How to purposely delay an AJAX response while testing with Capybara? - ruby-on-rails

I have a React component that mimics the "link preview" feature that most modern social media sites have. You type in a link and it fetches the image, title, etc...
I do this by having the React component make an AJAX call back to my server to fetch the URL preview data.
While it's fetching I show an intermediate "loading" state (i.e. some loading icon or spinning wheel)
The relevant React snippet looks like
this.setState({ isLoadingAttachment: true })
return $.ajax({
type: "GET",
url: some_url,
dataType: "json",
contentType: "application/json",
// Succesful! Do Success stuff
component.setState({ isLoadingAttachment: false })
}).error(function(response) {
// Uh oh! Handle failure stuff
component.setState({ isLoadingAttachment: false })
Note how the isLoadingAttachment state variable is only valid for a brief second while the server is doing the fetching. Both the success and error scenarios immediately disable it.
I'd like to test some functionality during my "loading" state with my Capybara feature specs. I've mocked all the web calls and the data to be returned by the server, but it all happens so quickly that it passes through the "loading" state before I can even run any expect().. statement on it. I also purposely don't call wait_for_ajax so the page will go ahead without waiting for the ajax, but it's still too fast.
Lastly I also tried purposefully delaying the server call by 1.0 second, but that didn't work either. I assume because the whole thing is single threaded somehow?
# `foo` is an arbitrary method called during the server-side execution
to receive(:foo) { sleep(1.0) }.and_call_original
Any thoughts on how I could do this?

Capybara starts up the app server in a different thread than the tests, however if you're using the default Capybara.server setting you may have issues with your app calling back to itself since it uses webrick by default. Instead you should specify Capybara.server = :puma. Beyond that, mocking responses is generally a bad idea in feature specs (which are generally meant to be end-to-end tests) since it means you're not actually testing your apps code the way it would run in production anymore. A better solution is to use something like puffing-billy - - to mock web responses outside of your apps code which would allow you to do something like
proxy.stub('').and_return( { |params, headers, body|
sleep 2
{ :text => "Your results"}


Front-end testing using React and Selenium-Webdriver with Rails as Backend

I just want to test the Front-End part. So, here is my problem:
I have a robust Ruby on Rails (V3.2) backend app and an entiry new and separate front-end app with ReactJs (V16.4).
We begin to test React app with the help of Selenium-Webdriver and JestJs, we managed to try several views, but the problem arose when we made POST requests to the rails API.
I don't want to fill my database (development) with garbage because of the tests.
Ex: What happens when I want to test the creation of a new user?.
Possible solutions thought
I was thinking in 3 solutions:
Intercept the API calls and mock them by imitating their response (ex: at submitting click using selenium-webdriver).
Make use of Rails test environment through React
Just revert the call of the API doing the opposite, this would mean creating often undesirable actions in the controller. (ex: doing a delete for each post)
It depends if you want to test the whole stack (frontend/backend) or only the frontend part.
Frontend tests
If you only want to test the frontend part go with your first solution : mock API calls.
You will be limited if you just use the selenium-webdriver directly. I would recommend using nightwatch or testcafe. Testcafe does not depend on selenium. This is also optional in the latest versions of Nightwatch.
Testcafe includes a Request mocking API :
With Nightwatch you could use nock. See Nightwatch Mock HTTP Requests
Full stack tests
If you want to test the whole stack, you may use this approach : implement a custom API endpoint to allow for resetting your database in a clean state before or after tests execution. (like "/myapi/clean")
You should disable access to this endpoint in production environments.
You can then implement test hooks (before/after) to call your custom api endpoint :
You could have a test environment. From my experience, garbage data generated by tests is not such a big deal. You can periodically clean it up. Or you can spin up a new environment for every test run.
Finally I decided to use enzyme with jest and sinon.
example code:
import { mount } from "enzyme";
import sinon from "sinon";
beforeAll(() => {
server = sinon.fakeServer.create();
const initialState = {
example: ExampleData,
auth: AuthData
wrapper = mount(
<Root initialState={initialState}>
<ExampleContainer />
it("example description", () => {
server.respondWith("POST", "/api/v1/example", [
{ "Content-Type": "application/json" },
'message: "Example message OK"'
expect(wrapper.find(".response").text().to.equal('Example message OK');
In the code above we can see how to intercept API calls using the test DOM created by the enzyme and then mock API responses using sinon.

Ember/Rails end-to-end testing error

I have an Ember CLI app with a Rails back-end API. I am trying to set up end-to-end testing by configuring the Ember app test suite to send requests to a copy of the Rails API. My tests are working, but I am getting the following strange error frequently:
Expected: true
Result: false
at http://localhost:7357/assets/test-support.js:4519:13
at exports.default._emberTestingAdaptersAdapter.default.extend.exception (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:52144:7)
at onerrorDefault (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:42846:24)
at Object.exports.default.trigger (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:67064:11)
at Promise._onerror (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:68030:22)
at publishRejection (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:66337:15)
This seems to occur whenever a request is made to the server. An example test script which would recreate this is below. This is a simple test which checks that if a user clicks a 'login' button without entering any email/password information they are not logged in. The test passes, but additionally I get the above error before the test passes. I think this is something to do with connecting to the Rails server, but have no idea how to investigate or fix it - I'd be very grateful for any help.
Many thanks.
import Ember from 'ember';
import { module, test } from 'qunit';
import startApp from 'mercury-ember/tests/helpers/start-app';
module('Acceptance | login test', {
beforeEach: function() {
this.application = startApp();
afterEach: function() {, 'destroy');
test('Initial Login Test', function(assert)
// Leaving identification and password fields blank
equal(currentSession().get('user_email'), null, "User fails to login when identification and password fields left blank");
You can check in the Network panel of Chrome or Firefox developer tools that the request is being made. At least with ember-qunit you can do this by getting ember-cli to run the tests within the browser rather than with Phantom.js/command-line.
That would help you figure out if it's hitting the Rails server at all (the URL could be incorrect or using the wrong port number?)
You may also want to see if there is code that needs to be torn down. Remember that in a test environment the same browser instance is used so all objects need to be torn down; timeouts/intervals need to be stopped; events need to be unbound, etc.
We had that issue a few times where in production there is no error with a utility that sent AJAX requests every 30 seconds, but in testing it was a problem because it bound itself to the window (outside of the iframe) so it kept making requests even after the tests were torn down.

Can I delay HTTP response in rails?

I'm new in Rails 4. I want to delay HTTP response.
I thought the 'respond_to' method is enable to respond to HTTP request.
However, When I removed the 'respond_to' method, The rails controller automatically responded to request.
Below is my step for this.
Send HTTP Request in view
var ready = function() {
alert('this is function');
var aquery = function() {
type : "POST",
url : "app/subaction",
$(document).on('ready page:load', aquery);
Receive HTTP Request in Controller
class AppController < ApplicationController
def subaction
(Nothing here...)
$('#div_id').empty().append("Complete response ...");
In this step, response was executed automatically although there is not "respond_to" method.
Can I delay the response ??? Can you explain request-response operation in rails ?
Thank you...
The main reason Rails renders a response by default is because the documentation says so. Rails follows a philosophy of 'convention over configuration', which means it tries to help you out in ways that keep the code you write to a minimum. Most of the time you want your controller actions to render a view, so Rails does that for you.
You can use a number of techniques to delay responses. The simplest is to use Ruby's sleep method to introduce a delay:
class AppController < ApplicationController
def subaction
sleep 3 # Wait for 3 seconds before responding
This might be useful when testing how your app behaves over a slow internet connection, but should probably be avoided in production code. Fast apps make happy users.
You could also use the ActionController::Live module, introduced in Rails 4.0.2. It allows you to stream data to the client, but consuming the stream can be tricky. jQuery waits for the response to complete before firing callbacks, so you'll have to use something else to process the stream.
This is similar to Websockets, an emerging streaming standard. There's some support available for websockets in Rails, but it's not universally supported by browsers.
Another alternative is to switch the delay to the frontend. You can use JavaScript's setTimeout or setInterval to call some code after a delay:
setTimeout(function() {
alert("I run once, after 4 seconds");
}, 4000);
setInterval(function() {
alert("I run every two seconds");
}, 2000);
If you're trying to check for updates, you might be tempted to use setInterval, but you may find it more flexible to use setTimeout to schedule a one-off check of the server. You can then include a time delay from the server which specifies how long to wait before asking again.

Rails: sleep until there is data to respond with (streaming + multithreading)

I am building a Rails/Javascript application which is supposed to support real-time notifications. JavaScript is:
var chat;
chat = $('#chat');
(function poll(){
$.ajax({ url: "http://localhost:3000/get_messages", success: function(data){
//Update your dashboard gauge
}, dataType: "json", complete: poll, timeout: 30000 });
The route:
match 'get_messages', to: 'real_time_notifs#get_messages', :via => :get
Here is the controller's method:
def get_messages
# sleep ??? will it stop the whole application?
render :json => ['message body']
I want that JavaScript will receive an answer only if there is something to display (for example, new message appeared in database table) without making a whole application to stop. Could you suggest how to organize get_messages method?
I need the solution which will not block the rest of application while waiting.
There are a number of ways to achieve this
Although I don't have huge experience, you should be thinking about it from another perspective (not just sending Ajax poll requests):
SSE's (Server Sent Events)
I'd recommend you use SSE's
The sent updates are not in the usual HTTP scope (uses its own mime type -- text/event-stream), which I believe means they are completely asynchronous (doesn't matter what you're doing in the app etc)
SSE's are basically done through the front-end by deploying a JS listener. This polls the server for any updates, but unlike Ajax, only listens for the text/event-stream mime):
var source = new EventSource("demo_sse.php");
source.onmessage = function(event) {
The efficient part is that you can then update this with ActionController::Live::SSE in Rails. I don't have any experience with this, but it basically allows you to send updates via the text/event-stream mime type
Websockets basically open a perpetual connection with your server, allowing you to receive content above the normal HTTP scope
My experience does not extend to "native" websockets (we've successfully used Pusher, and are working on our own websock implementation); but I can say that it's basically a more in-depth version of SSE's
You'll have to use JS to authenticate the client-server connection, and once connected, the browser will listen for updates. I'm not sure about the mime-type for this, but reading up on ActionController::Live will give you some insight into how it works
Either one of these methods will do as you need (only send / receive updates as they are available)

Can you pick a browser target server-side?

I have a form that lets users select checks, and when submitted, creates a PDF, which opens in a new browser tab. It doesn't have any branding, and will probably open in a plugin anyway, so I don't want it taking over my site's tab. So I set the form's target to _blank.
But it's possible for the user to submit the form without enough information to create the PDF, in which case I flag the error (server-side) and re-render the form. But because I set the form's target, this re-render opens in a new tab as well, and that's not what I want - in this case, I want it to behave as if target were _top.
So the question is: Can I change the browser's rendering target server-side?
Yes, I know that this can be done with client-side JavaScript, but JS annoys me, and I have to do the validation server-side anyway. I may end up having to use it, but please don't suggest it as an answer - I'm more curious if what I'm attempting can even be done.
PS: I'm on Ruby on Rails 2.3.8, in case anyone knows a framework-specific solution.
A workaround on this problem would be to use the content-disposition header on the pdf, in order to force the file to be downloaded, and avoid the whole "target" approach..
Content-type: application/pdf
Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="downloaded.pdf"
No. This is a purely client-specific feature. As a matter of fact, it's quite possible to get a browser that supports only one window and where the target attribute would have simply no effect. There were even efforts to make this attribute disappear from future HTML standards completely (for instance, the XHTML branch had no such attribute).
The only overlap that I can think of between HTML and HTTP are the <meta http-equiv> tags (where HTML can affect otherwise HTTP-controlled behavior). HTTP is a transfer protocol, designed to work with about just any kind of data. Letting it control presentation would be a pretty terrible mix of concerns.
Fortunately, we live in a JavaScript-enabled world. It is rather easy to validate a form using an AJAX request, especially with libraries like jQuery.
For instance, this script performs a POST request to an URL (in this case, /pdf/validate) and expects the page to send back "ok" (if everything's good) or something else if there was an error.
<form method="post" action="/pdf/send" id="pdf-form">
<!-- form stuff here -->
<script type="text/javascript" src="jquery.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
// set to true if we are to bypass the check
// this will happen once we've confirmed the parameters are okay
var programmaticSubmit = false;
// attach an event handler for when the form is submitted
// this allows us to perform our own checks beforehand; we'll do so by
// cancelling the event the user triggered, and do the submit ourselves if
// we detect no error
if (!programmaticSubmit)
// first off, cancel the event
// do an AJAX request to /pdf/validate
$.ajax("/pdf/validate", {
type: "POST",
data: $(this).serialize(), // send the form data as POST data
success: function(result)
// this gets called if the HTTP request did not end
// abnormally (i.e. no 4xx or 5xx status);
// you may also want to specify an "error" function to
// handle such cases
if (result == "ok")
// since the server says the data is okay, we trigger
// the event again by ourselves, but bypassing the
// checks this time
programmaticSubmit = true;
else // something went wrong! somehow display the error
