Pure Stohastic Gradient Descent scaling anomaly - machine-learning

I train linear regression (y = b0 + b1 * x) with SGD, batch_size=1 and one data pass (epoch). It converges when scaling the input to unreasonable values (see below). When scaling to "standard" values (calculating unit variance and mean on the input dataset) I cannot get convergence to any reasonable error value, no matter how I change learninig rate/iterations. Both x and y are divided to scale_ and centered to mean_.
Training data:
x = [1 .. 70] y = [15.39 ... 356.76]
Standard scaling:
iterations = 500 learning_rate=0.00003
x.scale_ [ 20.20519735] x.mean_ [ 35.5] y.scale_ [ 100.3283148] y.mean_ [ 187.43898263]
Abnoraml scaling: iterations=500 learning_rate=0.001 x.scale_ [ 2.5] x.mean_ [ 2.5] y.scale_ [ 3.] y.mean_ [ 3.]
You can see that the learning rate is adjusted according to the scales quotient, so this is not just a learning rate problem (I've tried different values as well).


Loss for Multi-label Classification

I am working on a multi-label classification problem. My gt labels are of shape 14 x 10 x 128, where 14 is the batch_size, 10 is the sequence_length, and 128 is the vector with values 1 if the item in sequence belongs to the object and 0 otherwise.
My output is also of same shape: 14 x 10 x 128. Since, my input sequence was of varying length I had to pad it to make it of fixed length 10. I'm trying to find the loss of the model as follows:
total_loss = 0.0
unpadded_seq_lengths = [3, 4, 5, 7, 9, 3, 2, 8, 5, 3, 5, 7, 7, ...] # true lengths of sequences
optimizer = torch.optim.Adam(model.parameters(), lr=1e-3)
criterion = nn.BCEWithLogitsLoss()
for data in training_dataloader:
# shape of input 14 x 10 x 128
output = model(data)
batch_loss = 0.0
for batch_idx, sequence in enumerate(output):
# sequence shape is 10 x 128
true_seq_len = unpadded_seq_lengths[batch_idx]
# only keep unpadded gt and predicted labels since we don't want loss to be influenced by padded values
predicted_labels = sequence[:true_seq_len, :] # for example, 3 x 128
gt_labels = gt_labels_padded[batch_idx, :true_seq_len, :] # same shape as above, gt_labels_padded has shape 14 x 10 x 128
# loop through unpadded predicted and gt labels and calculate loss
for item_idx, predicted_labels_seq_item in enumerate(predicted_labels):
# predicted_labels_seq_item and gt_labels_seq_item are 1D vectors of length 128
gt_labels_seq_item = gt_labels[item_idx]
current_loss = criterion(predicted_labels_seq_item, gt_labels_seq_item)
total_loss += current_loss
batch_loss += current_loss
Can anybody please check to see if I'm calculating loss correctly. Thanks
Is this the correct approach for calculating accuracy metrics?
# batch size: 14
# seq length: 10
for epoch in range(10):
TP = FP = TN = FN = 0.
for x, y, mask in tr_dl:
# mask shape: (10,)
out = model(x) # out shape: (14, 10, 128)
y_pred = (torch.sigmoid(out) >= 0.5).float().type(torch.int64) # consider all predictions above 0.5 as 1, rest 0
y_pred = y_pred[mask] # y_pred shape: (14, 10, 10, 128)
y_labels = y[mask] # y_labels shape: (14, 10, 10, 128)
# do I flatten y_pred and y_labels?
y_pred = y_pred.flatten()
y_labels = y_labels.flatten()
for idx, prediction in enumerate(y_pred):
if prediction == 1 and y_labels[idx] == 1:
# calculate IOU (overlap of prediction and gt bounding box)
iou = 0.78 # assume we get this iou value for objects at idx
if iou >= 0.5:
TP += 1
FP += 1
elif prediction == 1 and y_labels[idx] == 0:
FP += 1
elif prediction == 0 and y_labels[idx] == 1:
FN += 1
TN += 1
EPOCH_ACC = (TP + TN) / (TP + TN + FP + FN)
It is usually recommended to stick with batch-wise operations and avoid going into single-element processing steps while in the main training loop. One way to handle this case is to make your dataset return padded inputs and labels with additionally a mask that will come useful for loss computation. In other words, to compute the loss term with sequences of varying sizes, we will use a mask instead of doing individual slices.
The way to proceed is to make sure you build the mask in the dataset and not in the inference loop. Here I am showing a minimal implementation that you should be able to transfer to your dataset without much hassle:
class Dataset(data.Dataset):
def __init__(self):
def __len__(self):
return 100
def __getitem__(self, index):
i = random.randint(5, SEQ_LEN) # for demo puporse, generate x with random length
x = torch.rand(i, EMB_SIZE)
y = torch.randint(0, N_CLASSES, (i, EMB_SIZE))
# pad data to fit in batch
pad = torch.zeros(SEQ_LEN-len(x), EMB_SIZE)
x_padded = torch.cat((pad, x))
y_padded = torch.cat((pad, y))
# construct tensor to mask loss
mask = torch.cat((torch.zeros(SEQ_LEN-len(x)), torch.ones(len(x))))
return x_padded, y_padded, mask
Essentially in the __getitem__, we not only pad the input x and target y with zero values, we also construct a simple mask containing the positions of the padded values in the currently processed element.
Notice how:
x_padded, shaped (SEQ_LEN, EMB_SIZE)
y_padded, shaped (SEQ_LEN, N_CLASSES)
mask, shaped (SEQ_LEN,)
are all three tensors which are shape invariant across the dataset, yet mask contains the padding information necessary for us to compute the loss function appropriately.
The loss you've used nn.BCEWithLogitsLoss, is the correct one since it's a multi-dimensional loss used for binary classification. In other words, you can use it here in this multi-label classification task, considering each one of the 128 logits as an individual binary prediction. Do not use nn.CrossEntropyLoss) as suggested elsewhere, since the softmax will push a single logit (i.e. class), which is the behaviour required for single-label classification tasks.
Therefore, in the training loop, we simply have to apply the mask to our loss.
for x, y, mask in dl:
y_pred = model(x)
loss = mask*bce(y_pred, y)
# backpropagation, loss postprocessing, logs, etc.
This is what you need for the first part of the question, there are already loss functions implemented in tensorflow: https://medium.com/#aadityaura_26777/the-loss-function-for-multi-label-and-multi-class-f68f95cae525. Yours is just tf.nn.weighted_cross_entropy_with_logits, but you need to set the weight.
The second part of the question is not straightforward, because there's conditioning on the IOU, generally, when you do machine learning, you should heavily depend on matrix multiplication, in your case, you probably need to pre-calculate the IOU -> 1 or 0 as a vector, then multiply with the y_pred , element-wise, this will give you the modified y_pred . After that, you can use any accuracy available function to calculate the final result.
if you can use the CROSSENTROPYLOSS instead of BCEWithLogitsLoss there is something called ignore_index. you can use it to exclude your padded sequences. the difference between the 2 losses is the activation function used (softmax vs sigmoid). but I think you can still use the CROSSENTROPYLOSSfor binary classification as well.

Cost function for logistic regression: weird/oscillating cost history

Background and my thought process:
I wanted to see if I could utilize logistic regression to create a hypothesis function that could predict recessions in the US economy by looking at a date and its corresponding leading economic indicators. Leading economic indicators are known to be good predictors of the economy.
To do this, I got data from OECD on the composite leading (economic) indicators from January, 1970 to July, 2021 in addition to finding when recessions occurred from 1970 to 2021. The formatted data that I use for training can be found further below.
Knowing the relationship between a recession and the Date/LEI wouldn't be a simple linear relationship, I decided to make more parameters for each datapoint so I could fit a polynominal equation to the data. Thus, each datapoint has the following parameters: Date, LEI, LEI^2, LEI^3, LEI^4, and LEI^5.
The Problem:
When I attempt to train my hypothesis function, I get a very strange cost history that seems to indicate that I either did not implement my cost function correctly or that my gradient descent was implemented incorrectly. Below is the imagine of my cost history:
I have tried implementing the suggestions from this post to fix my cost history, as originally I had the same NaN and Inf issues described in the post. While the suggestions helped me fix the NaN and Inf issues, I couldn't find anything to help me fix my cost function once it started oscillating. Some of the other fixes I've tried are adjusting the learning rate, double checking my cost and gradient descent, and introducing more parameters for datapoints (to see if a higher-degree polynominal equation would help).
My Code
The main file is predictor.m.
% Program: Predictor.m
% Author: Hasec Rainn
% Desc: Predictor.m uses logistic regression
% to predict when economic recessions will occur
% in the United States. The data it uses is from the past 50 years.
% In particular, it uses dates and their corresponding economic leading
% indicators to learn a non-linear hypothesis function to fit to the data.
LI_Data = dlmread("leading_indicators_formatted.csv"); %Get LI data
RD_Data = dlmread("recession_dates_formatted.csv"); %Get RD data
%our datapoints of interest: Dates and their corresponding
%leading Indicator values.
%We are going to increase the number of parameters per datapoint to allow
%for a non-linear hypothesis function. Specifically, let the 3rd, 4th
%5th, and 6th columns represent LI^2, LI^3, LI^4, and LI^5 respectively
X = LI_Data; %datapoints of interest (row = 1 datapoint)
X = [X, X(:,2).^2]; %Adding LI^2
X = [X, X(:,2).^3]; %Adding LI^3
X = [X, X(:,2).^4]; %Adding LI^4
X = [X, X(:,2).^5]; %Adding LI^5
%normalize data
X(:,1) = normalize( X(:,1) );
X(:,2) = normalize( X(:,2) );
X(:,3) = normalize( X(:,3) );
X(:,4) = normalize( X(:,4) );
X(:,5) = normalize( X(:,5) );
X(:,6) = normalize( X(:,6) );
%What we want to predict: if a recession happens or doesn't happen
%for a corresponding year
Y = RD_Data(:,2); %row = 1 datapoint
%defining a few useful variables:
nIter = 4000; %how many iterations we want to run gradient descent for
ndp = size(X, 1); %number of data points we have to work with
nPara = size(X,2); %number of parameters per data point
alpha = 1; %set the learning rate to 1
%Defining Theta
Theta = ones(1, nPara); %initialize the weights of Theta to 1
%Make a cost history so we can see if gradient descent is implemented
costHist = zeros(nIter, 1);
for i = 1:nIter
costHist(i, 1) = cost(Theta, Y, X);
Theta = Theta - (sum((sigmoid(X * Theta') - Y) .* X));
% Function: Cost
% Author: Hasec Rainn
% Parameters: Theta (vector), Y (vector), X (matrix)
% Desc: Uses Theta, Y, and X to determine the cost of our current
% hypothesis function H_theta(X). Uses manual loop approach to
% avoid errors that arrise from log(0).
% Additionally, limits the range of H_Theta to prevent Inf
function expense = cost(Theta, Y, X)
m = size(X, 1); %number of data points
hTheta = sigmoid(X*Theta'); %hypothesis function
%limit the range of hTheta to [10^-50, 0.9999999999999]
for i=1:size(hTheta, 1)
if (hTheta(i) <= 10^(-50))
hTheta(i) = 10^(-50);
if (hTheta(i) >= 0.9999999999999)
hTheta(i) = 0.9999999999999;
expense = 0;
for i = 1:m
if Y(i) == 1
expense = expense + -log(hTheta(i));
if Y(i) == 0
expense = expense + -log(1-hTheta(i));
% Function: normalization
% Author: Hasec Rainn
% Parameters: vector
% Desc: Takes in an input and normalizes its value(s)
function n = normalize(data)
dMean = mean(data);
dStd = std(data);
n = (data - dMean) ./ dStd;
% Function: Sigmoid
% Author: Hasec Rainn
% Parameters: scalar, vector, or matrix
% Desc: Takes an input and forces its value(s) to be between
% 0 and 1. If a matrix or vector, sigmoid is applied to
% each element.
function result = sigmoid(z)
result = 1 ./ ( 1 + e .^(-z) );
The data I used for my learning process can be found here: formatted LI data and recession dates data.
The problem you're running into here is your gradient descent function.
In particular, while you correctly calculate the cost portion (aka, (hTheta - Y) or (sigmoid(X * Theta') - Y) ), you do not calculate the derivative of the cost correctly; in Theta = Theta - (sum((sigmoid(X * Theta') - Y) .* X)), the .*X is not correct.
The derivative is equivalent to the cost of each datapoint (found in the vector hTheta - Y) multiplied by their corresponding parameter j, for every parameter. For more information, check out this article.

Getting nans after applying softmax

I am trying to develop a deep Markov Model using following tutorial:
This model parameterises transitions and emissions with using a neural network and for variational inference part they use RNN to map observable 'x' to latent space. And in order to ensure that their model is learning something they try to maximise ELBO or minimise negative ELBO. They refer to negative ELBO as NLL.
I am basically converting pyro code to pure pytorch. And I've put together pretty much every thing. However, now I want to get a reconstruct error on test sequences. My input is one hot encoding of my sequences and it is of shape (500,1900,4) where 4 refers to number of features and 1900 is sequence length, and 500 refers to total number of examples.
The way I am generating data is:
generation model p(x_{1:T} | z_{1:T}) p(z_{1:T})
batch_size, _, x_dim = x.size() # number of time steps we need to process in the mini-batch
T_max = x_lens.max()
z_prev = self.z_0.expand(batch_size, self.z_0.size(0)) # set z_prev=z_0 to setup the recursive conditioning in p(z_t|z_{t-1})
for t in range(1, T_max + 1):
# sample z_t ~ p(z_t | z_{t-1}) one time step at a time
z_t, z_mu, z_logvar = self.trans(z_prev) # p(z_t | z_{t-1})
p_x_t = F.softmax(self.emitter(z_t),dim=-1) # compute the probabilities that parameterize the bernoulli likelihood
safe_tensor = torch.where(torch.isnan(p_x_t), torch.zeros_like(p_x_t), p_x_t)
print('generate p_x_t : ',safe_tensor)
x_t = torch.bernoulli(safe_tensor) #sample observe x_t according to the bernoulli distribution p(x_t|z_t)
print('generate x_t : ',x_t)
z_prev = z_t
So my emissions are being defined by Bernoulli distribution. And I use softmax in order to compute probabilities that parameterise the Bernoulli likelihood. And then I sample my observables x_t according the Bernoulli distribution.
At first when I ran my model, I was getting nans at times and so I introduced the line (show below) in order to convert nans to zero:
safe_tensor = torch.where(torch.isnan(p_x_t), torch.zeros_like(p_x_t), p_x_t)
However, after 1 epoch or so 'x_t' that I sample, this tensor is just zero. Basically, what I want is that after applying softmax, I want my function to pick the highest probability and give me the corresponding label for it which is either of the 4 features. But I get nans and then when I convert all nans to zero, I end up getting all zeros in all tensors after 1 epoch or so.
Also, when I look at p_x_t tensor I get probabilities that add up to one. But when I look at x_t tensor it gives me 0's all the way. So for example:
p_x_t : tensor([[0.2168, 0.2309, 0.2555, 0.2967]
.....], device='cuda:0',
generate x_t : tensor([[0., 0., 0., 0.],...
], device='cuda:0', grad_fn=<BernoulliBackward0>)
Here fourth label/feature is giving me highest probability. Shouldn't the x_t tensor give me 1 at least in that position so be like:
generate x_t : tensor([[0., 0., 0., 1.],...
], device='cuda:0', grad_fn=<BernoulliBackward0>)
How can I get rid of this problems?
My transition (which is called as self.trans in generate function mentioned above):
class GatedTransition(nn.Module):
Parameterizes the gaussian latent transition probability `p(z_t | z_{t-1})`
See section 5 in the reference for comparison.
def __init__(self, z_dim, trans_dim):
super(GatedTransition, self).__init__()
self.gate = nn.Sequential(
nn.Linear(z_dim, trans_dim),
nn.Linear(trans_dim, z_dim),
self.proposed_mean = nn.Sequential(
nn.Linear(z_dim, trans_dim),
nn.Linear(trans_dim, z_dim)
self.z_to_mu = nn.Linear(z_dim, z_dim)
# modify the default initialization of z_to_mu so that it starts out as the identity function
self.z_to_mu.weight.data = torch.eye(z_dim)
self.z_to_mu.bias.data = torch.zeros(z_dim)
self.z_to_logvar = nn.Linear(z_dim, z_dim)
self.relu = nn.ReLU()
def forward(self, z_t_1):
Given the latent `z_{t-1}` corresponding to the time step t-1
we return the mean and scale vectors that parameterize the (diagonal) gaussian distribution `p(z_t | z_{t-1})`
gate = self.gate(z_t_1) # compute the gating function
proposed_mean = self.proposed_mean(z_t_1) # compute the 'proposed mean'
mu = (1 - gate) * self.z_to_mu(z_t_1) + gate * proposed_mean # compute the scale used to sample z_t, using the proposed mean from
logvar = self.z_to_logvar(self.relu(proposed_mean))
epsilon = torch.randn(z_t_1.size(), device=z_t_1.device) # sampling z by re-parameterization
z_t = mu + epsilon * torch.exp(0.5 * logvar) # [batch_sz x z_sz]
if torch.isinf(z_t).any().item():
print('something is infinity')
print('z_t : ',z_t)
print('logvar : ',logvar)
print('epsilon : ',epsilon)
print('mu : ',mu)
return z_t, mu, logvar
I do not get any inf in z_t tensor when doing training and validation. Only during testing. This is how I am training, validating and testing my model:
for epoch in range(config['epochs']):
train_loader=torch.utils.data.DataLoader(dataset=train_set, batch_size=config['batch_size'], shuffle=True, num_workers=1)
epoch_nll = 0.0 # accumulator for our estimate of the negative log likelihood (or rather -elbo) for this epoch
while True:
try: x, x_rev, x_lens = train_data_iter.next()
except StopIteration: break # end of epoch
x, x_rev, x_lens = gVar(x), gVar(x_rev), gVar(x_lens)
if config['anneal_epochs'] > 0 and epoch < config['anneal_epochs']: # compute the KL annealing factor
min_af = config['min_anneal']
kl_anneal = min_af+(1.0-min_af)*(float(i_batch+epoch*n_iters+1)/float(config['anneal_epochs']*n_iters))
kl_anneal = 1.0 # by default the KL annealing factor is unity
loss_AE = model.train_AE(x, x_rev, x_lens, kl_anneal)
epoch_nll += loss_AE['train_loss_AE']
epoch_time = times[-1] - times[-2]
log("[Epoch %04d]\t\t(dt = %.3f sec)"%(epoch, epoch_time))
if args.visual:
for k, v in loss_records.items():
tb_writer.add_scalar(k, v, epoch)
# do evaluation on test and validation data and report results
if (epoch+1) % args.test_freq == 0:
save_model(model, epoch)
#test_loader=torch.utils.data.DataLoader(dataset=test_set, batch_size=config['batch_size'], shuffle=False, num_workers=1)
valid_loader=torch.utils.data.DataLoader(dataset=valid_set, batch_size=config['batch_size'], shuffle=False, num_workers=1)
for x, x_rev, x_lens in valid_loader:
x, x_rev, x_lens = gVar(x), gVar(x_rev), gVar(x_lens)
loss,kl_loss = model.valid(x, x_rev, x_lens)
#print('x_lens sum : ',x_lens.sum().item())
#print('loss : ',loss)
valid_nll = loss/x_lens.sum().item()
log("[Epoch %04d]\t\t(valid_loss = %.8f)\t\t(kl_loss = %.8f)\t\t(valid_nll = %.8f)"%(epoch, loss, kl_loss, valid_nll ))
test_loader=torch.utils.data.DataLoader(dataset=test_set, batch_size=config['batch_size'], shuffle=False, num_workers=1)
for x, x_rev, x_lens in test_loader:
x, x_rev, x_lens = gVar(x), gVar(x_rev), gVar(x_lens)
loss,kl_loss = model.valid(x, x_rev, x_lens)
test_nll = loss/x_lens.sum().item()
model.generate(x, x_rev, x_lens)
log("[test_nll epoch %08d] %.8f" % (epoch, test_nll))
The test is outside the for loop for epoch. Because I want to test my model on test sequences using generate function. Can you now help me understand if there's something wrong I am doing?

High bias convolutional neural network not improving with more layers/filters

I am training a convolutional neural network using TensorFlow to classify images of buildings into 5 classes.
Training dataset:
Class 1 - 3000 images
Class 2 - 3000 images
Class 3 - 3000 images
Class 4 - 3000 images
Class 5 - 3000 images
I started out with a very simple architecture:
Input image - 256 x 256 x 3
Convolutional layer 1 - 128 x 128 x 16 (3x3 filters, 16 filters, stride=2)
Convolutional layer 2 - 64 x 64 x 32 (3x3 filters, 32 filters, stride=2)
Convolutional layer 3 - 32 x 32 x 64 (3x3 filters, 64 filters, stride=2)
Max-pooling layer - 16 x 16 x 64 (2x2 pooling)
Fully-connected layer 1 - 1 x 1024
Fully-connected layer 2 - 1 x 64
Output - 1 x 5
Other details of my network:
Cost-function: tf.softmax_cross_entropy_with_logits
Optimizer: Adam optimizer (Learning rate=0.01, Epsilon=0.1)
Mini-batch size: 5
My cost-function has a high starting value of around 10^10 and then drops rapidly to a value of about 1.6 (after a few hundred iterations) and saturates at that value (no matter how long I train the network for). The cost-function value on the test set is the same. This value is equivalent to predicting approximately equal probability for each class and it makes the same predictions for all images. My predictions look something like this:
[0.191877 0.203651 0.194455 0.200043 0.203081]
A high error on both the training and test set indicate high bias i.e. underfitting. I increased the complexity of my network by adding layers and increasing the number of filters and my latest network is this (the number of layers and filter sizes are similar to AlexNet):
Input image - 256 x 256 x 3
Convolutional layer 1 - 64 x 64 x 64 (11x11 filters, 64 filters, stride=4)
Convolutional layer 2 - 32 x 32 x 128 (5x5 filters, 128 filters, stride=2)
Convolutional layer 3 - 16 x 16 x 256 (3x3 filters, 256 filters, stride=2)
Convolutional layer 4 - 8 x 8 x 512 (3x3 filters, 512 filters, stride=2)
Convolutional layer 5 - 8 x 8 x 256 (3x3 filters, 256 filters, stride=1)
Fully-connected layer 1 - 1 x 4096
Fully-connected layer 2 - 1 x 4096
Fully-connected layer 3 - 1 x 4096
Dropout layer (0.5 probability)
Output - 1 x 5
However, my cost-function is still saturating at approximately 1.6 and making the same predictions.
My questions are:
What other solutions should I try to fix a high bias network? I have (and still am) trying different learning rates and initialisation of weights - but to no avail.
Is it because my training set is too small? Wouldn't a small training set lead to a high variance network? It would overfit to the training images and have low training error, but high test error.
Is it possible that there are no distinguishable features in these images? However, considering the fact that other CNNs can distinguish between breeds of dogs, this does not seem likely.
As a sanity check, I am training my network on a very small dataset (50 images) and I am expecting it to overfit. However, it doesn't look like it is going to; it looks like the same problem is going to occur.
import tensorflow as tf
sess = tf.Session()
# To get the list of image filenames and labels from the text file
def read_labeled_image_list(list_filename):
f = open(list_filename,'r')
filenames = []
labels = []
for line in f:
filename, label = line[:-1].split(' ')
return filenames,labels
# To get images and labels in batches
def add_to_batch(image,label):
image_batch,label_batch = tf.train.batch([image,label],batch_size=BATCH_SIZE,num_threads=1,capacity=MAX_CAPACITY)
return image_batch, tf.reshape(label_batch,[BATCH_SIZE])
# To decode a single image and its label
def read_image_with_label(input_queue):
""" Image """
# Read
file_contents = tf.read_file(input_queue[0])
example = tf.image.decode_png(file_contents)
# Reshape
my_image = tf.cast(example,tf.float32)
my_image = tf.reshape(my_image,[256,256,3])
# Normalisation
my_image = my_image/255
my_mean = tf.reduce_mean(my_image)
# Centralisation
my_image = my_image - my_mean
""" Label """
label = input_queue[1]-1
return add_to_batch(my_image,label)
# Network
def inference(x):
""" Layer 1: Convolutional """
# Initialise variables
W_conv1 = tf.Variable(tf.truncated_normal([11,11,3,64],stddev=0.0001),name='W_conv1')
b_conv1 = tf.Variable(tf.constant(0.1,shape=[64]),name='b_conv1')
# Convolutional layer
h_conv1 = tf.nn.relu(tf.nn.conv2d(x,W_conv1,strides=[1,4,4,1],padding='SAME') + b_conv1)
""" Layer 2: Convolutional """
# Initialise variables
W_conv2 = tf.Variable(tf.truncated_normal([5,5,64,128],stddev=0.0001),name='W_conv2')
b_conv2 = tf.Variable(tf.constant(0.1,shape=[128]),name='b_conv2')
# Convolutional layer
h_conv2 = tf.nn.relu(tf.nn.conv2d(h_conv1,W_conv2,strides=[1,2,2,1],padding='SAME') + b_conv2)
""" Layer 3: Convolutional """
# Initialise variables
W_conv3 = tf.Variable(tf.truncated_normal([3,3,128,256],stddev=0.0001),name='W_conv3')
b_conv3 = tf.Variable(tf.constant(0.1,shape=[256]),name='b_conv3')
# Convolutional layer
h_conv3 = tf.nn.relu(tf.nn.conv2d(h_conv2,W_conv3,strides=[1,2,2,1],padding='SAME') + b_conv3)
""" Layer 4: Convolutional """
# Initialise variables
W_conv4 = tf.Variable(tf.truncated_normal([3,3,256,512],stddev=0.0001),name='W_conv4')
b_conv4 = tf.Variable(tf.constant(0.1,shape=[512]),name='b_conv4')
# Convolutional layer
h_conv4 = tf.nn.relu(tf.nn.conv2d(h_conv3,W_conv4,strides=[1,2,2,1],padding='SAME') + b_conv4)
""" Layer 5: Convolutional """
# Initialise variables
W_conv5 = tf.Variable(tf.truncated_normal([3,3,512,256],stddev=0.0001),name='W_conv5')
b_conv5 = tf.Variable(tf.constant(0.1,shape=[256]),name='b_conv5')
# Convolutional layer
h_conv5 = tf.nn.relu(tf.nn.conv2d(h_conv4,W_conv5,strides=[1,1,1,1],padding='SAME') + b_conv5)
""" Layer X: Pooling
# Pooling layer
h_pool1 = tf.nn.max_pool(h_conv3,ksize=[1,2,2,1],strides=[1,2,2,1],padding='SAME')"""
""" Layer 6: Fully-connected """
# Initialise variables
W_fc1 = tf.Variable(tf.truncated_normal([8*8*256,4096],stddev=0.0001),name='W_fc1')
b_fc1 = tf.Variable(tf.constant(0.1,shape=[4096]),name='b_fc1')
# Multiplication layer
h_conv5_reshaped = tf.reshape(h_conv5,[-1,8*8*256])
h_fc1 = tf.nn.relu(tf.matmul(h_conv5_reshaped, W_fc1) + b_fc1)
""" Layer 7: Fully-connected """
# Initialise variables
W_fc2 = tf.Variable(tf.truncated_normal([4096,4096],stddev=0.0001),name='W_fc2')
b_fc2 = tf.Variable(tf.constant(0.1,shape=[4096]),name='b_fc2')
# Multiplication layer
h_fc2 = tf.nn.relu(tf.matmul(h_fc1, W_fc2) + b_fc2)
""" Layer 8: Fully-connected """
# Initialise variables
W_fc3 = tf.Variable(tf.truncated_normal([4096,4096],stddev=0.0001),name='W_fc3')
b_fc3 = tf.Variable(tf.constant(0.1,shape=[4096]),name='b_fc3')
# Multiplication layer
h_fc3 = tf.nn.relu(tf.matmul(h_fc2, W_fc3) + b_fc3)
""" Layer 9: Dropout layer """
# Keep/drop nodes with 50% chance
h_dropout = tf.nn.dropout(h_fc3,0.5)
""" Readout layer: Softmax """
# Initialise variables
W_softmax = tf.Variable(tf.truncated_normal([4096,5],stddev=0.0001),name='W_softmax')
b_softmax = tf.Variable(tf.constant(0.1,shape=[5]),name='b_softmax')
# Multiplication layer
y_conv = tf.nn.relu(tf.matmul(h_dropout,W_softmax) + b_softmax)
""" Summaries """
return y_conv
# Training
def cost_function(y_label,y_conv):
# Reshape y_label to one-hot vectors
sparse_labels = tf.reshape(y_label,[BATCH_SIZE,1])
indices = tf.reshape(tf.range(BATCH_SIZE),[BATCH_SIZE,1])
concated = tf.concat(1,[indices,sparse_labels])
dense_labels = tf.sparse_to_dense(concated,[BATCH_SIZE,5],1.0,0.0)
# Cross-entropy
cost = tf.reduce_mean(tf.nn.softmax_cross_entropy_with_logits(y_conv,dense_labels))
# Accuracy
y_prob = tf.nn.softmax(y_conv)
correct_prediction = tf.equal(tf.argmax(dense_labels,1), tf.argmax(y_prob,1))
accuracy = tf.reduce_mean(tf.cast(correct_prediction, "float"))
# Add to summary
return cost, accuracy
def main ():
# To get list of filenames and labels
filename = '/labels/filenames_with_labels_server.txt'
image_list, label_list = read_labeled_image_list(filename)
images = tf.convert_to_tensor(image_list, dtype=tf.string)
labels = tf.convert_to_tensor(label_list,dtype=tf.int32)
# To create the queue
input_queue = tf.train.slice_input_producer([images,labels],shuffle=True,capacity=MAX_CAPACITY)
# To train network
image,label = read_image_with_label(input_queue)
y_conv = inference(image)
loss,acc = cost_function(label,y_conv)
train_step = tf.train.AdamOptimizer(learning_rate=0.001,epsilon=0.1).minimize(loss)
# To write and merge summaries
writer = tf.train.SummaryWriter('/SummaryLogs/log', sess.graph)
merged = tf.merge_all_summaries()
# To save variables
saver = tf.train.Saver()
""" Run session """
for step in range(1,TRAINING_STEPS):
loss_val,acc_val,_,summary_str = sess.run([loss,acc,train_step,merged])
print "Step %d, Loss %g, Accuracy %g"%(step,loss_val,acc_val)
if(step == 1):
save_path = saver.save(sess,'/SavedVariables/model',global_step=step)
print "Initial model saved: %s"%save_path
save_path = saver.save(sess,'/SavedVariables/model-final')
print "Final model saved: %s"%save_path
""" Close session """
if __name__ == '__main__':
After making some changes, I managed to get the network to overfit to a small training set of 50 images.
Initialization of weights using Xavier initialization
Initialization of bias to zero
No normalisation of images i.e. no division by 255
Centred the images by subtracting the mean pixel value (calculated over the whole training set). In this case, the mean was 114.
Encouraged by this, I proceeded to train my network on the whole training set, only to encounter the SAME issue again. These are the outputs:
Step 1, Loss 1.37815, Accuracy 0.4
y_conv (before softmax):
[[ 0.30913264 0. 1.20176554 0. 0. ]
[ 0. 0. 1.23200822 0. 0. ]
[ 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. ]
[ 0. 0. 1.65852785 0.01910716 0. ]
[ 0. 0. 0.94612855 0. 0.10457891]]
y_prob (after softmax):
[[ 0.1771856 0.130069 0.43260741 0.130069 0.130069 ]
[ 0.13462381 0.13462381 0.46150482 0.13462381 0.13462381]
[ 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 ]
[ 0.1078648 0.1078648 0.56646001 0.1099456 0.1078648 ]
[ 0.14956713 0.14956713 0.38524282 0.14956713 0.16605586]]
Very quickly it becomes:
Step 39, Loss 1.60944, Accuracy 0.2
y_conv (before softmax):
[[ 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.]
[ 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.]
[ 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.]
[ 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.]
[ 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.]]
y_prob (after softmax):
[[ 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2]
[ 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2]
[ 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2]
[ 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2]
[ 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2]]
Clearly a y_conv of all zeros is not a good sign. Looking at the histograms, the weight variables do not change after initialization; only the bias variables change.
This is not so much a "complete" answer but rather a "things you can try if you are facing a similar problem" answer.
I managed to get my network to start to learn something with the following changes:
Xavier initialization of weights
Zero initialization of bias
No normalization of images to [0,1]
Subtracting the mean pixel value (calculated over the whole training set) from the images
No ReLU in the final layer that calculates y_conv
After 3000 iterations of training with a batch-size of 50 images (approximately 10 epochs):
On the testing set it does not perform so well, because my training set is very small and my network was over-fitting; this was expected so I am not surprised there. At least now I know that I have to focus on getting a larger training set, add more regularization or simplify my network.

Gaining intuition from gradient descent update rule

Gradient descent update rule :
Using these values for this rule :
x = [10
y = [4
After two iterations using a learning rate of 0.07 outputs a value theta of
After three iterations theta is :
So it appears theta gets larger after the second iteration which suggests the learning rate is too large.
So I set :
iterations = 300;
alpha = 0.000007;
theta is now :
Should these theta values allow me to draw a straight line the data, if so how ? I've just begun trying to understand gradient descent so please point out any errors in my logic.
source :
x = [10
y = [4
m = length(y)
x = [ones(m , 1) , x]
theta = zeros(2, 1);
iterations = 300;
alpha = 0.000007;
for iter = 1:iterations
theta = theta - ((1/m) * ((x * theta) - y)' * x)' * alpha;
plot(x, y, 'o');
ylabel('Response Time')
xlabel('Time since 0')
Update :
So the product for each x value multiplied by theta plots a straight line :
plot(x(:,2), x*theta, '-')
Update 2 :
How does this relate to the linear regression model :
As the model also outputs a prediction value ?
Yes, you should be able to draw a straight line. In regression, gradient descent is an algorithm used to minimize the cost(error) function of your linear regression model. You use the gradient as a track to travel to the minimum of your cost function and the learning rate determines how quickly you travel down the path. Go too fast and you might pass the global minimum up. When you reached the desired minimum, plug those values of theta into your model to obtain your estimated model. In the one dimensional case, this is a straight line.
Check out this article, which gives a nice introduction to gradient descent.
