In firemonkey I am trying to make a progressbar using rectangles with round corners. The simplest case is a rectangle (the progressbar) and the second rectangle inside it (progress till now). Attached a simple example is provided.
Progressbar with corners (paint):
I've tried the following things:
Let the second rectangle also have rounded corners. This doesn't work because these roundings will change if the second rectangle is very short or almost at the end.
Use clipchildren. This is almost the same as hiding overflow in html / css, but Delphi does not include rounded corners in this function.
Create a TPath in which the image should be drawn. I really like to avoid this solution, because it doesn't use the stylebook. I prefer using one stylebook for all styles, instead of using multiple places in the code for style solutions.
What does work:
There is one really ugly method to make this work. I use that method now, but I really hope you can help me find another solution. The ugly method is:
Just use one rectangle. Fill it with a gradient brush, set the two gradient point at the same place and make the gradient itself 0 degrees. The result of this method is a lot of ugly code when I've to change the status of the progressbar etc.
Is this something we can avoid, or is this the only solution that is possible?
Progressbar goal (paint):
Thank you in advance!
I'm not sure what you mean by
Use clipchildren. This is almost the same as hiding overflow in html / css, but Delphi does not include rounded corners in this function.
I got this to work by using one Rectangle for the border; on top of that a Layout for the progress, which contains another Rectangle. The second Rectangle always has the dimensions of the first (which means the corners look the same), the Layout's ClipChildren is set to true, and the progress is controlled by setting its Width.
Here's how I implemented it:
TRoundProgressBar = class (TLayout)
strict private
FProgress: Single;
FFill: TBrush;
FStroke: TStrokeBrush;
StrokeRect, FillRect: TRectangle;
FillLayout: TLayout;
procedure SetFill(const Value: TBrush);
procedure SetStroke(const Value: TStrokeBrush);
procedure FillChanged(Sender: TObject);
procedure StrokeChanged(Sender: TObject);
procedure SetProgress(Progress: Single);
procedure UpdateWidths;
procedure Resize; override;
constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override;
destructor Destroy; override;
property Fill: TBrush read FFill write SetFill;
property Stroke: TStrokeBrush read FStroke write SetStroke;
property Progress: Single read FProgress write SetProgress;
constructor TRoundProgressBar.Create(AOwner: TComponent);
inherited Create(AOwner);
FFill := TBrush.Create(TBrushKind.Solid, $FFE0E0E0);
FFill.OnChanged := FillChanged;
FStroke := TStrokeBrush.Create(TBrushKind.Solid, $FF000000);
FStroke.OnChanged := StrokeChanged;
FillLayout := TLayout.Create(self);
FillLayout.Parent := self;
FillLayout.Align := TAlignLayout.Left;
FillLayout.ClipChildren := true;
FillRect := TRectangle.Create(FillLayout);
FillRect.Parent := FillLayout;
FillRect.Align := TAlignLayout.Left;
FillRect.XRadius := 15;
FillRect.YRadius := 15;
StrokeRect := TRectangle.Create(self);
StrokeRect.Parent := self;
StrokeRect.Align := TAlignLayout.Contents;
StrokeRect.XRadius := 15;
StrokeRect.YRadius := 15;
StrokeRect.Fill.Kind := TBrushKind.None;
destructor TRoundProgressBar.Destroy;
procedure TRoundProgressBar.SetFill(const Value: TBrush);
procedure TRoundProgressBar.SetProgress(Progress: Single);
FProgress := Min(Max(Progress, 0), 100);
procedure TRoundProgressBar.FillChanged(Sender: TObject);
procedure TRoundProgressBar.Resize;
procedure TRoundProgressBar.SetStroke(const Value: TStrokeBrush);
procedure TRoundProgressBar.StrokeChanged(Sender: TObject);
procedure TRoundProgressBar.UpdateWidths;
FillRect.Width := Width;
FillLayout.Width := Width * (FProgress / 100);
Exactly clipchildren can not work, because it's use the bounding box of the control (so a Rectf). however what you can do :
1) override the onpaint of the trectangle (it's quite simple)
2) Use 2 Trectangles (call them orange and white), on the first tRectangle (orange) you set to not draw the left sides (via the Sides property of Trectangle) and of the second Trectangle (white) you set to not draw the right sides (also via the sides property). put these 2 Trectangles inside a Tlayout (or any other container you would like), set the align of the second Trectangle (white) to all, and the align of the first Trectangle (orange) to ALleft. after you just need to say MyOrangeRect.width := XX where xx the amount of your progress relative to the with of the container off course
I like to chip in with another solution with just one TRectangle:
Just add a TRectangle, set your borders, corners and set the fill property to TBitmap.
Now you can create a TBitmap with a color (with the width as progress) to the fill.bitmap.bitmap (notice the double bitmap) property at runtime.
Your corners are still respected.
extra: You can also use a one vertical line bitmap created in photoshop with a nice glow/color effect like the IOS battery progress bar and stretch that in your TRectangle.
Just use two shapes (roundrect) like this:
procedure TForm4.SpinBox1Change(Sender: TObject);
And change the width property of the upper shape when ever you want to progress more;
When a TRectangle is painted internally it actually creates a path.
The best solution for you would be to make a custom component, which contains two TPathData (call them e.g. PathBackground and PathFill), that are recalculated when the percentage changes and when it is resized.
In the Paint routine I would paint this way
Canvas.FillPath(PathBackground, ...);
Canvas.FillPath(PathFill, ...);
Canvas.DrawPath(PathBackground, ...);
By drawing the edge as the last thing, you avoid rendering errors.
The scenario is this:
I've created a Delphi (XE2) form.
On it is a single TGroupBox (or other control) stretched so it occupies the full width of the form with the top.
Right anchor (in addition to left and top) on TGroupBox is set.
Form width set to 1200px (to illustrate the point).
If I run this application on a monitor whose Screen.Width property is greater than 1200px (I'm running without any DPI virtualization AFAIK) then the TGroupBox renders as you'd expect.
However.. if the monitor's width is less than 1200px then the right hand portion of the control is missing from the screen regardless of how your resize the form.
I've overridden the Create() method of my form with the override; directive and verified that I'm setting the width property correctly, however the control is still cropped.
Can anyone advise either how to:
a) set the width property of the form such that it is affects the positioning of the child components or...
b) suggest a way to force a relayout of all child components once the form is rendered?
Tracing the code to see what happens, I came up with the below adjustment.
procedure TForm1.WMWindowPosChanging(var Message: TWMWindowPosChanging);
MessageWidth: Integer;
MessageWidth :=;
if MessageWidth > then
GroupBox1.Width := GroupBox1.Width - MessageWidth +;
This is not a generalized solution, but it makes clear what the problem is. VCL asks for a window size for its form which is not granted by the OS since it is larger then the desktop. From then on the form resumes anchoring the child control with its design time specified width which is larger than the client width of the form, thus right side of the child control overflows.
Another solution can be to override handling of WM_GETMINMAXINFO message to let the OS grant the asked width.
procedure TForm1.WMGetMinMaxInfo(var Message: TWMGetMinMaxInfo);
Message.MinMaxInfo.ptMaxTrackSize.X := 1200;
This may not be a good solution because then the form will be larger than the desktop.
Regarding your 'a' and 'b' items, I don't think 'b' is possible - or at least not possible to make the VCL relayout by itself - because VCL defers applying anchor rules until after the component (form) is done loading. By then, the form's width is different than the design time width but child controls' placement remain unaffected. No amount of forcing to layout will make them in sync again.
However it should possible to recalculate everything from scratch if your own code keeps a reference to the design time width. Below is not complete code.
TForm1 = class(TForm)
FAdjustShrinkWidth, FAdjustShrinkHeight: Integer;
procedure Loaded; override;
procedure SetBounds(ALeft: Integer; ATop: Integer; AWidth: Integer;
AHeight: Integer); override;
procedure TForm1.SetBounds(ALeft, ATop, AWidth, AHeight: Integer);
TrackWidth, TrackHeight: Boolean;
TrackWidth := AWidth = 1200;
TrackHeight := AHeight = ??;
if TrackWidth and (Width < AWidth) then
FAdjustShrinkWidth := AWidth - Width;
if TrackHeight and (Height < AHeight) then
FAdjustShrinkHeight := AHeight - Height;
procedure TForm1.Loaded;
procedure ReadjustControlAnchors(Control: TWinControl);
i: Integer;
for i := 0 to Control.ControlCount - 1 do
if (akRight in Control.Controls[i].Anchors) or (akBottom in Control.Controls[i].Anchors) then begin
Control.Controls[i].Left := // some complex calculation depending on the anchors set;
Control.Controls[i].Top := // same as above;
Control.Controls[i].Width := // same as above;
Control.Controls[i].Height := // same as above;
if (Control.Controls[i] is TWinControl) and (TWinControl(Control.Controls[i]).ControlCount > 0) then
I have no idea how to fill in the blanks in the above code. Reading and tracing VCL code may be compulsory to imitate VCL anchoring.
I can't think of anything for 'a'.
VCL has actually left a backdoor for a control to lie to its immediate children about their parent's size while they are anchoring. Documentation explains it a bit different:
UpdateControlOriginalParentSize is a protected method that updates the
original size of the parent control. It is used internally to update
the anchor rules of the control.
We can use it to tell the groupbox the intended original size.
TForm1 = class(TForm)
FWidthChange, FHeightChange: Integer;
procedure UpdateControlOriginalParentSize(AControl: TControl;
var AOriginalParentSize: TPoint); override;
procedure SetBounds(ALeft: Integer; ATop: Integer; AWidth: Integer;
AHeight: Integer); override;
procedure TForm1.SetBounds(ALeft, ATop, AWidth, AHeight: Integer);
RequestedWidth, RequestedHeight: Integer;
RequestedWidth := AWidth;
RequestedHeight := AHeight;
if csLoading in ComponentState then begin
if RequestedWidth <> Width then
FWidthChange := Width - AWidth;
if RequestedHeight <> Height then
FHeightChange := Height - AHeight;
procedure TForm1.UpdateControlOriginalParentSize(AControl: TControl;
var AOriginalParentSize: TPoint);
if akRight in AControl.Anchors then
AOriginalParentSize.X := AOriginalParentSize.X - FWidthChange;
if akBottom in AControl.Anchors then
AOriginalParentSize.Y := AOriginalParentSize.Y - FHeightChange;
I note again that this will affect the form's immediate children only. Should the groupbox hosts controls that anchors right and bottom, it also has to override the same method.
Also note that this will not undo the fact that the form's width has changed. That's if there was a left anchored control that's at the far right of the form, it will not replace itself to client boundary. It will act as if the form's width has been decreased, i.e. remain out of sight.
I've been trying to display a rectangle by creating a canvas on a bitmap. It looks like this:
TRoom = class
width, length, X1,X2,Y1,Y2, index: integer;
plane: TBitmap;
procedure draw;
procedure setparam;
function getparam: integer;
procedure TRoom.draw;
plane:= TBitmap.create;
plane.canvas.Pen.Color:= 1791767;
plane.Canvas.pen.Width:= 3;
As stated in the title, neither the canvas, nor the rectangle appear.
I have never worked with the canvas in Delphi before so I expect it to be something rather trivial.
A TBitmap is a non visual class that represents a raster image, a 2D array of pixels. On its own it is never visible. You would need to paint it on the screen in order to see it.
What you should do is create a visual control to which you can paint. For instance a TPaintBox. Put one of those on your form and add a handler for its OnPaint event.
procedure TForm1.PaintBox1Paint(Sender: TCanvas);
PaintBox1.Canvas.Pen.Color :=. 1791767;
PaintBox1.Canvas.Pen.Width := 3;
PaintBox1.Canvas.Rectangle(10, 10, 20, 20);
I've recently started converting an application to FireMonkey, and started with the simple controls. For some reason, their position is off, compared to dropped components on the form like say TPanel or TButton. From my tests, it appears the position is doubled.
My test project is simple: (in Delphi XE5)
create a new firemonkey HD application
drop a panel on the form at position (100,100) right click on it and "send to back"
paste the following code (adapt names where needed) for the custom component
TTest = class(TPaintBox)
FBitmap: TBitmap;
Constructor Create(AOwner:TComponent); override;
Destructor Destroy; override;
procedure Paint; override;
{ TTest }
constructor TTest.Create(AOwner: TComponent);
FBitmap := TBitmap.Create;
Width := FBitmap.Width;
Height := FBitmap.Height;
destructor TTest.Destroy;
procedure TTest.Paint;
TRectf.Create(0, 0, FBitmap.Width, FBitmap.Height),
paste the following code to dynamically create the above component
procedure TForm2.FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
var t: TTest;
t := TTest.Create(self);
t.Parent := self;
t.Position.X := 50;
t.Position.Y := 50;
Build it for Win32.
On my end, the image appears in the upper left corner for the panel, which is at 100,100 but the control is clearly set to position itself at 50,50
Debugging shows correct values on positions and rects.
I can't figure out what is going on. Maybe somebody has some suggestions/explanations.
AbsoluteRect ist the rectangle of the Control relative to it's Form. If you want to paint something you have to use local coordinates, in this case LocalRect.
Canvas.DrawBitmap(FBitmap, TRectf.Create(0, 0, FBitmap.Width, FBitmap.Height), LocalRect, 1);
FPercentDone was 0, was assigning it's value in the wrong place. Adding UpdatePercent procedure and calling it when a value changes fixes it and everything gets drawn.
Dumb mistake, sorry for wasting your time.
First of all, this is my first attempt at writing a component of any kind. Properties, methods etc. were an easy part, however I have hit a wall with drawing to the canvas. I am sure this is some rookie mistake, but I simply don't see it. I have stared at the TGauge included with delphi because I am trying something similar but simpler, it is still just a horizontal bar. I am failing at making it draw the progress at run time, that is the weirdest part, for me anyway, that I can see it working at design time but not when I run it... I do get the background coloring right at least, but no progress bar.
Without any code pasting, since it is similar to TGauge anyway. I have two TBitmap's, one for background the other for the progress bar itself, I fill one with background color, draw that to the component canvas, if there are borders offset the origin of the second one and decrease its rectangle, paint it with the progress color and draw that to the canvas... It seemed this simple to me, but what am I doing wrong?
Relevant code:
TCustomGaugeComp = class(TGraphicControl)
FMaxValue, FMinValue, FCurValue: DWord;
FFillBackColor, FFillForeColor: TColor;
FPercentDone: Real;
FBorderStyle: TBorderStyle;
FBorderWidth: Integer;
procedure SetMaxValue(Value: DWord);
procedure SetMinValue(Value: DWord);
procedure SetProgress(Value: DWord);
procedure SetFillBackColor(Value: TColor);
procedure SetFillForeColor(Value: TColor);
procedure SetBorderStyle(Value: TBorderStyle);
function GetPercentDone: String;
procedure SetBorderWidth(Value: integer);
procedure Paint; override;
constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override;
property Align;
property BorderStyle: TBorderStyle read FBorderStyle write SetBorderStyle default bsSingle;
property BorderWidth: Integer read FBorderWidth write SetBorderWidth default 1;
property Constraints;
property Enabled;
property Font;
property FillForeColor: TColor read FFillForeColor write SetFillForeColor default clBlack;
property FillBackColor: TColor read FFillBackColor write SetFillBackColor default clWhite;
property MinValue: DWord read FMinValue write SetMinValue default 0;
property MaxValue: DWord read FMaxValue write SetMaxValue default 100;
property Progress: DWord read FCurValue write SetProgress default 0;
property PercentDone: String read GetPercentDone;
property Visible;
procedure TCustomGaugeComp.Paint;
Background, Progress: TBitMap;
with Canvas do
Background := TBitMap.Create;
Background.Height := Height;
Background.Width := Width;
Background.Canvas.Brush.Color := FFillBackColor;
Background.Canvas.Brush.Style := bsSolid;
Progress := TBitMap.Create;
Progress.Height := Height;
Progress.Width := Width;
if FBorderStyle = bsSingle then
Progress.Height := Progress.Height - BorderWidth*2;
Progress.Width := Progress.Width - BorderWidth*2;
Progress.Width := trunc(Progress.Width*FPercentDone/100);
Progress.Canvas.Brush.Color := FFillForeColor;
RePaint (or Refresh) is called whenever a value changes: min/max/position/borderwidth.
In fact it is not acting perfectly at design time either, progress is drawn, at times, sometimes not drawn at all until I just OPEN the Object Inspector, just go with my mouse there... TGauge uses CopyMode excessively, I just started this and I do not really understand CopyMode values yet or its proper use, so copy-pasting and tweaking the code just will not do.
FPercentDone was 0, was assigning it's value in the wrong place. Adding UpdatePercent procedure and calling it when a value changes fixes it and everything gets drawn.
Dumb mistake, sorry for wasting your time.
How can I draw something on the Forms canvas and over controls on the Form?
I try the following:
procedure TForm1.FormPaint(Sender: TObject);
var x,y: Integer;
x := Mouse.CursorPos.X - 10;
y := Mouse.CursorPos.Y - 10;
x := ScreentoClient(point(x,y)).X - 10;
y := ScreenToClient(point(x,y)).Y - 10;
Canvas.Brush.Color := clRed;
Canvas.FillRect(rect(x, y, x + 10, y + 10));
The rectangle is drawn before other controls are drawn, so it is hidden behind the controls (this is expected behavior according to the Delphi Docs).
My questions is how can I draw over controls?
Do not 'invalidate' in a paint handler. Invalidating causes a WM_PAINT to be sent, which of course starts the paint handling all over. Even if you don't move the mouse, the code sample you posted will cause the 'OnPaint' event to run again and again. Since your drawing depends on the position of the cursor, you'd use the 'OnMouseMove' event for this. But you need to intercept mouse messages for other windowed controls as well. The below sample uses a 'ApplicationEvents' component for this reason. If your application will have more than one form, you need to device a mechanism to differentiate which form you are drawing on.
Also see on the docs that, VCL's Invalidate invalidates the entire window. You don't need to do that, you're drawing a tiny rectangle and you know exactly where you're drawing. Just invalidate where you'll draw and where you've drawn.
As for drawing on controls, actually the drawing part is easy, but you can't do that with the provided canvas. Forms have got WS_CLIPCHILDREN style, child windows' surfaces will be excluded from the update region, so you'd have to use GetDCEx or GetWindowDC. As 'user205376' mentioned in the comments, erasing what you've drawn is a bit more tricky, since you can be drawing one rectangle actually on more than one control. But the api has a shortcut for this too, as you'll see in the code.
I tried to comment a bit the code to be able to follow, but skipped error handling. The actual painting could be in the 'OnPaint' event handler, but controls which do not descend from 'TWinControl' are being painted after the handler. So it's in a WM_PAINT handler.
TForm1 = class(TForm)
ApplicationEvents1: TApplicationEvents;
procedure FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
procedure ApplicationEvents1Message(var Msg: tagMSG; var Handled: Boolean);
FMousePt, FOldPt: TPoint;
procedure WM_PAINT(var Msg: TWmPaint); message WM_PAINT;
Form1: TForm1;
{$R *.dfm}
procedure TForm1.FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
// no rectangle drawn at form creation
FOldPt := Point(-1, -1);
procedure TForm1.ApplicationEvents1Message(var Msg: tagMSG;
var Handled: Boolean);
R: TRect;
Pt: TPoint;
if Msg.message = WM_MOUSEMOVE then begin
// assume no drawing (will test later against the point).
// also, below RedrawWindow will cause an immediate WM_PAINT, this will
// provide a hint to the paint handler to not to draw anything yet.
FMousePt := Point(-1, -1);
// first, if there's already a previous rectangle, invalidate it to clear
if (FOldPt.X > 0) and (FOldPt.Y > 0) then begin
R := Rect(FOldPt.X - 10, FOldPt.Y - 10, FOldPt.X, FOldPt.Y);
InvalidateRect(Handle, #R, True);
// invalidate childs
// the pointer could be on one window yet parts of the rectangle could be
// on a child or/and a parent, better let Windows handle it all
RedrawWindow(Handle, #R, 0,
// is the message window our form?
if Msg.hwnd = Handle then
// then save the bottom-right coordinates
FMousePt := SmallPointToPoint(TSmallPoint(Msg.lParam))
else begin
// is the message window one of our child windows?
if GetAncestor(Msg.hwnd, GA_ROOT) = Handle then begin
// then convert to form's client coordinates
Pt := SmallPointToPoint(TSmallPoint(Msg.lParam));
windows.ClientToScreen(Msg.hwnd, Pt);
FMousePt := ScreenToClient(Pt);
// will we draw? (test against the point)
if PtInRect(ClientRect, FMousePt) then begin
R := Rect(FMousePt.X - 10, FMousePt.Y - 10, FMousePt.X, FMousePt.Y);
InvalidateRect(Handle, #R, False);
procedure TForm1.WM_PAINT(var Msg: TWmPaint);
Rgn: HRGN;
if (FMousePt.X > 0) and (FMousePt.Y > 0) then begin
// save where we draw, we'll need to erase before we draw an other one
FOldPt := FMousePt;
// get a dc that could draw on child windows
DC := GetDCEx(Handle, 0, DCX_PARENTCLIP);
// don't draw on borders & caption
Rgn := CreateRectRgn(ClientRect.Left, ClientRect.Top,
ClientRect.Right, ClientRect.Bottom);
SelectClipRgn(DC, Rgn);
// draw a red rectangle
SelectObject(DC, GetStockObject(DC_BRUSH));
SetDCBrushColor(DC, ColorToRGB(clRed));
FillRect(DC, Rect(FMousePt.X - 10, FMousePt.Y - 10, FMousePt.X, FMousePt.Y), 0);
ReleaseDC(Handle, DC);
The application main window cannot draw over other control surface. Controls periodically paint and erase themselves (based on the control "paint cycle")
Your application can only draw on controls that allow the application to do it. Many common controls provide flexibility to applications for customizing the control appearance, thru control custom draw techniques.
You can't.
Controls are drawn on top of their parent window. Whatever you draw on the parent window will be seen behind the controls over that window. It is not clear why you need to do such a drawing; however, maybe you can create a transparent control inside the form and set it to front, then draw on its canvas. That way your drawing would look on top of the form and its other controls, but that way user cannot interact with other controls on the form, because they are behind the transparent control.
You cannot do this. You need to create a windowed control (such as a window) and place this window on top of the controls you want to draw "on". Then you can either
copy the bitmap of the form with controls, and use this bitmap as the background image of this new control, or
make this new window have an irregular shape, so that it is transparent outside some irregularly shaped region.
I did something who involve to draw handles around components on my form here what I did.
First create a message like this :
PM_AfterPaint = WM_App + 1;
Write a Procedure to handle the message:
Procedure AfterPaint(var msg: tmsg); Message PM_AfterPaint;
Procedure AfterPaint(var msg: tmsg);
{place the drawing code here}
ValidateRect(Handle, ClientRect);
Validaterect will tell Windows that there is no need to repaint your form. Your painting will cause portion of the form to be "invalidate". ValidateRect say to windows everything is "validate".
You also need, last step, to override the paint procedure.
Procedure Paint; Override;
Procedure TForm1.paint;
PostMessage(Handle, PM_AfterPaint, 0, 0);
So each time your form need to be repainted (WM_Paint), it will call the ancestor paint and add a AfterPaint message to the message queue. When The message is process, AfterPaint is call and do paint your stuff and tell Windows that everything is fine, preventing another call to paint.
Hope this help.