Updated launch image sizes - ios

I need to find out the proper sizes and the file names for all these launch images.
Latest Xcode versions doesn't show the expected sizes in the attributed inspector when you select those slots. And Apple's documentation on launch images isn't much use either.

And a text version for everyone that doesn’t like graphical solutions:
320 x 480 px
iPhone Portrait iOS 5,6 1x
640 x 960 px
iPhone Portrait iOS 7, 8 2x
iPhone Portrait iOS 5, 6 2x
640 x 1136 px
iPhone Portrait iOS 7, 8 Retina 4
iPhone Portrait iOS 5, 6 Retina 4
750 x 1334 px
iPhone Portrait iOS 8 Retina HD 4.7
1242 x 2208 px
iPhone Portrait iOS 8 Retina HD 5.5
2208 x 1242 px
iPhone Landscape iOS 8 Retina HD 5.5
768 x 1024 px
iPad Portrait iOS 7, 8 1x
iPad Portrait iOS 5, 6 1x
1536 x 2048 px
iPad Portrait iOS 7, 8 2x
iPad Portrait iOS 5, 6 2x
1024 x 768 px
iPad Landscape iOS 7, 8 1px
iPad Landscape iOS 5, 6 1px
2048 x 1536 px
iPad Landscape iOS 7, 8 2px
iPad Landscape iOS 5, 6 2px
768 x 1004 px
iPad Portrait Without Status Bar iOS 5, 6 1px
1536 x 2008 px
iPad Portrait Without Status Bar iOS 5, 6 2px
1024 x 748 px
iPad Landscape Without Status Bar iOS 5, 6 1px
2048 x 1496 px
iPad Landscape Without Status Bar iOS 5, 6 2px

I couldn't find anything in the documentation anymore, but I found this list here here
Anyway, I suggest you take a look at using a storyboard as launch screen, thereby you're independent of the screen sizes. There you can also include e.g. images.


iTunesConnect app upload iOS Screenshot Properties

I'm uploading iphone app to app store which supports iOS 9 and above.
Do I need to upload screenshots for all the supported device or iPhone 6 plus(750 x 1334) is fine?
Do I need to upload screenshots for all the supported device or iPhone 6 plus(750 x 1334) is fine?
It's fine just upload iPhone 6 Plus images and App Store will take care of rest.
For App Previews please follow the Apple Guidelines here.
iPhone 5, iPhone 5c, iPhone 5s, and iPhone SE
1920 x 1080 or 1136 x 640 (Landscape)
1080 x 1920 or 640 x 1136 (Portrait)
iPhone 6, iPhone 6s, and iPhone 7
1334 x 750 (Landscape)
750 x 1334 (Portrait)
iPhone 6 Plus, iPhone 6s Plus, and iPhone 7 Plus
1920 x 1080 (Landscape)
1080 x 1920 (Portrait)
For App Store you need only 6Plus (Retina HD 5.5) screen shot
iphone 6plus -- 1242 * 2208 pixels
For ipad You need
iPad 12.9 inch -- 2048 × 2732 pixels
It is okay to submit the screenshots for a particular device. Apple will use it across device sizes.See this

Asset Catalog Xcode 6.1.1 Launch Image Portrait

I need to put in Launch images for a portrait iPhone app.
Can anyone inform what does every of the following terms mean in Asset Catalog:
Ratina HD 5.5 (I think it is: 1242 x 2208 launch image for iPhone 6+)
Ratina HD 4.7 (I think it is: 750 x 1334 launch image for iPhone 6)
2x (iPhone Portrait iOS 7, 8)
Ratina 4 (iPhone Portrait iOS 7, 8)
1x (iPhone Portrait iOS 5, 6)
2x (iPhone Portrait iOS 5, 6)
Ratina 4 (iPhone Portrait iOS 5, 6)
Where to put the 640 x 1136 launch image?
What is the difference between point 4 and 7?
An Image for your reference:
The 320x568 launch image is to be kept in iPhone Portrait 1x & 2x
There isn't much difference between pots 4 & 7.
Retina 4 (iPhone Portrait iOS 5, 6)
Retina 4 means your iPhone 5 splash screen of size 960x1136
Hope this helps..

How does my app currently behaves on an iPhone 6 / iPhone 6 plus?

I got the following numbers for iPhone devices, from PaintCodeApp website
Device Zoom display Points Rendered pixels Scale
iPhone 6 Plus Off 414 736 1242 2208 #3x
iPhone 6 Plus On 375 667 1125 2001 #3x
iPhone 6 Off 375 667 750 1334 #2x
iPhone 6 On 320 568 640 1136 #2x
iPhone 5 - 320 568 640 1136 #2x
iPhone 4 - 320 480 640 960 #2x
iPhone 3GS - 320 480 320 480 #1x
Since my apps were designed for iPhone 3GS up to iPhone 5, the supported points frames are 320x480#1x, 320x480#2x and 320x568#2x.
I assume that on an iPhone 6 with the zoom mode enabled, the display should be the exact same as the iPhone 5, since the points frame is 320x568#2x as well. This might be wrong, since I cannot find no confirmation.
Now, what I'm really wondering is how my apps shows on iPhone 6 with the zoom mode off, and on iPhone 6 plus with or without the zoom mode, since the points frames are 375x667#2x, 375x667#3x and 414x736#3x.
Apple Developer Support couldn't give me no hint nor documentation to read on the subject. Since I haven't bought the new devices, is there anyone who knows what actually happens with old apps ?
For those like me who wonder how are treated legacy apps, I did a bit of testing and computation on the subject.
Thanks to #hannes-sverrisson hint, I started on the assumption that a legacy app is treated with a 320x568 view in iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 plus.
The test was made with a simple black background bg#2x.png with a white border. The background has a size of 640x1136 pixels, it is black with an inner white border of 1px.
Below are the screenshots provided by the simulator :
iPhone 5 simulator : http://i.stack.imgur.com/b2E5K.png
iPhone 6 simulator : http://i.stack.imgur.com/4Qz8N.png
iPhone 6 plus simulator : http://i.stack.imgur.com/hQisc.png
What we can see on the iPhone 6 screenshot is a 1px margin on top and bottom of the white border, and a 2px margin on the iPhone 6 plus screenshot. This gives us a used space of 1242x2204 on iPhone 6 plus, instead of 1242x2208, and 750x1332 on the iPhone 6, instead of 750x1334.
We can assume that those dead pixels are meant to respect the iPhone 5 aspect ratio :
iPhone 5 640 / 1136 = 0.5634
iPhone 6 (used) 750 / 1332 = 0.5631
iPhone 6 (real) 750 / 1334 = 0.5622
iPhone 6 plus (used) 1242 / 2204 = 0.5635
iPhone 6 plus (real) 1242 / 2208 = 0.5625
Second, it is important to know that #2x resources will be scaled not only on iPhone 6 plus (which expects #3x assets), but also on iPhone 6. This is probably because not scaling the resources would have led to unexpected layouts, due to the enlargment of the view.
However, that scaling is not equivalent in width and height. I tried it with a 264x264 #2x resource. Given the results, I have to assume that the scaling is directly proportionnal to the pixels / points ratio.
Device Width scale Computed width Screenshot width
iPhone 5 640 / 640 = 1.0 264 px
iPhone 6 750 / 640 = 1.171875 309.375 309 px
iPhone 6 plus 1242 / 640 = 1.940625 512.325 512 px
Device Height scale Computed height Screenshot height
iPhone 5 1136 / 1136 = 1.0 264 px
iPhone 6 1332 / 1136 = 1.172535 309.549 310 px
iPhone 6 plus 2204 / 1136 = 1.940141 512.197 512 px
It's important to note the iPhone 6 scaling is not the same in width and height (309x310). This tends to confirm the above theory that scaling is not proportional in width and height, but uses the pixels / points ratio.
I hope this helps.

Handle iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 plus size in cocos2d

I am developing new game with support of iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 plus. I know the size's
iPhone 6 : 750 X 1334 pixels (4.7inches)
iPhone 6 Plus : 1242 X 2208 pixels (5.5inches)
How can i handle this sizes in cocos2d.
How can identify the iPhone (3.5inches, 4inches, 4.7inches, 5.5inches).
Can any one help me.

iPad Actual pixels for landscape and portrait from > iOS5

What are the iPad Actual pixels for landscape and portrait for >iOS5 version?
I have some of the older version info.
1024 × 690 (2048 x 1380) In landscape on iOS 4.3
1024 × 672 (2048 x 1344) In landscape on iOS 5
768 × 946 (1536 x 1892) In portrait on iOS 4.3
768 × 928 (1536 x 1856) In portrait on iOS 5
We needs this for our responsive background image display where we are creating different image size based on this info.
