";
mat = MxFromString( matstring );
printf( MxToString( mat ) );
In order to convert Matrix block(s) to 1-dim array use MxGetBlock function.
Check AFL function reference ti get details of each function
int sizeOfChannel = (_width / 2) * (_height / 2);
double* channel_gr = new double[sizeOfChannel];
// filling the data into channel_gr....
cv::Mat my( _width/2, _height/2, CV_32F,channel_gr);
cv::Mat src(_width/2, _height/2, CV_32F);
for (int i = 0; i < (_width/2) * (_height/2); ++i)
src.at<float>(i) = channel_gr[i];
I'm wondering why i'm not getting the same image in my and src imshow
I have changed my array into double* still same result;
I think it is something to do with steps?
my image output
src image output
this one works for me:
int halfWidth = _width/2;
int halfHeight = _height/2;
int sizeOfChannel = halfHeight*halfWidth;
// ******************************* //
// you use CV_321FC1 later so it is single precision float
float* channel_gr = new float[sizeOfChannel];
// filling the data into channel_gr....
for(int i=0; i<sizeOfChannel; ++i) channel_gr[i] = i/(float)sizeOfChannel;
// ******************************* //
// changed row/col ordering, but this shouldnt be important
cv::Mat my( halfHeight , halfWidth , CV_32FC1,channel_gr);
cv::Mat src(halfHeight , halfWidth, CV_32FC1);
// ******************************* //
// changed from 1D indexing to 2D indexing
for(int y=0; y<src.rows; ++y)
for(int x=0; x<src.cols; ++x)
int arrayPos = y*halfWidth + x;
// you have a 2D mat so access it in 2D
src.at<float>(y,x) = channel_gr[arrayPos ];
// check for differences
cv::imshow("diff1 > 0",src-my > 0);
cv::imshow("diff2 > 0",my-src > 0);
'my' is array of floats but you give it pointer to arrays of double. There no way it can get data from this array properly.
It seems that the constructor version that you are using is
Mat::Mat(int rows, int cols, int type, const Scalar& s)
This is from OpenCV docs. Seems like you are using float for src and assigning from channel_gr (declared as double). Isn't that some form of precision loss?
I am working on an app. that its measuring the motion of a device. (xyz direction )
and now i must use fftw to filter the data.
i don't know how to call the data through fftw. hier below is a part of my code trying to execute the X-data ( i am working on each direction separate so X, Y, and then Z)
// FFTW for X-data
int SIZE = 97;
fftw_complex *dataX, *fft_resultX;
fftw_plan plan_X;
int i ;
dataX = (fftw_complex*) fftw_malloc(sizeof(fftw_complex) * SIZE);
fft_resultX = (fftw_complex*) fftw_malloc(sizeof(fftw_complex) * SIZE);
plan_X = fftw_plan_dft_1d(SIZE, dataX, fft_resultX,
for( i = 0 ; i < SIZE ; i++ ) {
dataX[i][0] = 1.0; // real
dataX[i][1] = 0.0; // complex
for( i = 0 ; i < SIZE ; i++ ) {
fprintf( stdout, "dataX[%d] = { %2.2f, %2.2f }\n",
i, dataX[i][0], dataX[i][1] );
fftw_execute( plan_X);
for( i = 0 ; i < SIZE ; i++ ) {
fprintf( stdout, "fft_resultX[%d] = { %2.2f, %2.2f }\n",
i, fft_resultX[i][0], fft_resultX[i][1] );
and hier is the userAcceleration:
[[weakSelf.graphViews objectAtIndex:kDeviceMotionGraphTypeUserAcceleration] addX:deviceMotion.userAcceleration.x y:deviceMotion.userAcceleration.y z:deviceMotion.userAcceleration.z];
for example, when i am writing :
dataX= deviceMotion.userAcceleration.x;
i am getting this error:
Assigning to 'fftw_complex *' (aka '_Complex double *') from incompatible type 'double'
any idea how to make fftw work on it ?
thanks for every try
You can't simply convert real data to a real imaginary pair. Each complex number is made up of 2 doubles.
You need to store all your acceleration data into a larger array (256 entries for example) where the x value is assigned to the real part of the complex number and 0 is assigned to the imaginary part.
I am wondering how to actually sample the data I am passing to the shader file. I am using two methods, is it the same for both? Are there any resources online for me to actually read up on this sort of thing?
Compiling at 5.0 but the version number does not matter so much.
I have two methods to pass the data.
The first;
for( UINT row = 0; row < textureDesc.Height; row++ )
UINT rowStart = row * mappedResource.RowPitch;
for( UINT col = 0; col < textureDesc.Width; col++ )
//width * number of channels (r,g,b,a)
UINT colStart = col * 4;
pTexels[rowStart + colStart + 0] = 10.0f; // Red
pTexels[rowStart + colStart + 1] = 10.0f; // Green
pTexels[rowStart + colStart + 2] = 255.0f; // Blue
pTexels[rowStart + colStart + 3] = 255.0f; // Alpha
The second;
float elements[416][416];
int elementsCount = 416*416;
for( int i = 0; i < 416; i++ )
for( int k = 0; k < 416; k++ )
elements[i][k] = 0;
memcpy(mappedResource.pData, elements, sizeof(float) * elementsCount);
Seems that I missed an important part of all of this.
When creating a texture, in the texture description, the Format is the type that will be returned when the object is sampled. Many thanks to Drop for the help.
I'm trying to read video file using FFmpegSource2 (FFMS2) and then process frames using OpenCV. What is the proper and efficient way to copy frame data from a FFMS_Frame struct returned by FFMS_GetFrame function to an OpenCV Mat?
Thank you very much in advance.
For now I am using the following procedure which works for the BGR color format.
Step 1. I use FFMS_SetOutputFormatV2 and FFMS_GetPixFmt( "bgra" ) to set output pixel format of FFMS to BGR.
int anPixFmts[2];
anPixFmts[0] = FFMS_GetPixFmt( "bgra" );
anPixFmts[1] = -1;
if( FFMS_SetOutputFormatV2( pstFfmsVidSrc, anPixFmts
, pstFfmsFrameProps->EncodedWidth, pstFfmsFrameProps->EncodedHeight
, FFMS_RESIZER_BICUBIC, &stFfmsErrInfo ) )
// handle error
Step 2. Read the desired frame using FFMS_GetFrame.
int nCurFrameNum = 5;
const FFMS_Frame *pstCurFfmsFrame = FFMS_GetFrame( pstFfmsVidSrc, nCurFrameNum, &stFfmsErrInfo );
Step 3. Copy data from pstCurFfmsFrame to OpenCV Mat, oMatA:
Mat oMatA;
oMatA = Mat::zeros( pstCurFfmsFrame->EncodedHeight, pstCurFfmsFrame->EncodedWidth, CV_8UC3 );
int nDi = 0;
for( int nRi = 0; nRi < oMatA.rows; nRi++ )
for( int nCi = 0; nCi < oMatA.cols; nCi++ )
oMatA.data[oMatA.step[0] * nRi + oMatA.step[1] * nCi + 0] = pstCurFfmsFrame->Data[0][nDi++]; // B
oMatA.data[oMatA.step[0] * nRi + oMatA.step[1] * nCi + 1] = pstCurFfmsFrame->Data[0][nDi++]; // G
oMatA.data[oMatA.step[0] * nRi + oMatA.step[1] * nCi + 2] = pstCurFfmsFrame->Data[0][nDi++]; // R
This code has to be changed to support other color formats (e.g Planar format like YV12 uses more than one plane of pstCurFfmsFrame->Data). May be someone could provide a full function to support most of the color formats and an efficient way to copy data from pstCurFfmsFrame->Data to OpenCV Mat.
Basically I've got a loop which goes through all the kinects depth pixels. If they are greater than 3000mm it sets the pixel value to black.
For some reason this works only at a close range while pointed to a wall. If I pull the kinect back (giving it a larger area to scan) I get a Bad Memory allocation error. My code can be found below. I get the bad memory allocation error inside that try catch statement. Most of the code is from the opencv kinect sample here and here.
i figured out the problem, its because the depth values are stored in an array instead of matrix, i need a better way of finding out which location in the array, the x.y of the pixels which start from 1,1 point to instead of the (i = x+y*640)
#include <opencv.hpp>
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <OpenNI.h>
using namespace std;
using namespace cv;
int main()
openni::Device device;
openni::VideoStream depth;
const char* device_uri = openni::ANY_DEVICE;
openni::Status ret = openni::OpenNI::initialize();
// Open
ret =device.open( device_uri );
ret = depth.create( device, openni::SENSOR_DEPTH );
if ( ret == openni::STATUS_OK )
// Start Depth
// Get Depth Stream Min-Max Value
int minDepthValue = depth.getMinPixelValue();
int maxDepthValue = depth.getMaxPixelValue();
//cout << "Depth min-Max Value : " << minDepthValue << "-" << maxDepthValue << endl;
// Frame Information Reference
openni::VideoFrameRef depthFrame;
// Get Sensor Resolution Information
int dImgWidth = depth.getVideoMode().getResolutionX();
int dImgHeight = depth.getVideoMode().getResolutionY();
// Depth Image Matrix
cv::Mat dImg = cv::Mat( dImgHeight, dImgWidth, CV_8UC3 );
Mat grey= cvCreateImage(cvSize(640, 480), 8, 1); ;
depth.readFrame( &depthFrame );
openni::DepthPixel* depthImgRaw = (openni::DepthPixel*)depthFrame.getData();
for ( int i = 0 ; i < ( depthFrame.getDataSize() / sizeof( openni::DepthPixel ) ) ; i++ )
int idx = i * 3; // Grayscale
unsigned char* data = &dImg.data[idx];
int gray_scale = ( ( depthImgRaw[i] * 255 ) / ( maxDepthValue - minDepthValue ) );
data[0] = (unsigned char)~gray_scale;
data[1] = (unsigned char)~gray_scale;
data[2] = (unsigned char)~gray_scale;
openni::DepthPixel* depthpixels = (openni::DepthPixel*)depthFrame.getData();
cvtColor(dImg, grey, CV_RGB2GRAY);
int i ;
for( int y =0; y < 480 ; y++){
//getting in to each pixel in a row
for(int x = 0; x < 640; x++){
//getting out the corresponding pixel value from the array
i = x+y*640;
if (depthpixels[i] >3000)
grey.at<unsigned char>(x,y) = 0;
}catch(exception e)
{cout << e.what() <<endl ;
cout <<depthpixels[i] <<endl ;
cout << i <<endl ;
// cv:imshow( "depth", dImg );
imshow("dpeth2", grey);
int k = cvWaitKey( 30 ); // About 30fps
if ( k == 0x1b )
// Destroy Streams
// Close Device
// Shutdown OpenNI
return 0;
solved the problem simply by swapping my x and y around
for( y =0; y < 480 ; y++)
//getting in to each pixel in a row
for( x = 0; x < 640; x++)
if (depthpixels[i]>1500)
grey.at<unsigned char >(y,x) = 0;
if (depthpixels[i] <500)
grey.at<unsigned char >(y,x) = 0;