Options select in rails - ruby-on-rails

How I can manually enter the options of a select, I have been using the following:
<%= f.collection_select :establecimiento_id, Establecimiento.order(:nombre), :id, :nombre, include_blank: true %>
But that is used to select data from a table, I want to create one with the months, will it be necessary to create a table with the months or is there a way to enter in the code what I want?

The second param (in your case Establecimiento.order(:nombre)) is the collection for your select. You can pass a array with pairs of values for value and text of that option. For instance, [[1,"January"], [2,"February"] ] and so on will give you the options with the month name, and the value that will be submitted will be the first one of the pair (in that case, the number of month, but could be the name anyway. It depends of what you want to achieve).
Hope it helps. Good luck!

<%= f.collection_select :establecimiento_id, collection:[[1,"January"], [2,"February"] ], :id, :nombre, include_blank: true %>
I am not sure about the syntax but above answer gave it already away. You can pass options manually. Check API for collection_select:


Field gets radio button's item id instead of its value

I have snippet:
<%= f.input :purpose, as: :radio_buttons, collection: category.subcategories,
wrapper: :vertical_collection_inline %>
which lines values of category.subcategories horizontally how I want
The problem is, when I select either of option, it assigns that option's ID, but not its value.
How should I refactor the code?
Using IDs has advantages as warned in the comments, however what you’re trying to do should work with either:
Where values is the name of the field which hols “Rent” etc.
The more railsy way to do this is with collection_radio_buttons, like this:
f.collection_radio_buttons(:purpose, category.subcategories, :value, :value)
Again where “value” is the field name.

How do I create a multiple item select list in Rails from database

This is my code - it's working fine but I want to be able to select multiple Organisations, while this select only allows me to choose one.
<%= f.collection_select :id,
options = {include_blank: "Select an Organisation"},
html_options = {:onchange => 'broadcast_dropdown_change(document.getElementById("broadcast_country_id"), document.getElementById("broadcast_organisation_id"))'} %>
Please help me resolve this, along with any advice on how I can improve this code.
Thank you.
I think you just need to add the html option multiple: true :) Hopefully that'll do it, nice and easily!
If not, you'll need to ensure the permitted parameters match up to what's getting passed through - likely a JSON encoded array of options - and parse / save them as appropriate in the database.
Couple more examples available in the duplicate I've linked in the comment to your post. Let me know how you get on and I'll provide a little more info if need be!
Update based on your comment, here's an example:
<%= f.collection_select :id,
{ include_blank: "Select an Organisation" },
onchange: 'broadcast_dropdown_change(document.getElementById("broadcas‌​t_country_id"), document.getElementById("broadcast_organisation_id")',
multiple: true %>
Couple of notes here:
the last two arguments this method takes are for options and html_options; the include_blank: ... is in the former, and the final two arguments the latter
you don't need to assign these hashes to variables. The first hash needs the brackets to distinguish it from the second, though the final hash is implicit so doesn't require the brackets (though you can use them, if you find it easier to read, i.e.)
{ onchange: 'broadcast_dropdown_change(document.getElementById("broadcas‌​t_country_id"), document.getElementById("broadcast_organisation_id")',
multiple: true }
have a quick look at how you're naming your variables - it's worth spending the time to format them correctly - for example, :Company_Name should always be lower snake case :company_name
Hope that helps - again, give me a shout and let me know how you get on :)

Populate two database values from one dropdown select

I have a dropdown menu:
<%= f.collection_select :price, Print.all, :printprice, :sizetotal, {prompt: "Pick A Size & Medium"} %>
It currently populates the :price database column with the value :printprice, and shows the value :sizetotal in the actual dropdown selection.
I want to be able to populate two database columns, one of which is the :price column which is already working, but I also want to populate another column called :size with the value :printsize. I want to do this using the same dropdown select menu.
Something like:
<%= f.collection_select :price, :size, Print.all, :printprice, :printsize, :sizetotal, {prompt: "Pick A Size & Medium"} %>
But obviously the above doesnt work
Is this possible?
Following my comment, here is the ID alternative. Basically you want to send only the ID of the print, and find again the whole object on the backend during the #create or #update actions
print_for_size_and_price = Print.find(params[:print_id_for_size_and_price])
So on the frontend I'd use something like this
options_from_collection_for_select(Print.all, :id, :sizetotal)
And in the backend I'd do somewhere
my_instance.price = print_for_size_and_price.printprice
my_instance.size = print_for_size_and_price.sizetotal

Ruby on rails - bind a selected value to a select element for update

I can not figure out why this is not working, I saw a couple of examples and seems to be right.
I have two clases that are related, consultant and salary (a salary belongs_to a consultant).
The problem I have is, when I want to edit a salary, the consultant that appears on the form is not bind to the select (in the select it just appears the list as if I was creating a new one)
<%= f.select :consultant_id, options_for_select(Consultant.active.map{|s|[s.first_name, s.id]}, params[:consultant_id]), {}, class: 'form-control' %>
I think you should check your route that the :consultant_id param is available on this page. Else you may need to change the params[:consultant_id] to something like salary.consultant_id
Alternatively, you can use the collection_select method as such:
f.collection_select(:consultant_id, Consultant.active, :id, :first_name, prompt: true, class: 'form-control')
Let me know whichever works for you.
Note: It's not best practice referring to domain object within your view.

collection_select set option value of :include_blank to zero

In my rails app, i have a drop down box where i retrieve all groups from the Group table and display them using the collection_select tag.
When the user selects 'None', I want to pass '0' as option value.
Currently, an empty string is passed.
Is there a way to include option value = 0 for 'None'?
<%= f.collection_select :SUB_GROUP, Group.all, :Group_ID, :Group_ID, :include_blank => 'None' %>
Many many thanks for any suggestion provided
If you use options_for_select in combination with select_tag you can achieve that using this:
[['None', '0']].concat(
Group.all.collect { |g| [g.group_id.to_s, g.group_id.to_s] }
In order to keep your views uncluttered, you might want to generalize and move this into a helper method with a reasonable name.
