Excel 2010 CTRL+SHIFT+L. Not working - excel-2010

I apologize if asked/answered - but I truly did search....
In excel CTRL+Shift+L is not working; when I press the key sequence and the cursor spins and comes back without having accomplished turning on the filters or anything visible to me. This is the only shortcut that is not working so I did not know if I redefined it - but could not tell what it was currently defined as, I had the IT guys repair the install - All with no luck...
I would love to debug what CTRL+Shift+L does when I hit it - but could not figure out if that was possible...
Totally at wits end - - any help would be greatly appreciated.

For me it was Radeon Overlay which had the same hotkey for longing performance metrics. Just end whichever other programs you have running and see after each one if it gets fixed. Or try running excel in safe mode (Run excel.exe /safe) maybe the issue is an add-in.

Please try Alt+A+T. Hope it solves your problem.

I don't have 2010, but I do have 2013 and Ctrl+Shift_L works in 2013. Couple of things I can think of - one, do you have hidden cells? Second, when you hover over the filter button in the ribbon, does it still show Ctrl+Shift+L as the shortcut? Also, when I press that key combination, the ribbon indicates that the spreadsheet is currently filtered, does yours show that after you've pressed the shortcut?

I know the question is pretty old, but I ran into the same problem in the past couple of days and it was very frustrating.
It turned out that I had assigned the same shortcut to a Macro and completely forgot about it. The workbook containing the Macro was always open in the background and it prevented even other workbooks, without the Macro, to use the Filter shortcut.
So if you still have the problem, try checking if any of your open workbooks have macros and if so, check to see if ctrl+shift+L is assigned to any of them.
Hope this helps.

Another possibility... If you have two tabs selected at the bottom of the page it will not let you use that shortcut. You will not even let you use the sort/filter button at the top of the toolbar. You will be able to tell if you have two tabs selected by looking at the bottom of the window at the tabs. Click one of them or off of them to go back to only having one selected.

I didnt check for excel but for sublime yes ..
tried https://www.nextofwindows.com/troubleshoot-control-shift-l-stopped-working-in-sublime.
may be this works for excel too, as amd's radeon is using ctrl+shift+l hot key.

Same issue, turns out radeon software is using the same hotkeys for performance logging. Resolved it via:
Open Radeon Software (usually it's on the hidden icons on the taskbar)
Go to Hotkeys tab and reassign a new hotkey or just delete it

Do you have slicers connected to the table? If so, you need to delete slicers first.


How do I make my AndroidManifest.xml editable again?

I'm developing my first apps in Android Studio (3.1.2) and I've managed to complicate my life by making my AndroidManifest.xml file read-only in one of my projects. When I click on it in the Project view, it comes up as two panes side by side, neither of which is the view I'm used to from my other projects; the view on the right says "Merging Log Value provided by Gradle"; the view on the left only allows me to DELETE lines of the manifest but I want to add some lines. I assume these views are useful to someone but they aren't to me at the moment. I'm just trying to do a straight-forward edit on the file and I can't find any option to make it appear in the editable way that I'm used to from other projects. I think I must have clicked on something somewhere in the Android Studio GUI that caused this problem but I'm darned if I know what I did.
If someone could tell me how to make the file editable again, I'd be grateful for your guidance. Bonus points if you tell me how I messed myself up so that I can avoid doing it in the future!
It turns out this was very easily solved. I just noticed that there are TWO tabs available when you look at a manifest.xml and I was in the "merged manifest" tab. As soon as I clicked on the "text" tab, my manifest.xml file appeared in its normal fully-editable form.
I must have clicked on Merged Manifest - although I don't remember doing so! - and then simply not seen the tab again until just now.
My insomnia's been pretty bad this week so I'm going to chalk this up to that. :-)
Anyway, I'm just going to leave this question and answer here in case it helps someone else some time in the future.

How to print a file from VsCode?

I want to send the file I'm currently editing to a printer, like I did in Notepad++ for example.
I havn't found any hint on a print command. Is it not possible ?
It is not yet available, but I found an issue report for that feature.
It's currently in the backlog, so we can expect it soon.
In the meantime:
Now you can install addon for VS Code - search "PrintCode".
Note that the repository for this extension was last updated in February 2018 with numerous issues outstanding.
I found the PrintCode extension inspiring but unfinished and with a number of flaws. In particular it depends on a specific paper size to wrap and as a result does not respond well if you change paper size or orientation in the print dialog.
It's open source so I looked at the code and didn't like that either. No programmer ever likes another's coding style. So I pinched the idea of using a web-browser as platform driver for HTML printing -- my hat is off to the PrintCode author for that cunning insight -- and wrote my own.
In the process I fixed all the known bugs, added everything on my wishlist and a couple of things suggested by others. The biggest thing was figuring out the CSS required to respect print dialog paper size and orientation. This also sorts out the mysterious disappearing line numbers problem, although I'm not sure why. The next biggest thing was learning to probe for an unused port, a problem that also afflicts PrintCode causing the browser to open showing no content.
Major issues
PrintCode depends on a web service. You can't use it offline.
Many people want to be able to open a file, select a portion and print just the selection.
The print dialog supports changing paper size and orientation. This clashes with the way PrintCode works.
Some people like to run multiple VS Code windows.
When you print a markdown file, you probably don't want it printed like a text file when it can be rendered with fonts and proper headings and bullets etc.
Support is required for remote workspaces.
Because each instance of VS Code needs a different port for its embedded webserver, you can't just use a setting. Dynamic port allocation is necessary.
Remote workspaces weren't even a thing until two years after maintenance ceased on PrintCode.
If you want to survey your options, get onto https://marketplace.visualstudio.com, choose the Visual Studio Code tab and search for printing.
If you just want a link to my version, it's here http://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=pdconsec.vscode-print.
If you like what you see but need something I haven't thought of, the marketplace page has a link to the repo on github. Create an issue and tell me what you need -- or write it yourself and submit a PR.
Now there is an extension available for printing from the VS Code Editor.
It's called VS Code Printing Free.
I've tried it for a couple of days and it works fine.
Poor man's answer: Copy code to Notepad2 or Notepad++ and print from there.
The colour coding will be different though
You can use an Extension of VS Code: PrintCode
Install extension PrintCode
On Mac: command + shift + P
choose command> PrintCode
I have modified the https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=pdconsec.vscode-print. If you change the values that I have marked in the picture in the extension settings a browser tab opens with the you can then print this also works on the Ipad. It works also with the code-server Version inside a Docker Container.
I put the file on github https://github.com/chrishdx/vsc-print
enter image description here

Is there anyway to change the color of the toolbar in notepad++?

I have tried changing the background color of toolbar in notepad++. I am not been successful so far. Frankly speaking I am not so liking the toolbar color and would like to have a dark background to the toolbar. Is there anyway I can do the same? Thanks in advance
Take a look at this question on Superuser. I haven't tested it, but I think it can help.
below there's the hack (as explained in the link):
The themes, as you guessed, can't do this (they only handle what's in
the text editing window). To change the colors you'll have to make
some very simple changes (since it's only changing color values) to
the source code (download from the site or GitHub).
Extract the file Find the elements whose color you'd like to change,
and change them. All colors I've seen are denoted RGB(xx,xx,xx)
Rebuild (see /readmeFirst.txt once you've extracted) I've just glanced
at these files, but I'm definitely going to work at this a little
tomorrow and I don't mind giving you my results once I've solved it.
Anyway, what I've seen at a glance is that you'll want to look in
/PowerEditor/src/ScitillaComponent/DocTabView (I think)
/PowerEditor/src/WinControls/ToolBar That's all I noticed that might
be of interest so far, but again, I'll look at it more tomorrow and
get back to you.
Edit: the official makefile will give some errors, because
/PowerEditor/src/Parameters.h references files incorrectly. Here are
the two I fixed so far:
#include "TinyXml/tinyXmlA/tinyxmlA.h" (line 33)
#include "TinyXml/tinyxml.h" (line 37)
Change those lines in Parameters.h to what I've written to deal with
them. Don't worry about the warnings ("extra tokens after #endif") -
they're just comments.
Edit 2: I'm using VS2012, in which the build process results in
numerous errors. I won't post them here unless someone eventually asks
about them, in which case I'm happy to do so. I should have a working
build up soon!
Edit 3: It seems Notepad++'s provided VS project file was created with
an earlier version of Visual Studio, and in updating the files, Visual
Studio 2012 creates many problems, so if you go that route, use
Edit 4: I didn't make it obvious in Edit 3, but I gave up after
realizing just how difficult it was going to be to get around the VS
errors. I imagine the code has changed significantly since I wrote
this answer as well; unfortunately I didn't note the version, but I'm
sure it was the latest available at time of writing this answer,
which, according to "All versions", was probably either 6.4.1 or
6.4.2. However, I hope this is a useful starting point for anyone else who reads (this answer has received consistent attention since
As far as I see into details of creation of the user interface elements (buttons, toolbars etc.), the answer is that toolbar color cannot be changed until developer explicitly built such a feature into the application. And N++ has no such a feature if you check its settings.
You can achieve changing of toolbar color by standard way: override toolbar painting routine after you grabbed N++ sources. Then compile custom Notepad++.exe which reflects your change.
If you feel toolbar coloring would be useful not only for you, but for number of users, consider registering a feature request for Notepad++ as many people (including me :)) already did for various features of N++.
Go to Settings> Preferences
Then select Enable dark mode.
Then you have the option to pick colors for the dark mode and can even set custom colors

Xcode autocomplete to show suggestion when "Contains" rather than"Start with"

Being a .Net developer I've vastly worked with Visual Studio and Jetbrains Resharper.
When using Resharper and VS, autocomplete suggestions appear when suggestions contains word being typed rather that start with. I've seen similar behavior in Jetbrains AppCode.
but Xcode, with default settings, just shows suggestion when the suggestions start with the word being typed!
Just wondering if we can somehow modify this behavior to suggest words containing rather than starts with.
I've looked at Xcode >> Preferences >> Text Editing, but couldn't find anything.
P.S. Why I'm not using AppCode if I need this feature? My 30 days trial evaluation is up!
As this question come in first place in search engine, i give a solution for people want this feature:
just go to Xcode organizer and delete Derived data.
Clean Trash.
Restart Xcode.
It will working fine.

How can one use the "Add view" dialog in Visual Studio efficiently when working with ASP.NET MVC?

Does anyone else think that the add view dialog in VS is useless or is it just me?
Why is there no search/filtering in there? I can not even paste the type name (without namespace) there to speed up the view creation.
Plus, there are a lot of irrelevant classes there, including classes from all referenced libraries.
Am I missing something or Microsoft never did any usability testing with that??
Is it possible to filter out types/assemblies in the dialog and/or better navigation compared to manually scrolling the combobox with all the types listed? Is it possible to include only types from a particular directory/assembly/namespace? (the ViewModels namespace for example)
EDIT: As it seems from the answers that there is no usable workaround for this, I have filed a suggestion at Connect: https://connect.microsoft.com/VisualStudio/feedback/ViewFeedback.aspx?FeedbackID=507784
Please vote for the suggestion if you find this is an important issue.
There is search/filter, but it's a "starts with" search. Start typing and the list will be filtered.
You can paste the type name, but you do need the namespace.
No, I don't think you can remove assemblies.
Could it be improved? Sure. Some of your suggestions are good, and you should consider filing Connect reports for them. Is it useless, IMHO, no.
I tried the dialog in VS2010. As of beta 2, it behaves the same as VS2008, AFAICS. So get your suggestions in soon!
I mainly agree with you. While it's not competely useless, tha fact that all the classes from the referenced libraries show up and that it doesn't have a search box make it slow to add a new view. Maybe you could file a wishlist bug report on the ASP.NET MVC site...
As it seems from that there is no usable workaround for this, I have filed a suggestion at Connect.
In case anyone else feels that this dialog should be improved, please vote for the suggestion in Connect.
Resharper 5.0 implements this dialog very efficiently, solving all the described problems.
