material-expansionpanel-set seems not to work under a material-tab - angular-material

The problem is rather simple, see the template below:
<material-tab label="test">
<material-expansionpanel name="panel 1">
Test 1
<material-expansionpanel name="panel 2">
Test 2
The Dartium browser renders nothing. If I remove the surrounding material-tab-panel and material-tab the expansion-panels are rendered with the expected accordion behavior. In reverse without the expensionpanel-set the tab is rendered correctly. It seems that the combination causes the problem.
Compiling to JavaScript does not change this outcome.

This has been fixed in v0.4.0-alpha of the components.
See here
We hope to have this as a "gold" (non-alpha) release soon!


MVC Datalist is not working on prod server but works on Dev

I have an application that uses a datalist that works in the Dev environment but returns a blank field with no lookup in the Production environment. I want to use datalist extensively as it easily provides an auto complete facility but cannot until it works in Production.
Dev is MVC VS 2010 on IE 11.0 under Win7 and it scores 302 in the HTML5Test.
Production is IE 11.0 on Server 2012 R2 Standard reported as Win8.1 and scores 312 in the HTML5Test.
After much comparing, checking, trying, inspecting and reviewing I have found the source of the issue that stops datalist working.
MVC View Code in Index.cshtml
This is the eventual experimental code trying to isolate the issue:
#model IEnumerable<CRM_MVC.Models.BranchDiary>
Layout = null;
<lable>Enter TV Series Name </label>
<input type="text" id="tv" name="series" list="tvseries" autofocus>
<datalist id="tvseries">
<option value="Heroes">
<option value="Lost">
<option value="Fringe">
<option value="CriminalMinds">
<option value="CSIMiami">
<p><strong>Note:</strong> The datalist tag is not supported in Internet Explorer 9 and earlier versions, or in Safari.</p>
Internet Explorer session showing Index.cshtml
The field should provide an autocomplete dropdown but doesn’t.
The Inspect screen shows that <datalist id=tv> is wrongly terminated by /datalist on the same line and after the option list /datalist wrongly has //datalist appearing after it.
When right click Edit HTML is selected for the Div, the original HTML correctly has the first datalist tag with no /datalist and the option list is correctly terminated at the end by the /datalist tag.
What can be done to stop the extras being added to so that it might work the same on Production as on Dev?
What resolved this was unchecking Display intranet sites in Compatibility View in IE Tools-> Compatibility View Settings.
Thanks to Mr Lister for this suggestion.
I will need to check to see if globally changing this setting affects anything else but it makes autocomplete work now as expected and required. Thanks again to Mr Lister for the assistance.

How to prevent paper-dropdown-menu from changing hight of its list?

I have simple paper-dropdown-menu:
<paper-dropdown-menu label="select">
<paper-listbox class="dropdown-content">
<paper-item>option a</paper-item>
<paper-item>option b</paper-item>
When I click the dropdown for the first time everything is ok, but each next click cuts height of the list in half (in Dartium):
It works well when I compile this to javascript:
How to prevent this behaviour in Dartium?
This is a known issue in Dartium, it should work fine in other browsers. A new version of Dartium was announced for Dart 1.14.

Geb - Selenium Input focus with datepicker

Since upgrading to Geb 0.12.2 and Selenium 2.48.2, I cant get the following to work:
I have tried variations like:
$("form").validOn << Keys.chord(Keys.CONTROL, "a")
$("form").validOn << Keys.chord(Keys.DELETE)
$("form").validOn << date
The element I am trying to set is using a jquery datepicker:
<form class="form-inline">
<label>Valid On:</label>
<input size="10" type="text" id="datepicker-validOn" name="validOn" value="${validOn}">
<r:script type="text/javascript">
The datepicker is opened which means that selecting the field works, but the string value is not placed inside the input field. I suspect that this has to do with the focus moving to the datepicker, but have not found a way to fix it. I tried having two .value(dateString) hoping that the second will return focus to the field but this has not worked. Also, the original html is not altered by the datepicker.
I am using firefox 33.1.1
This only happens on headless environment, using Hudson with Xvfb to run the functional tests. Running locally on desktop with same version of firefox works as expected, using this format : $("input",name:"validOn").value(dateString)
Any suggestions?
Changing the resolution for Xvfb from 1024x1024x24 to 1600x1200x24 has fixed the issue.. Not sure how this could affect the element focusing, but apparently it does.

ng-href link not followed on Firefox

I'm using ng-href which seems to produce the correct results, and the correct behaviour on Chrome but not on Firefox.
on the page in my rails app i have the Haml
%a{'ng-href' => '\players\{{}}'} {{}}
when run this produces this html
<a ng-href="\players\14208" class="ng-binding" href="\players\14208">Dylan Robertson</a>
when I use Chrome and click on this link I'm taken to
however on firefox when I click on this same link I'm taken to
I can't work out why anyone any ideas?
I have
$'click') set in my
Try changing your slashes to go the other way;
<a ng-href="/players/14208" class="ng-binding" href="/players/14208">Dylan Robertson</a>

JSF 2.1.3 - IE 8 only - mojarra.ab(...) crash browser

I have a page with this code (generated by JSF 2.1.3 running on Glassfish 3.1.1
<a class="pagenumber"
onclick="mojarra.ab(this,event,'click',0,'main:coupon-all main:page-top main:page-bottom');return false"
This is generated from this part (inside a ui:repeat):
<h:commandLink styleClass="pagenumber">
<f:ajax listener="#{productDetailInfoView.changePage(page)}"
render=":main:page-top :main:page-bottom :main:coupon-all"/>#{page}
:main:page-top is the ID of the top of the page navigation
:main:page-bottom is the ID of the bottom of the page navigation
:main:coupon-all is the ID of the ui:repeat that lists all the products in the page
On most browsers (as usual) and also IE 7 and IE 9, everything is just fine. But on IE8 (mostly on Windows XP but probably on Vista/8 too), the browser crashes and reload the page saying it has "recovered" it (sometimes shows the "Crash report" page and ask to send report to MS or cancel).
Additional info:
I actually spent quite a lot of time debugging this, and the issue seems to be in the jsf.js (I use Stage: development to get the full version), in the ajax response part. But I couldn't find which precise part of it because after debugging the jsf.ajax.request(...) part then it's all asynchronous and I got stuck with nowhere to break-point. Sending the request seems ok as the browser crashes when this call completes.
Now the thing is that if I remove one of the element to re-render (either one of the navigation bar or the list of products), the remaining elements are rendered without error. However I need all the 3 elements rendered, not just two...
EDIT: 12/07/05
I found that a highly connected item to the issue is for the round corners. Many of the elements in the 3 blocks I need to re-render have styleClass that use CSS like this:
.round {
border-radius: 5px;
-moz-border-radius: 5px;
-webkit-border-radius: 5px;
behavior: url('../');
-khtml-border-radius: 5px;
The file is found and round corners are correctly displayed in IE7 and 8 as expected. However it makes the page very very slow on these IE browsers (I don't mind, I have been allowed to remove round corners for IE).
BUT the very weird thing is that if I simply remove all reference to in the CSS, then I still have the error. Maybe the other border-radius are creating issue. I am currently trying to remove any kind of round corner, even for all browsers and see where it leads.
My page is also XML validated.
Any help appreciated...
